Question of the Day 3/15

  • What are your plans for this weekend? Any tips to avoid eating too many points that you use to help yourself stay on target?
  • Nothing big - hubby is actually off Saturday and Sunday so I am looking forward to a quiet weekend with my boys!! I so need to make an effort to do my taxes. I always have my money by now and I haven't even done them yet!!!

    Monday is weigh-in, so I am hoping that will keep me in line!!
  • One thing that sometimes worries me is my weigh-in is on Fridays, so I can't use that excuse to keep me on target. I just try really hard to avoid my m-i-l's... she's italian, need I say more?? I'm still in shock from finding out how many points gnocchis are. *sigh*

    Our plans:
    hang at home tonight
    Go to m-i-l's for lunch on Sat, go to a movie with my step daughter, make veggie lasagne for pot luck sunday
    go to church sunday, then pot luck, then do laundry!

  • I'm getting ready for race week in Bristol. Nascar is coming to town. We live near the track and we rent rooms race weekend, so this weekend I get to do some MAJOR cleaning!! Sunday we are having lunch at church and Saturday I have to work from 6am-2:30pm. I don't think I'll find time to eat much this weekend. The weather is starting to warm up here and that always helps me. I love to be outside and being outside keeps me away from the kitchen.

  • I'm home alone tonight, until midnight, so I'll prolly veg in front of the puter for a while, work out, read... Tomorrow, we're going to see Resident Evil, and spend some time together, since the baby is at her gawpaw's, I'll make us a nice dinner, probably homemade veggie pot pie, or veggie cabbage rolls... and Sunday, we're going to a friends house to watch Wrestlemania and my tip for not eating too much is, if you wouldn't eat it any other day, why eat it on the weekend? lol, I do tend to take one day where I kinda treat myself, I don't get too out of hand, but I can guarantee you, I'll be having popcorn at the movies (with butter even) But since it's not something I usually eat, when I make it at home, I make it plain with seasoned salt...I can afford to have it when we catch a flick