Alternative Group [March 4, 2002]

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  • We are a group of non-traditional lifestyle individuals. We are partnered, single, widowed, Pagan, Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Muslim, gay, bi-sexual, bi-colored and straight. We bask in our diversity and unite in the same goal of losing weight. If you are relatively open-minded and accepting of ALL walks of life, please join us.
  • Hello Ladies
    WELCOME BACK LINDS!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to see you have a routine now and are back
    Ruthie You are doing great girl keep up the good work.. I dont think a marathon has a time limit.
    Wildfire Sorry about the Y being so small but you said they will be opening a new one so you got the membership in hand you will be kicking there butt in the new one.. As for biting your lip on the tour hmmmm I dont know if I could do that.. After all they are giving misinformation and that misinformation could hurt someone in the long run..My opinion of course
    OK I was away this weekend Saturday night I went out to the 99 resturaunt for dinner with the kids and hubby . I ordered the usual primerib and I ended up taking half of it home..And only ate half of my dessert as well..Both were delishous BUT I figured I best start cutting back on my meals afterall prime rib is not the leanest meat in the meat group
    Sunday I had to go to a double birthday party for my friends daughters . She held it at her BF parents house and I am surprised how well I enjoyed talking with her BF parents. My DH and I spent 90% of the time talking with them . The dinner was spaghetti and meatballs and which I had about a cup of pasta with one meat ball and light sauce and as for cake I had a piece about the size of a half a deck of cards.. We were told to come back to visit anytime.. The men can go exploring for hunting spots and the women can go clearance sale shopping.. (Funny I really hate shopping for myself..)
    My daughter is back at school Today is the first day back in two weeks !! First week was out for the flu the second was for school vacation.. Glad her classes are easy work at the new school . Her old school was very pushy and two years ahead of the new one. So she has done the work before..
    Well Ladies I will end here and check back later on
    Take Care
  • Thanks for the new thread Ruthie!!!!! ~flower
  • Hello all!

    I guess we out grew our old thread huh? Thanks for conjuring up a new one!

    Sheila - Congrats on that loss!!!

    Ruthie - I'm so happy your gums survived the surgery with minimal pain. I'm looking at having to have some grafting done on a couple of my bottom teeth in the next 10 years... I'm worried about it now though!

    Amyjo - I hope your sister gets her surgical problems behind her soon. That is a drastic step to take - I hope it all works out well for her. Keep us updated.

    Welcome Nevada Chick! I must've come in to the group during your hiatus! Nice ta' have ya back!

    I found out my 2 best friends from CA are coming to visit me in April! They're so sweet - they wanted to make sure they weren't coming on one of my holidays (thinking Easter coincided with some Pagan holiday)... They're still kinda new to the whole Pagan thing even though I've been Pagan for over 12 years and my best friend has known this since day-one.
    Wednesday is my stepfather's birthday and I've been "hired" to bake his late mother's infamous 100 pound cake. One piece will NOT set me back!!!!!! (right?? )

    I promise to start posting back on the food journal!!!

    2 pounds down this week!!! Only 106.5 left to go - yes, ONLY... it's better than the 119 I had - every little bit brings me closer!

  • 100 Pound cake? I think I "don't" need that recipe.... keep repeating I don't need that recipe...

    First day of new clinical rotation... doesn't look too bad! I am hoping to get in to the spot I want, will find out in the AM. Had an Obesity and Diabetic lecture today.. It is amazing that is all I will say.

    Hope everyone is well, I got a LOT of rest this weekend much need rest but lost of it read all but like 50 pages of Stephen Kings "Black House" got it from the library on friday... I veged out almost all weekend.

    Ruthie - Good for you~ just don't burn yourself out!

    We have started making our kids work out with us about an hour a day... or should I say Kevin has started making them work out with him because I don't have a spare hour but... it is good for them since they are both pretty "sedentary" they really need the extra exercise.

    Got to run!

    "I will only weigh once a week" (wash, rinse, repeat)
  • Hey girls!

    Ruthie, you're doing amazing! NINE miles!!! Wow. Yep, my ab/back combo needs work. I asked at the front desk if they would recommend that class for someone starting out, and she said they adjust for all levels....BUT the guy who does the Boot Camp class just before (their toughest class) does the Abs & Back class right after....and it takes him a while to calm down. He's all revved up from Boot Camp. *L* I can see me crawling out the door after five minutes.

    Linds, welcome back, hon! You know no matter how long you're gone that you will always have a place here! Glad to hear things are working out for you.

    Amyjo, your workout room sounds great! It would be nice not to have to share the space with strangers while working out. Yeah, IBS is the pits, to put it mildly. If you ever need any info or current research for your classes, let me know. I have access to all kinds. I'm sorry to hear your sister's surgery didn't go smoothly. I hope she will soon be on the road to recovery and able to fulfill her goal of being healthier.

    Sheila, good job on the dinner AND the party! Baby steps....they add up.

    Punkin, is it called "100 pound cake" for any particular reason?

    Today was a good day. I felt great....and it's been a long time. I bowled fantastic! Had a 233 game!! AND I ate reasonably.

    I'm going for another tomorrow!
  • Incredibly good news!!!!!!!!!
    I got the most awesome phone call last night ... the dean of the one school I've been accepted to so far called to tell me the school has selected me to receive their $10,000 scholarship!!

    This is just so amazing! They are offering to pay 40% of my tuition -- and I don't have to do anything for it!! Now the struggle is if I get accepted to my #1 choice school -- it will be awful to have to walk away from that school, which is the best journalism school in the world, but I really can't turn down a master's at the price the other school is offering. It still seems kind of unreal, but apparently it happened!! So it looks like I'll be in Boston this summer!! Woo hoo!!
  • Well Ruthie-it is about time some good luck came your way! You have earned this and I am damn proud of you!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! ~flower
  • Good morning all!

    Ok, the 100 pound cake... My Gaggie (Grandma) made this cake when the family all got together - it was called the "100 pound cake" because it honestly was difficult to pick up, it was so heavy. And... here's why: It's a simple yellow cake, baked into a flat sheet (like an 8x13 dish) then when it's cooled you punch holes in it and drizzle, no POUR the frosting on making sure that all the holes get filled up with the liquid frosting. The frosting is made from 2 cups of sugar, cocoa powder, a cube of butter and enough milk to get it melted. Once it's on the cake it starts to solidify (thanks to the butter) and then the holes stay filled with a hard frosting substance.
    It's enough to go into a diabetic coma even if you're NOT diabetic...

    Ruthie - Congratulations! What an awsome opportunity! Yes, you totally deserved this to happen!!!! Good luck and study hard in Bahston!

    Back to the cake for a second - I've been reprieved for a bit... My stepfather went to CA to see his Dad and will be gone on his birthday - so I don't have to bake said cake until this weekend...

    Back to work!

  • $10,000!!!!! Oh my Goddess! GOOD FOR YOU RUTHIE!!!!! I would have a hard time saying no to that one too! You must be absolutely flying!

    Punkin ~ my teeth are aching just reading about that cake. But get me at menses time and that would probably kill my chocolate craving pretty quick!

    I train at the library tonight, from 4 til 6. (Yahoo!) Went skating this morning again with Evan and this week I notice that he is skating quickly, and I am skating with more confidence. Now I feel sad that I didn't do this with the other children... But they probably got something else from me (like patience, youth...) that Evan hasn't had...

    Off to do homework.

  • Punkin - We make/MADE something like that when I was a kid but it was a yellow sheet cake and we pour this like karo syrup/melted sugar stuff over it when you punched the holes in it and then you made this whipped cream and coconut icing. You kept it in the fridge and ate it cold... MMMMMM Yummmmy~

    But since I don't eat anything like that anymore!!! or I try to not eat stuff like that anymore (keep telling myself) got to eat healthy!!!!.....

    Ruthie - Girl!!!! that is grand!!!!! I am so happy for you!

    Flower - Hope all is well!

    Everyone else Hi!!!!

    Start my new clinical rotation tomorrow... working in the psych unit.... Should be interesting.

    SIL - had to have a new drain put in around her spleen the stuff coming off looked like green pea soup (YUCK) She has to get better soon, she is weaing us allll out!

  • YAY RUTHIE!!!!!!
  • Ruthie, what a break! That's wonderful. [And I'm also in awe of your 9-mile day too. You're the queen!]

    Lamorgan, let us know how your training night goes. I hope you love it!

    Punkin, I could dive into a cake like your 100 pounder! Some days at work I really have to white-knuckle my way past cakes and cookies. There are times when I can just have one but most of the time it's better if I just don't start!

    Hi Linds! What's been happening with you?

    Flower, I'm still enjoying your journal!

    Sheila, Wildflower, Amy--Hi Sweeties!
  • Thanks, everyone, for your congratulations. It's funny, I was so fixated on the possible outcome from the #1 choice school, I never thought about something so great coming from the direction of the other schools.

    I guess I'm really PMS or really lazy, or both, these days -- sleepy and hungry and unmotivated. Only one cure for that: make myself do stuff. I'm really in the mood for a slice or two of 100 pound cake, though .

    Wow, Amy, that's too bad about your SIL. I hate to think how high her hopes were going into this, and now she has to face all these complications. Let us know how the psych unit is; for a while when I was a teenager I wanted to be a psychiatric nurse.

    Lois, how was your training? It's funny about your comment about "depriving" your other kids of skating -- I get those guilt/sad feelings sometimes, and I only have one kid!

    Flower, Punkin, Wildfire, Sheila, Linds -- hey guys. Talk to you all soon!
  • Ruthie ....Congrats!!!!! Ya never know what is in the "cards" for you when it comes to second choices. Lately I been tired as all heck.. And I have no real excuses.. Yesterday I got in a whole mile and a half walk. It was 35 degrees out I froze my behind off..I cant wait for warmer temps

    Amy I am sooo sorry about your SIL complications. I will keep you and her in my thoughts for a quick recovery.. As for the psych unit rotation, if I entered that area they would keep me as a patient...

    Eydie I know how you feel about the cakes and cookies thing.. But since I have moved I have not been baking those things ,but I am still having a difficult time avoiding any bakeries that are around..I sniff I never enter .(DEEEP Cleansing breaths of fresh baked products ,then I go and eat a carrot stick..Where is the justice in that??)

    Lois How was the training at the library?? I havent been in a library for a while. I miss the quiet safety of the library.I can get lost in books for hours if I ever had the chance to..

    Ohhhh Linds....Where oh where hass Linds gone ohhh where oh where can she be?????????

    Punkin : Give your friends a calandar..LOL only kidding.. I know I am never sure of Pagan Holidays But I am trying to keep track of them. ( I am also keeping track of the buddah and hindu and islamic holidays as well so I will screw up from time to time on top of what Catholics are doing for holidays and the regular ones as well)

    Wildfire.. That bootcamp instructor might not be as bad as you thought..But then again I could be wrong...LOL I will stick to my personal online trainer although he has been slacking lately...Cant blame him though I am a tough one to keep track of... (excuses excuses...)
    Well all I got to end here I have to get my day started ..
    Take Care all and Talk to ya all Soon