Body for Life # 42

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  • A new thread already!!!!! WOW. Go BFLers

    I am off to school and then to an UBWO.....looking forward to it. LIke MrsJim said, it's SPRING in the Bay Area and I want to go play. Unfortunately I have papers to write.

    Piggybacking on number 41: Sorry if this is a rant about kids and food but MrsJim's post got my brain cells flowing. If you dont' want to hear my views on the unhealthy youth of the nation, go to the next reply.

    First: AbEnergizer:
    The first time I saw the commerical for the Ab Energizer, I'm thinking "HOW do they get away with this?" (as someone more than half way through law school, it still baffles me that this is even legal). There is NO way that works. I can't believe they haul Miss Cleo into court every 10 seconds but this stays on the air unimpeded (not that psychics aren't fraudulent, but this seems even more so). I don't get it!!!!

    Kids and nutrition:
    My boys are all grown and the oldest was in the care of Nana a lot who pushed the sweets and treats and fast foods. The youngest were not and were fully influenced by ME. They got McDonald's TWICE A MONTH (every other Friday) ONLY (and now I think that even that was too much), they NEVER had sugar cererals for breakfast, they had one small snack every night, they NEVER got snacks at the movies (to this day they never eat in the movies) and I insisted that they be active. They actually thank me now because they don't have weight problems. The oldest has to watch his weight when he's not active because of grandma's great influence. I also never rewarded or punished my kids with food. WHAT A MISTAKE!!!! That is what my mother did to keep my oldest "good" when they were out "We'll get icecream if you behave." WHAT A HORRIBLE LESSON FOR A CHILD TO LEARN. Be good=food. or "You're sad...have a cookie." Be sad=food. "If you're not good, I'll make you eat spinach." Be bad=food. EVERYTHING EQUALS FOOD!!!! WRONG! I NEVER EVER EVER equated behavior with food.

    I took STEP training. Strategic Techniques for Effective Parenting and used the techniques all the time. They are very very powerful if you use them consistently and are willing to put the effort in up front. A very effective way of parenting children and there are no food rewards involved. I find that a lot of my friends who have out of control kids and use food to try to control them just don't know what else to do. I think it's a parenting problem more than a food problem. There are just so many parents who have no clue and the food thing goes along with that.

    I hear parents ALL the time in the store, in the bank promising children all kinds of things if they just behave. What is up with that? My kids were told "I will leave this bank right now and bring you home and put you to bed." and if they didn't stop, I did exactly that. You can't threaten things you won't do so I did it. I didn't do it with anger, I didn't yell, scream or hit. It was very matter of fact because I was in charge. I'm the parent. HELLO. It was a pain to have to leave my stuff and do it but after a few times of that, no more problems because they knew I meant it. Not "NO McDonald's for you if you keep it up." and if they pipe down you reward them with food. uh uh. AND it stops working when they're teenagers. If they've only listened to you when you've rewarded them, what do you do when they're teenagers and insatiable and nothing will satisfy them? You have a big problem on your hands.

    There is a BIG problem with fast food (McDonald's is garbage and I refuse to give that company one red cent. I NEVER take my daughter there and haven't eaten there myself in 20 years) and the continual marketing of garbage food to kids through toys and playlands etc. Also when I read "The McDonalization Theory" a few years ago I went "I KNEW IT." They import their garbage all over the world. McDonald's is not just food, it's a whole mindset. Representation of a whole way of life that is just fat, dumb and not so happy. Again, it's part of the reason why parents won't take the time to learn effective parenting skills and to take the time to carry out natural and logical consequences. They think it's a bother, they don't have time etc. For me, it was WONDERFUL to put the time up front and have 3 boys who listened to me when they were teenagers and bigger than me and "we won't go to McDonalds" no longer works.

    Also, because they don't equate snacking/food with any emotional state, they can pretty much eat anything they want. They don't hoarde food/hide food/have some unhealthy relationship with food. I just sent them boxes of GS cookies and I sent it to one to distribute to his brothers. I know he'll do it (won't try to get extra), I know they'll each enjoy some GS cookies now and again. They'll share them with their friends (people with food addictions are not big on that) and might even put some away for the future. Because they don't have unhealthy relationships with food. So that is a BIG bonus, when treat foods are really that...a treat that you can enjoy without horrible side effects, physically and emotionally.

    Okay, that's my fast food rant but part of the challenge of eating healthy is PREPARING food. Shopping, cooking, packing for the day. In our fast food society, that just gets harder and harder for people to do.

    Whew. Didn't mean to piggyback off MrsJIm's rant, but there you have it. My story and I'm sticking to it.

    Sorry for that but we are talking about health, eh?

  • Mel's rant
    I grew up in a home where there was NEVER any candy, soda, meals at fast food places and home-made desserts were strictly rationed only on special occaisions. I don't ever remember seeing a cheese curl or frito until I was 15 and moved out. I then went on the biggest junk food binge ever seen, along with other even less healthly additions to my life. I think if these things had not been FORBIDDEN, I would have had a much healthier relationship with food all my life. I agree totally, Susan, about not using food (healthy or not) as enticements or punishments, but I know what having it labelled as "forbidden" did to me. I sure don't know the answer tho- I have a daughter who is an athelete who eats very healthily, and makes very concious decisions about how and when she will splurge. I have a 12 year old son who is a couch potato who would happily eat at McD for everymeal, with candy and ice cream in between. Raised in the same house, by the same parents.

    good back and shoulder w/o today. and cardio....

  • interesting...
    I certainly agree that food should not be used for disciplinary purposes, although I can admit to having used a bit of bribery and corruption on occasion
    My kids however consider a treat to be yoghurt, watermelon, strawberries etc which is great.

    As a 'foodie' and only now beginning to really deal with my food addiction I have been fascinated by the development of my daughters eating habits. My eldest (5) is naturally petite, never overeats, can't finish anything sweet and refuses food that makes her 'feel yuck'
    my next one (4) is a foodie who wants to eat all the time and is forever asking for food and wants to eat when she is bored. It has been very hard to me to watch as I see her developing the same traits that made me an addict. (please don't think I am just sitting by watching it happen though!!)

    I am yet to see what the third one is like, but it really made me realise how some people are born with a disposition that uses food for reasons other than hunger. I praise God every day for showing me BFL as I now have the tools to put food back in its proper place instead of it being completely out of control.

    My girls know they need to eat their veges, and that Mcdonalds is only to be eaten occasionaly & we talk all the time about what is fattening & what is healthy. I'm doing my best to teach them about balance & moderation.

    I think we have a responsibility to do our very best to educate them , and pray that they grow up emotionally whole.

    anyway - its my free day today, so no workouts and I get to eat an icecream - yay!

    have a great day - Carly
  • Yes, Mel, completely forbidden is not good either. We lived near an ice cream bar when I was raising the boys and I let them have it about once a week. I never made a big deal about forbidding things, just keeping things to "every once in a while' instead.

    Carps, I agree completely about balance! I am the product of my mother who would bring food into the house, pose no limits on it for any of us so we would each eat as much as we could so the others wouldn't get. It was like FREE DAY. What a way to try to learn nutrition. Our neighbors would get a box of six ice cream sandwiches and the mother would say each of the 3 kids got 2. You could eat your 2 right now or one tomorrow and one Wednesday but there would be no more until grocery day. Two was all you go that week. My mom thought she "deprived" her kids and always criticized her about it but I learned to do that with my kids. You can eat your portion of weekly snacks all in one day if you feel like it but there will no more until grocery day.
    My kids learned how to make stuff last. They also learned to negotiate with each other for stuff and that was a neat byproduct of it.

    Anyway, I worked hard in school and will be doing my UBWO in a bit. Just resting a minute and then it's time for Powerblocks!

    I am going to go to a Pilates class in the morning, go to school and then have my free meal. My gym doesn't offer Pilates any other time when I can make it so I'm going tomorrow. It's something I really want to do.

  • Happy Sunday everyone!!!
    It is so gorgeous today here. Feels like Easter Sunday! (of course, there's a storm brewing that's going to hit on Tuesday according to the weather report - I'm just glad we're getting the GREAT weather on a weekend! Yesterday's riding weather was glorious - I wore a tank top so I could enjoy the warmth fully (believe me, you get hot during riding lessons anyway).

    Today is actually 'officially' my day off, but I woke up at 5:30 am and thought well, I might as well do some extra cardio. On Pam's program, I have to do a lot (not recommended for first-time BFLers - as Steve L. says, your first 12 weeks are the best time for building muscle - then it becomes progressively more difficult to do. So just do the 20MAS in the book and hit your 9's and 10's - BTW I am intending to go back on BFL's 20 MAS for the most part after 12 weeks of this. But right now I'm NOT having problems with the eating. Amazing how you get used to having all that protein during the day! I think chicken is going to become one of my favorite breakfast proteins. OH! Yesterday I bought the Family Size George Foreman Grill (the $60 one) and it is SO awesome. I've had the little "champ" model for three years and it just doesn't fit much on it. The four burgers on the box photo must have been very small patties in reality! I decided to 'break it in' by making chicken breasts for the week (I need 20 for the week altogether). I put like 8-10 chicken breasts on the surface, sprayed them with a little Garlic Pam and cooked them for about 6 minutes - they came out great. I've put them in a gallon Ziploc bag marinated in lemon/lime juices and some Spike to keep them moist.

    I love that Pam gives me a 'grocery list' of the things I need each week. I got this weeks' menu and grocery list yesterday afternoon. What I do is print both menu and list, go through the grocery list and cross out the stuff I already have on hand or change the amounts. Then I add other stuff to the list such as soap, food for Jim (he likes those Stouffer's dinners and pot pies), toothpaste, that sort of thing, and I've found it really speeds up my grocery shopping - I can get through Safeway in about 20-30 minutes now where it used to take me almost an hour without a list.

    I've been trying to stick to her menu without substitutions but once in awhile I've substituted - mostly veggies in case there's one I don't care for - so far that hasn't really been a problem. I can't wait for tonight's Free Meal though!

    We're going bike riding today, Jim's going to put some air in my tires (I haven't cycled since last summer!) and we'll be off! See ya gals!
  • Lunges
    Hi Everyone,

    Well made it through this week! Feel much more like myself than I did mid-week. I think posting/lurking and visiting you gals really helped alot!

    I'm working on changing my routines for tomorrow and I want to try lunges. The ones in the BFL book say they are for hamstrings, yet the ones on ExRx say they are for quads. Which are they? I'm going to try them either way, I just need to know which they are for - two for one maybe? Posted on L&S too but wanted you gals input too!! Plus I wanted to check in and wish everyone a good week on BFL. Have a good one!

    MrsJim I am soooo envious of your weather right now - it went down to -25degrees celcius last night!!!
  • ouch!
    Thunderheart - congratulations on making it through week four - did you take progress photo's. We were going to and then just forgot about it - maybe we'll take some today. My official weigh in showed 11.6 pounds down. - I'm pretty happy.

    In regards to lunges - I find them to be very effective on both muscles - the hams and the quads - I reckon they are really an excellent excercise as long as your form is right.

    Free day yesterday (we just changed it to Sunday from Saturday and it worked much better) and I'm glad to be back into it today.

    Hubby, who is on the programme too, just found out he has (another) serious hernia which will have to operated on probably sometime during this challenge - so he is a bit bummed out. He is still working out except cannot do the reverse crunches for the lower abs, or the quad press or stuff like that.

    so I guess this isn't the money winning challenge after all.

    got to run - keep at it.
  • lunges etc.
    Today was free day and rest day- I finally got them together! Ate some sweet potato chips, but other than that, stayed pretty much on plan. Went to a very large birthday party for my 1 year old nephew and had smoked salmon, lots of shrimp, some whole wheat pita and a handful of raw vegies and some nuts, but the rest of the food (pasta salads and desserts) just looked gross! I just know how aweful I feel when I eat that now, it's not worth it. Couldn't wait to get home for a bowl of cottage cheese a hot apples! Pretty bad when my free day treat is a double helping of oatmeal

    Thunderheart- lunges are wonderful because they get almost every muscle in your body: quads, hammis, glutes, and all the core muscles if you do walking lunges, or with barbells. If you've never done them before, take it slow because you may have problems balancing, but that will improve too.

    MrsJim- I'm so envious of your ongoing weather reports. It's cold, wet and gray here, and supposed to get colder. BUT I'm sure our real estate is cheaper! Do you use your grill indoors? I love to be able to grill inside instead of running out onto the deck at night in the cold or rain.

    On to week nine! (no week 8 magic for me, woke up looking the same as yesterday )

  • Hey guys
    Remember me? Sorry I haven't really checked in with you guys lately. How has everybody been doing on the program?

    I can't believe I'm almost on week 7 already! I've lost so far about 10 inches (off everywhere) and 13 lbs. I also ordered my Powerblock set today. I think my progress has been hindered by the fact that I've outgrown my piddly lil' dumbbells and have been having difficulty reaching my "10's" in the past two weeks. So needless to say I'm anxiously awaiting the day when I see the UPS guy struggling to haul my nearly 100lb. package up the driveway.

    The great thing about this lifestyle is that my whole attitude is changing. I'm becoming a freak! I know I'm becoming a freak because of things that have been happening lately. Today was my freeday and a while after a big breakfast I asked myself what I wanted for lunch. My brains answer: "Hmm...salad." My next thought was then "Where the heck did that come from", followed by me grinning like a fool because a thought like that would never even have occurred to me 7 weeks ago.

    I totatly agree with the things said about the fast food industry. I read "Fast Food Nation" a couple of months ago and loved it.
    Never heard of "The McDonaldization Theory", I'll have to check it out. If anyone has any other good books along that line please recommend some. I love non-fiction books and expose-type stuff.

    Hope you all had a great weekend.
    (and to all my fellow Californians: Isn't it great to have nice weather again? )
  • ah yes, it is spring in the Bay Area. The weather is SO nice here even though I spent most of it indoors, it was nice when I took a break and went outside for a while and it's nice not to wear a coat anymore. Boy, will I miss this when I move back east.

    Parakeet: you will love your powerblocks. powerblocks rule. Did I ever mention that?

    I like walking lunges at home. They are great.

    I also think the big GeorgeForeman grill rules. I usually marinade my chicken before I put it on and i can fit almost a whole package of boneless chicken breasts on it. I like it for all kinds of things. I'm in a thumbs up kinda mood today.

    I didn't take a free day or meal today. Last night I made up a batch of steel cut oats and then added eggs, egg beaters, protein powder (soy), cinnamon and splenda and packed that for meal 2. Meal 1 was an MRP.

    (MrsJim: do you know if you can heat Pure Protein by MetRx? I have some and it has a lot of protein per scoop and that would be great to cook with)

    Anyway, I got up had my MRP and went to the gym for my Pilates/yoga class. I REALLY liked the yoga class. I really stretched and it felt SO good....really streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetched the muscles..........I definitely did not feel like eating "junk" after that.

    So I had my oatmeal thingy on the way to school and then at lunch I had my chicken and brown rice and broccoli. About 3 hours later I had some tuna and veggies in a whole wheat pita.
    Came home and finished the chicken/rice/broccoli that was the other half of my lunch.

    hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....FORGOT to take a free meal.
    I think I have to schedule it for some time this week. Those GS cookies are still in their little boxes.

    My big dilemma this week: WHEN to eat a free meal? Also, why can't I subscribe to Energy on the internet? What is up with that?
    You have to call or send the little postcard.

    these are my big non-school problems.

    gotta love it.
  • Wow, there's been a lot going on!

    I was raised in the food=love mentality by two parents who suffered during the Depression. The "CleanPlate Club" was always in session at mealtimes, and then my folks scratched their heads when I kept getting chubbier! I figured "hey, this food=love thing is kinda cool! I can reward myself!"


    It is cold here (18 degrees) but supposed to go up to 50 today. Tennessee hasn't actually had winter, so I'm sure we'll be eaten up with fleas this year

    I'm on week 6 and have lost 2 inches off my waist, 1 inch off my butt and gained 2 inches in each upper arm...go figure...!

    It's kind of amusing to see everyone here and then go to L&S and see everyone there, too. These are two fabulous resources!!

    Enjoy your beautiful weather, and eat clean!
  • Parakeet - your UPS guy is gonna LOVE you. NOT!

    I had a butcher block kitchen island delivered at Christmas and had no idea it was going to weigh about 100 lbs. I had it sent to work - Jim just about died bringing it home and setting it up (we had to put the legs on it). We ended up borrowing a hand truck from work to get it home, out of the truck and into the kitchen after assembling it. It does look way cool though!

    This morning I was doing my shoulder/ab/calves workout, and one of the 'regular' gals at the gym introduced me to another gal who was just starting BFL. It was during my workout, but I gave her the L&S address...talked for about 2 minutes. THEN she starts giving me a sales pitch...turned out she was a distributor for one of those MLM's and she wanted to sell me her products. I am adamantly against MLMs but listened politely for a minute then told her I had to get back to my workout... so I guess tomorrow I'll be dragging out my t-shirt that says "Shut up and Train!!"

    Susan - I don't know if you can heat up MetRx Pure Protein. It does have whey in it, so I think that might be a no way. You might want to ask at the L&S main board! BTW, great answer on that 'cereal' post here!

    My opinion on the free meal vs. free day - if you plan on just having a 'free meal' I would advise to make it meal #5. For me, the problem with the free 'meal' is that it never seems to end! (this actually happened yesterday but now all the GS Cookies have left the building...)

    Mel - don't get too envious. We have two big storms a-brewin' that are going to hit us by tomorrow afternoon!

    Well, got about 10 papers to edit on my desk so I'd better hit it! More later...
  • hi all
    Mrs Jim - excuse my ignorance but what are MLM's? and also do you know where I could find some plain talking info on how the body uses protein, carbs etc to print off for my husband?

    Cardio and abs today. Finally got the workout I've been looking for - why has it taken four weeks???????

    I was finding on the bike that I couldn't work hard enough in the cardio sense because that muscle just above my knee would burn so bad I would have to ease off, but today I used the precor and remembered again why I love it so much.

    I was reminded also today of someone post earlier about people who workout while reading and stuff, and today I had to laugh cos a lady was riding one of those sitting back bikes (sorry I can't remember the techinogical name!) and she was reading a magazine and just peddling casually, and not even breaking a sweat and I felt like saying (in between my puffs and pants that is) "Hey Lady - go home! If you weren't planning on working hard then why bother?!" But I felt such an outburst would have interrupted my sweat wiping routine.

    anyway - I'm supposed to be working and I'd hate to not get paid
    - talk to you later
  • Hi there ladies
    I have lurked here at 3FC's for a year or so. Mrs. Jim actually got me started on BFL(on day 4 of C1) I saw her photos and knowing she didn't get into any "magic" pills and only worked hard, that BFL would be just what I was looking for. I followed a link to L&S and post there under the same name as here.

    Me in a nutshell...overweight as a child, average weight in high school but got there by not eating very much. Gained weight again after 1st baby and by the time he was 2, I was back down to a good weight. Moved to Hawaii and was miserable and gained 40 lbs. Got pregnant w/ baby #2(only gained 9lbs...which I lost a few months after he was born by sensible diet and exercise). Here I am a year later. Didn't gain any of the weight I had lost, but I still need to lose some and work these muscles.

    Pre-baby, I worked my butt off in the gym..cardio for an hour and treadmill for 30 minutes then weight machines and I was still fat on top of my new muscles so I gave up after 6 months or so.

    So, that is me...I am 28, married for 10years w/ 2 boys.

    I look forward to posting here b/c as you can see,...I can't keep things short(l&s is more of a quick question answer board)
  • Hi Heather - Welcome you're gonna like the ladies here! I'm just starting W5 today!

    Carps - I took measurements and photo when I started - will do the same again at W6 and W12. Congrats on your cardio today.

    Susanje - I've always wanted to try pilates - I'll be interested in hearing further updates. Currently I take Tai Chi once a week and I love that - it destresses me big time.

    I can't believe another person is getting powerblocks! Good for you Parakeet. As I've said before here - I dream of powerblocks - wow is that a switch - used to dream of cheesecake!

    Well I posted this on L&S today but just got one response from Quadzilla himself!!!! But did not really answer my question - I don't think anyway. I was more concerned with the timing of my routines through the week. Anyway here it is:

    We are going out of town for Easter to visit my inlaws. There is no gym (small town) and they are not into any kind of fitness. We are supposed to leave on a Thursday afternoon. My plan is to move my weight training to Thursday AM and do 2 cardios while I'm there (Friday and Saturday). It turns out my final weekend on BFL is going to be like this too - so I plan on doing the same thing again and taking my results on that Thursday as well - but finishing the 12 weeks with 2 cardios.

    I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions from you ladies. Thanks.

    PS. I learned today that weight does not necessarily transfer from one routine to the other even though you may have been doing them as your compound lift. I changed routines today and it was like starting all over again - fumbling and readjusting.

    Thanks everyone!

    PPS - It is -25degrees celcius here today -brrrr