I'm still smoking so I don't eat....

  • I know all of the health issues regarding smoking, but yet I continue to do it. In the evenings I've been reaching for a cigarette instead of food. I've cut way down because I have to go out to my car.... but still need the 'crutch' in the evenings... Any EX-smokers out there ???
  • i smoked for15 years quit with the aid of the nictrol inhaler for 3 years not even a puff, than in september 06 while planning my wedding, i picked back up and been smoking ever since. honestly it was easy to quit by i'm afraid too that i will gain what i lost. and worse than that i suppose, is i don't want to quit, i mean i do for health reasons but...........no drive i guess. i can only tackle one demon at a time. goodluck to you though, and i know first hand the nicotrol inhaler works.
  • What could be worse than a brand new quitter?

    Don't let that dissuade you. I'm really pretty OK to talk to.

    Have you read Allen Carr's book?
  • I quit 8 months ago after smoking for 32 yr's. I used that new drug chantix. After i tried everything else to quit? Don't get me wrong i still crave them sometime's (old habit). But you really really have to want to quit, What we did was we stopped smoking in the house after we repainted it? We hate painting, now we don't have to do it every 18 to 24 months like before. My Dad said to me one day after another failed attempt to quit was something like this, "Never quit quiting" and that's what i did. I still can't believe i did it. And i did not gain one pound, i chew alot more gum now than i did before.
  • I quit cold turkey on May 1, 2007, after smoking for close to 20 years.

    My last 4 years as a smoker were punctuated by two cold-turkey quits - one of 5 months and one of 9 months.

    I believe that quitting smoking is the best thing for long-term weight loss, despite the tendency to eat more during the first few weeks of a quit.

    For me, exercise is key to weight loss while keeping a reasonably high metabolism, and as a smoker I simply did not have the stamina for cardio. During my most recent prior quit, I actually began to enjoy working out, and got down to 229 pounds. I picked up smoking again, gradually stopped (basically HAD to stop) working out and hit a new all-time high weight.

    It took me a while to get started on weight loss after my current quit, but I'm on the way now and it's going well.

    If you're interested in cold turkey, whyquit.com is a very helpful site with some good articles on avoiding weight gain while quitting.
  • Thanks everyone... I think I'm going to try the patch again. I quit for one year using that but I picked up again on 9/11, haven't stopped since...
  • I did the patch about 10 yrs ago and quit until a seminar in Nashville where there were ashtrays everywhere and a lot of free drinks.

    I was down to 4 cigs a day in Dec 1007 with Chantix and then ran out for 2 weeks ($124 for 4 wks). When I got more, it didn't work as well. I think it was because I was working more, my daughter moved out, holidays, moving, etc. I just didn't want to quit anymore.

    It's very hard to quit and my doc actually told me not to try and lose weight and quit at the same time. I chose the quit smoking. Well, as usual, that didn't work so now I am going to lose the weight. I have to.

    I notice when I cut way down on carbs, I don't smoke as much. So, we'll see what happens to the smoking, but the weight will come off!
  • By the way, congratulations to all of you that kicked the habit, tried to and are even thinking about it!
  • Caroline .... I know you have no idea who I am. But just this once ... trust a stranger ... before you do anything else about your smoking ... read this


    it's only about 100 pages in adobe.
    Seriously, pull up a comfy chair ... it's free.

    And if you'd like references, most of the featherweights will tell you I'm trustworthy
  • SusanB, you are adorable.
  • SusanB is absolutely right about Allen Carr. I quite smoking 5 years ago using his book and acupuncture. I went to acupuncture for 8 weeks (8sessions) and read the Allen Carr. I made sure that I finished the book and the 8 acupuncture sessions to coincide with my quit date which was April 1, 2003 -- then I used the mildest patch (and cut that in half) for 1 week and I haven't looked back since. Haven't had a puff and quite honestly only craved a puff for about 2 weeks after and not very often. As for weight gain --- put on only about 6 pounds. It was the best thing I've ever done.


  • I quit 25 years ago and it was the hardest thing I've ever done. I read somewhere (can't remember where) that it is more important to quit smoking than it is to lose weight as far as benefiting your health. I agree completely. I studied Toxicology in college and the health risks of smoking are astronomical.

    As an incentive, keep track of the $ you don't spend on cigarettes and use that money for joining a gym or massage or acupuncture or..... any other of the healthy things you can do for yourself.

    I've saved almost $30,000 by not smoking for the last 25 years.
  • I quit 2 years, 3 months ago after 27 years of over a pack a day. You can quit and not gain weight.
    Drink lots of water, carry toothpicks, sugarfree gum, anything you can think of that doesn't have calories. I used the patch and wellbutrin/zyban and it really helped curb my appetite too. Go to www.quitnet.com for support - it's free. Carry a toothbrush and toothpaste with you, brushing your teeth really removed cravings for me at least for a little while.
    Go for walks when you want a smoke - remember you used to take 10 min breaks to smoke with no prob, you can take 10 min breaks to walk. Try walking up stairs and watch how quickly your lungs improve. I would walk real fast up the 2 flights at work and it was very motivating to see how quickly it got easier.
    I guess the thing that helped the most is when I realized that it was the FIRST PUFF that meant the end of a quit for me. I only had to avoid the very first puff.
    You'd have to gain at least 75 lbs before the weight was worse for your health than the smoking.
    Good luck! More people in the US have quit than the smokers that are left, so it CAN be done!
  • this thread is very motivating....i've been off and on smoking since i was 13 (and i'm 27 now)....and i want to quit to have that money for paying debts and stuff off (all young couples stuggle with finances at some point. right?!) and hubby had quit for over 2 months in iraq before coming home this year...and i tried but i started back shortly after his return.....and now we're both back to smoking. and that money could have so many other good uses than what we're spending it on. esp since TX has raised the taxes on cigs.....i need something to help with the support...i know this isnt my normal forum, but i did a search for wellbutrin (since i am taking it to try to quit)....thanks for the motivation!