TOPS ( take pounds off sensible)

  • Has anyone every gone to TOPS? My friend is talking about it but I know nothing about it. The only place I have gone to is ww. If anyone could give me some information about it I would appreciate it
  • I just started TOPS!

    I just started TOPS about 2 weeks ago! I really enjoy it. The support and encouragement that I have received from my group is amazing!

    Also, it's a non-profit organization, so they aren't out to make money! It only cost $25.00 to join for a year. And with that money, you receive a monthly magazine.

    They have a website. I believe the address is There are supposedly chapters all over the world!!

    I really recommend it to anyone that is interested in attending!

    ski-doogirl from Ontario, Canada
  • I joined TOPS a couple of years ago and thought it was great. They have wonderful support, fun contests - which I really enjoyed because I am very competitive, and teach you healthy eating tips, as opposed to a diet formula you have to follow, then don't know what to do when you reach your goal weight. I really enjoyed it, and lost 40 lbs in about 4 months. Then my job got very stressful, I became depressed, started stress eating again, dropped out of TOPS ( and most other things with people), and gained back all I had lost plus another 20. I am thinking about rejoining now.

    I hope you try it. And good luck.
  • Go For It!!!
    Hi Jollygirl,

    I really think you should join TOPS again! You did so well with it previously - you can do it again!

    I kind of went through the same thing as you this past summer. I had joined Weight Watchers in June and lost 11 pounds. Then, I started feeling pretty depressed (I just thought it was the stress of my job) and went off the program. And, I know what you mean about emotional eating!! Well, I gained back the 11 pounds and 20 more!! All that since last summer!!!

    About 3 weeks ago, I joined TOPS and have lost 6 pounds. I really want and need to stick with this!!

    Please let me know how you are doing! If you ever want to talk about weightloss or depression (or anything else, I'm here)!

    ski-doogirl from Ontario, Canada
  • Definately try TOPS! (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) If you're in the U.S. it's $20 a year. I am renewing my membership this coming Wednesday myself. I joined in '99 and even made it to goal (KOPS=Keep Off Pounds Sensibly), but lost KOPS status in November of '00. Kindof got discouraged after that and haven't really tried since, but WW is too darn expensive for what it is, although a great program that you can still follow with TOPS. A really neat thing about TOPS is that your weight goal is decided by you and your health care practitioner, NOT a weight chart. Like for me, I can do well at 165-175 lbs which is "overweight" on the WW chart. At 165 I can wear size 10, so that's not bad and my Doc agrees. Check it out, and you can even join online and then attend local chapter meetings if you want later.

  • I know I should join again, it is just hard. When I quit the last time, there may have been hard feelings. Wasn't really mad at the others, was just depressed, but you know how it goes.

    I kind of hopped off the bandwagon again this weekend. Work got crazy, then my horse got sick. So of course the only cure was to eat right? Because everyone knows that more weight makes for a better life. I gave myself a break from the scale - I usually weigh on Mondays. Knew I blew it, and didn't need the added guilt of looking at the scale. Decided to work on doing better today, and check the scale next week.

    Congratulations on doing well your first couple of weeks. Way to go. Keep up the good work.
  • Hey, all you TOPS people. Where are you?????? Its my life - did you join? How are you doing?

    Keep in touch.
