December preggos!

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  • Anybody pregnant and trying to be mindful of their weight out there? I'm having a real problem with my 2nd trimester appetite and all the holiday food and eating out going on. I thought I'd start this thread to find some good tips and some company.

    I'm 14w2d now, pregnant with #2. Pregnancy does not agree with me, and I find it rough going. Fortunately I'm having no serious side effects this time around, merely uncomfortable ones, but I have a history of pre-term labor (at 34 weeks, stopped and c-sec at 38 weeks) with my first pregnancy and need to be mindful of my risks this time around.

  • wndranne - I'm with ya. I lost 86lbs before I got pregnant and I am not excited to gain any of those back, even though I know the baby has to weigh something. So far (5wk2dys) I'm mostly tired and have some rough days just feeling blah, but we'll see how it progresses...If only i could shake those dang miscarriage fears!
  • Hi Sam,

    I was beginning to wonder if I was the only pregnant woman around! Congrats on your pregnancy and I'll be thinking sticky thoughts for you. Way to go on the 86 pounds, and here's hoping you are able to gain what you are supposed to, and it all comes off smoothly at the end.

    So far I've gained about 10-12 pounds, and the books are telling me 5-10 is normal for my stage (16w now). My OB would like me to stick at the lower end, but I gained 60 lbs with #1, and honestly I'd be ecstatic to gain only 30 this time. I'm trying to mostly eat healthy and moderately, just doing the best I can and not sweating it too much when I do slip up--easy this time of year. I got in a walk today, which helped my energy levels tremendously. DH has taken DD off to the park, so I get a moment to myself, also helping tremendously.

    Here's hoping your fatigue is manageable and lifts soon!

  • Anne,
    I'm sure there are other pregnant women around here, but maybe not If not, then I'm glad we have each other at least. I had a WI this week at my weight loss center and lost clearly, I'm not into the gaining part of pregnancy yet. I am slowly increasing my caloric intake as not to shock my body, but I know I need more for growing baby in there.

    I'm a teacher, so I've been off work since I found out I was we'll see how work goes once I go back. The timing is kind of nice actually. Work will be done before my 3rd trimester. Thats nice. So far I haven't been too sick, but its still really early, so we'll see how I fair.

    Must be nice to be able to get out and walk. Here in the land of snow, there is no way Hubby would let me walk in the snow and ice He's a little protective still...not that I mind of course. This weekend has been ok as far as feeling good. I have days where I just feel "off" ... can't explain it, but I reallly don't try to either. We are just starting to think about where to put the nursery and what colors to do (we aren't going to learn what sex the baby its a challenge). Fun stuff.

    Take care.
  • Hi all! I'm about 15 weeks pregnant and have gained a total of about 7 lbs. I had lost about 50 lbs prior to becoming pregnant and am hoping to not gain too much weight. I haven't been eating too great, but have been working out periodically. I hope t start eating better this week. Luck to all!!
  • I started with my New Year's Resolution on the 1st (yesterday). Got onto a good eating plan, prepared myself for the week, and worked out yesterday. Got up an hour early to work out this morning (I'm NOT a morning person) and did a second pregnancy test just to make sure I'm not pregnant (the first one 8 days ago was negative). Lo and behold...POSITIVE. Now I'm not sure how this will play into my plans. I'll keep working out for as long as I can, and move to easier workouts as my pregnancy moves along. I don't think I'll be losing my weight by my Easter goal, though! That was going to be the first of 2-3 weight loss goals for me - losing the weight from DD. Maybe next Easter?

    Still very excited...will be talking to the doctor next Tuesday about where to go from here with the diet issue - was planning on 1500 cal/day. Now...? Glad there are some other moms-to-be out there facing the same things!
  • Congrats Sierra! I've read that you should only really increase your caloric intake by about 300cal and thats supposed to be later in the pregnancy. My OB said that its not really good to lose alot of weight during pregnancy (can lead to low birth weight, which leads to several different issues), but she said that its ok if I don't gain much, since I'm overweight. I've actually lost 5lbs since I found out I'm pregnant, but I'm not sure how much longer that will work... Let us know what your Doc says!
  • Quote: I started with my New Year's Resolution on the 1st (yesterday). Got onto a good eating plan, prepared myself for the week, and worked out yesterday. Got up an hour early to work out this morning (I'm NOT a morning person) and did a second pregnancy test just to make sure I'm not pregnant (the first one 8 days ago was negative). Lo and behold...POSITIVE. Now I'm not sure how this will play into my plans. I'll keep working out for as long as I can, and move to easier workouts as my pregnancy moves along. I don't think I'll be losing my weight by my Easter goal, though! That was going to be the first of 2-3 weight loss goals for me - losing the weight from DD. Maybe next Easter?

    Still very excited...will be talking to the doctor next Tuesday about where to go from here with the diet issue - was planning on 1500 cal/day. Now...? Glad there are some other moms-to-be out there facing the same things!

    You should not be eating 1500 calories, or trying to lose more weight, during your pregnancy. What was just posted about only needing 300 more calories a day during pregnancy is true-but this would be added to maintenance calorie level later in the pregnancy-1500 calories is still a weight loss level.

    You need to take your calories up to about 2000 a day for the first trimester, and then add those 300 calories a day in during the second and third trimester, for 2300 a day during those months.

    The average weight gain for a normal weight pregnant woman is 25-35 pounds. Even though the baby is only going to be 5-9 pounds on average, you will, and should, gain more weight than that.

    There are many other changes that cause gain that need to happen. Your uterus starts out at about the size of a lime, but grows with the baby. By the end of the pregnancy, the uterus alone will cause a gain of a couple pounds. The placenta forms and grows during pregnancy-and will weigh a couple pounds. Your breasts will grow, and fill during pregnancy as well-and will be a pound or more heavier. The bag of amniotic fluid will weigh a couple pounds. Your body will actually increase its blood volume as well, which equates to another small gain.

    So, if you were to gain 30 pounds during your pregnancy, only about 5-8 pounds of that would be actual "fat". The rest would be necessary body changes that happen.

    As far as activity goes, there are some small adjustments you should make. After the first couple months, stop doing exercises where you lie on your back or do crunches/sit ups, etc. Avoid doing Tae Bo, kickboxing, or other high kicking, jarring workouts. Stick with strength training, walking, yoga, etc.

    I belly danced, walked, did prenatal yoga and Pilates, and light strength training during my pregnancies. If you are interested, I loved Crunch Yoga Mama. It really helped me to not have ANY back pain during my last pregnancy. I also liked Quick Fix Prenatal Workout. (light strength training)
  • I think I'll play

    I'm almost 34 weeks along and getting a little freaked out about the weight gain. I was once a maintainer, and seeing the numbers go up is kind of scary. I'm tired of people telling me "it will come off, don't worry". How can I not worry? I know how hard it is to lose weight! I haven't gained more than the recommended amount (23 lbs so far), but I look WAY heavier all over, not just in my belly. I know I should focus on the baby's health right now (and I'm NOT trying to lose weight, I'm not crazy), but my size is really starting to depress me.

    Ugh. Sorry. I didn't intend my first post on this forum to be so negative, but I feel that if anyone can relate to my frustration, it's you guys.

    Thanks for listening.
  • I know how depressing it can be firsthand. I lost all the weight from my first child, and was only maintaining for a few weeks-when I got pregnant with my second. I literally had to start all over again. I have been there.

    My third child was a "surprise" and it happened at a very inopportune time-I was performing and dancing very heavily...and we were in the middle of relocating-buying/selling/hunting for homes...and I was often separated from my husband while he went away on his new job. It was a horrible time to realize I was going to be a mom again.

    But, in reflection back, Saber is my little angel. And any pound I gained with him was worth have him in my life.

    The weight will come back off-it will!!! Just don't worry so much about the pounds gained, especially if they are in the normal weight range. They NEED to be there...and not all of it will be in the belly.

    Right now, concentrate on your physical health the most-regular exercise, and proper diet, and taking care of yourself during pregnancy and your postpartum weeks.
  • Congrats Sierra!!! How exciting for you! Aphil definitely has some good advice. You definitely shouldn't be trying to lose weight at this time. Just remember eat healthy and keep in the routine of exercise so that after the baby comes you will still have the habit of exercising, even if it is only 20 to 30 minutes a day.

    I ditto no exercises on your back after the 1st trimester. I am still working out pretty regularly. I was a runner before I got PG as I was training for a 1/2 marathon and I still run today; however, I have slowed down my pace and don't necessarily focus on distance anymore. My doctor gave me the ok and said I could run up until my body is not physically able to do it. The first trimester was hard for me to keep up my workout routine because I was ALWAYS exhausted, but towards the end of the first trimester when I was regaining my energy I was back at the gym regularly.

    I do what I can. I also still do strength training just not lifting as heavy as I was before. I love what my doctor told me "Pregnancy is NOT a disease...if you were doing it before there is no reason you shouldn't be doing it now."

    REMEBER your body will tell you when to stop! Just listen to your body!

    CLARABR congrats on your pregnancy too! You don't have too much further to go. I'm only 16 weeks pregnant and this is my first pregnancy, so the only advice I can give you is to stay positive. If you lost and maintained before there is no reason why you can't do it again! Good luck!
  • clarabr, before my first baby, I lost over 115 lbs and was successfully gaining that loss. With my first, I had a 60 (!) lb pregnancy, and took it all off again afterward. Losing was in some ways easier than the first time around, in that I didn't need to be as strict with my diet. Good thing, because I was way too tired and busy to have the kind of discipline I had with my initial loss.

    Anyway, yes, it is disturbing, and yes, you'll take it off. Really. Having a healthy baby is the important thing, and sounds like you are right on track.

    With this pregnancy, I was right on track, until the stupid holiday buffets met my 2nd trimester pregnancy hormones! Ugh. Fortunately, things seem to be returning to normal again. I'm averaging about 2500 calories on a normal day--I maintain on about 2200. Unfortunately, I also have a history of miscarriage and pre-term labor, so my exercise is pretty limited.

  • Hi everyone!

    I'm about 8 weeks pregnant (I don't know for sure how far along I am, but I hope to know after my ultrasound in two weeks). I'm 36 and this is my first baby, and I've waited for him/her for a VERY long time! I lost about 110-115 pounds (I've been fluctuating from 160 to 165) before getting pregnant. Actually, I hit my 165 goal in October and conceived in November! Not much time in my size 8s, but that's ok!! I'm up to 167 or 168 now, but that's mostly just from overindulging through the holidays. The scale at the doctor yesterday (at my first prenatal visit) said 172, but my scale tends to weigh light, I think. I really don't want to get over 200 again with my pregnancy, but I'm sure I'll be cutting it close!

    Now that I'm not going crazy with holiday food, I'm trying to stick to about 2300-2500 calories a day, and I'm definitely trying to fill that with healthy stuff. I'm not doing the greatest job at it every day, but I think I'm getting a little better each day. I tend to get nauseous only if I let myself get hungry, and I get hungry pretty frequently!! I also get terrible headaches if I let myself get hungry. Any tips on how to stave off hunger without going crazy on calories?

    I haven't been exercising yet, because my doctor has advised me to walk rather than run and before I saw her I was kind of afraid to do even that (I'm ok, but I had a little scare). I plan to start walking and doing prenatal yoga if I can find a class or a good DVD. Anyone do prenatal yoga?

    As you can see (and as Anne already knows from all my e-mails ), I love talking about pregnancy and I can tend to ramble!
  • Thanks for the support, guys. You're obviously right, but it is still a little depressing.

    But, in reflection back, Saber is my little angel. And any pound I gained with him was worth have him in my life.

    The weight will come back off-it will!!! Just don't worry so much about the pounds gained, especially if they are in the normal weight range. They NEED to be there...and not all of it will be in the belly.
    Oh yeah, I'm sure it'll all be worth it! I keep forgetting that I'm having a healthy pregnancy at age 37, and that alone should be enough to keep me positive. But those pounds not going in the belly drive me insane sometimes! I honestly believed (this is my first pregnancy) that if I only gained the recommended amount, the only thing that would get bigger would be my belly. I didn't think I'd look this fat. Oh well, I guess I was wrong
  • LisaMarie-

    I did prenatal yoga, and LOVED it.

    I also had a little scare with Saber, and with my first, Jasmine. I had spotting with both of them in the early weeks of pregnancy, and apparently, some women are just prone to that. I was on bedrest for a few days each time...but it ended up being fine.

    Prenatal yoga was so wonderful-it really kept me strong, and kept my back in shape, which gets really compromised during pregnancy. The best way to not get back pain during the later months is to keep your core strong.


    The only women I have ever seen who were "all belly" are the actresses on soap operas who are only pregnant on the show. On Bold and the Beautiful years back, I remember one of the actresses was supposedly 9 months pregnant with twins...and she looked like I did at 4 months pregnant with ONE.