It's The Weekend On The Beach Chat!

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  • Happy Saturday!

    We're headed out to the Reading Outlets mall today for a little shopping. Our Curves always has an Angel Tree from the Salvation Army, and this year I picked a 13 year old boy to make a happy Christmas for. I'm not very experienced at shopping for teenaged boys, but I'm armed with his wish list, so I'll try to do my best!
    We're probably babysitting Amber and Tyler this evening while the parents go out for their long-overdue anniversary dinner. Looking forward to that!

    What's on everyone's agenda for today?
  • Good Saturday morning, Cottage. Strange but I just got my Angel Tree child - a six-year old girl. No wish list although that would be a good idea. We have also started up our North Leeds Toy drive and the push for the Christmas Food baskets. There is such a need in this county due to layoffs and business closings. I count my blessings.

    A cold but sunny day is unfolding in the village. There's lots of frost on my car but tonight may be the night I can put it in the barn. Donna's Ted and his sidekick are supposed to come today to move stuff "if it's not too cold". Wusses! It IS November!

    I did drop in to see Harry on the way home yesterday and took him a plant, special socks for diabetics, several magazines and some sugar-free candy. His comment? "Why didn't you bring the dog and a beer!" Grrrr! I know the guy has dementia but he sure provokes me sometimes. That's why I sometimes wince when you chickies say "Have a nice visit"! Even at 86, men can be jerks. Hersh and I will go out today or tomorrow with a darned beer.

    Time to get into warm work clothes and make a job list for the Timid Twosome who may or may not show.

    Have a wonderful weekend despite all the T-Day preparations. I really think we Canuks are wise to do it in October.
  • Happy morning from Grandma's house in West Virginia! Shall I pass around some moonshine to add to our coffee?

    Ruth - I know what you mean about men. DH couldn't make the trip with me, and although I miss him, I'm happy to have some time alone with my family.

    Cottage - Have fun shopping. I have an 11 year old stepson, and anything that makes noise, or a mess will be just perfect for a boy.

    Me - I got Christmas early this year....I'm now OVERWEIGHT instead of obese. Woohoo! I've been fighting that pound for month it feels like. I got my walk in already, now I'm headed to the shower and out shopping with mom.
  • Good Morning!!
    I lost another pound. I think that officially puts an end to being stuck
    Ruth You're absolutely right. Age makes no difference, sometimes men are just difficult.
    Cottage Shopping sounds like great fun. The wish list will be a big help I'm sure but my 14 year old godson loves all things musical and remote control.
    Dixie Congratulations on your victory. Have a great day shopping.

    Me-I am off to work today which is fine by me, Looks like my overextended house guests really are leaving. I am so excited. I know it will make my entire WOL alot easier to adapt to. And if I'm at work today they can't ask me to help move stuff or watch all 4 kids. That probably sounds mean but after almost 11 weeks I don't feel so nice anymore.
    Have a great day everyone.
  • Morning chickies,
    I'm down 2 lbs. today! Finally some progress towards my Nov goal, and not too far off from my Christmas goal either. I think it will be hard to lose over the next week for obvious reasons, so this may be as far as I get, but I will sure keep trying.
    I'll be back, DH is booting me off so he can call his mom.
  • Hi chicks, I'm back. Anyway, I'm so close to onederland, I really want to get there soon.
    Yesterday was so stressful. I ended up in the chocolate, though not too much damage done, and I think DH smoked an entire pack of cigarettes. We found out that DD's ex-boyfriend has been harassing her at school. She'd been keeping it from us because she didn't want any more "drama." This is the kid that attacked her over the summer when she tried to break up with him. He was charged and is on probation and is supposed to be staying away from her, but he's been calling and text messaging, waiting outside her classes, getting in her car. Scary stuff. He called in the middle of the night Thurs. night and threatened to kill her, so she finally got scared enough to tell us and of course we went straight to the police, campus security, and the president of the college. As of last night he had been expelled and we're waiting to hear if they've picked him up for parole violation. Fun stuff.

    Hopefully today will be nice and quiet! I just plan to get some stuff done around the house, grocery shop, and then tonight we're going to friends for dinner. I want to get in a good walk too. If eating will be more challenging, I'm going to step up the exercise to compensate. Good stress reliever too!

    cottage, a book outlet, too much fun! I could really do some damage there!
    Ruth, you are too funny! Maybe they are hiding from your wrath!
    Dixie, where are you in WVA? We're only about 20 minutes from Harper's Ferry. Have a great family visit! Congrats on the overweight!
    Thin, don't they say fish and company start to stink after 3 days? I'm sure you're delighted to get your house back. 4 kids! I'd say you're a saint! congrats on the pound!

    Edit: hee, cottage, I just realized you meant the outlets at Reading PA, duh! Still fun!
  • Schmoodle-

    You're not the only one that saw that I'm focused on the holiday weekend book sale our local Windham Reads group holds. Lots and lots of new books for half price. It's the official start of my shopping season.

    Quote: Edit: hee, cottage, I just realized you meant the outlets at Reading PA, duh! Still fun!
    Thin - Congrats!!

    Dixie - I'm looking forward to getting rid of that label myself. Think a small glass of moonshine would interfere?

    We are doing food pantry donations this year. Seems all the pantries around here are down to bare shelves - scary before the heating season even gets going.

    Now back to drying and freezing my late farmer's market goodies.
  • Schmoodle, You thought I was going to a reading outlet? That would be nice! I got chills and goosebumps reading your post about your DD. Please keep close watch on her and yourselves, don't take anything for granted in this day and age! I hope the police do their job right and put that sicko behind bars where he belongs. Please, please look out for yourselves!

    Ruth, I hope the lads showed up for you today. Men! Any excuse to get out of work! 86 or or 58, men can be jerks at any age, mine is plucking on my last nerve right now. He's mad about something that happened at work yesterday, and so of course he's taking it out on me. I hope your day is a productive one, and stay warm!

    dixie, for your victory! Have fun shopping!

    THIN, you don't sound mean to me at all, you are totally justified in your feelings. Congrats on your 1# loss!

    CyndiM, ooh, a book fair! I'd be in my glory! Have fun!

    I had a successful shopping trip this morning. We weren't allowed to buy any "toys", so I bought him a fantastic heavy winter jacket and a 3-piece sweatsuit. They were on his list, so I hope he's happy with them. I hadn't planned on getting anything for myself, but I found some really cute lightweight sweaters for only $10, so I bought one in every color they had!
    Now I'm just relaxing and waiting for the grandkids to come over. I have Cola Chicken simmering on the stove, and macaroni and cheese in the oven for Jake and Amber. With "purple" cauliflower and green peas, we'll have a colorful supper!
  • I am sooooooooooooo done with relationships. You girls are making me realize just how lucky I am that I am all by myself. I was just talking to someone a couple of days ago about how his wife was picking on him and being a and now hearing all you girls talk about your DH's.... I have my couch, my tiny little 19" TV, my Bears blanket, a couple of good books to read, and a fridge full of soup. Who could ask for more??

    Fell right back off the wagon last night. I had to walk across the hall and give pizza and bosco sticks to Wiggles and his girlfriend this morning before work, just to get it out of my house. I can't do those in moderation. I am doing nothing but going HOME, reheating my soup, and making spinach dip to eat by itself tonight. I'm living on veggies and cheese until Thanksgiving, I swear, starting today. I just can't let myself gain like I have been, and I have no idea where my self-control has gone. I go in spurts I guess.

    Hope you girls thwack your DH's and feel better about everything! Have a great day!

  • Good Afternoon ladies
    Finally stopped long enough to sit. I've been on a grocery shopping frenzy this past week. I've spend my entire Christmas budget. Butter was on sale so I bought 3 cases of the stuff. Everytime I turn around there are more people coming to our home for Thanksgiving. I'm starting to really stress. Decided to go for a run this morning just to clear my head. I probably wouldn't be so stressed if I weren't working a 12 hour shift that day, but I will definitely be prepared for it. I'll be doing a lot on Tuesday and all night Wednesday night just so everything is ready to go into the ovens or whereever they need to go.

    Ruth, hope you can get those niggles done by your woosie friends. Where's the cabana boys when you need them?

    Weezle, enjoy your spinach dip.

    cottage, so how many colors of sweaters were there?

    Schmoodle, hugs for your daughter. How scary!

    Thinby: 11 weeks????????? That's not a houseguest, that's a parasite!

    dixiedieter and CyndiM

    Well, there is still a few things to finish up around here and then I'm going to read a book.

    Today is first day of phase 2, it's nice to relax a bit on the eating. Total loss on phase one was 15 pounds. Pretty happy about that. Now all I have to do is make it through the holidays!
  • This morning was the most stressful morning I think I have ever had. Robert and I told Brian that I wanted a divorce. He was so upset and just wanted to know why. I tried explaining things to him in ways that a 10 year old could understand but Robert insisted on bringing up everything I had told him including sexual stuff that I just didn't feel that Brian needed to hear. It tore me apart but I held firm on wanting the divorce because I honestly feel it is the best thing for all of us. I'm afraid if I let things go on, even if Robert changes (and he has changed some things), I would end up with health problems from my high blood pressure or end up violent with him. I just can't take it any more. We all cried and talked it out. I told Robert he needed to find a job and work on getting moved in a month. I probably will be okay if it goes to the end of the year but I just can't let it drag out forever which is what would happen if I let it.

    Brian and I went out delivering popcorn. At first he was quiet and upset but by later in the afternoon he seemed to have recovered quite a bit and was singing. It IS going to be hard on all of us but I think he will be okay. Robert did let the guidance counselor know what was going on so if Brian needs someone to talk to at school (or has any behavior or grade issues), he has someone. I've also talked to him about family counseling. He isn't interested now and I think he will be okay without it but I want him to know it is there if he needs it.
  • Barb I am thinking of you and praying for you. I am sure this is all so hard for your whole family. I am glad that Robert contacted Brian's guidance counselor. I don't know if you would be comfortable with it, but I would also think about emailing his teacher, not with all the details, but just so he/she knows what is up. I have several kids in my room going through situations that are NOT being handled as civily as you will make it for Brian. I just know that I want to be there for any extra hug when I know it is needed.

    Love you friend.
  • That's a good idea. I'll send his teacher an email this weekend. Right now I need to go get Brian to bed.
  • Barb, I am really thinking about you a lot as you all go through this really hard time.

    Quickie today as I'm a bit achy this a.m. and need a soak in a hot tub before Church. Yes, I should have done it yesterday after doing some outside work. Donnie did show and raked for three hours while I putted around in the barn and swept decks. It was freezing cold but the sun sure felt good. I even worked in a vist to Mr. Miserable and kept smiling.

    Today will be Church, some more outside work and then quilting. I need an easy day because tomorrow is over booked.

    How does your Sunday look?
  • Good morning!
    This is a quickie for me, too, as we're off to breakkie and a BJ's run!