Completely OP-No Weight Loss! Help!

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  • Hi!
    Can someone shed a light on my dilemma? I have been completely on program for a whole week and haven't lost anything! I am very very overweight and something should be happening! I'm so discouraged. I feel like I'm holding water weight but have definitely cut down on my salt intake! Any suggestions?
  • hey there Lori,

    One week isn't terribly long. Some people wait til a full month to see any changes at all. Even though it varies from person to person depending on their metabolism and weight, I would believe that you would see some changes soon if you continue following on plan! Keep on doing the good work and do not be discouraged from the invisible weight loss!
  • What diet are you on and what are you eating? Are you tracking what you eat? Do you track calories? Do you exercise?
  • if this is your first week...give it time. Yes i know most people loose their first week but not all do. So if you are staying op...(and are not over estimating or underestimating) then relax. A couple things that will help you...first journal everything to ensure if you are op. also just because you are op doesn't always mean you are eating healthy. Alot of ppl stay op and are not getting enough fruit and veggies and lean protien. Also ensure you are drinking plenty of water. If you are doing all of that, then relax. But to help us help you...give us a daily menu to see where you might be able to adjust. Also start mild forms of exercising...this will help. Good luck and hang in one said this was an easy road.
  • Quote: Hi!
    Can someone shed a light on my dilemma? I have been completely on program for a whole week and haven't lost anything! I am very very overweight and something should be happening! I'm so discouraged. I feel like I'm holding water weight but have definitely cut down on my salt intake! Any suggestions?
    Give it another couple weeks. Sometimes things take awhile to kick in. You always hear about people who lose all this water in the first week, but some of us work the opposite. I swear my body goes "what? she lost weight? I doubt she really means it so I am just gonna hold on to this water in case I have to use it to pack that fat back into storage"
  • Quote: I swear my body goes "what? she lost weight? I doubt she really means it so I am just gonna hold on to this water in case I have to use it to pack that fat back into storage"
    Hehehehe, kind of like a little mechanical worker inside of your body: "Great, this means I have to let the kidneys filter out some more water and keep in the salt, let the liver demand more protein degradation, have the pancreas secrete more glucagon so she could get some more fuel into her body... why can't all this work wait a bit? How bout slowing down? Do I have to do this all right now? Maybe I'll just procrastinate....."

    And then 10 days laters, you'll see some poundage go off...
  • Seriously - one week is NOT that long. I know it feels like a long time but it really is not. Checking your food intake is a good idea though - right it down. I realized just this week that I had packed the fridge SO well with low-fat items that I was eating a lot of them. Had to weed it out. You forget how little things add up quickly (light string cheese, sugar free jello pudding etc)
  • One week isn't a long time--but if you tell us what your plan is, what you've been eating, how you keep track, your exercise, etc., we might be able to give you some suggestions.

    Cheers! Don't give up!

  • Good Morning Everyone!
    Thanks so much for all the replies! It helps to know so many of you care!
    Here is an example of what I've been eating:

    B - Cereal with skim milk
    L - 1 slice of whole wheat toast with 2 eggs, piece of fruit
    S - fish, veggie, (like broccoli or cauliflower) and a salad

    In mid-afternoon if I get hungry I'll have fruit or celery with
    FF philly. Sometimes for breakfast I'll have whole grain toast (one slice) with fruit and FF cottage cheese. Or I'll just have a protein shake with skim milk.
    Or supper I'll substitute chicken for the fish. The fish or chicken is usually around 6 oz. The cottage cheese is usually around 3/4 cup . Same with cereal. I use Morton light salt and very rarely use it except maybe on tomatoes or something like that.

    My dh needs to haul my treadmill back up the stairs - that could be a part of the problem. Would lack of aerobic exercise hold water? I mean just getting the blood and heart pumping may force all the water through - is that possible?
    Thanks so much!!
  • Hey LORI ~ You KNOW that I "have your back" and will be praying for you...we have been through a lot together, and now that you are back here at 3FC...I am sure more good times are ahead!

    I haven't had much time the last couple of days for the computer and I am heading to work real quick...but I will be back tonight.

    Go back to my PITY PARTY and see that I didn't lose a pound at all in the first week. I ate way less and better...and did 6 5k'S,,,and still no loss.

    The next three weeks I lost 8 pounds doing the same thing!

    And as of this morning I am down another pound ~ TA-DA!

    Keep riding with the HOLY SPIRIT dear!

    And listen to JAY ~ She has lost over 4 BOWLING BALLS!! OH Yeeeah!

    In my prayers ~ Gary
  • Hey Lori,

    It looks to me as though you are not eating enough! My gosh! I entered your foods into my FitDay tracker, and I come up with something like 800 calories!

    You may think this is crazy, to suggest you eat more food, but you are eating way too low. Your body thinks you're starving.

    Have you tried the FitDay calculator? You can use it free on line at There are also other tools like this available on the web.

    You could probably eat 1500 calories a day and still lose weight. I can't be sure. The basic idea is to take your daily calorie burn (which Fitday will calculate for you--or you can find other tools on the web that will tell you your resting metabolism plus your activity level) and from that, subtract 500 calories. In theory, this would mean a loss of 1 pound per week. 1000 calories would be 2 pounds per week. Aim for in between those two numbers.

    Try eating three meals and adding some good snacks in between, say, 2 hours between meals. By good snacks I mean wholesome foods, about 200 cals worth per snack. Some ideas: 3 oz. water-packed tuna and 6 Triscuit crackers. Or, 2 pieces of string cheese and an apple.

    You'll be surprised what a difference it will make for you to eat this much. And, if after 2 weeks at 1500 cals average you are not losing, you can always drop to 1400 and see what happens.

    Good luck!
  • Hi Gary and Jay!
    Thanks for your nice replies! Well Gary dear, if you didn't lose for a week with all that exercise I guess I'll just hang in there and wait for the results! Like I said, when the treadmill makes it's appearance upstairs instead of the basement, I'll be truckin!! The basement is one of those places that I try to act like doesn't exist! After 30 years of marriage and five kids, there is so much junk down there that there isn't even room to walk!

    Jay! I love the little guy with the big eyes! I've had that problem before with not eating enough, but I really thought I was this time. Do you count calories? That is probably the ONLY thing I haven't done to try to lose weight! I think I'll just plug everything in to and count calories. Of course I suppose most calories should come from fruits, veggies and whole grains. Of course lean protein too - Well there's an idea! Exercise and count calories!! Who woulda thunk it?????
  • Quote:
    And as of this morning I am down another pound ~ TA-DA!
    Ok, no one pity Gary anymore, he's picking up the pace
  • One thing that has been helpful for me is to keep an eye on the sodium I take in every day. I know you said you use light salt, but there is a good amount of sodium in other stuff like cottage cheese, bread and salad dressing.

    For what it's worth.