Wednesday, Dec 27th

  • Morning ladies and gents(do we have any gents)??

    Welcome to the day after the day after Christmas...I am off to work again today, got home yesterday and the babsitter had organized, cleaned up, did laundry. Have I told you I love her!!!

    Hope you all have a great day!!!
  • Hi all
    Boy, it seems like it went too fast! I worked the day before and the day after, and it was all a nice blur. Spent yesterday trying to kick the sugar, and ended up eating just one small bag of M&M's over the day, and some homemade bread and butter in the evening. Believe me, that is an improvement, and I know I'll do better today. I bought a Balance Bar, and some diet soda- I ususally don't eat them, but it will take a day or two to quit the sugar and I need all the help I can get!

    Christmas was so nice this year, we had a great time, and even grumpy DH enjoyed himself. We spent the evening with cousins and played the new board game Cranium- it was really fun!

    Off to the coal mines- big end of the year push, writing annual summaries, and 2002 planning. UGH. I am going to take off Monday and Wednesday, and have a few days off at home with DH. Maybe I can cook and get myself more solidly on this WOE- I am only OP about 1/2 the day- working my way toward CALP, but I know Atkins is what I need...

    Have a good one, don't spend too much in the malls!

    love, dottie
  • Good morning everyone. I am trying hard to get back on track.

    I threw out the rest of the truffle cake BUT my neighbour brought over some cookies she had made and we sat and munched last night over tea. SOme sort of graham cracker, sliced almonds and the whole thing drenched in what seemed like caramel! Oh dear! I am afraid to ask for the recipe.

    It is absolutely insane around here with Hershey and two pups - nearly was three but a lady came to get hers. The pups chase Hershey all over the place hoping she will open the milk bar. Hershey is into being sure their ears are absolutely clean! She holds one down with her paw and washes their ears. So far, DH hasn't threatened divorce - he actually likes the little fluffballs. We do have a pen set up in the kitchen which gives us all a little break when the charging around is too much!

    I am sitting down shortly with my pad of paper to plan meals for the next week. I certainly would be shocked if I had journalled what I ate over the season. We are still celebrating Christmas through until early January so need to get a handle on this whole thing. The grocery stores are open again today so will be stocking up.

    I hope everyone had a merry and peaceful Christmas Day - let's try to keep the spirit going for a while longer.

    Hey! Welcome to all the new folks! Be sure to post in the daily so we can get to know you better.
  • Good Morning!

    Another sunny cold day in Houston. Well, cold to South Texas anyway. You chicks with snow and frost would probably be running around in t-shirts.

    Ruth - Way to go on throwing away the left over cake. Not sure if I could have done it. Have fun puppy sitting. Just don't get too attached. I'd probably already be thinking up good explanations for DH about why we need 2 puppies.

    Liz - How was you dinner?

    Linda - Glad the goose turned out well.

    There is so much candy and goodies here in the office it's about to drive me crazy! I have fantasies of throwing it all away. My co-workers might not appreciate that though. I'll be so glad when the holiday food fest is over.

    Have a great day!
  • Good Morning Chickies!
    Hey hey hey! Hope everybody had a wonderful and blessed Christmas!

    I am back to work today after being off for a few days and it's all been a blurr but isn't today THURSDAY rather then Wednesday???

    Well my boss is here and has lots for me to do

    Everybody have a great day!

    hugs, Cathy
  • Hello Ladies!

    What a beautiful day. Perfect snow, thank goodness for Lake Michigan and that lake effect snow. We now have about 6 inches. It seems to be lightly snowing constantly. It looks so lovely covering all it touches. The still glowing Christmas lights caste a lovely glow through the snow. It is such a beautiful sight. I guess that since Christmas has come and gone, I feel so at peace now and can enjoy the beauty of the season and have fun in the snow with my boys.

    Have a great day,

  • Well I indulged my fantasy and pitched most of the goodies. It wasn't even my idea. A co-worker mentioned it and I ran with it. Most of it was stale anyway (some things were left over from our Christmas party last week!). I threw away ham, dressing, nacho cheese, nuts, chips, cookies, caramel pop corn, cake, cupcakes & chocolate covered Oreo's (that hurt the most). The little Hershey bars and Snickers are still everywhere but at least most of it is gone.

    Now if I can only get rid of the vending machine....

    See ya!

  • Oy vey....
    Christmas day was great. We went to DD's and looked at all the stuff Santa brought. Then we had a delicious meal and visited some more.
    Yesterday,DH took me to the doctor where I was diagnosed with an injury to my rotator cuff in my shoulder. Oh poop!! More pills and therapy! AGING IS NOT FOR THE TIMID! This is the arm that I use for my cane and also the arm I'm over-used for over 50 years. Now I have to figure out how to do the things I want without over-using it more! Talk about frustrating!!!
    Well, am off to catch up on a few chores. Take care and God bless!
  • Good day all! Well my dinner was a huge success! Too many left overs though, so I'm having a gang over for lunch invitation to all those who are still off work to come for lunch...then I'll send a little home with everyone and that will be the end of it...too much wine and song and sugar and carbs but no need to dwell on THAT! It has been a nice holiday over all.

    Tippy that is a tough one..the rotator cuff, common injury due to overuse as you said, and very painful.

    I had one gallbladder attack on Xmas T 3 and a gravol helped me through it...did ok otherwise.

    Lots of celebrating off and on until the new year...I do way too much entertaining...

    I have been off work, but do nights over New Year's so it is all good.

    Have a good day everybody.

    Liz in Canada
  • Christmas dinner was a huge success -- Thank Goodness! Although, now I have more cookies than I'll ever know what to do with. I dropped a piece of bread in the cookie jar and put the lid on all of them and dole them out to DD's & DH (who isn't supposed to be eating them )

    It sounds like everyone is recovering nicely from the big day and for those of you who didn't hit the malls yesterday -- Good for You! The place was a freaking madhouse.

    Tomorrow I am taking down the Christmas tree and putting the ornaments away.

    Do any of you do anything special with your Christmas cards? I'm thinking of saving the fronts and turning them into something, but exactly what eludes me. Any ideas?

    I am desperately trying to get back OP since I ate so many cookies, pie and sweet pickles the other day. It's a struggle. But, I've had so much success that I don't want to watch it all go down the tubes.

    Take it easy ladies. Welcome to all the newbies! I hope everyone has a fabulous day!
  • FLUSH!!!!!!!! That's what I'm doing today, lots of water and getting rid of those rich foods I have been eating for the last few days! Tonight is going to be turkey stirfry with strictly OP veggies. I am so full up and bloated--can't even tell you how disgusting I feel. Today, I am tackling the Laundry Mountain Range (no kidding!) and then I am set of refrigerator cleaning, Dh set off to get the things we've run out of and buy some new tires for the front end of the car.

    jenniewookie, you have asked the right girl!!!! I know what to dowith your Christmas cards and maybe you might think it's weird or something but I stole the idea from a friend of mine. She bought a cheap tea tray and cut out the designs on the card. She then podged the designs onto the tray and after a few coatsof varnish, it became her Christmas tea tray!

    Liz sorry to hear about the gall bladder. A friend of mine had one a ling time ago andthe only thing that helpedit was low carbing. Good luck!

    Aaah Tippy, that's awful! Just take it easy and get some rest and don't do too much. Did the doc give you a sling to wear? I find that helps a lot when I hurt my shoulder like that too.

    JHP I'm so glad tht you are being proactive about geting rid ofthe treats around. Hard thing to do to let go ofall the goodies lying around. Way to go!

    Jenny, only 6 inches?? We got 3 feet on Christmas Day!

    Ruth, hearing about your pups has made me do a silly/smart thing. I found out my mom's sheltie is going to be a daddy and they get one pup as the stud fee. Well, I asked her if I could have it since they already have 2 dogs and 2 cats and very little space. Am I crazy or going senile?

    Dottie, I am so jealous. The fact that's ALL you ate that is. If only I could do the same but unfortunately I have a big bad carb monster riding my shoulder!

    Hi Scooby and cathy and all those to come!

    Oh yeah, MamaJ--made my Christmas and got your card--5pm on Christmas Eve!
  • Hi Friends,
    Just checking in. Christmas was great around here. My favorite part was Christmas Eve. We have an antique "one horse open sleigh" and my DH puts it on a flatbed trailer with lots of straw bales and a kerosene heater - not enough snow to just use it. Then he tows us all around town and our country road with one of his tractors. It's so fun! Even my 16 year old son was singing Christmas carols. I suspect that I will keep the memory of my singing kids, the sleigh and a cold, starry night with me til the day I die.

    Unfortunately, I am sick. Got through Christmas day by taking lots of drugs and just making my mind up that I wasn't ruining Christmas for anyone, but now I'm paying the price. My husband had this a couple of weeks ago, so I'm hoping I get better soon. The other unfortunate thing is that one of the only things that remotely tastes good is peppermint ice cream. Not too low carb, is it?

    Has anyone used the Leslie Sansone walking tapes? I'm thinking about getting them and would like feedback.

    That's about it. Time for a nap to try and chase this illness away!