Help me name my new puppy!

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  • We are getting a new girl Tibetan Terrier on Sunday. They look like sheep dogs and she will weigh about 22#. She will be 9 weeks old and is tri-color.

    We were going to call her Ella until we remembered the little girl behind us is named Elle!
  • I think Molly is a really cute name for a girl dog but I'm sure whatever you choose will be perfect for her!
  • Maybe you could keep her for a few days and then have a naming ceremony once you can tell what her personality will be like. She may be a Noodle, Diva Kitty, Margo, Baby Face, who knows?
  • Geesh... all of my names are pretty lame, especially Diva Kitty (since it's a puppy!). But you get my idea.

    She sounds precious!
  • I get the idea! We will wait but I want to have a list so no suggestion is silly!

    We can't agree...
    Husband wants Dahli Lama from Caddyshack since she is a Tibetan Terrier
    Daughter one- Scout or Finch
    Daughter two- Fiona
    Daughter three- Ella which we can't use, Willow. She vetoes anything boyish
    Me- Luna, Violet

    Our last dog was Lilly and she passed away at 15 a year ago. I have a niece Molly. Seems so many names that are people names are used by friends or family.

    Thank you!
  • I am trying to attach a photo...

  • I think she looks like a Luna.
  • Maybe a compromise with DH's name - a play on Dahli Llama - call her Dolly. She looks like a dolly!
  • How about Oreo ?
  • congratulations! I am envious; I wish I could have a puppy (against my lease though)
    I used to have dogs and i have read that 2-syllable names are best because the first one gets their attention and the second one completes the thought, so it is easier for them to learn their name.
    also not names that sound like dog commands (Noe might not be a good choice!)
    I like Luna and Violet!
    p.s. - CUTE!
  • I agree she looks like a Luna. She's awfully cute!
  • I think she looks like a star aka star baby.
  • or instead of oreo, call her Cookie
  • Cookie is good, too
    How about Oreo Cookie. Cookie for short.
  • What a cutie

    Molly (like someone else suggested)