Happy Humpday Chat!

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  • Top of the morning to you ladies. The coffees on. My suitcase is packed...Migraine has subsided......I am ready for vacation. Pull up your beach towel and join me for piece of solitude before the day really starts.

    I am delight my heads seem to be gone. Who know if they will come back or what is triggering them. My DS had them the entire first trimester she was pregnant with her first child. They run in my family. So if they were happening because I was pregnant, it wouldn't be a bad thing. DH and I have been trying since February, so of course every month we keep our fingers crossed. My cycles are so all over the board as far as lengths go, I never know when I should expect TOM (sorry Kara). Today is day 29......

    Well enough of that sorry to ramble on about AF. We leave for ME tonight and I know I will be OP a bit, but will do what I can and will hop back on when I return on Monday.

    I hope everyone has a great day on the beach. If I don't get back on today, I will see ya'll on Monday.


  • Hump Day Beach Chat - July 18
    Good morning and a big mug of coffee or tea to us all. We are having a day with only a 30% chance of rain - bonus! We did have two days without rain but now are going back to "normal".

    After my workout this morning, I will get some fertilizing and deadheading done. The Fair starts a week from tomorrow and we've got to look good for all the visitors. Hershey and I will do pet therapy at the Clinic at noon and I may get more gardening done this afternoon. It's soon time to start potting perennials for the August plant sale. No wonder I never get my fingernails completely clean!

    Come and sit an sip for a bit before you tackle Hump Day!
  • Sheila, thanks for starting us up. I'm glad the headaches have subsided. Enjoy your vacation and come back all refreshed!
  • Sheila, thank goodness you've got a free moment from those headaches! How debilitating! I hope you figure out what's causing them so you can get some relief. Have a wonderful vacation to Maine!

    Ruth, have fun doing your pet therapy!

    My belly is feeling a bit bubbly tonight. I don't know if I had too much for dinner or if I ate something that didn't agree with me, but it doesn't seem to be too bad, so hopefully it'll pass soon. Perhaps it's the fat cells shrinking! That would be glorious! Tom and I have a sitter for Friday night and we're going out to dinner and then to see the new Harry Potter film, so that should be fun!

    I'm going to go read a bit, if Avery will let me. She's usually asleep by now, but tonight she's as awake as a bat at dusk, busy pulling all the computer disks off the shelf and "reading" them. She's so cute. I can't resist those chubby little cheeks! Here, I'll show ya...

  • Good morning gals!

    Shequila I am glad to hear that your migraine is taking it easy on you. Have a wonderful vacation!

    Ruth Watch out- several of our 30% chance days this summer wound up with pretty big rains. You are doing so great with your workouts- I still haven't gotten my butt into consistent gear.

    Me- Not a whole lot on the agenda for today. I got some cleaning done yesterday, I need to tackle a bit more of it this morning while Abigail is at her art camp. She is really having a great time, I am so glad we signed her up for it. Other than that, I think we will do an early evening swim at my mom's and dinner. I am going to try the Oven Fried Chimichanga recipe in the entree section. I will report the details later.

    DH is in a major funk- he really dislikes this new job he has been at for the last few months. I can understand that, but feel like he isn't being very proactive about making it better and acting like a "victim" in the situation. I can stand the constant negativity- it is very draining and not my personality at all......
  • Kara She is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hey, look at you being all one pound from your goal! You rock!!!

    My Kadyn's birthday is the 12th of September. We thought she'd be born on the 11th because I went into labor at 2 in the morning on the 11th but she was bound and determined to stay in as long as possible and kept me in labor for 35 hours! So, she's a September 12th baby. She wants a Dora the Explorer cake. What are you going to do for your big day? Sorry the hubby is being grumpy about his job. Maybe he just wants attention! Sometimes husbands are just like toddlers...

  • Kara I actually need to adjust my ticker as my weight is up the last two days. I am trying to remain positive and just keep on trucking though...

    35 hours in labor????????? Oh my, both my kids cam so stinking fast I cannot even imagine. We did a Dora theme for my 2 year olds party- she loves Dora. I actually did cupcakes with Dora liners and little candies on top. She loved it!

    I am not too sure what we will do for my birthday- my mom usually has us over for a little celebration. DH and I typically don't get one another gifts as we are always strapped for money, but did decide this year that we would abandon that "tradition" and at least get one another something small.

  • Good morning all -

    Ahhh...Wednesday, so much of the week to gone, but with the speed this summer is flying by, it is possible I need it to slow down. Not much exciting this week, it has been rainy and cooler.

    My biggest obligation has been work and cat sitting for a coworker - she has two small kittens who are adorable - despite the VERY sharp little claws - too bad that if I am in her apartment for more than 10 minutes my eyes start to water and the sneezing begins. I have never reacted this way to cats in the past. Still planning to visit before the office, as I feel a couple of shorter trips will keep them occupied as much one longer one.

    Bought an ab workout video this past weekend and did it again this morning - darn abs refuse to cooperate with my excercise goals and seem to require special attention. It kicks my butt and oddly enough it was my legs that were sore after the first go at it (walking up stairs was a challenge). I can be patient for results, but I sure hope it works.

    Have a great day!
  • Morning everyone. Still quite tired, but feeling much better. Still have very watery eyes though. Working by myself today which will make it a very long day. It's alright though. After work I'm meeting with someone who's trying to recruit me, just to ask him questions and for him to ask me questions and just see if this is really something I'd be interested in, and if I'm someone he'd be interested in hiring. Wasn't even looking for another job, but it never hurts to keep my options open and see what else's out there, right?

    Sheila, glad you're feeling better too!

    Ruthie, yesterday we had quite a few storms in the morning. They weren't severe or anything but a lot of counties around us had flash floods. I had a hard time getting to work from the doctor because parts of the road had standing water. Yuck! I'd take 30% chance after all the rain you've had up there! Have fun with the yard!

    Kara, she's adorable! Hope you get her off to bed so you can relax some before your bedtime.

    Kiko, my DH is the same way. He has many symptoms of depression and terrible anger issues but won't admit to the depression and isn't doing much about the anger, except getting mad at me often about ridiculous things and then staying mad for about 12 hours. He complains about his job, and then I ask how many resumes he's put out. "None." Why not? "I don't have time." You have time to surf the internet and your car forums all the time, but you can't update your resume and email it out? Have you taken the test this year to reapply at the State? "I can't, I work M-F." Don't you get off work at noon every other Wednesday? Couldn't you do it then? It's all about poor DH. It's really hard to deal with negativity all the time. I read the book The Secret, which is really good but parts are a little out there, and it's about keeping a positive attitude. But it says to get as far away from negative people as you can..... unfortunately I'm married to the most negative person I know. I feel ya, sis. I'll pray for you.

    Ally, which Ab video did you get? I love Ab videos. As soon as the PT clears me, I'm going to do my Hip Hop Abs every day for like, a year! I only have two weeks left of PT so hopefully I'm fixed by then. Good luck to you!

    Well, I need to shower or I'll be late. Hope you girlies have a great day!

  • Lisa, do you actually have to have rhythm to do Hip Hop Abs? I've heard such rave reviews about it, but I fear I am about as skilled a dancer as the bobbleheads you see on people's desks!

    Ally, sorry the cats are bothering you so. You're a good friend to stick it out anyway!

    Kiko, I'm sure those pounds will float off! Keep your chin up and keep up the great work! Tom and I always get something for the house for our birthdays and anniversaries and such. For Christmas we do stockings and a couple little presents, but usually we decide on something fun to get for both of us. I can't wait for my birthday because I'm going to pick something from here that will be a special memento for our year abroad. We got beautiful lamps for Mother's Day and for Father's Day, and for our anniversary we picked out a gorgeous picture for the wall that is painted in the traditional Korean style. It's just incredible!

    Avery's abed and I'm going to crack open my book. Dirk and his three pals held off the terrorists for long enough that the hostages got rescued last night. Hopefully tonight they'll be on their way home!

  • Morning Ladies...not much to say today...nothing much on the agenda so far but a little work, then will hit the gym later, then go to the produce market for a few things. My husband is off today, so maybe something fun this afternoon will come along for us to do.

    I ordered a stability ball and it came in yesterday. It has a dvd of exercises, but it just shows you how to do them, you don't do them "along" with the trainers. Does anyone know of a great dvd that lets you have a "class" with the trainer? I am wanted to do the stability ball on days that I don't go to the gym..
  • Cat, I just printed a whole bunch of exercises off about.com for the exercise ball. They have a whole rack of them at the gym and I'd been wanting to try them out. Be prepared to fall off a bit the first time you try it! Or maybe it's just clumsy me... I had a blast, though!

  • OH ladies! Do I have the story to beat all stories this morning! Its one you almost don't want to tell cause you are afraid of what other might think! Almost off to dreamland last night and DH says "is the cat in the bedroom?" "I don't think so" I reply "turn the light on there is something on the tv" followed by "get the dog out of the bedroom!" Well girls there was a baby possum frolicking in my bedroom! MY BEDROOM!!!! ARGH! Several minutes later and what I am sure was a show to beat all shows (I don't know I didn't stick around to watch) DH comes out with the critter. After berating the dog (he is half beagle afterall) for being such an alert soul, I attempted to go back to sleep without much luck. This morning as I am sitting watching the news yet another sibling of last nights come wandering into the living room! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!! DH receives a rude awakening, something to the affect of....well I won't say it cause it would have to be very censored! Needless to say there will be gentlemen at my house today taking care of this issue and finding out where these creatures are getting in at! Ladies you can't make this stuff up!

    Shequila - Have a great critter free vacation!
    Ruth - hope you get some relaxing time in your garden.
    Kara - She is a doll! I agree about those chubby cheeks!
    Kiko - Hope hubby gets out of the funk, men can be such pains, but they can apparently catch possums!
    Lisa - Glad you are feeling better!
    Ally - work those abs girl! I hate ab exercises, could explain why my pooch won't go away!

    Ladies I need a nap! Someone wake me every so often to make me roll over so I don't burn! Have a great critter free day!
  • Pacer, I cannot believe that story! Oh my word!!!
