CLUCK CLUCK/Wednesday Dec 19th

  • Morning ladies!!! 6 more days til Christmas, hard to believe!!! Gotta make coffee and roust the hubby, be back later!!!!
  • Ok...have had a shower, got coffee, hair is done, makeup on, just gotta get dressed and off to work I go. Dh is in the shower, I have packed his lunch and all is well!!

    Well the real CHristmas rush is on I guess, I have to get a gift for our nanny. no clue what to get. And one more thing for DH. Tonite I have a dinner for work and another tommorrow night. But I am off after today til the 26th YEA!!!!

    Last night was the CHristmas concert at church, took my 4 year old, he was really excited and wanted to go. About halfway thru he started whining, jumping up and down etc. He wanted to hear Jingle Bell Rock! Finally I gave up trying to reason with him and left. He cried all the way home....kind of depressing. We are going to go to the Christmas Eve service so he can see the play they do, he wants to see Baby Jesus. He is a hoot.

    Well, unfortunately I should go get dressed and get out of here. Blah. Have a fabu day everyone!!!!

    I almost forgot, did my little weigh in yeterday and gained .3 pounds, not to bad considering I guess. Today is a new day!!!
    Instead of posting on that long, hysterically funny thread, which made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt, I will just jump right in here.

    Once, I did something really, really stupid! Wait til you hear this!

    I got so busy that I stopped posting at 3fc LC!

    Can you imagine my embarassment? Right in front of everyone! I could hear the snickers, even from the back row.

    Yes, despite the encouragement of friends, I have been lurking but not OP, and not posting. And I realized that if I want to say hi to everone properly, I should get back on track before the flood of newbies that usually pop in after the New Years Resolutions.

    So, here I am, trying a few days of CALP to get myself on track, and I'll see where that takes me. I've been in school since October taking a business course at night, and work is horrendus- there are layoffs, and we are doubling up on supervising the different programs. But at least I will be home again in the evenings, so I'll try to post and get back into the roost!

    I am teaching all day today, I know I'll snack, but I don't have much time for food, so it shouldn't be too bad.

    Have a good one my friends

  • Good Morning!

    Dottie! Love to see ya hon! Grab a cup of coffee and have a good ole read--we missed ya!

    Scooby, you are doing way too much for me in the morning (this from the queen of doing too much!)

    Well I had lovely surprises in my mailbox yesterday--thank-you Peach, Ruth, and Toni! Got your cards, they are LOVERLY!

    Today I am making a gingerbread house and cookies with my wee one and her friend from school named Emma. My nieghbour and I constructed it last night from one of those kits (yes, I know, Martha would be poo-pooing me right now) and it had to dry for 5 hours. Today is decoration--I can't wait I know the kids will love it!

    Hope everyone has a great day and remember to take some ME time in the madness!
  • Hi Kids,

    Good Hump Day to you all !!

    Well we're almost in the home stretch (Christmas) I'm so excited.....just love it for the kids (hehehehe).

    Well need to change a 40 lb diaper (lol) and get me some coffee. Gonna buy a bouncy saucer today for the rug rat lol.

    Have a good one.

    Love Leens
  • Hi,

    Another sunny day in Houston, but getting cold. High in low 60's & tonight it will be in the high 30's!

    Sherrie - Congrats on the size 18 pants. A l/c woe will have you losing inches even when the metal monster isn't budging.
    Pooky - Gingerbread house sounds like fun. Enjoy!
    Dottie - Welcome back!

    Hi Scooby, Leens & all to come.

    Have a great day!

  • Good Morning Chicks!

    Dottiejon - So nice to "see" you again! Having done the same thing myself a couple of times, I know what a relief it is to get back into the fold! I'm waiting for the flood of newbies after Jan. 1 too. Hopefully some stick around.

    Rachel - Aren't kids just so freakin' wonderful to be with sometimes? I was at my neighbor's house yesterday and her three-year old twin boys were fighting over big lego thingies to see who could build the most baby Jesus's. Cracked me up!

    Pooky - I'm making a gingerbread house tomorrow - using the Pampered Chef mold. Who cares if Martha wouldn't approve, at least this way it will get done! My kids love decorating it, even the 16 year old.

    Jennifer - It's cold here too. I am typing with a blanket around my shoulders and thinking it might as well just snow! I think you Texas girls should come visit me in Colorado to see what snow looks like!

    I have about four thousand things to get done today. My company decided to have a shutdown through Christmas. Isn't my boss (me!) nice? This is one of the many, many benefits of my new lifestyle. Gotta love it!

    Hope you all have a lovely day. When you find a dreaded holiday goodie in your hand, just drop it and back away, chanting all the while "Chocolate Carbs Bad, Protein Good, Chocolate Carbs Bad, Protein Good!" Hey, it could work!
  • Good Morning..
    let me tell you a little more about myself. I work part time in a school. I have a teenage son. I cannot believe Christmas is only 6 days away. The older I get the faster it sneaks up on me. Today we are going out to dinner with very good friends, so that's when I will have my reward meal. I asked my girlfriend if I could borrow her book until I get mine, so I am going to start reading it today. I garden extensively and write poetry iin my spare time.
    The reason why I started to change my body is that my husband was at the World Trade Center working on the 61 floor of the first tower hit and we didn't know for hours whether he made it out or not. It affected me in a way that I cannot describe, but I believe good comes out of bad and it woke me up to the reality of what I had allowed my body to become.Life is so very precious and way too short not to be the best I can be. Bless you all for the warm welcome
  • I need coffee -- please pass the pot.

    Here it is -- the eve of my DH's return!!! I am SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!!!!! He left June 12th and is FINALLY returning! I'm trying to figure out who is most excited, me or DD. She is besides herself. She came in to my room at 3:30 this morning and said, "tomorrow Daddy is coming home". Isn't that the sweetest thing? And, the best part? This is the VERY LAST long trip, because we will transfer in the Spring.

    I am excited for DH to see our new home. After being apartment dwellers for so long, this will be a nice change for him. And, I'm excited for him to the new, improved, 33 pounds lighter, ME

    Scooby, I wish I could count the number of times we've had to get up and walk out of something because of a 3-4 year old! Just gotta love 'em!

    Dottie, keep posting. We're hear for ya, babe.

    Pooky, have fun with your gingerbread house. They are so cute and such a great holiday tradition.

    Leens, I'm wish I'd known you needed a bouncy saucer -- I just took ours to the Goodwill yesterday. But, since it's gone now, I'll just root you on with those diapers!

    Jennifer, enjoy that sunshine! It's freezing here today. Talking about snow. (I wish.)

    Chickie, you are the BEST boss. I can't remember ever having the holidays off (except Christmas day) when I was out there.

    Sheltie, I can't even imagine the trauma. My prayers are with you and your family/friends. If you need any help along the way, let us know!

    So, that's it this morning! I have to finish the final things around the house. Namely the garage -- might be nice to actually park a car in there. But, at least all the stuff is unpacked and mostly put away!

    Have a good day everyone!
  • Sheltie - I can't even imagine what you and your family had to go through. I was at Ground Zero 2 weeks ago and was really moved.

    Jenni - Hope you and your kids have a great reunion with DH. Ya'll are so lucky that he's going to be home for Christmas. My brother is in Turkey until at least March.

    Chikadee - Chocolate bad, protein good, chocolate bad, protein good Actually I did put that into practice today. A co-worker gave me the cutest Christmas mug FULL of chocolate. I gave all of the candy to another co-worker.

    See Ya!

  • Just a flying by Quickie! Had a post all ready with colour and everything this a.m. and the system went down.
    Hope everyone is having a great Hump Day.
    Welcome Amata, Sheltie and Baylee - this is a great Coop even if it has not been decorated yet for the Holidays.
    Will try to get back in later.
  • hey Dottie!!!!!!!
    I say we hog tie you and die your hair red and then take you out to Ruth Chris (sp) Steak House for a big steak and nice salad with blue cheese dressing. You work too hard and deserve it! REALLY glad to see you back... 'cause sometimes I need a certified sanity or nut job check!

    Sheltie! You just sit yourself down here and get cozy! This is a wonderful good for you place that is good for your soul. Huge hugs to you and yours. I live in North maybe you are not far from me?

    I took the day off today! I have cramps in the back of my neck...too much crafts, baking wrapping and otherwise good junk like that! And yes, I HAVE worn a hole in my mouth pretty!

    Went to the little guy's Holiday show today. It was great to see the music teacher bring these kids so far. They are amazing! My favorite part was the little girl who saw her mom in the first row and walked off stage to sit with her!

    got to run...the injuns are squabbling...

    ps...soonerella! Of course you can come to disney with us!!!
    pss...Jiff has a surgery date of Feb. 12th!! Good news!!!
  • OK, I'm one of the newbies
    you were talking about.... got on the ole' computer this am, and
    started looking for a computer weight loss group, and somehow
    (my memory is short) found the 3FC sight. Your group sounds
    fun, and supportive, mind if I lurk awhile and perhaps join in?

    Have been an on/off (off for 6 months) low-carb dieter for a year, and have found that it works well. The problem I have is that I live in a real small town, and everyone thinks that I'm killing myself? So the chinks in the armor start, and it's downhill.

    Can you lend me hand out of the bottom of the barrel?