Thursday Chatter

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  • Hi Guys,

    Thought we needed a new thread since our other one was 4 pages.

  • WOW four pages!!!

    Susan, thanks for starting us over.

    So how was everyone's day?

    I wrapped packages and made fudge.
    I found the 1pt. fudge recipe, however , I made the real kind.

    I didn't make any last year (for obvious reasons) and had forgotten how long I had to stand there stirring the pot---35 min. this time! It'll be worth it, though. I licked the pot and am waiting for it to set in the plate. I must have a piece before going to bed.

    I've drunk almost 8 glasses of water today. Yeah for me!!!!!

    A question --what are you all eating on Christmas day? Some people I know have ham and not turkey. I'm just interested in what my friends in different areas eat.

  • Where did you find a 1pt fudge recipe Tina? If a person didnt eat anything else all day they could have tons of that That must be some kind of excercise....stirring a pot for 35 mins. Hey congrats on getting all your water in today!

    My family is debating what to have for Xmas dinner. We always have turkey and ham...etc etc....but for some reason my sis wants to grill steak and chicken, my mom thought about lasagna (I vote for that ) but I did suggest Mexican or Italian as of right now, its undecided.

    Way to go Dawn!! It always feels great to "SEE" our own weight losses, you're doing fantastic, keep it up. Can't help you with posting pics here either, mine never work.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • Hi,

    We are having smoked ham that my brother gave us. We've already been eating it and it's great. I love ham but don't like the water I retain afterwards. Not sure what else we are having.... better figure it out. My folks will have tamales!!! I could eat my weight in them.

    Fudge, yum!!!!!! 1 point fudge, wonder if it is good?

    I'm going to San Antonio the morning after Christmas. I'll be there until New Year's Eve. I'll really have to watch what I'm eating since it is harder while I'm there.

    What are ya'll doing for Christmas?

  • Okay, here is the recipe for the 1 pt. fudge.

    1 (12 oz.) bag of Hershey's Reduced Fat Chocolate Chips
    1 can Eagle Brand Fat-Free Sweetened Condensed Milk
    1 tsp. Vanilla

    Mix all ingredients in a medium saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally until chocolate chips melt and well blended. Pour into an 8x8 sprayed pan. Refrigerate until firm. Cut into 36 squares. 1 pt. each square.

    I am having a hard time finding the reduced fat chips this season. I've been to 3 different stores so far and there aren't that many more to try.

    For Xmas, we will go to one of my nephew's. (we went there last year, too) He has a very large home. It's about 45 min. from us and I don't really care about going this year. We will not stay long this year.

    Susan, I hope you have a great time in SA.

    Good luck to everyone that is weighing in tomorrow!

  • Thanks for the fudge recipe. I was hoping it was 1 point for the whole batch. I wish!!!

    Well not to complain but... my knee is killing me again! I don't go back until May. Then the dr. mentioned partial knee replacement. I checked it out on line and I'm ready for it NOW!!!!! I think it will solve everything. My knee is all swollen again and hurts every step I take. Well enough of that, there are people far worse than I am and I'm thankful that I am healthy.

    Tomorrow is the last day of school. I CAN'T wait!!!! Tammy, don't you get as excited as the kids on the last day?

    Ok, now did I do something wrong when I made this new thread? You can't subscribe to it! I miss that! If so, let's start another one with it.

    Have a great evening!
  • Duh!! I just found it myself. In case you can't find it either, the subscribe button is on the bottom of the page.

  • Okay group, this is your big (?) chance to see what I look like!!!!!

    Just click on my "profile" and scroll down to the bottom to see "little ole me."

    Let me know what you think. Please be kind.

  • SCHOOL IS OUT UNTIL JANUARY 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, I am not excited at all. Yea, right.

    My brothers and their families will be here the day after Christmas. We'll be having ham. For Christmas Day, Bob, Tim, and I will be having a homemade pizza! Sounds strange, but we all like it. We figure it's just the three of us, so why not?

    I went to the dentist on Tuesday because I lost part of a tooth and a filling. Well, yesterday,
    I noticed that part of a crown on the other side of my mouth is missing! I told Bob last night to just shoot me. I'm falling apart!

    I am ready to relax for the next couple of weeks.
  • I hope you are all doing great! I know that I am now that school is out!! I'm right there with Tammy.

    Tammy, I like your idea of pizza for Christmas. You should have what you like on that special day.

    Tina, you are a cutie!! I love your picture. Was it hard to put it on your profile?

    Well, I lost 2 pounds today. That brings my total to 17.5 pounds. That is the most that I have lost other than the first time I lost weight. I was hoping to make 20 pounds before Christmas but that's ok. I'm happy with my progress. I won't go back until the week of New Year's since I'll be out of town next week.

    How is everyone doing?

  • Hi,

    Hooray to all you teachers!!

    Susan, great job!!!!!!! This weight loss plan you're on is really working for you. And, thanks for the compliment.

    It is not hard to put your photo in the profile. It gives you all the directions you need. You just have to have a photo saved somewhere.

    I had a good exercise period this morning. I felt like I really burned some fat! Then, I ate sensibly. I fixed spaghetti, french bread & sugar free Jello for supper. Forget about the spaghetti, I pigged out on the bread. I had 3 pieces. I've got to stay away from that stuff.

    Is anyone going to hit the malls tomorrow? I just got a couple of stocking stuffers to buy at Walgreens.

    Have a great weekend.

    Everybodies Christmas meal sounds good.

  • Hi Ya'll,

    Tina, I'm avoiding the mall like the plague. I do want to run by Michael's to pick up a frame and I'm dreading that. Only 2 gifts I have left are money gifts. Just have to make sure that I have the cash for them.

    Tina, Thanks for the kind words about my program. I'm actually feeling successful this time!

    I go get my hair colored & trimmed at 10 this morning. I told my hair dresser he is the most important man in my life other than my family. I go every month to get it colored. I was lucky and started graying at 17, now I'm completely gray and have been for years. Only thing, everyone thinks my color is my natural color.

    Not much else going on today except house chores. Guess I must deceide on Christmas dinner too and get that done.

    What is everyone up today? I'm sure those final Christmas preparations!

    Happy Holidays!
  • Holiday Greetings!

    How is everyone today?

    Susan, I wish you'd put your photo on the board. I'd love to "see" you.

    I wish everyone would put their photos on their profiles. We are one happy family (notice I didn't say BIG) and it'd be great to put faces with names.

    I just returned from the grocery store where there weren't that many people. Maybe they're all at the malls.

    Take it easy and stay OP.

  • Tina, I'll have to find a picture to put on there. Hey, I'm going to be in Houston in Feb. for a Stampin Up thing with my little sister. She wants me to go with her. I'll give you more details when I know more myself. She hasn't given many details except she wants me to go with her.

  • Well, I have been sooooo good today. It's killing me.

    Susan, what on earth is "Stampin Up?" That's a new one to me.

    That would be something for you to be in town.

    Everyone have a great rest of the day. I shall try to stay good.
