June nursing mommies thread

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  • Hey guys! Thought I'd get a new thread started for this month.
    Since I'm still pretty new here, I'll introduce myself...
    I am a stay-at-home mom of three little boys (35mo, 19mo & 2mo)...yeah I'm a bit crazy. Working on losing "baby fat" while nursing my 2mo old and now also trying to do all this while clearing up a nasty case of thrush (we both have it). So any advice on that would be great. I am following the WW program so I would love to hear from anyone else in the same weight loss boat. Well anyway Have a GREAT day!
  • thrush sucks. We've had it twice. I finally had the doc prescribe me the diflucan to clear it up. The first time I had it for over a month. Boiling all my pump parts daily sucked. The last time, I caught it quickly and was able to clear it up using just gentian violet. Dr. Jack Newman's website has some great resources.

    I'm counting calories myself to help lose the weight.
  • Hi! Just realized this thread is up here. I've been hanging out in the South Beach portion of the forum for the past month or so!

    I'm Kara. My nursling, Avery, just turned one at the end of last month. She has decided that she would prefer to nurse at night now, moreso than during the day, so she's mainly eating solids all day and then waking poor Mama a couple times a night for her "ennay". Ah, well. What are you going to do?

    We also have a five year old named Connor and a two year old named Kadyn. Busy, busy bees!

    barbygirl, your kids are adorable!

  • Hello,
    I haven't lost any weight proble gaining. I just don't know what to do as far as losing weight. I have so much to lose. My little boy is doing great with breastfeeding. Is ww okay to do while breastfeeding and how many points?
  • Jessica, you will be given 10 extra points daily if you do WW while bfing.
  • Quote: Hi! Just realized this thread is up here. I've been hanging out in the South Beach portion of the forum for the past month or so!

    I'm Kara. My nursling, Avery, just turned one at the end of last month. She has decided that she would prefer to nurse at night now, moreso than during the day, so she's mainly eating solids all day and then waking poor Mama a couple times a night for her "ennay". Ah, well. What are you going to do?

    We also have a five year old named Connor and a two year old named Kadyn. Busy, busy bees!

    barbygirl, your kids are adorable!

    bwhahahahah that she calls it ennay

    My ds (almost 9 mo) is starting to take a tiny interest in food, but except for yogurt it is clear he intends on waiting until he can chew real food.
  • Hey all! DS was 2 months old yesterday! He is SO sweet - and smiley all of a sudden! Too fun. We have 2m shots next week, which I know will be NOT fun.

    I'm still not at my pre-pg weight, BUT I do need to update my ticker! DH and I started BFL a little bit ago and at the end of the first two weeks I was down 10 lbs to 227 and have lost 2 inches from my bust, 2 from my waist and FOUR from my hips. In two weeks! I don't count calories but I'm guessing it's close to 1800 a day. I'm only in the middle of week 3, and I'm trying not to be TOO "rah rah" about BFL until I've got a full 12 weeks under my belt, but I'm loving it so far.

    ETA: Ticker updated!
  • Ennay - I know. I couldn't believe it when I read your screenname! My oldest named nursing "ennay", which worked out because he was the most verbal, and nursed until 21 months, so it was fun to have a "code word". We just kept it for the second and, now, third nurslings.

    Avery didn't really start eating solids until she was about ten months old. She tried some avacado when she was eight months (her first solid) but only had a couple bites and then pretty much just exclusively nursed for the next two months. I don't know if it was particularly traumatic or what the deal was! But once she started, she just took off. I never even got to make her any "baby food" because she went straight to table food!

    Jessica, Wyatt is a doll!

    Fiona, congrats on the baby! Your daughter is just beautiful!!! What's BFL? You'll have to forgive me but I'm not up to speed on all the diet plans...

  • BFL is Body For Life. It's basically just eating 6 small meals a day, with a balance of protein and carbs for each meal, and doing 30-45 minutes of cardio or weight training everyday (well, 6 days a week). Stuff that people who want to lose weight and/or improve their muscle tone should be doing anyway, but just presented in a very structured package, which is what I needed.

    I've got to update my avatar - I've got a totally adorable pic of DD and DS, but I can't seem to get the file size small enough for 3FC to upload it.
  • I still plan to do a BFL challenge one of these days. I'm going to wait until the fall when it's cooler and I can do the interval cardio outside at home.

    Fiona, you might try saving the pic as a .gif to get it to be a smaller file.
  • We made it to 3 months and are doing good here too. Charles was even sleeping 9-10 hours a night, until last night. I think he hit a growth spurt, because he wanted an extra feeding last night and has been nursing constantly all day today. Hopefully it won't last much longer; he's so fussy during the growth spurt. Otherwise he's a smiley, laid-back baby. He got his 2-month shots on Tuesday (a bit late ) He did as well as expected and took a nice long nap when we got home. He seems to be growing well (I haven't weighed him since 2 month appt). It's so nice to have a thriving baby after going through DD's growth problems. I'm starting to think we're going to be able to BF until his first b-day.

    I've been doing poorly weight-wise. I need to get back on track. It seems like as soon as the hot weather arrived, I fell of the wagon and haven't started to chase after it yet. ugh. I just need to do it!
  • I can join you now! My darling daughter was born 6/18. She was 7 lbs 13 oz and I plan on bf'ing a year. I made 6 months with my son, but he fell in love with the fast, easy flow of the bottle and I ended up mostly pumping the last 3 months. This time I'm holding off on introducing a pumped bottle for a while. It's a bummer not to have DH's help at night, but I really want a more successful nursing this time.
    I've lost 25 lbs so far. I know it's not "real" weight loss but it sure is a thrill to see the scale move down so quickly!
    I'm still establishing my milk supply, so for right now I'm just focusing on only eating 3 meals and a snack, and getting at least 20 grams of protein per meal. Thats enough for now.
  • congrats ottoette!!
  • Welcome ottoette!

    Kara - I think ds is thumbing his nose at me With dd I made all her baby food and did food cubes etc. etc. etc. With ds I decided to be lazy and buy jarred for most of it and he wont eat it, only table food which of course I make fresh.
  • I think they each like something different. They're silly.

    Welcome, Ottoette! Congrats on your baby!
