W.O.W.'s Fourth of July Week FIVE thread!

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  • Morning all! How's everyone been doing? New week, new thread, time for me to start job searching again and get back to the gym. Car is still in the shop, indefinitely until we can come up with some money. *sigh sigh*

    Tre ~ Congrats on getting so close to your goal!
  • jasonslea- thanks for starting this weeks thread and good luck with the job search!

    weighted in this morning and another one pound gone, which is great considering some of my food choices weren't the best last week. Only a few more pounds to making my july 4 goal!
  • i'm job searching as well.....tired of all the BS that goes on in my office. so i can understand that LOL

    eating can be better but i'm doing what I can. I'm a single wife again this week, hubby is currently on his way to hawaii, then korea, japan, and alaska before he comes home. at least that was the plan at lunchtime
  • My computer died so I had to have my grandson bring his over to use. Since he plays World of Warcaft here he didn't mind. now that school out my computer time is limited. I have 2 of the grand kids here and they want their time on too.

    My dad was very good yesterday. He was awake and communicating with us. He was joking too. Today he seemed very congested again, but he was awake. They told us today that he also has blood clots in his left arm. I suspected so because it's been swollen for a week.

    I'm tired. I think I'm heading to bed.
  • hang in there paula i hope your pops is doin better...

    AND THANX to your grandson for lettin you borrow his 'puter to do a flyby wave
  • Paula, I hope your dad gets better soon.

    shari, I hope you get your car back soon! good luck on the job search!

    libchick, congrats on the pound loss!

    Holyterror good luck on your job search too! I don't know how you handle your DH being gone.

    Hi Suz, Robin, and Michelle! I hope you are all well!

    luja, treighsie, lovemacon, how are you all doing?


    today was crazy at work, no production but it should be back up sooner rather than later.

    W: Water is lower than what I want, but higher than it was the last couple of weeks.

    E: My eating has been on plan for the last 3 days, more to go.

    E: exercise needs to be worked on.

    D: my daily goals are to keep eating healthy, drink more water (at the very least 32 more oz) I have to get back to the gym on my days off. I can do it!!
  • i tell ya jen it's not hard. he's been driving me nuts. the dog's happy LOL how sad is that??

    i'm almost done with my usual water part of the weed today. i managed to keep the peanut butter intake down. better than nothing i guess. gotta get a new vaccum tomorrow, the roller melted on my other one so i'm outta luck there. no biggie though, i can take care of that myself

    i'm searchin searchin searchin for a new job. i get more frustrated about work then i do about DH and his stupidity problems.
  • Bleecck..Ate out 2 days in a row..not the healthiest choices either. Social eating will be my downfall *sigh* Tomorrow is a new day though. I get to start over again.

    How is everyone else?
  • everyone!

    WTG Lib!


    Down 4.2 lbs this week to 244.6!
  • Hi everybody!!!! Just a real quick fly by post.

    Shari - you go girl!!!! Congrats on the amazing loss.

    Paula, my good thoughts and good wishes are with you and your dad.

    Hi Jeni!!!! Michelle!!! And Suz!!! Lovemacon!!! I hope you are all doing really, really well and taking good care of yourselves.

    Hello to the rest of the crew as well.

    I had a good week last week. Monday's weigh-in day I was down 4 lbs. I have now lost 1/2 of my former self. 144 lbs - in 40 weeks. I still can't believe it. It feels kind of surreal. Like I'm dreaming or something. I have been very strict with my food and exercise. I am sooo very determined to reach my goal - and if truth be told, I wouldn't mind going a few pounds less. We shall see where this body and this journey takes me.

    Take care everyone. Stick with your WEED. It's so very worth it. This has been an incredibly rewarding experience for me.
  • WTG shari!!!!!

    Robin, You amaze me.

    Sockmonkey, today is a good day!

    Today is my day off! I am on my long week (6 days on 1 of) I made it to the gym this morning, but boy after a 6 weeks of not going I could only stand 25 minutes. Proof that I need to keep going even if I am tired (and even if it is only for 20 minutes)

    since being really good recently I decided to get on the scale (something I havent done in a while ignorance is bliss!) I am down 1 pound to 159!!! okay my official weigh in day is friday so we shall see then what mr scale says. (I wont change my ticker till then). I havent lost since what, march? Anyway I am hoping that this new plan, coupled with the job and working out on my off days will help me get back into the losing group.

    Today has started off as a good day, I paid off my car!!! I am so happy one more bill GONE!!! It has been so nice having a job that I can live on.

    W 80 -120 oz
    E got in 25 minutes of cardio this morning. this afternoon I think I will use the weights here at home, plus go for a nice walk with the kids
    E 1200 cals, I am getting most calories from fruits and veggies, throwing in some protien (I try to get 75-100 grams) carbs come mostly from my fruits, milk, and yogurt
    D get in some more exercise and focus on water
  • Quickie from me too! But I am TOTALLY back on track.....Officially started yesterday, back to calorie counting/smart choices...did great all day, did kind of blow it last night at work, it was the WEIRDEST thing, there was this power transfer thing (it'll happen every night this week, between 10p-6a) the main hospital power goes out and only the "emergency" power works (red outlets) so the main lights go out, the patient's TVs go off, and we work in relative darkness. It wasn't as bad as it sounds, alot of the side lighting was on, but still. And the computers stayed up. Well so anyways they brought us pizza for being so understanding about the power transfer.

    Went to the ortho doc yesterday, go an x-ray showed that the fracture is healed (!) but it will be awhile before I'm completely healed. I'm allowed to "wean" myself off this boot, but should still wear it to work. So that's exciting.

    Kids are already making me crazy, is it time for school to start back up or what? LOL just kidding. Actually it's Rachel that's been so challenging to me lately, Robert has been really great. Rach ran away from me in two different stores this week, and the second time I COULD NOT FIND HER. I was frantic for a few minutes. She's stubborn and rebellious. I think I found some gray hairs after that one.

    Well it's 4:00 I'm sure the kids want to come home from daycare. Tonight we are shopping for a new grill.

    Still need to get to the gym though!

  • so I am way late but I need something to kick my *** in gear! I think I am around 166 - anyway that being said, I want to see 162 for July 4th! 4 pounds doesnt seem like to much, but to me that is HUGE right now!
  • Hi everyone!!

    Today was a good day. I ate only my 20 points, drank water, went for a walk. Last night I did a cardio class at the Y. Honestly, I do much better at cardio when I go in the morning. I spent most of the class yawning!
    I really hope to stay on track this week. This weekend is going to be a little tough because I am taking my Girl Scouts camping and a lot of the camp food is not stuff I should be eating!!! Ha ha ha.
    Plus, I would really like to keep going DOWN!
  • Hi all,
    Just a quick post before I turn in. All is well here. the kids are gone and I am keeping busy. I will probably stay in tomorrow and get some things done around here. I keep draggin my trash bag from room to room. Well only 2 more lbs and I will be in the 160's. With the kids gone, I have no excuse not workout or to eat well. I made a spinich, leek and chickpea soup tonight. So I've got lunch squared away for the week.
    Sorry I am rambling. It's after midnight and I need to get to bed so I can get up and workout.
    Chat with you chicks soon.