My FIRST Weigh-IN day!!!

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  • Ahhh!!! I'm sooooo anxious!!

    I have my first weigh in tonight and I'm getting soooo anxious! I have made a committment to myself that I will not weigh myself until weigh in day every week. I don't want to become scale-obsessed (I'm sure some of you know what that's like).

    I have stuck to my diet to the T and worked out 13 hours this week. WHat do you think??!! Think I lost some?

    Oh wait..maybe I should wait to do the happy dance till tonight...NAHHH..
  • Good for you for sticking to your eating plan and exercising for an entire week. That in it self is a reason to cheer!!!! I DO think you'll be rewarded with a nice weigh-in. Just one little question. Do you always weigh-in at night? I find for myself that weighing in the evenings can tack on up to 5 lbs from the morning. So, for me I weigh only in the mornings. But the most imortant thing is to weigh in at the same time of day, wearing the same clothing. I'm assuming (could be wrong) that you weigh in at night because you are a member somewhere and that's probably your reason for doing so.

    Just know that if you stick to a good eating and exercise plan that you will lose weight. It most likely will not be the same number every week because of various reasons. Some weeks there may be no loss at all. But sticking to a good plan over time WILL result in weightloss.

    Good luck to you and keep up the great work!!!!
  • Yup, I'm in a group called HMR, and it's GRRREAT!

    I've actually done this diet before but did it without the support of a group and failed horribly. I had lost over 90 lbs and gained all plus some back because I decided "Hey, I lost the weight, now I can eat REAL food"...LOL HAH! Little did I realize, it's a lifestyle change..not just something you do to lose weight. I have so much more energy now.. Eating the right things and getting really active makes me feel soooo good. Of course seeing the Sun again does that as well.

    I would use my scale to weight myself this morning, but I'm not sure if it's accurate, and the hospital has one that is always accurate. They have a microwave so that we can weigh ourselves and then heat up our entree to eat during class (although I try not to eat after 6).

    Last time I lost the 90 only took me 45 days..but I did an extreme of the diet I'm on now..was only taking in 500 calories a day and I was burning AT LEAST twice as many calories as I was taking in. I ended up starting to burn muscle, and I DON"T want that feeling again. This time I'm looking for a slow weight loss that will be just as effective. no more obsessive compuslive Sheila!
  • Yeah, I figured you must be going to some sort of meetings.

    Ummm, yeah losing 90 lbs in 45 days doesn't sound like a very healthy way to do things. As you have surely learned. 500 calories a day sounds soooo scary to me. If you can't stick to your plan longterm, well then you won't lose the weight longterm. Isn't that always the problem with these type "diets"? Making a commitment to changing your lifestyle by eating healthy, nutritious foods in healthy portions and adding exercise to ones life seems like a much better route to take. I'm glad that's what you've decided on. Good luck to you.
  • Good Luck!!!
    I too have the problem of wanting to weigh myself everyday. I am sure you will do great!!! Go get them !
  • I'm glad you have chosen a safer, more reasonable method of losing weight. I hope that you will be able to build healthy habits and keep the weight off this time. Let us know if the weigh-in goes well!
  • AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

    I lost 9 POUNDS in the past week!! WAHOOOOO!!!!

    That is DEFINITLY a GREAT start!! wow..I feel sooo good!
  • Fabulous! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!
  • BabyBrownEyes!

  • That's great!! Congratulations!
  • Thanks guys! This site is gives me something to look forward telling the whole world that I'm becoming a smaller, healthier me!!
  • Congrats BabyBrownEyes!!! Wow!! 9 pounds...that is awesome!!!! Way to go!! Keep up the awesome work!!!!
  • That's awsome Sheila

    You go girl
  • I can't WAIT until next Tuesday!!!

    ohhhhhh yeah!
  • Just don't be disappointed if you don't have such a huge loss every week! Remember, 2lb a week is the fastest safe amount to lose (though you will lose more in the beginning.)

    Congrats again. I'm sure your scale-victory has given you extra-motivation for this week.