BINGE FREE WEEK *** May 7th start!

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  • Well friends, how did we do??!!? Cinco de Mayo celebrations?

    I AM ONE WEEK BINGE FREE! I heard the cage a-rattlin the last two nights but bless my husband, he stayed with me and helped me through it. Now, I'm not saying I made the BEST choices all weekend long, but I did NOT binge. So I'm hoping to keep that momentum going!

    Who's with me!?
  • Good for you! I can't say I did well but I recognized that I was getting back into old mindsets and took a walk and wrote in my journal at a park to regroup.

    I think I'm back in the proper mindset now. No dieting, just healthy choices, I have to keep reminding myself that treats will be there tomorrow. When I make rules, I binge. Sometimes I forget that.

    Anyway, I'm back now and I know that I wont binge this week. Who else is in?
  • Hey ladies,

    Michelle, that's SO awesome!!!!

    I don't think I made it a single day last week without bingeing, so this week is going to be a whole different story! I'm in with a vengeance (sp??) We can do it!
  • I'm with ya!

    Ironically, I havn't managed to eat much at all lately owing to anxiety over personal problems, but since I'm feeling a bit better now I'm fully on alert for Binge Urges to come this could well be useful

    No binge today (monday)
  • I'm in... so far so good.

    Michelle, that is wonderful!!

    Let's see if I can get through an entire day...

    Good luck, girls!
  • today is my 12th day

    i gave up on fatsmash because i wasn't losing- i just look it as a jumpstart into healthy eating. I'm now on south beach
  • Hi everybody!

    I am having troubled times at the moment...University is more and more stressful. And I have really troubles with my jaws... The pain is still there, all that biteplate stuff isnīt really working, so I was told yesterday that surgery would be the only option. But I told my Docs that I am not happy with the thought of surgery in my face area- specially not a few weeks before final exam!! So we go on with different biteplates...

    I met the physician who is treating my insulin resistance. She told me that her new goal for me would be holding my weight until September, not gaining more than 4lb. She wants to reduce the additional stress.
    And she asked me if I want to try to take Cymbalta. Itīs an antidepressant and also works to decrease pain. I tried amitryptilin a few weeks ago and had horrible side effects, so I am hesitating a bit....But I guess the idea is quite good, I īll talk with my dentist about it next Monday.

    I overeat yesterday evening. But it was funny: I really figured out why I had those urges. looked for other things to help me and finally said: Itīs ok to eat a little more. I ate a little more, but it didnīt turned out to a binge and there was no guilt trip afterwards.

    Ok, enough rambling here....

    Congrats to all binge free ladies!

  • Hi everyone!

    Tomorrow will be a week binge-free for me. I don't think I've managed that long in quite a while!

    I know that I can do this! Lots of good wishes and willpower dust to everyone
  • It's Tuesday and 2.42 pm here, and so far so good ...

    I felt OK - ish for the first time in 5 days today (I literally had trouble keeping 1,000 calories/day in my system, I've been so stressed/sad/worried) and I ate a sandwich at lunch.

    I can't pretend that missed being hungry, but I'd rather have bingeing to worry about than the other bad feelings (which luckily seem to have mostly gone)
  • binged last night. My binge material is gone and I am not buying it again. That was a mistake to buy it. I feel good today so I think I will be binge free!
  • Ta da! Yesterday was my first binge free day in about... oh, about a year, I'd say.
    Feeling pretty darned good. Like I'm on a roll or something. (it doesn't take much to encourage me) Naturally I gained 1/2 pound overnight, but I'll try not to think about that.

    Congratulations to everyone who stayed clean, and big hugs for those of you struggling. Hang in there!
    Kate, I hope the Cymbalta works... you must be feeling so miserable, sweetie.
  • I didnt binge last night!!! In fact, I went for a run instead. I am really proud of myself. I think it was easier because I ate a bit more throughout the day. Maybe my binges start with hunger but they are tough to end because of hunger. THat's something I need to work on. Anyway, day one down!

    have a good day everyone
  • Yay its wednesday, 5.08pm, no binge . . . . . . .....
  • Mind if I join late in the week? I've gained a few pounds a need to literally get my but in gear . Congrats on everyone thats staying binge free so far!! I've basically planned my meals for tommorow so I"m hoping I'll stick to it, and I'm gonna try my best to eat all my meals. I'll let ya know how it goes k?

  • Jump in, Kyra, and good luck this week!

    Good going, Bikini and Cousin... keep it up!

    I had a really good eating day yesterday. And I've exercised three days in a row. Shouldn't I have lost, like, 10 pounds by now? Instead of nothing?