Weight Loss & Chitchat #249

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  • Hello and to the Jaded Ladies site!

    We are a group of ladies that come here for support and encouragement on our weight loss struggles, and we also find time for some chitchatting. So please, won't you join us? New members are always welcome.
  • Hello everyone.

    Looks like we are still on baby watch... I hope that by now Marissa has made her entrance. :-)

    Cristina- yes that lady retired. The boss has been sick and he came back today. I guess he is keeping me cause he asked me when it was that I was going on vacation and wrote it on his calendar. When I came back from making the bank deposit the lady told me she wasn't coming in on Fri (yeaaahhh) then she told me I was depending too much on her! Well maybe that's because when I am trying to remember where I needed to be in the computer and I went to the wrong screen she was jumping to it telling me I was wrong. I am nervous with her over looking everything and she jumps on my mistakes and hesitations so sure it's easier just to wait for her to tell me what to do in the first place.
    So anyhow, things are going ok on my end. Off program and not exercising, but I am so consumed with learning this job, I don't know I just don't feel like I can function in too many realms- lol

    Have a good day ladies. It's cold and 44* here and I am sick to boot!
  • Hello ladies...

    JODI...woohoo! Bet you will be happy when she is gone! I would be nervous with someone watching over my shoulder. Hey, you'll get back OP and back to your exercise once you get your job straight and things are going well with that. I can only imagine the stress level.

    It's a dreary, rainy day here today, ick. Making up for the last two days it was supposed to rain and didn't, lol.

    Have a good day!
  • Just a quick drop-in. Everytime you ladies complain about your rainy weather, we get it the next day! With my sis visiting, we were planning to go to Baltimore's Inner Harbour tomorrow but may be rained out Just got done eating steamed crabs on my deck. They were delicious!! But now it is starting to cloud up and not looking forward to the weather coming from the west. Gonna relax before my dancing tonight. Check in with everyone later.
  • HI TAMMY! Didn't think I was complaining, lol. We've just had soooo much rain the last few weeks, since the end of March and it would be nice to have lots of sunny days. Glad you enjoyed the crabs. And hope you have a nice time dancing tonight!

    Thought I woul dcheck back to see if anyone posted before I log off. More painting this evening and then grocery day and have some errands to run tomorrow. So...take care ladies and enjoy you day!
  • "and the rain, rain, rain came down, down, down"

    Holy Moly is it ever gonna stop? LOL I'm beginning to think not...just had to make a run to the grocery store for more veggies and fruit and the river I cross over has overflowed it's banks, so I am pretty sure old Piglet must be bailing!! it's another dreary day here and suppose to do this tomorrow too, sigh, cross whatever can be crossed that the weekend forecast is true, sunshine and 70's and 80's...my most dreaded time of month showed up this morning, oh joy LOL, I think menopause is gonna skip right on by me, my Hubby would say the joys of womanhood, he so needs smacked, LOL I've had it for forty years now and haven't found a thing joyous about it yet. Well I hope everyone has a Good Day and stays dry LOL if that's possible.

    Pink Jane
  • I was happy that the rain could water the seeds I just planted for a butterfly garden. I am not much of a gardener and didn't know when I had watered enough or whatever. So now I know that they have gotten a really good soaking- lol.
    Rain wouldn't be too bad if it would stay warm while doing it, but it never got out of the 40's - I can do without that!
  • Cristina and you other rain soaked ladies...funny thing is, I don't have to listen to any local weather reports because you all let me know what is coming my way. We just got a huge thunderstorm and getting more tomorrow night. Come on your westerners, bring back some sunshine lol!!

    Huge questions for everyone....Has anyone ever had a root canal that several days later started hurting again. I've had 3 previous root canals over the past several years and had another one this past Fri. Everything went well and I am expected to get a crown on the tooth in a few weeks. Well last night it started with pressure pain when I bit down on it. Duh...the nerve was removed from the tooth. I called the dentist and all they said was that it was probably a little sensitive and as long as there was not any swelling to wait it out. This never happened with the other root canals and just wondering about other's experiences.

    BTW, my hands are so swollen from all the salt and spice on the crabs. I've been drinking water like crazy. Have a wonderful night and sleep well!!
  • Still raining here as well! it kind of makes me feel young again, lol. I have to take Ernie dog down the street to go potty because we have no grass and we got caught in a downpour, lol. I felt like a kid playing in it, lol.

    JODI...glad the rain is watering things for you. I keep forgetting to tell you THANK YOU! for the card I received a few days ago. I meant to thank you when I got it and it kept slipping my mind.

    PINKJANE...menopause, ugh! LOL I think I've been going thru it for the last almost 10 years now, lol. But I must say, I do enjoy not having a TOM.

    TAMMY...I have never had a root canal, sorry can't help ya there. Funny, about us being the weatherman for ya, lol. Never thought of it that way. How was dancing tonight?

    Well, I better get going. V is still painting. Actually ran out of the green and he had to run to the store and get more. But, I had ordered some shirts online and just received them today and need to send one back. There was nothing inside the package to return it. Had to fill out a sort of online form so that they will e-mail me the info on how to exchange it. Anywho...

    Take care ladies. Hoping all is well with everyone. Nighty, night.
  • hello ladies!!!

    Well, Marissa is here! She was born on April 24th at 11:55am. She weighed in at 6lbs. 14oz. and was 19 inches long. She is a little peanut that is for sure aand boy does she have daddy wrapped around her finger! I also had my tubal done a couple hours after she was born and so things are moving a little slowly in the walking department but we are getting better seems like each passing hour.

    They gave me liquid motrin for the pain, as well as loritab to take. So far I have only needed to use the motrin and none of the loritab. I slept through the whole surgery and woke up when they were getting me prepped to go back on my bed and for them to wheel me back to my room. The next thing I saw was my room again, filled with people, and seeing my arms shaking all over the place because I was freezing! I ended up basically passing back out and so Tommy ended up feeding her a bottle while I was knocked out. I woke up and the room was still filled with people, then my first thing I was able to eat since before getting to the hospital almost 24 hours prior to that. Tommy went home and picked up the boys and brought them up, then it was the first night with Marissa.

    She did have some issues with her hands/feet turning purple, but we worked them out and she is doing great! She has been moved to bottle feeding because I tried to get her to latch on before we got our discharge papers and she wanted nothing to do with them. So, she has been taking bottles like a champ. We did however have to get her some soy based formula, like her older brothers, she has an allergy to the milk based formulas.
  • Hello Ladies

    We are FINALLY completely moved out of the other house. Everything has either moved up here, gone to the goodwill or straight to the dump!!

    I should be able to start posting more often soon. Just wanted to pop in and let ya know that I am still around.

    Before I go............

    Welcome to the world Marissa!!!
    Congratulations Mindee.

    Chat w/you all soon!!
  • Good morning, ladies,

    Mindee - I was glad to see you post and read that all is well with you and Marissa. You'll be home soon, and then the real fun begins, right? What did the boys think of her?

    Tammy - I've had 2 root canals, but never experienced what you're talking about. As a nurse, I know you'll keep a good eye out for any swelling, etc.

    Cristina - I've got errands to run today, too. Makenzie is going with me, so I imagine there'll be more in my cart than I bargained for, lol. She isn't greedy, though. Last time she told me her family was out of Nesquik, lol, so I got it for her. We've had lots of rain here, too. I get it from you and send it to Jodi and then Tammy, lol.

    Jodi - aww, I'm sorry you're sick. Hope you're better today. At least the other gal won't be hanging over your shoulder anymore! That thought has to make you feel better.

    Pink Jane - I had a very easy menopause, thank goodness. And Good Riddance to TOM, lol. Very liberating!

    Marti - yay for the move being over. Now you can slow down a little while you organize everything. When will James be back to help? I betcha Jhania is so happy to have you closer.

    Hello to anyone else reading this.

    Today I'm going grocery shopping and need to go get some pictures done, too. I use the 1-hour machine at Walmart, but it has been down for a couple of days. I hope it's fixed today. Then it's Mt. Washmore again, too. I did get my ironing done, and haven't worn any of the shirts yet, lol. I do love cotton shirts in warm weather, but the ironing is a bother.

    Have a great day!

  • Good Morning gals...

    The sun is shining and it's gorgeous outdoors. This weekend is going to be filled w/yard work. Yardwork!! I actually have a yard.............and weeds are the enemy. Last house, that's all I had so who cared??

    I'm loving that I'm only 5mins. from work. I have been coming home for my breaks. Which is nice because I can see James more often that way.

    I haven't WI since we moved. I'm not sure what the damage will be since we've been ordering delivery due to being so tired and exhausted and not wanting to cook. But our kitchen is finally in order and the ordering out will have to stop. I'll WI on Monday and let ya all know.

    Sorry for not doing individuals at the moment. Need to get back into the swing of things before I do.

    Time to go take a shower and get ready for work.

    chat w/ya later tonight.
  • Jane- oh that lady will be back on Monday- lol Though I kind of paniced because I found out today that the boss is off until Tuesday- so he won't be there to help me tomorrow either! Oh well....

    I am still sick. My throat is better but I didn't know if I could make it thru the morning or not. I was so woozy and I was hot and cold and sweating and freezing and I felt like I was going to hurl. That lady didn't care that I didn't feel well. Finally I turned on a fan to get some air circulation and I got past how I was feeling, though I do still feel a little woozy.

    I got my first paycheck today too! Whoohoo!!!!!!!

    Cristina- yw for the card that was thanking you for your card- lmbo

    Congrats to Tommy and Mindee. Can't wait to see a picture of the world's newest cutie!