Body for Life #24

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  • We're starting number 24!!!

    Welcome to LISA!! Glad you're here!

    How is everyone doing???

    As for me: I got my Powerblocks today!!!

    They are so neat and they fit very nicely into a small space that I really don't have much I can do with it. You can't even tell they're dumbbells. I think I could camoflague them if I wanted to. Hubby found me a great folding bench that we pick up this week.

    Going out tonight for my birthday celebration. free night!
  • End of Free Week

    My husband Brian and I are gearing up to return to BFL after free week. This will be sort of a 6-week "mini-challenge", since we're starting our next official challenge on Jan. 7.

    I did just "fun" exercise (moderate aerobics class and water aerobics) and walked with Brian. Had some Myoplex lites for breakfast, but ate a little too much junk food, and am looking forward to eating better.

    lhendricks -- Brian and I have had a lot of fun with the food on BFL, and probably ate more interesting meals during challenge 1 than we did last week! Have a great time with your challenge -- I'm looking forward to discussing different food ideas with you!

  • If it's my Free Day...what am I doing up at 6 am??
    it's because we got a new kitty!

    Jim and I have been playing with the idea of getting an indoor cat for awhile now, so yesterday we went to the Humane Society and found our new kitty.

    He's a 5 year old pure white shorthair named Sparky. Right now he's exploring the house and he slept with us last night at the foot of our bed.

    My sister was horrified that we got a MALE cat but so far he hasn't sprayed or pooped anywhere he shouldn't - so we're keeping our fingers crossed! Sparky is very mellow and I think he'll be happy here with us.

    Anyway, glad that a new thread was started! Makes it easy to access the old threads when they aren't pages and pages long IMO.

    If you get a chance, check out the little thread that Trishlyn started yesterday. I posted an answer but would like it if a couple of you would chime in. Basically, I feel it's important for everyone to read the book (even if you just check it out of the library instead of buying it!) before starting this program!

    Off to shop (one of the best times to hit Safeway is early Sunday morning - the best produce is there then!). Later gals.
  • took my measurements today...
    YUCK! But all systems are GO for tomorrow! I'm gradually redoing all my shelves and cabinets so that only BFL supplies are evident. I have ample MRPs and grains for Challenge 1 so I'll only need meat, fish, dairy, and produce...i.e. less time in the grocery store.

    SUSANJE congratulations on your powerblocks. When I own a home again, my highest priority is a "home gym." Right now I have a broken weight bench from the dump that does double-duty as a coffee table. The incline is accomplished with a piece of 2X4...but it works!

    MRS. JIM there is no life without cats! I had to give my Basset Hound away last year when my life fell apart but my eleven-year-old cats were not expendable. SPARKY will give you far more than you can ever give him, and what a lucky guy HE is to be your adoptee. My male cat is the cleanest animal I've ever known - the female is a slob!

    CARRIE it was you with the fabulous sounding food! I don't have much time to cook but I'm good at it.

    I'm waiting impatiently for tomorrow. My UBW will happen after work (but three hours after a meal) and my dinner will be ready when I get home ravenous.
  • SusanJ~~~Enjoy your Birthday dinner. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAL
  • Sounds like everyone is doing great!
    Carrie - congratulations on the success of your 1st challenge! Your pictures show amazing results --- way to go!

    Susanje - glad to hear you got your Powerblocks! I'm saving for my set. And please tell more about the folding bench. If I could find one that I could lean up against a wall when not in use that would be great!

    Lhendricks - I know from reading your posts that you've done a great job of planning your first challenge and are ready to go. Best of luck as you begin the wonderful journey that is BFL.

    I've had a rough time of it this past week. We're preparing for trial at work - lots of stress and late hours. I have to keep reminding myself that it's also lots of overtime, so it's not all bad! Plus my left hip and leg have been giving me fits. (I have arthritis in my spine that affects my sciatic nerve.) Exercise usually keeps it under control so I've been forcing myself to do my workouts despite the pain. It does feel better afterwards, it's getting started that really hurts!

    There have been a few days when I've been tempted to give up on this challenge. Wow, that's a terrible thing to have to write. I'm not ready to give up yet, though. I've come too far and have much further to go!!!

  • Newbie to board here
    Hi all, I'm new to this site. Tomorrow I start W7D1 was hoping okay to join your support group here.

    I also post occasionally at L&S so my name may or may not look familiar. I like the thread format of this site. Anyway the pic of me was a joke of sorts, the dh thought I would do good at my new lifestyle "locked up" LOL.

    So far BFL and I have been getting along. I tend to workout in the morning but two days a week when I can't then its late afternoon. So far so good. My last meal is 3 hours before the workout.

    I'm taking Thursday as my free day, more for the vino than the food

    p.s. Pam B is also one my inspirations!
  • WELCOME ThinBytes!!!

    Marci: Good to see you too!

    Mrs. Jim: Where is the thread by Tracilyn? I looked on L&S but didn't see one.

    Congrats on the puddy tat. I have 3 and I just love them. They are my boobas.

    Thank you 2B for the bd wishes.

    It's actually tomorrow but I will be in (YUK) school all day.

    I did my oral arguments in appellate advocacy last week and tomorrow night I get to spend the evening with my advisor going over the video tapes. She will spend a long time critiquing my every move and my every word during my half hour argument. Not only what I said (how I answered the judge's grilling) but the way I stood the way I talked, what I said, eye contact, hand movements...EVERYTHING...Talk about being punished on your bd!!!

    I am still actively searching for a position for next summer. Although finals are coming up, I need to have a job and don't want to take just any old thing. I spent most of the weekend writing cover letters. Major yucch.

    Now off to study...........
  • End of Free Day!
    Can't believe I have another one coming up on Thursday - actually it's going to be a Free Meal rather than a Free Day. I still want to work out - unfortunately the gym for the first time ever is closing all day Thanksgiving! AARGH! Usually they stay open until noon or 1 pm. I suppose I wouldn't want to work on Thanksgiving either. That's okay though - I'll just go to the gym at work - our buildings are open 24/7.

    Susanje, the thread is on this forum (Diet Plans) called "Question about BFL...please!" I'd love it if you would add your two centavos.

    Sparky is adjusting just fine - I was worried that he'd be pooping everywhere but he found his litterbox right away. He's being a bit subvertive about using it - we never see him using it but the evidence is inside (it's Jim's job to clean it twice a day). I love clumping litter - makes it WAY easier to clean than that icky Jonny Cat stuff. He has already taken over two chairs and loves to sleep and play with the cat toys we got him. This is one of the first cats I've ever encountered that actually likes catnip! The best thing is he is a 100% inside cat - enjoys looking out the window but has not the slightest inclination to go outside. We are already talking about getting another cat as a pal for him but feel we should wait a bit to see how we handle just one - besides our place is really small...

    Oh well, time to get my exercises together and hit the hay! G'Night!
  • I have the litter maid cat box (the automatic scooper thingy). It can be a pain but I think much better than manual (lol) boxes. My cats are house cats but I let them out in the yard under my supervision once a day. I tried to get them to go in the dirt out there by mixing cat litter with it, but they will be outside and go inside to use the box and then come back out!!!! arrgghh
  • SJ-Just popped in to say "Happy Birthday". Hope you have a great one, and enjoy your powerblocks!

    Mrs. J-Congrats on your new cat! I'm sure you will have many enjoyable years together!

    I have been reading all your posts. I'm glad everyone is doing great! As for me, I haven't been using my smith, I'll get back to it when I can---I've been walking/joging (my toe has turned black again--it always does when I jog alot.) In fact, this weekend, I did a total of 11 miles, and I am feeling great!

    Good luck to the newbies!

    Shelly~~Glad to see that you're still with us!

    Susanj~~The money is on the way.Thanks

    Marci~~~Don't give up. You've come so far and done so well. We are here for you

    Lhendricks~~~With all the planning that you have done, you will do well. Planning and journaling are so very important to success. Keep us posted

    Carrie~~~Hope you enjoyed your free week

    Today is C3W2D3 and so far so good. Exercising and food are great (100% clean) but I still have trouble on the water intake some days. I'm using the sticker method on my calander so that I can easily see where I need to work harder.
    Hope you all have a great day
  • SUSANJE Happy Birthday....
    no time to post, except to say I'm off! UBW at 4pm. I did cardio yesterday because it was too nice outside not to.

    I'm taking two Free Meals rather than one day this week. Other than that, it's the "bible by Bill!"

    Have a great day all.
  • Well everyone I just got done with C1W1D1 . Wow....I feel great. It's about 10:15 pm here now. I feel completey energized. I just have some comments along with a few questions.

    - That workout totally kicked my ***. I have been lifting for 2 months before this...but nothing like that. I know I am going to feel it tomorrow.

    - I had some problems doing tricep extensions with dumbells so I jogged over to my school's gym (across campus) and did cable tricep extensions. Will this be a problem? I might have to do this from now on since I can't seem to get the movement down right without knocking the back of my head with the dumbell.

    - I have a pretty busy schedule on some days of the week due to classes/work. ie...TR I am going CONSTANTLY from 9 am to 4 pm with NO time to go home and fix anything. What MRP bars work well for BFL that I can throw in my bag to take with me? I do get 10 mins inbetween classes that I can chug some water and eat a bar.

    - I am planning to do elliptical trainer/stairmaster/bike for my 20 MAS, but when I go home over Thanxgiving can I do a walk/jog?

    - How much H20 should I be taking in daily? I usually drink about a gallon, but is that enough?

    Thanks in advance for any advice you guys can give me. I have been lurking here for awhile and I finally decided to take the plunge after some planning over the weekend. I figured...why wait?

    Here's some stats- kind of embarassing to put up but oh well. I hope you gals don't mind a guy joining your message board.

    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 291 (started at 340 in April 2001 - got to 292 by late august...but have been stuck there since....even with "moderate" weight training and diet)

    BF Percentage: 38.7% (Tanita scale - need to get calipers still)

    Have a great night ya'll.

    Doggz (Sean)

    OH putting a website up soon too so I can put some pics up!
  • Welcome Sean!
    Of course you can post with us gals here at 3FC...and I encourage you to lurk/post at Lean & Strong as well...there are a lot more guys there. I enjoy both places myself!

    You may want to start taking glutamine for those sore muscles. It really helps tremendously - I order mine from Netrition off the L&S site (that way they get a kickback which keeps the site running). Costs about $50 for a tub that lasted me for MONTHS (using it 3x/day).

    If you have problems using DBs for tri extensions, by all means use the cables - I really enjoy doing rope pulldowns myself. If you can get to your library - check out Arnold Schwartzenggers' Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding. It's an INCREDIBLE resource.

    I don't use meal replacement bars so much cos they are loaded with glycerine, sugar, carbs...I was using them at the beginning though. Ask over at L&S, but I was using the Worldwide Pure Protein bars (gotta have a carb with it though). Just chug down a lot of water otherwise they kind of stick in your craw, and try not to use them except in an emergency.

    You can do whatever cardio exercise you want for your 20 MAS as long as you can hit 9's and 10's and keep it up for 20 minutes without stopping - obviously, cycling on a busy street with lots of lights isn't going to cut it. Do what you enjoy!

    A gallon sounds fine - water happens to be my biggest problem - I shoot for a gallon a day myself!

    Oh, one more thing, get rid of that Tanita scale...calipers are much more accurate. If you order from netrition (see above) they'll send you a free set of Accu-Measure calipers if you order, like $75 or more. Since they sell for $13-20, a pretty good deal I'd say!

    Whew! Time for bed. See ya later y'all!