
  • Hi,

    Just want to introduce myself and let you know I'm here. This site is impressive but lots to figure out.

    I'm 42, happily married for 19 years, 5 wonderful kids (ages 5 to 18 yrs), and I live in Alberta, Canada. I am a stay at home Mum with a Network Marketing Home Business. Also, have lived with Fibromyalgia for the past 12 years and am surviving!!

    Since our youngest daughter was born in 2001 I've gained 32 pounds and am tired of feeling exhausted and being sick. My ideal (healthiest) weight is 160 pounds and when I am there I have fantastic energy and my health is more stable. Right now, I'm really struggling. I have very few clothes that fit, I am uncomfortable sitting (because of all the abdominal fat), my asthma is aggravated (always worse when I weigh more) and climbing the stairs causes me to be breathless! I am a former WW Lifetime Member who has tried just about every diet out there. (I've learned they all work if you follow the system!!)

    I've realized that the reason the weight keeps coming back is because I need to deal with underlying issues, the reasons why I binge, make poor food choices, and don't exercise, etc. I think for me it is a combination of low self-worth and lack of self-discipline. (I want to take the easy road of eating whatever I want, whenever I want...Unfortunately this is only making me miserable.) Historically I've used food to nurture, reward, punish and mostly to stuff down uncomfortable feelings. Learning to 'Be' means allowing my feelings to 'Be' and NOT stuffing any more (feelings or food, that is!).

    I'm here because I choose to be honest with myself and I need accountability to others about the lifestyle choices I am making (or not making). I've struggled with a negative self-image and weight for 30 years and I'm not going to spend the next 30 years doing the same! Now it is time for me! I'm really excited about what's ahead of me; a new chapter is starting in my life and I can hardly wait to get writing!!

    Thanks for listening,
  • Hi NADS . . . . . . You have definitely taken a first and very important step on the bumpy road to better health and fitness by joining us on this site. It is a great place for support. You will love it here. It is a big place. Just take your time and have a look around. Feel free to jump in anywhere and start posting if something catches your eye. You will receive a very warm welcome wherever you may travel on the boards.

    I'm also Canadian . . . originally from Ontario . . . currently living in Nova Scotia. I have a son your age who lives in Alberta with his family. My younger son is in Ontario.

    Thought I would mention a couple of places you might want to take a look at.

    We have an active Fibromyalgia thread in the Dieting with Obstacles Forum. Here is a link to the Forum and from there you can't miss the thread. Sometimes it can really help to talk to people who understand some of the challenges you face and I'm sure they'd love your upbeat manner, too.

    We also have a little chat thread for the Canadians on the site in a very large Support Groups forum and here is a link to the thread . . . . . . we would love to have you join us there.

    There is also a thriving Weight Watchers Forum . . . . . . that has a sub-forum for Lifetime Members.

    Anyway, Chickie . . . hope we will be seeing lots less of you, lots more often, now that you've found us. Hope you have a great moving and shaking evening. See you soon.
  • Hi Just
    I am new here too. I live in the greater Toronto area. This is my first time on this site. I just turned 40 and am determined to lose weight. I am also tired of feeling tired all the time. I just gave birth to a baby this past October and I don't want to be huffing and puffing when I teach her how to ride a bike etc. I have two other daughters (7 and 10) and I want to be a role model for them. I think that I have always used food for comfort and I want to break the pattern. I also think that my 10 year old is fighting similar demons and I want to help her. I hope that if she sees me exercising that she will be motivated. Tonight we did a fat burning dance DVD together. I have never felt so uncoordinated in my life. LOL. You and I can do this. Have faith in yourself and repeat the mantra "today is the first day of the rest of my life".
  • Feeling Welcome!
    Thanks for the welcome!! Great to meet a couple sister Canucks! My kids helped me get this stuff figured out and even helped me to create a Blog! Although I don't know if I could do it again (LOL).

    Anyways, tomorrow is my 'Day 1' and I have a plan for meals, snacks and exercise. One baby-step at a time, right....

    Thanks to Meowee for the links, I'll check these out when I have more time. This is an amazing community, I'm so thankful Oprah shared in her latest issue!

    Cool about the dance DVD, my 14 year old has the Turbo Jam DVD's and we use to do them together. They are sooooo fun! And boy did I feel energized when we did them. Have to get some new shoes 'cause the jumpin' is hard on the joints without supportive sport shoes.

    I totally relate to the desire to be a positive (fit) role model for our children (and grand-children). The older I get the more I realize that 'Do what I say, and not what I do', will never help someone to be all they were meant to be. We inspire others by first doing ourselves.

    And so by the Grace of God, here I go...

  • I'm so glad that someone else is a bit overwhelmed by the amount of information available on this site. I am determined to get this weight off again! I refuse to spend the summer wearing pants because I am so embarrassed by my thighs. Any little hints at how best to use the site would be greatly appreciated.
  • I am new to and I am so glad I found this site. I hope it helps me. Because I know I'm at a point that I have got to lose it and I need all the support I can get...So thanks in advance!
  • I think the very nicest thing about support here at 3fc is that it's here all the time. You can just read and read and read. 24/7

    My tip ... whenever you come to 3FC just click on new posts. Scroll and read anything that appeals to you. If you have a question ASK!