Weekly Chick Chat Feb 5-11/07

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  • Good Morning

    Thoughts and prayers for your sister Lily
  • Thanks Robin.
  • Absolutely Lily. I'll be sending my positive thoughts her way.
  • So, why is it when something goes wonky....you call the company to see about having it fixed....and it works just fine when you go to test it again?

    My heat press went on the fritz on friday....today it seems to be behaving just fine!! Of course the company Im dealing with is right on the ball....I just dont want it to konk out in the middle of a big t-shirt order.

    Eating is good, exercise is planned for today.....have a good day ladies.
  • Hello,

    I hope it's okay for me to post here. I've been on Atkins for a little over a week now and am going strong. I'd forgotten how fast the weight can fly off when you're in ketosis. I'd also forgotten how wonderful it is to not be hungry.

    Lily~~Prayers for your sister. I read about what happened. How awful.

  • Thanks ladies for the warm thoughts and prayers for my sister.

    Welcome Gaylyn, nice to have you hear.
  • Way to go Gaylynn! I did great for the first ten days and then socialized. I need to learn how to say no to party food!

    Robin- that happened with my laptop. It wouldn't turn on and we took it to the store and they couldn't get it to turn on, so they sent it to Ontario to have it repaired and when the guy in ONtario pushed the "on" button...poof it turned on. How freakin annoying is that. I was without it for 3 weeks just so a guy in another province with the magic touch could push the "on" button....arg!

    I wanted to change my weigh in day so after stepping on the scale today and knowing I'm going to have to start induction again, it's quite convenient. I will weigh on Wednesday and keep this as my official weigh day.
    I'm going to work-out in my new excercise room....40 minutes. I also have to retrain my friends and clients. My downfall on Saturday was a mocha that a friend brought me, and then when I was presented with pizza later that day I couldn't say no. (after the fancy coffee I was craving carbs). I need to knwo what to do when I'm brought my favorite coffee drink?

    see y'all later
  • LILYOh Dear!!! Why do bad things happen to good people. Sending prayers for your sister for a speedy recovery.

    Hi Ladies

    Sorry I was MIA this morning ,had to attend a funeral this morning. It was so C-O-L-D its was 11 degrees when I left a 8 :30 AM.
    While Our team lost last night at the Super Bowl,I gained a few pounds. Had 2 slices of mincemeat pie and 2 pina coladas. Hope I go down again,before I W-I.

    Robin-Thanks for getting us started this week. Some times I think the machines have a mind of there own. I had a simular situation also.My DVD was going crazy had the man come in and he said there was nothing wrong with it.

    Gaylyn- to the board,been here since Sept. Lost 10 lbs but it returned while on a cruise. Know I'm trying to work off the excess.

    Tracy-Happy you set a new W-I Day. Hope it works for you.I over indulged over the weekend also,especially on Sunday during the Super Bowl.Have to be extra good this week in order to move my ticker down,with out maintaining again.

    Have a good one

    Hugs BB
  • Lily, I'm so very sorry for your sister! That must've been pain beyond belief for her especially when coupled with a very understandable fear! I'll be praying for her and will be sharing the story with others that will send their prayers.

    Believe me, Robin, I totally get your frustration at something going wonky but only when the people that need to fix it aren't looking at it. GRRR!!! It makes you feel as if they must think that you're making everything up!

    My husband drives haz-mat cross country, and for several weeks this summer he had an experience like that that almost drove him crazy! The A/C in his truck was out, and because he has to wear a specialty haz-mat uniform that's fireproof he was burning up! (He drives from Houston, TX to Gainesville, FL so the temps are pretty hot in the summer.) The A/C would go out about 15 miles from the dealership, and would stay out until the return trip when it came time for the repairmen would go to check it out. They went to the repairmen at least a half dozen times, and suffered in the heat for about 3 weeks, before it was broken in front of the people that could fix it. GRRRR indeed!

    BB, I'm sorry about your team losing last night. HUGS! I know how we felt when the Saints were so clobbered a few weeks ago, so I totally get it. I'm also sorry about the funeral that you had to attend and the cold weather. I hope that things begin to look up this week for you.

    Tracy, I'm not sure what's the right way to turn down things that your friends/clients/co-workers offer to you even though you know that you can't have them. Their gesture is undoubtedly motivated by thoughtfulness and kindness, but you don't want to be side-tracked from your goals.

    Perhaps you can make a joking comment (if you're a person that jokes around a bit) that although they're offering you one of the things that you love the best, that you've realized that they DON'T love you and that you can't have it anymore. You could always joke that you've developed an allergy to sugar or something similar? I understand your conundrum, I really do.

    Hello Gaylyn! Welcome on board! Congratulations on feeling great as you fly through the wonders of ketosis! It really does help to control the cravings, doesn't it?

    I have finally, I believe, broken through my 2-week stall! I'm down 2 lbs today. YEAH!!! I hope that I'm able to keep this up! **crosses fingers**

    I've been sick this weekend, but I'm hoping that I can begin to get at least 2 miles on the treadmill each day. I know that would help me a lot.

    Talk to you all soon! Have a great day!

  • Thanks ladies , my sister has made it through surgery OK and is in recovery room now. I hope she will be able to regain use of this hand again.

    My DH made comments last night that sounded a little like jealousy to me. Me and DD went to the mall yesterday. Before going, I showered, fixed my hair and put on make-up as well as nice jeans and a slim fitting black shirt and black loafer-type shoes and painted my fingernails. Anyway, last night he said "so, how many men hit on you at the mall?" I said "none, why?" Then he proceeded to say that since I "got so dressed up, he figured men were hitting on me". I reminded him that since his DD met us at the mall and her 2 yr. old was walking right next to me calling me "grandma" every step of the way that there isn't any chance that I got hit on. He just laughed and said "oh yeah, I forgot they were going to". He usually seems so confident and never jealous. He has a great body and I have been jealous many times when other women flirt with him with me standing right there next to him. I guess it's HIS turn to be jealous now.
  • Lily, good for you!
  • LOL! Good for you Lily! I know that you wouldn't give your husband any REAL reason to be jealous, but it's nice to know that he can feel so passionately possessive of you, isn't it? After all, it's not very thrilling to have your man confident that he doesn't have to work to keep you because you're his only option, right? I think that a little dash of jealousy can be a nice spark to a healthy relationship!

    Talk to you all later!

  • Good for you Lily! Does your DH know about your rating on the hot/not wesite...lol I agree that a little jeaousy and I mean a tiny little bit is not so bad...flattering actually. You must have looked pretty darn good!

    Thanks for the advice Barb. It's a tough situation, and the even tougher part is that I don't know how to not drink the damn things....It will be an ongoing battle and I've been looking at cappucino machines so I can make them myself the low carb way. Maybe they won't be so attractive to me then.

  • Good morning!!!

    So, it's minus 18c this morning. Yesterday we got 3 inches of snow and then it rained on top of the snow. It is supposed to get down to minus 28c this weekend.....have I mentioned I'm sick of winter.
    I'm going for a massage after work, so that will make up for it a bit anyway.
    I have enough left overs to cover my meals for the day, so it'll be an OP day. and now I'm off to do my 40 minute work out.

    have a great day ladies!
  • Tracy, he knows about the Hot or Not rating. LOL, I don't even know how to get to that site. Him and my son both checked my rating. LOL. He loves it when I dress up and look nice when we go out together. I think he's jealous if I dress nice and go somewhere without him. It has been a hard and fast rule in our marriage the whole time that we don't EVER go to bars/clubs without each other. He has always been the great looking one and I was always the token "fat" wife. Not anymore. I sure wish I could have a complete make-over of make-up , hair and veneers for my teeth. That would be so awesome.

    I just realized that yesterday was 7 months of maintenance for me. Yippee.

    Last night I walked 2.5 miles on treadmill. I didn't want to do it. I wanted to lay on the couch and read. But, I got off my lazy butt, turned my music videos up loud and hit the treadmill. I was swinging my arms and my butt the whole time. Glad there is a lock on the door, I'm sure I looked pretty silly. LOL.