Let's Hear it...Did you have a good OP day today?

  • I had a great op day!
    All food was op, got my cardio in and an UBWO

    Now Im wide awake I think I need to move my workouts to the mornings. At the very latest, mid day

    Who else had a great OP day?
  • I had a good day. I didnt get to work out, but I stayed OP
  • I didn't get to work out because my DH went to bed early (he has to get up at 2AM for work). My elliptical and treadmill are in the bedroom. I did spend 2 hrs. cleaning up the house. Did oodles of laundry as usual.
    I was doing great with eating til tonite. I caved and had 1/2 an apple with a TBSP of peanut butter. The PB is a downfall for me again right now. Gonna have to not buy any for a while like I did the last time I was having trouble with it. Total of 37 carbs today. Not too awfully bad for maintenance.
  • Quote:
    I had a good day. I didnt get to work out, but I stayed OP
    Alright Sandra!! Sounds like a very good start

    1/2 an apple with a TBSP of peanut butter
    Sounds like a great choice....better than say......pb oreos!!

    I had an apple cut in slices, then dipped them in butterscotch ff/ss pudding Im having one carby/lowfat/healthy meal a day. Preferrably after supper before bed. Im am going to be doing alot of weight lifting, and I find after about a week of strict lc, I can hardly lift the light stuff. It hasnt effected my weightloss, Im down 2.5 lbs this morning.

    Great going Ladies!
  • Monday was GREAT for me - gonna make Tuesday the same success!
  • I stayed on program today. I did a lot of house work but that is all. My arms have sure gotten a lot stronger from lifting these pups so much taking them outside and then back inside. Cleaning their room. I have a large iron skillet that I used to hate to use cause it was so heavy I could barely lift it. I hated that my son would always choose to use that one when he got home in the morning and leave it for me to clean. I can sling that thing around pretty dang good now. DH better watch out now. LOL.
  • Hi everone,
    I had a good day Monday and Tuesday. Got my work out in both days and stayed on plan, even with going to dinner last night.
    Today will be a great day too.
    Hope everyone has a great day, I'm off to work out.
  • Yesterday was a success 100%
  • Im struggling today. Im hiding up in my office, away from the kitchen! So far so good!