"GETTING TO KNOW YOU" - Poster Profiles

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  • It’s getting so busy in our regular monthly DIETING WITH DIABETES thread that Monet and I thought it might be handy to have a special spot where we could all introduce ourselves and provide a little background about ourselves and our experience with this ‘challenge’ we share.

    Here’s an outline. You can do a copy/paste routine to put it into a reply post and then fill in the blanks. In the next post after this one, I’ve used myself as the first entry.

    Here we go . . . you can, of course, fill in as much or as little as makes you comfortable . . . there are no rules.

    PERSONAL INFORMATION: Tell us about yourself, your family, your pets, your hobbies, your occupation, your most (and least) favourite books/movies/TV programs/music; – just about anything that helps us know the real ‘you’.

    DIABETES INFORMATION: What Type; when diagnosed; what medications; any complications you’ve experienced.

    DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: Height/Weight Statistics. How much you hope to lose and in what timeframe. Formal or informal diet and exercise regimens. Things that work for you. Things you tried, that didn’t.

    SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS: Anything you’d like to share with the group.
  • And here’s MEOWEE ---

    PERSONAL INFORMATION: Tell us about yourself, your family, your pets, your hobbies, your occupation, your most (and least) favourite books/movies/TV programs/music; – just about anything that helps us know the real ‘you’.

    I’m Linda and I’m pretty sure I’m the oldest one here . . . currently 63, my birthday is February 25, 1943. I’ve been married twice (widowed once, divorced once) and I have two grown sons and three grandchildren. Unfortunately none of my family live nearby. Currently have two cats (three until recently). Probably will be adding more before long. You’ve probably now figured out how I arrived at my forum-name.

    Update at Dec 1/2007 -- I've been collecting cats and now have six.

    I’m originally from Toronto, Ontario but currently live in rural Nova Scotia (was transferred here by my employer about 13 or so years ago now). I retired about 5 years ago, but I’m still here. I like the calmer life-style down here. By training (and experience when I was still working), I’m what they call a ‘risk management specialist’. What does that mean – I went to school for what seemed like forever and studied Actuarial Science to learn how to sound convincing while making educated guesses.

    As well as cats, I love crafts (knitting, crocheting, other forms of needlework are my favourites). I’m an avid reader and particularly love mysteries and science-fiction stuff. Love all the current forensic-science based TV programs and strongly dislike most of the current reality-type programs. My favourite music is anything Classical and I'm really not a big fan of Country-Western.

    DIABETES INFORMATION: What Type; when diagnosed; what medications; any complications you’ve experienced.

    I have Type II Diabetes; first diagnosed about 15/16 years ago now. I spent the first few years trying to ignore it in the hopes it would go away. It didn’t. I take Glyburide, Metformin, Actos, and (for the past 5 years or so) I inject insulin twice a day. I have developed neuopathy in my feet and, to a certain extent, in a couple of fingers. Also will be having cataract surgery quite soon and I’m actually looking forward to it. Fuzzy vision is not fun.

    Update at December 1, 2007 -- Still taking the oral meds (but less of them) but have been off Insulin since beginning of October and I am thrilled.

    DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: Height/Weight Statistics. How much you hope to lose and in what timeframe. Formal or informal diet and exercise regimens. Things that work for you. Things you tried, that didn’t.

    I'm 5'2" tall and currently weigh 240 lbs (started 2006 at 285). My short-term/mid-term goal is to get to ONEDERLAND (under 200 lbs) and I hope to reach that point by the end of 2007. Then we will think about what comes next.

    Update at Dec. 1/07 -- Afraid my ONDERLAND target will be staying on the agenda for 2008 -- definitely losing at a 'snail's pace' this year.

    Basically, I follow the CDA (Canadian Diabetes Association) exchange guidelines and then enter my daily exchanges into a self-developed Excel program that keeps track of my weekly calories, and grams/percentages of carbohydrate, fat, and protein. I try to average around 1600 calories daily over the course of a week with a 50% Carb / 30% Fat /20% Protein ratio. I also aim for at least 35 grams of fibre daily. I try to be very much aware of the Glycemic Index of the things I eat and a lot of my carbs come from low GI vegetables.

    I used to (pre-diabetes) be able to lose weight quite easily on a low fat, high carb diet (always put it back on, of course). Diabetes made that kind of regimen a major no-no for the long-term.

    Unfortunately, I’m not good with exercise. I also have arthritis in my knees, ankles, and shoulders and that restricts things a little. However, I’m really just plain lazy and I hate to sweat. I really don’t have any formal regimen, but I do try to move more and love my recently acquired stability ball. So things are getting a little better on the exercise front.

    Update at Dec. 1/07 -- Been playing around with my new friend Gadzella (Tony Little Gazelle) since September and I don't totally hate it.

    SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS: Anything you’d like to share with the group.

    All I really want is to improve my health as much as I possibly can. Any improvement in appearance and energy are the icing (something I don’t eat any more) on the cake. The 45 lbs I lost in 2006 have allowed me to cut most of my Diabetes medications by about 1/3. It would be marvellous to be able to get off some of them (particularly the Insulin) entirely; but I’m not hoping for miracles.

    Hey -- see above -- I accomplished that Insulin miracle.
  • Hey everyone i like this idea too..my real name is gale.. lets see im 57, married for 38 yrs to the same guy, we live in alaska in a log house that we built... i have 2 daughters and they are married to great guys and 4 grkids.. also have golden retreaver, a shi*-zu and a parakeet..family is the most important thing to me and next to that is my close friends that are like family.. i do lots of crafts,quilting, beading, card making, srapbooking,crocheting, cross stitch etc etc etc..i love to read, i like my soap opera young and the restless,er,greys anatomy and lost.. also like reality tv big brother,survivor and american idol.. also cooking shows,flip this house and little people big world..i like all movies esp old doris day ones..my dh and i are retired now but i had ahome daycare business for 20 yrs and he worked at an oil refinery..i have been diabetic type 2 for 10 yrs now.. i am 4ft 10 inches tall and lets put it this way very round .. i take glypazide and gluchphage..i follow ww when im being really careful but generally count carbs and avoid things with sugar..i know i should exercise but hate it when i do exercise its walking or dancing..we do lots of family things and on holidays everyones at our house..we play alot of games, cards and i love playing bingo with my girls and girlfriends..the thing thats the most impt to me is my family and my grkids..when they grow up i want them to remember the fun they had with us..my goals is to stay as healthy as possible and to dance at my grkids weddings..Rosey
  • Here is mine:

    Personal Information: I am 53, soon to be 54! I grew up in the Chicago area, but went to the University of Georgia for college, where I met my husband who was raised on a farm in south Georgia. We live near Atlanta, where he is a computer programmer, and I have just returned to my first love, Pottery, which I majored in at UGA. We have three grown kids, and one five month old grandson, who along with his parents, lives with us. FUN! We have a bunch of cats, and a few fish. I enjoy knitting (as long as it is square or rectangular! Anything more complicated makes my brain hurt!) I paint, use pastels, cook, do cake decorating, etc. I am the wedding coordinator, special events director, and arts ministry team leader for my church. I have a studio degree in pottery and an art education degree. I have taught art off and on through the years. Right now, I am working on developing a pottery studio with a friend. I moderate the Sugarbusters forum, as well as overseeing Dieting With Obstacles forum. This website has been a great encouragement to me through the years.

    : I was diagnosed about nine months ago with Type 2 diabetes. My sugar levels were well over 400, and my A1C was 14.85. The doctor fully expected to put me on insulin, but I started walking an hour a day, swimming, and being very careful what I ate. I was able to bring my bg down dramatically. I now take metformin, a tiny bit of Amaryl, and Byetta to keep my bg levels in the target range.

    DIET/EXERCISE: My exercise has become a bit sporadic, but I fully expect once the weather is warmer, I will be back to my three miles a day. And once we open the pool, I will be back in the water at least 30 to 45 minutes a day, water jogging. I follow Sugarbusters for my diet. It was recommended to me by my old doctor as the healthiest diet out there. It has you avoid simple starches, and concentrate on whole grains, and avoiding sugar.

    HOPES/ASPIRATIONS: I would like very much to figure out something that will work for me to lose weight. It seems nothing works. Its very frustrating. I keep reading all the information I can find, and trying anything that sounds sensible. Right now, I am reading a new book called The Fat Resistance Diet. It talks about Leptin, and tries to explain Metabolic Syndrome, and how to heal it through diet. I will probably give it a shot and see if it will help.
  • [B]Personal Information[B] I'm Gina. I'll be 61 on February 25. Single. No children. I live in a studio apartment in San Francisco. In the 1980s, when everyone was "dressed for success," I dropped out and went to college. Have degrees in journalism and humanities but work as a legal secretary. I don't have any hobbies, other than I love to read and see films. I read everything from literature to mysteries and books are my biggest extravagance. I see the current movies, usually one a week, and watch the classics on TCM and other cable movie channels. Someone gave me a Netflix subscription and I've been revisiting the foreign films I loved in my youth. I'm an anglophile and a francophile. Also am interested in Japanese culture. I love all kinds of music. Am a diehard Beatles fan. Love jazz, Tony Bennett and Charles Aznavour. Have about 500 record albums from the 60s and 70s and about 300 45s, going back to the 50s and 60s.

    Diabetes I've been Type II since 1994 and have been off and on medication. Currently I take Glucophage and Actos. Have gastroparesis, a side effect of diabetes (when the stomach slows down food processing) and take metoclopromide for it.

    Diet, exercise From 8/05 to 3/06 I lost 80 lbs. on a medically supervised fast. Unfortunately I put back on 30 lbs due to an extremely stressful year. I'm going back on the fast beginning this Thursday. As for exercise, I've been a real slug. I joined a gym for 6 months but due in part to some physical limitations and the fact that I find the treadmill a bore, I felt the expense wasn't justified. I plan to start a walking program which has always worked for me if I stick to it.

    Hopes I hope that I can stick to the fast for a long time until I get to where I want and then find a way to keep it down without giving in to stress eating.
  • Hi I am Joyce, I am 67 years old and a widow for 9 years. I have eight children, 24 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Most of them live near me. My 9 year old great grandchild lived with me for the last 6 years. He would go home and spend the summer with his mom. But after he visited her at christmas time he wanted to stay with her. So last Friday he went back to Waukesha to live with her. He misses his 6 year old sister, he will be going to school with her now. So I am kind of lonely without him around. That is why I decided to get back on my diet and get my life back in order. I have had two knee replcacements on my right knee in the last two years. And am still having problems with it. If I lose 50 pounds it should really help. All my life I weighed about 110 pound , but I had my last son at 43 and had my tubes tied and never lost weight after that. I was diagnosed with type 2 diebetes about 3years ago, and now I am on acto and metformin. I have been keeping my blood sugar pretty good. But now I am having problems with my left eye. I have lost part of my vision in it. I didn't stick with things as well as I should have the first year, but now I try to do everything I am suppose to do. That is why I really have to get this weight off fast. I don't exercise as much as I should, because of the problem with my right knee. But I have to start doing something. I would like to get down to at least 130, that means I would have to lose 40 pounds. Maybe I can do it this time, just eating by myself and not having to cook for a nine year old anymore. I hope to hear from some of you, it will be nice to know someone else is having these same problems.
  • Introducing myself:
    personal info: I'm Jerie, 61 years old, divorced about a million years ago . I have 2 sons (40,38); 5 granddaughters (17,16,14,11,7). Have lived in arizona since mid-50's. I'm retired after working for the state for 30 years (retired as software analyst). My mom lived with me for nearly 20 yrs because she couldn't drive and it was just easier to be in the same house. Took care of my mom until she died last year, so I'm living alone for the first time in my whole life. Wow, what an adjustment that has been. Have been overweight most of my adult life. I am physically limited (have to use walker or even a wheel chair on bad days) from post-polio syndrome, so exercise is a challenge. I love grandkids, music, I'm a rabid Beatles/Paul McCartney fan, love NASCAR, love gardening and can't do much now but still have roses, used to love traveling but haven't done it since I've been mostly disabled. I've become a tv junkie, especially old movies, law & order, British mysteries. I like to read, mostly mysteries. I'm studying buddhism and meditation with a women's group.

    diabetes info: diagnosed in 1969 (back in the day when they didn't treat type 2 too much) as gestational, but it never went away. It very much runs in my family, and there were 3 who were blind from diabetes. I'm on glucophage, lantus and humalog now. I do have eye complications and neuropathy.

    diet/exercise info: I'm 5'4" and my highest weight ever was 263. I started this time at 238. I've been on every diet you ever heard of, and a few you probably haven't. Right now I'm on Jenny Craig. Since I've been living alone I was practically living on drive-thru, delivery, and PB&J. Eating too much and usually all night long. I figured this was the way to go, because I hate cooking for just one, and have a lot of trouble with portion sizes. As for exercise, I do what I can (see personal info).

    Hopes, etc.: Right now, I just want to be as healthy as I can. My only female cousin died a couple of months before her 65th b'day from diabetic complications. Before she died she'd had toes amputated, was on dialysis, had 2 strokes, was blind, and had bypass surgery. She finally died of a heart attack. I'm getting close to that age and I DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE THAT.
  • Hi Everyone, My name is Lynn & I have a DD - Kathy, a SIL - Cookie, and a cat - Princess Di. My DD & SIL own a B&B about 15 minutes from my house. I am a scrapbooker, a horsebackrider, a Big Sister volunteer, and a perpetual dieter. I teach online graduate courses in Education for the University of Phoenix. I became a widow one year ago, had a hip replacement last August, 2 cancer surgeries in March, and found out I have type 2 diabetes in April. I love British mysteries, Masterpiece theater, and House.

    I am taking Januvia right now. It reduced my Blood Sugar considerably, but I can eat only around 15-20 carbs/meal if I want my Blood Sugar to be 115-120 two hours after meals.

    I'm 62 yrs. old, 5'1", and 174 lbs. I'm aiming for 150 lbs by January of 2008. I go to the gym 3 times/week & try to walk 2-3 times/week.

    I've been on the 50+ Board for quite a while - Golden Girls Thread. I am hoping that I can learn some information to help me with my diabetes on this thread.

  • PERSONAL INFORMATION: Tell us about yourself, your family, your pets, your hobbies, your occupation, your most (and least) favourite books/movies/TV programs/music; – just about anything that helps us know the real ‘you’.

    Hi everyone! I am Nella. I am SAHM to one beautiful 1 yo son. I love to read books and watch movies. I also love to digital scrapbook.

    DIABETES INFORMATION: What Type; when diagnosed; what medications; any complications you’ve experienced.
    I was recently diagnosed as T2 in March. I had Gestaional Diabetes while pregnant. I am currently not on any medication for it.

    DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: Height/Weight Statistics. How much you hope to lose and in what timeframe. Formal or informal diet and exercise regimens. Things that work for you. Things you tried, that didn’t.

    I am very short--only 4'10. My current weight is 189. I started out in January at 203--so that's something.

    I have tried WW and South Beach. I had alot of success on WW when I was younger but, since then, I just can't stick with it. I tried S. Beach for about 2 wks--I couldn't even get past PHASE I. I got really sick from no carbs. Shortly after that, I was diagnosed as T2. I have met with a nutrionist and she gave me a plan for about 100-150 carbs per day. Lately, I have not followed this and want to get back to it! I also have hypothyroidism, which makes it REALLY as well to lose. I need alot of support!

    SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS: Anything you’d like to share with the group.

    I want to have a good
    A1C in September when I go back to dr. I want to lose 25lbs by then also.
  • Personal Information: My name is Casandra, and I've recently turned 19. (31/5) I was born in a tiny town in Illinois. My parents moved my family around quite a bit as my dad is of a high rank in the Army National Guard. I never spent more than a year and a half in any given school since I was 8. I have three younger sisters. Katrina, Kayla, and my puppy Kenzie. Just last year I moved to the United Kingdom to live with my soon to be hubby! I am a Data Analyst for a ginormous company that spans from the UK into Germany and other countries. I like to read, my favourite authors are Anne Rice and her sister Alice Borchardt. I also write poetry and have been published a few times in the USA. My passion in life are animals, especially dogs and horses, I would eventually like to breed and show Beagles.

    I am very computer oriented, I live with a pc engineer and webhost/designer. I am currently learning PHP, perl, and MySQL. I am very into graphic design, and I love art!

    Diabetes Information: In April of 2004 I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. My Doctor and I did not get along at all, in fact, he was the cause of most of my stress in my early period of diagnosis. In January 2005 I had enough of him and I went off all of my insulin and regimes, because he would not listen to anything I wanted. I ended up in the hospital with a BSL of 765. I know this wasnt very smart, but I felt like my feelings and my preferences were being completely ignored. I also have a phobia of male doctors. I burst out crying when I'm made to see a male doctor, and I cannot control it. I have not been very trusting of men in general since my encounter with the man who diagnosed my diabetes. I am currently on Novolog and Levemir Flexpens, although I want to go back onto Lantus with the syringes, not the pen. Levemir is a 16 hour insulin, while lantus controls for a whole day.

    Diet/Exercise Regimen: I am just under 5'8, and I have been stuck around the 185 mark since I was diagnosed. I usually go for walks or a run every morning, sometimes up to 8 miles in a single day. I eat pretty well, I dont get as much veg as I should, but I'm not collapsing into junk food, yet I still cannot lose a single ounce! I have been pondering getting a membership at the local swim club because I have knee issues (discoid meniscus) and this can cause such pain in my joints. I just cant afford it yet!

    Special Hopes/Aspirations/Achievments: My fiance has made me a proposition. I am a size 16/18 UK, and if I can get myself down to a size 10/12 (this is my goal, btw) He will let me start looking into having a puppy. Leaving my dog in the USA was the hardest thing I've ever done and I miss her to bits and pieces. He says that when I get to a size 10, and can stay there for a month, then he will go out and get me a puppy. This is the biggest reward for me anyone could possibly offer.
  • ***I will update this every now and then, as some of these facts are subject to change***
    The updates are in bold.


    Hi there! My name is Aidyn. I'm 22 and I live in the fantastically exciting (NOT!) college town of Gainesville, FL. I'm originally from the DC area and it took me awhile to get used to the culture (or lack thereof) of this town, but I have now. I'm very into the creative arts, from theatre to graphic design to songwriting, fashion design, rock shows, arts festivals, and everything in between. I am now a certified personal trainer and nutritional consultant, though I am an office slave by day because it's quite important to have steady money in these times!


    Type 1 since 16. I felt like diabetes arrived at a perfect time - I was already starving myself, and suddenly, more weight was coming off without me even having to try! Of course, it all went downhill when I felt too crappy to continue. After being diagnosed, I was an avid fan of practicing a dreaded tactic called diabulemia, which is skipping insulin to stay thin. I didn't completely take care of myself (I either skipped insulin, starved, or was too occupied/conveniently forgot to eat much) until I moved down here nearly two years ago... and THAT'S when *BAM* I gained 50 pounds! Now, I'm just trying to maintain the healthy habits I've formed. I'm on shots right now... Lantus and Humalog... I know shots are kind of old school, and a lot of people have moved towards getting a pump, but I am not sure how I feel about the idea of something being attached to me 24/7.

    Luckily and thankfully, I don't have any complications.


    I'm 5'6" and I met my goal of 135 pounds on 11/07/07! Before I started losing weight at all, I was around 180, though once I started watching my weight, I dropped down to 175. Anyway - I try to eat small meals every few hours in hopes to kickstart my metabolism. I ride my bike to and from work (8 miles each way), run 3-5 miles every other day, and weight train each morning with rotating muscle groups. I do a combination of high weight low rep and low weight high rep for maximum muscle development. I like running up and down stairs, too.

    Diet wise: I started out eating 1,800 caloies or less a day, followed by 1,600, 1,500, 1,400, 1,300, 1,200, then back up until I lost all my weight (had to bust those plateaus!) I tried to get 100g protein in every day, and kept my fat intake at 30% or less. I wasn't an extreme stickler for any of that, and I messed up more times than I could count, but if I guilt tripped myself every time I broke a dietary guideline, I'd have quit by now!

    My maintenance diet has a range of 1,800-2,100 calories a day. I'm still eating very healthy things, just more of them. Because of my vigorous exercise routine, I can eat plenty of food, have a few treats every now and then, and still look good and be happy.


    I placed first in my weight class and second overall in a bodybuilding contest on 7-18-09! My body is something constantly up for improvement, BUT I am pretty happy with it overall. Non-weight-wise: I have quite a few performing arts achievements: I was in a traveling production of Guys & Dolls several years ago and got to play Sarah Brown. I was an extra in an episode of Law & Order. I hosted a huge arts festival in the DC area. I've performed stand-up comedy at the Improv at DC and in LA. Weight and health wise, my biggest achievements have been losing 7 inches off my waist, losing 40 pounds, being able to wear fitted tees again without looking like a stuffed sausage, going from a size 14 to a size 4 (well, I was a 12-14, and now I'm a 4-6/5-7 in juniors, to be precise), getting a flat stomach, developing healthy habits and a more healthy attitude towards food, and shedding that eating disorder mindset that once plagued me for almost 5 years!
  • TERI . . . wow you are a cross between the incredible Shrinking Woman and the gorgeous Bionic Woman . . . Keep up the good work on the shrinking part, Chickie -- but hopefully you won't need any more bionic parts.
  • PERSONAL INFORMATION: My name is Sarah, I'm 23 years old. I live by myself. I'm a student in Library Science, and school is pretty much my entire life.

    DIABETES INFORMATION: I was diagnosed with Type 2 in November. Needless to say it hasn't been the best few months. It upset me so much, even though deep down I saw it coming. I'm quite overweight and it runs in my family. I also have a few other health problems that interfere with my ability to lose weight. As my doctor so eloquently put it, I was "genetically screwed." I'm on metformin 1500mg for the diabetes, but I'm having a hard time with my BG levels even though I track everything I eat and watch my carbs and follow a low GI diet.

    DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: I'm 5'7" and weight 261lbs, I was 284 when I was diagnosed. I exercise 3-5 times a week (30 min cardio and weights). I hope to weigh 160 within the next 2 years.

    SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS: To become healthy and maybe get off some of the (many, many) meds I'm on.
  • Wanting to get off oral medication
    PERSONAL INFORMATION: Tell us about yourself, your family, your pets, your hobbies, your occupation, your most (and least) favourite books/movies/TV programs/music; – just about anything that helps us know the real ‘you’.

    I am a 51 yo WMF, have 7 children(yours,mine and ours) and 6 grandchildren. I am a school nurse, making weight loss and improved health my personal and professional goal for the year. I have involved faculty, students, peers and family in my journey, and am accountable to many. I want to be an example of good health for those around me, and prove that it "CAN BE DONE".

    DIABETES INFORMATION: What Type; when diagnosed; what medications; any complications you’ve experienced.

    I was diagnosed 2 years ago as a Type II, currently on Metformin twice a day. Last A1c was 5.8, so no complaints there. My weight loss and healthier eating are obviously paying off. So far I am fortunate not to have experienced related complications. I have a significant family history that placed me at risk, but I certainly didn't help myself out any with my obesity.

    DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: Height/Weight Statistics. How much you hope to lose and in what timeframe. Formal or informal diet and exercise regimens. Things that work for you. Things you tried, that didn’t.

    I am 5'9" and my current weight is 259. I started at 286 in September of 2007. I hope to be between 160-180 in September of 2009. I have done alot of reading and have tried different approaches to dieting, but I find that WW is probably the best plan to follow. I don't attend meetings, but count points, journal and email faculty with my weekly progress. I walk at lunchtime, and bring my lunch to work everyday. I have good control until supper time and evenings roll around.

    SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS: Anything you’d like to share with the group.

    I hope to live long enough to see my great-grandchildren. I want to do some of the things that I sit on the (self-imposed) sidelines for due to my weight. I want to be able to buy clothing in the normal sections of the stores. I would love to be able to manage my diabetes with diet alone.

    Thanks in advance for your support.
  • Hi BETH . . . I seem to be saying hello to you in a few places. . . . Hope you will be joining the rest of the 'sugar-babes' in our regular "Dieting with Diabetes" chat thread. Look forward to seeing you over there.