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Old 08-31-2001, 06:40 AM   #1  
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Default Daily, Football Friday, August 31st

starting up

coffee is on, back in a minute!

Good Morning all!

Can you tell high school football season is underway in my neck of the woods? As most of you know I don't have a football player, I have a band member. My 15 year old daughter is a piccolo player. GO GENERALS!!

I have not made the trip to get the Protein Power book yet, so I must confess, I have not been the best low-carber on the planet. Just sort of holding my own.

Pooky that little chicken purse is just too cute!
Did I see that peachie is offering to stencil?? Thought we all agreed the next time she got near crafts someone would stop her!! Just kidding peachie, I'm sure you do wonderful work. Do you hire out? I could use a stencil pattern all around the trey ceiling in my bedroom.

Janice, AdoAnnie when does football season start for you two?

Ruth is today Hershey's arrival day home? I'm sure you can't wait to see her.


Last edited by debkay; 08-31-2001 at 06:55 AM.
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Old 08-31-2001, 06:48 AM   #2  
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Thanks Debkay I nned that today is going to be verybusy, i am lats so i got to run just popping in for a check and to say h i will be in tonight to make my fix!! thanks all for being here!!
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Old 08-31-2001, 07:39 AM   #3  
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Here's the question of the day: What would you like to be doing at 7am? Is it:

a) sleeping
b) having a cup of coffee and reading the paper, or
c) steam cleaning your carpet and cleaning the coffee table from your 2 year old daughter's finger painting creations with Vim cream cleaner.

Guess what I did this morning......sigh

Very wet and rainy here and made a wonderful discovery yesterday. I found another pumpkin on my vine! Have to say I'm very pleased. Now I have to get out there and start pruning back or the darn things won't ripen! Laundry on the list today and just general housework.

Ruth, have a happy reunion with your puppy!

Hey Nasus, see you later on!

Hi Deb, thanks, I thought it was really cute too Kids keeping you busy I see, football and music. That's a lot for any mom!

Have a great OP day everyone!
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Old 08-31-2001, 08:53 AM   #4  
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Default A Widdle Bit Kwabby Today!

I really need my coffee, the cream is sour and I can't catch the cow in the meadow. But I'll get over it.

Drove to Syracuse at 7 last night to meet the 11:04 plane. It was major delayed and did not get my furry baby until 1:30! Luckily my friend John was with me for company. We also crossed back into Canada with our hearts beating really fast because John (the breeder's husband) did not have the health papers for Hersh! Duh! He said "I thought you had them?" Felt married to him for a bit there! Anyhow, we were straightforward with the Canadian border lads. When they asked if Hershey was a Canadian dog, she chose that moment to put her paws onto the windowsill and look very very sweet. They let us through. So Hershey and I got home at 4:30. Didn't get to sleep for ages so today is gonna be draggy! Hersh has already done a medow romp and is now lying on her back sleeping. I might join her.

Know what I did for ME this weekend? Was supposed to do 6 pies for the Church BBQ on Sunday BUT I called a bakery in the next town and ordered 6 pies. I know the baker well and her pies are excellent! So now I have a free day and just for a bit of money. Hope nobody mentions that my trademark little heart cut-outs are missing!

Can you report on one ME thing this weekend?
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Old 08-31-2001, 10:52 AM   #5  
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Thumbs down T. G. I. F. !!

Good morning everyone!

Running a bit behind this morning as I overslept! Hate when that happens! I had woke up at 5:00, remember thinking about what to cook for breakfast and the next thing I knew DH was waking me up at 6:45! Ugh, poor DS had time for a quick bowl of cold cereal before rushing to school! Poor baby! Carbs instead of protein,,,,,what a bad mom I am!

Ruth~~Do you really have a cow in the meadow? The mental picture of your home gets getting nicer and nicer! Glad your Hershey got home safely. Now go back to bed and enjoy your free day!

Deb~~Michael has his last scrimmage today in Conroe. Oh, like you'd know where that is~~lol. But with the rain I don't know. Wish these coaches would lay off of him~they're causing him to lose interest! I don't care if he chooses not to play, but only for the right reasons. Hopefully when the season starts they will stop pulling him in different directions!

Annie~How goes it with your son?

Pooky~~Oh my! What a mess! Don't you just love that terrible two stage! Trouble is, they never really seem to outgrow it! lol

Sue~~Hi and have a great one!

BRB *****

Kirei~~I saw on your bio about the piercings and tattoos and I had to chuckle. My favorite SIL (DH's baby sis), the one who's making the chicken purses has started doing the same the past year or so. She's 35.5 (looks 25), absolutely drop dead gorgeous, married to a great guy for 11 years, beautiful house in the suburbs, a mortgage broker with her own business and Betty Boop on her hiney! She added a small one at her bikini line and has two piercings! Now every time I see her I'll be thinking of you! lol I guess I could add, she's an LC'er too tho she's never had a weight problem. She started it due to docs recommendation for her fatigue and headaches.

Peach~~How're you holding up? <<Hugs>> all the way from Texas!

Kirei~~thanks again for sharing the great recipes! That spinach casserole was easy and delicious!

DS will be upset with me today. He wants to go dove hunting with a family that I DO NOT KNOW, six hours away with a family THAT HAS NOT TALKED TO US ABOUT IT, with a family that I HAVE NOT MET but should trust with my son around guns!
Michael and Stephen both have gone hunting since they were little, had extensive safety and rifle classes, but that is THEM, I don't know diddly about these other people. His biological "father" hasn't had anything to do with the boys and my DH doesn't hunt, so, I know DS would like to go....BUT !! DH said he will talk to him as we know how disappointed he'll but. I'd rather have him disappointed than risk his safety.

The usual on my plans today. Anyone have any Labor Day plans?

I'll check back with ya'll later! Have a great one!


Last edited by MamaJ; 08-31-2001 at 11:07 AM.
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Old 08-31-2001, 04:10 PM   #6  
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Hi Everyone,
MamaJ, I'm kind of in the same boat. My DS is planning on going camping and paintball shooting with some friends this weekend. I'm still not quite sure about it though. First of all, those things look like they hurt! Second of all, he's sixteen, and half of the other guys are 18 and 19. When I asked my son how much partying (read drinking) would be involved, he said "none mom!" Yeah, sure.

Ruth your nights sound awful. Hope you get some sleep so your weekend is fun.

Pooky, how much pumpkin pruning do you have to do? I love gardening, but have never grown pumpkins for some reason. I have a couple small ones on the vine and didn't know I need to prune them. Help!

While you football moms are out there in the cold (at least games here are cold!) I spend my Saturday afternoons being a soccer mom. I wouldn't give them up for anything.

As for me, I'm trying to do my own version of LC/WW and having a hard time with it. I decided to try it because I have so much great produce from my garden right now I can't stand not to eat it (mostly the tomatoes are the problem!) I'm going to try it for awhile and if it doesn't get better I'll jump back on the CAD/CALP bandwagon, which I know works for me. I think I'm not eating enough protein, but I do stay within the points. The problem is, I'm finding I'm hungry between meals, which was never a problem with CAD. I've noticed the proteins I usually ate on CAD tend to be higher in points and I'm a thrifty soul by nature, so I don't choose those foods. Tweak, tweak, tweak.

Let's see, something for me this weekend...I'm buying new couches for my living room. I've had money saved since tax refund time and have been unable to find furniture that both husband and I love. I think we've finally found it and it's on sale! Yippee!
Since my new stay-at-home life started, I find I'm a bit of a closet Martha Stewart (yes, I said it!) and just want to decorate and cook gourmet things. I bet this won't last long, so I should take advantage of it now.

Have a great weekend chickies!
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Old 08-31-2001, 06:16 PM   #7  
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Angry Hey Chickadee~~

The paint ball thing...we've already gone thru it and altho they still enjoy it, there is no longer the every weekend thing. So, just a few mom thoughts and suggestions....

Your DS is planning on going this weekend....okay, are they going camping and P-balling at the same place? My experience has been with (first p-balling) there are different types of "balls", the cheaper ones hurt more as the plastic surrounding the paint is thicker and is more painful at impact. So, the better quality, the fewer bruises (as my DS's have claimed). The paint ball "ranges" around here require them to wear protective gear which includes goggles. So, I think THAT safety factor is pretty well monitored. Now for the camping part.....You don't have to tell me, but just for your own info.....Is there adult supervision? (I know here that there are many fathers who go p-balling with the kids, so I don't mean to imply you would let your DS go w/out an adult, 'kay?) The drinking thing....been there, done that. Why oh why do they think they are grown up enuff to handle this???? My older DS was/is a good kid....he only drank at the camp site. This was okay until DH went to sleep in the camper....DS was sitting with friends at the campsite.....they started hooting and hollering over female passerby's and the security stopped in. Due to the fact that DH was in the camper and not sitting NEXT to DS....a ticket was issued. So, if your DH isn't going to be there or a guardian adult....???? It's so hard raising kids these days.

Chickadee~~This is what I tell my friends who disagree with the "priveleges" that I give my boys that also give me ulcers....My DS's are basically good kids, I have to understand their personalities, we may take a chance but when we do, we are also encouraging their honesty instead of their lying to us and sneaking these teen "priveleges" behind our backs. Hon, I wish you the best of luck in making your decision....Do I or Don't I? It stinks, don't it.. Best of luck. And ya know..your DS will probably make you proud cause you taught him good basics!

Keep me posted!

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Old 08-31-2001, 07:54 PM   #8  
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OK, I'll bite. What the heck is paint-balling? Is it mock warfare? If it is I have a whole bunch of negative things to say about it but I'll bite my tongue and MMOB. Same goes for football. Just glad I'm not the parent of teenagers anymore.
Ruth, sorry you had such a late night but I bet you're happy to have your pooch back. Did she miss you too?
Pooky, not a great way to start your day but it beats the heck outa trying to remove black felt marker faces from a new light beige carpet. (#2 grandson was the artist when he was about 2) The carpet was never the same.
Chickadee, so good to see you again and hello to everyone else.
I didn't stop in yesterday as I had a chance to go to Harrison Lake with the neighbor and her guests from New Zealand. I'd never been there and quite enjoyed the drive and the scenery. Only 1-1/2 hours from here but out of the way. A very touristy town. While there we ate a picnic lunch at a provincial park, spoiled by teens with very loud rap music nearby. Then we took what for me was a long exhausting walk (only about 30 minutes on the level) but the two older ladies with us didn't even break a sweat. My face felt like a roasted red pepper and I didn't stop sweating profusly for two hours. We visited another friend of my neighbor who has a brand new, lovely home in Harrison Lake and I felt like I was dripping sweat all over her gorgeous new hardwood floors. My was the house done up pretty. Not a speck of dust and every decoration just so, like a show home.
It must have been all that perspiring but when I got home I was craving salt. Even though I stayed within my WW points range for the day, I know I overdid it with salt and this morning at my weigh-in I was up over 2 lb. Darn, darn, DARN!!! So mad at myself about that. I'd been OP all week but the salt is a real problem for me. Should have just drunk a gallon of water instead of nibbling on salted rice cakes.
Today I've been canning peaches. Beautiful, sweet, and juicy but I managed to restrain myself and just had half a peach with some raspberries and yogurt. I got 12 quarts canned and they sure look pretty sitting on the counter. I'm wondering if I really want to try to bring a couple of jars to daughter in Scotland as she's requested. They're so heavy. I also made a double batch of bread buns so the house is smelling really good right now.
Anyhow, that's how my day has been so far. Hope you all have a very pleasant Labor Day weekend.
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Old 08-31-2001, 09:11 PM   #9  
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I survied today but just bearly. work was busy and it was wonderful. they have been talking about closeing the office but is was so busy that i feel great, there is a chance yet!!! I still have a ton of work to get done tomorow so i amy be a bit scarce this weekend and i have to work on sunday and company on monnday but i will peek in at night.

I am to tired to reply to everybody but you sound great. love to all!!
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