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Old 09-17-2005, 06:50 AM   #1  
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Default Weekend Chat September 17th and 18th

Good Morning,

How is everyone this lovely morning?

Got any good plans for the weekend?

Nodda here.
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Old 09-17-2005, 10:52 AM   #2  
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Morning all, it's good to read everyone has been all right.

I had a bad week and didn't feel like posting. I definitely understood Carla's post about not having anything good to say. And marble, that banging is a little loud.

I have no plans for the weekend. I'm going to work in my craft room on the sweater I started (I finished the yellow one last Saturday like I posted I would). This one is a white cardigan that'll go with everything.

Work this past week was irritating but overall I was just cranky. This morning is better and since I don't have to go to work, I think it'll be a good day. I did start exercising on Wednesday again. The asthma is still no good, but it is better. I thought that would improve my mood, but it didn't. I think I should have lost weight considering how much I didn't want to exercise. Instead, I think last Sunday's number on the mean scale was just a fluke. So after weighing a few times this week at 192, I moved the slider back up this morning. I guess I'm pretty stuck there since I've been there for a couple weeks (except the 190 last Sunday). I think the scale has made me a little cranky but mostly it has been work and my kids. DS2 decided to not go to college until he goes to basic training in January. Instead he took a job in construction so he can earn $$$. I don't think he has a clue how hard he'll have to work to get those $$$. He's 5-6" and 120 pounds. He's totally clueless. I let our benefits dept know that he won't be a fulltime student so he's getting cancelled off the medical/dental insurance. So now he'll have to pay for that. So much for the extra $$$ - I told him he has to buy med insurance and that we won't pay a cent of it or medical costs. Dumb boy...

DS1's GF listened to me when I asked that they ask for a week extension on staying in the house that they're renting. The room isn't done - it will be this coming week - and she called and got the extension. DS1 said no, it wasn't possible. Another dumb boy. Just where did he think he was going to put all his stuff??? At least GF thinks about more than just herself. DH was quite relieved they weren't moving in this weekend. He's going to sand the walls today and then spray the texture tomorrow. Then we can paint the ceiling and walls. Then we can put the laminate flooring down and voila, it'll be done. I will be happy when that's the case. Oh, DS1's GF also asked if they should get a storage locker - I said yes if all their stuff won't fit in the room. As I said, she thinks about more than herself. DS1 just figured he could store all the extra stuff he has throughout my house.

Break to chat with DS2... Just had a good conversation with DS2. It's the first good one in a while. I actually said something positive about his choice of new jobs. He's currently working for an inconsiderate employer (they have him working till midnight on Fridays and then at 8:00 on Saturday mornings) and I said that it'll be nice that he'll have a regular schedule with his new job. I think he was shocked that I said something nice about his choice. We talked about what to do for his birthday on Tuesday. We decided that we'll go out to Applebees and have DH meet us there (DH hubby works swings so he'll just have to take a long dinner break). We'll invite DS1 and GF but I don't think they'll be able to make it. So at least he has DH and I instead of just me. So my baby will be 19. I'm sure getting old.

Eating wise, I'm doing good. No reason for a 2 pound gain since Sunday, but I think I was dehydrated on Sunday from drinking tea all day on Saturday (since tea is a diuretic). Exercise wise, I've exercised for 3 days in a row and DH said that we will take the puppies for a mountain hike this morning. We haven't gone in 2 weeks because of the asthma (the mountain is so dusty since we haven't had rain in 3 months). But yesterday it rained a little, enough to make the dust level a little less so I'm excited to go out. I'll use the abuterol before we go.

That's about enough since I rambled for so long. I will check back later.
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Old 09-17-2005, 11:29 AM   #3  
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hey gang

I'm cleaning today. Don't feel like spending my day cleaning but it's the only way it will get clean I am.

I noticed that the first show of The Biggest Loser is running again tonight on NBC for anybody how missed it on Tuesday night but wanted to see it.

I hope everybody has a great weekend.

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Old 09-17-2005, 02:47 PM   #4  
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ohhhh, thanks for reminding me cathy, I keep wanting to see that, I'd be kicking myself!!!

Mmarie, I hope your asthma can stand the sanding and painting......watta mess at my house! You are a stronger woman than I, you have both the courage to stand on the scale and can stand to have your kids and entourage move back in......whew! I'm barely surviving construction!

And I'll stop banging on the potlid now that I know where you are........

I promised to post amusing items (to cheer up Carla)...letssee what I can find today.......OK here's a good have to imagine the visuals.....

I am currently doing Pilates exercises (and look ridicules I'm sure uncoordinated). I have NO ROOM in my house, there are unhung doors and molding all through the house, the 45" TV is sitting on the fireplace hearth, the dog is the only one who can eat in the dining room (I don't like to put my dish on the floor, he steals my food)....the cats have been moved to the main bath for eating and their box is also located there. So it is the perfect time I set up my Pilates machine (next to the dog's food dish and my weight bench, rebounder). As I'm going through the pilates moves for my legs, I put my foot right into the dog's waterdish!

If anyone ever saw my house, they would have me's an obstacle course right now. My mother came to see the construction and just rolled her eyes...

BBL----too much work to do.
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Old 09-17-2005, 03:31 PM   #5  
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Just a note to say that the hike was wonderful!!! The asthma didn't slow me down too much. I was definitely breathing harder than before it wentout of control but it was okay. The weather was cool and sunny (it had just rained so it wasn't dusty which was good for my lungs). I had a great time.

BTW, we finally got the check from obnoxious for the 2nd mortgage. We went into two to deposit it, then we paid off all of our credit cards. Was the best enema I've ever had.

Marble, I can visualize your house. Really I can. I'm not doing the sanding. The bronchial tubes are way too spastic for that. I will help dear hubby paint, then put in the flooring. I told him I'd take a sick day next week for that. I love only working 4 days a week anyways. Actually I love working ZERO days a week. I'm definitely much happier on the weekends.

Off to the craft room to play. Poor DH is sanding the drywall mud. I can hear him but I can't breath it.

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Old 09-18-2005, 08:08 AM   #6  
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Good Morning,

Sorry I don't have time for personals, have to get ready to head on down to the hospital again. My sister was admited with diverticulitus on thursday so its been a mad house trying to take care of her kids, my mom, and her in the hospital. They will probably operate and remove the part of the intestins that has it, we are waiting for another catscan to be done. Anywhoo, she's a single mom and doesn't have any help so she is really depending on me. (sad when you have siblings that won't help and are worth crap INHO).

So, hugs to you all and have a wonderful day

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Old 09-18-2005, 08:11 AM   #7  
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Good Morning Ladies...

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I haven't had a chance to catch up on my reading... Will probably do that later tonight after I put the kids to bed.

Things are better here since my last post.. I haven't felt like posting anything anywhere so I took some time away from the computer. The doctor says that I am back to normal and the infection is gone, but I still have to drink alot of water because I keep getting dehydrated.

I need to get back to watching what I eat... ever since I started feeling better after being sick for a week all I do is eat or snack. ugg.

Just wanted to pop in and say hi... My weekend has been nothing but cleaning... I got the garage all cleaned out.... and I've been working on the basement which is almost done.. I was going to have a yardsale this weekend but put it off.. I plan on having it next weekend.. Going to get everything set up while I am cleaning today so I don't have to worry about it next week and as I start my going into fall cleaning of the house... (which I should have done when I moved back in a month ago...) I will have more stuff to add... I want to try to work on the yard this afternoon...

and Spend some time with the hubby tonight.. It's our 3 year anniversary today.. I don't have anything planned because he was surpose to be working and he called in sick because his jaw hurts from having his bottom teeth pulled... I think there is an infection there.. He has to call the dentist on Monday and find out...

Kids are waking up so I hope everyone has a good day...

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Old 09-18-2005, 01:25 PM   #8  
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Stephanie - Happy Anniversary. I hope DH feels good enough to celebrate.
Leenies - your family is in my prayers. I hope DS will be okay.

DH, puppies and I went for another mountain hike this morning so I'm done with the exercise for the day.

We're going to watch football and NASCAR. We have two TVs in the living room to please everyone. Personally I don't care about either anymore, but I brought my stained glass into the living room to work on that while I watch. But first I thought I'd bring the laptop in and check the boards.

Hope everyone has a great day.
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Old 09-18-2005, 03:00 PM   #9  
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hey Cathy, we started watching "Tthe Big Loser" last night and gave up cause all they did was cry. Heck, being overweight is depressing but, gosh, just look at the news! There are thousands of people who have lost everything and IMHO that's something to cry about.

Leens, tell DS I'll be thinking of her. A friend is just now in the hospital with the same thing. (I won't try to spell it.)

Nothing much exciting to talk about here. We went to church today and to Bible class. There are a lot of questions about Katrina and God's retribution because of the sinful nature of NO. Heck, I can't see that it was any worse than any other big city!

Gotta go and mow the lawn and I don'tdon'tdon't want to do that. Am just lazy I guess.

Rambled enough............................................ .............
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Old 09-19-2005, 12:36 AM   #10  
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Tippy, I find it a little disturbing that a church congregation would think Katrina's wrath had anything to do with sin. It had a lot to do with nature and with the foolishness of building a city where a lake should be. But if it had to do with sin, I'm not sure the French Quarter would have been saved, since that's where the least mainstream people lived. This reminds me of the idiots who thought AIDS was a punishment for gays. And of course hemophiliacs and children of prostitutes/drug users... I hope you reminded them about Christian charity and the selfless love of Mother Teresa and the blessing of forgiveness and kindness... It sounds to me like you have a less judgemental view of the world than some people.
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Old 09-19-2005, 09:35 AM   #11  
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Originally Posted by carla49
Tippy, I find it a little disturbing that a church congregation would think Katrina's wrath had anything to do with sin. It had a lot to do with nature and with the foolishness of building a city where a lake should be. But if it had to do with sin, I'm not sure the French Quarter would have been saved, since that's where the least mainstream people lived. This reminds me of the idiots who thought AIDS was a punishment for gays. And of course hemophiliacs and children of prostitutes/drug users... I hope you reminded them about Christian charity and the selfless love of Mother Teresa and the blessing of forgiveness and kindness... It sounds to me like you have a less judgemental view of the world than some people.
Let me clarify my post. A great deal of members were troubled by statements made by fellow human being outside of the church. They wished to know how to handle such nonsense in a Christian manner. Pastor and the Elders helped them with that by encouraging patience.

(I'd have smack them along side the head!)
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Old 09-19-2005, 09:47 AM   #12  
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Originally Posted by Tippy
Let me clarify my post. A great deal of members were troubled by statements made by fellow human being outside of the church. They wished to know how to handle such nonsense in a Christian manner. Pastor and the Elders helped them with that by encouraging patience.

(I'd have smack them along side the head!)
When I figure out how to handle stupid people, I'll let you know
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Old 09-19-2005, 11:40 AM   #13  
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Leenie, just ignore them! OR say "Well bless your heart!"
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Old 09-19-2005, 12:42 PM   #14  
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I always respond to stupid remarks (made by the unkind, unthinking or just the garden variety A**hole ) with this statment.....look them square in the eye when you say it....."What a kind thing to say!"
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