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Old 05-28-2001, 12:58 PM   #1  
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Can't believe I'm starting the thread - and so late in the day too! So, welcome everyone to the support thread for lifers and open to anyone else who wishes to join in.

It was a beautiful weekend on the East Coast. Temp went as high as 31 Celsius on Saturday. That translates into hot for you Fahrenheit fans.

DH was home for 10 short hours on Saturday and got a look at all of the changes in the bathroom since he left two weeks before. The room really is looking great. Only a few little things left - some plumbing and electrical work - before the trim goes back up and doors are hung. I'm not crazy about the wall colour, but given that we're happy with the rest of the work, this is a small concern. If I still feel the same way about it in the Fall, I'll just change it. The final leg of this construction job begins on Thursday - installation of hardwood floors in the remainder of the main level. I spoke with the guy this morning and they are amenable to working on the weekend which suits me just fine because I can't wait much longer to get my house - and life - back to normal.

Got about 10 minutes into my run this morning and realized I had forgotten my Ventolin and ended up having to cut it short due to an asthma attack. I've been pretty good about remembering but I was a little out of my regular routine this a.m. and it totally slipped my mind. Too bad, it was a beautiful morning for a run. I hope to make it up tomorrow morning, although it is supposed to rain

Laurel: How is maintenance mode treating you? I can't believe you're not hungry on 22 points a day. I would hate to think of how many points I consume on some days. The saving grace, of course, has been exercise, and I'm keenly aware that I could never eat that much if I didn't run regularly. Regarding bold type, I'm not sure how to explain this to you, but here goes. Immediately before the text that you want in bold, place a b in square brackets. Immediately after, place /b in square brackets. The slash turns the bold off. Hope this works for you.

lalala: Did you get nice weather on the weekend for gardening, etc? Try not to get discouraged about the scales. From what I hear, it's difficult not to come back a little heavier from those research trials - kinda captive to someone else's menu, aren't you.

Melissa: Did you get lots of walking in over the long weekend? I seem to recall you were going out-of-town. Hope it was enjoyable.

Hello katie and Austingal. Hope everyone is enjoying the Memorial Day holiday.
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Old 05-28-2001, 07:03 PM   #2  
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Hi Seasaw and all - okay, here's my bold move - wonder if it will work! (it did!!)

No, I'm not hungry at 22 points. Only mentally hungry sometimes if you know what I mean. I would like to have more to eat volume-wise at times. Just the compulsiveness in me. My new range is 22 - 27, but I'm not sure that will work out. Of course, this weekend I went over anyway what with parties and BBQs. Today I'm trying to go light. We'll see what happens tomorrow on the Tuesday night weigh in. Exercise is most definitely the saving grace.

Just planted some baby tomato plants this evening and had to clear out lots of baby lettuce and radishes to make room. Delicious.

Oh well, back to work tomorrow. Bah humbug!

- Laurel
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Old 05-29-2001, 08:52 AM   #3  
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Hi everyone

Seasaw: Thanks for getting the thread started this week I was out of town over the weekend and did manage to get a couple of walks in, although not as much as I would've liked. The weather was pretty much miserable--rain everyday. We did manage to get out for a walk on Saturday and I managed to do a little walking at the local mall but other than that didn't do as much as I would have liked. The temps were cool too! It doesn't seem like end of May...tonight we're supposed to hit a low of 40!

It was nice having the extra day off but it really throws me point-wise. I didn't journal at all over the weekend (which is not good for me). I am back to writing this morning!

Hope everyone is doing well
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Old 05-29-2001, 03:38 PM   #4  
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Good Tuesday all-
I'm hoping everyone had a lovely, restful weekend and a nice Memorial Day.

It was nice to have a few days off and based on the numbers I saw at WI on
Saturday, it was a on program points wise for me. Yikes, I'm up another
5 lbs, so I'm past my 10% goal and not very happy, but its my own doing and I'm
not going to let it get me down.

We moved stuff around in the back garden on Sunday, so we could mow and pull weeds. It looks much better and I am much happier. We did hit the nursery yesterday and picked up some very nice hostas and grasses for the shady areas. We have fava beans, squash and beans up and lots of rhubarb, so I'm happy.
The farmer's market started on Saturday and we have lots of good stuff around the house to eat. DP is really swamped this week, so I get lots of evenings with
the dog and cat. I think those will be better for eating.

seesaw: cool that you got to see DH, he's out again, eh? 31 is a bit hot for my taste, but it must be nice after your winters.

Melissa: You may have over indulged, but you are in control 97% of the time, good for you and getting those walks in.

Laurel: I'm glad to see you are such a good journaller! I may start posting on the weekends! Did you plant any interesting tomatoes? Can you send me some lettuce starts, ours did not do well. I have lots and lots of cosmos and cornflowers, but not lolla rossa lettuce.

I hope austingal survived Tahoe!

Well, I guess I should get to work. Its harder than ever to get into the groove after field work.

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Old 05-30-2001, 01:34 PM   #5  
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Hi everyone

Well the sun has finally peeked through the clouds and it's gorgeous walking weather. The downside is that I wasn't able to take advantage of walking over my lunch hour. I went to my weekly ww meeting even though I really had thought about skipping it. I'm glad I went, I did post another small gain and I truly expected it. The good side of this is that I was actually lower than I thought. I weighed myself at home (which I try not to do) and my scale was quite a bit higher than what I weighed in at *phew*. Anyway, I feel better and this next week I'm going to make sure I don't fall off the wagon again I can always tell when my TOM is around the corner because I usually have two weeks of gains followed by some losses. It's a vicious cycle lately and it seems the older I get the worse it is.

I will walk this coming week even if it means taking it inside at our rec center. After next week I'll be able to get some extra walking in before work (the kids are done with school next Friday) so I should be able to fit two walks in a day in some cases.

lala I'm in the same boat as far as getting back into the groove after having the long weekend. I have lots to do but little motivation

Have a good day everyone!
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Old 05-30-2001, 02:05 PM   #6  
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Good afternoon all!!

Been awol - took Tuesday off as an extra vacation day & I feel like I've been gone forever! Weather was so-so here in Wisconsin. Did general puttering around the house & yesterday DH & I rented a sod cutter to take up some of the sod in the front of our house so we can finally start doing some more landscaping. We have trees planted, but have been way too lazy about planting shrubs, etc, in the front. The sod cutter worked pretty well after DH got the hang of it - it would have taken forever if we dug out the sod with shovels. Worth the money to rent.

Overate somewhat over the weekend - and my weight is up as a result. Need to stay more focused, but having difficulty doing so....

Seasaw - the renovations sound like they are moving along really well. I bet you'll be glad when they're done.

Melissa - way to go to your meeting even when you were tempted to skip. I always hear over and over that the best time to go to a meeting is when you really don't want to go.

Laurel - thanks for keeping on the journal thread!

I've got to run - catch up on work from being gone....

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Old 05-30-2001, 03:12 PM   #7  
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Hello everybody,

Well, up 2# at weighin last night. So I guess the 4 extra points a day were a little too much (that and a weekend of extravagant eating). Part of the problem may also be that the week before I weighed in BEFORE dinner and last night AFTER dinner. I tell you I gain an easy 2# by eating dinner (i'm into high volume meals). So backing down by 2 points per day. This maintenance thing might be very interesting. Funny how I had no trouble maintaining for months at a time when I was trying to lose!!!! SO FUNNY! I'm laughing like anything. HA

Yes, the weekend journalling - I told you - compulso-woman!

Back on the homefront, the husband is looking for a job having newly graduated from a graphic arts program (after a lifetime of carpentering). Kinda nervewracking. He actually went on a job interview this morning. I think that was the first time in his life he had such an experience. Poor guy. It's horribly stressful. Can someone pass me the chips and dip please??

lalala (I'm not sure I've got that bold thing down pat...) so far in the ground are a couple of grape tomato plants and some mystery variety that mom gave me. I also plan to get over to the garden center to get some beefsteak tomatoes. Last year, I did grow quite a variety of interesting types (one of them was sort of brownish - didn't like that so much), but I've found that I like the beefsteak the best. Nothing like a Jersey tomato. I do have a bumper crop of lettuces this year, whereas last year i think 2 of the seeds germinated. Nature's just quirky I guess. This year's was a packet of mixed lettuces and argula and other greens. So far some delicious salads. I'd love to give you some lettuce babies, but you'll just have to come to New Jersey. Did I mention that the husband bought me a salad spinner as present for me reaching goal!!! Such a romantic fool...

Talk to youse guys later...
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Old 05-31-2001, 08:41 AM   #8  
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Hey everybody - it's Thursday. One more day to go and DH is home for good! Yeah!!!

It seems like ages since I've posted, so here's the status report on the renos: as I left the house this morning, four guys were removing baseboard trim and tearing up that horrid gold, shaglike carpet. The hardwood floors are coming...the hardwood floors are coming! By Sunday (yes, they will work the weekend), that carpet will be a dim memory, and DH will find that I'm an easier person to live with as a result (Actually, he is retaining a piece that's in pretty good shape to put into the gym downstairs, but it won't offend me there.)

Finishing touches by the carpenter are still outstanding. The poor guy called last night to apologize for his absence this week; he had a four-week job lined up to start after ours, and the people cancelled with no notice, leaving him scrambling to call folks who he had turned away. Anyway, he promises to be in early next week. That's OK because the electrician can only come next week too - early I hope because I've decided to take Monday and Tuesday off of work and get my house back in order. I can't bear the thought of the cleaning person coming in Tuesday morning and cleaning around everything again, like she has been for the past two months. I want to help her do a real clean-up job this time!

I had my first experience in a dragon boat last nite. I signed up for a fun event which takes place June 12th and there are three practices before the big race. My arms are feeling pretty good as I type this, but I have a sneaking suspicion that this will not be the case -- say -- tomorrow morning. It was fun though; I would consider doing this one or two nights a week and I may look into it a little further.

My sister is leaving on vacation tomorrow morning for twelve days so we had our last run together this morning for a little while. I will have to find a way to stick to my schedule while she's gone because I'm starting to feel really good again -- 28 minutes this morning and I was hardly breathing hard. I think the temperature had a lot to do with it; it was cooler this morning than it has been all week and I just felt great out there!

Sorry for the long post but things are happening this week. I'll try to check in later.
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Old 05-31-2001, 01:25 PM   #9  
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Hi ladies,

I am so very tired of feeling icky. I can't tell if I'm getting allergies or just picked up another cold. I'm not sure if its from flying, the gym or just bad luck. I have a call in
to the doctor to see if I can get a referral to an ENT.

seesaw: we are living the same life on parallel coasts I tell you! Our painting is 3/4 of the way done, just trim and the north side left to do. I really hated the color when it was first put on, but I am getting used to it. DP is so much more into subtle colours and ours is subtely grey, which fits so well with grey seattle!
Our cleaning person is cleaning around the detrius from our porch that is in our front hallway. I'm having him come next week to do a special post painting cleanup of windowsills etc., it really needs it. Our next chore is to tackle the front rooms w/paint and perhaps refinish the hardwoods on the main floor. That is definitely something to have someone else do.

I saw some dragon boat races in Melbourne in March. It looks like great fun! you go girl.

Laurel: You know, I never been to Jersey. Its on my list. I'll probably go through this summer on the way to Mountainville, NY to see the stormking art center.

I understand the stress of career changing spouses. It will all work out. Carpenters and graphic artists are both very creative, a very interesting combo.

kt: Good for you and getting the lawn out! Where do you live in Wisconsin? My bro just accepted a job at the medical school in Milwaukee. I guess I'll be visiting him there.

melissa: ditto on getting out and going to the meeting! Even better that you weighed in less than you thought.

Well, I should get going. I popped into work to get some files and documentation. I'm going to try and work at home. I hope the sudafed I took will take affect soon.

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Old 05-31-2001, 03:08 PM   #10  
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Hi, all!

I'm back from Tahoe, and thanks to those who thought of me while I was gone.

The family vacation was a resounding success. DH learned that flying with kids is so much less stressful when you have those little free frequent flyer drink tickets along! Everybody felt refreshed and relaxed after our stay at the lake. It was so much cooler!

I don't know what 31 degrees Celsius converts to, but it's been about 90-93 degrees around here lately. It seems too too hot for the beginning of summer. I'm beginning to fear that we'll have another string of over-100 degree days this summer. While I go from air-conditioned house to car to office, I worry about my kiddos at summer camp during such extreme weather.

Anyhow.... let's just not talk about how dismally I have failed to maintain healthy eating and exercise habits over the last couple months. I think my total "overage" over WW goal is 15 lbs. I'd be happy, tho, to stay at a weight about 10 lbs lighter than I am now. So, I just need to do what I know it takes. I worked out this morning, have tracked my eating today, and am on track for staying OP. I just need to FOCUS - but it is soooo easy to get distracted, no?

Here's to the first in a (hopefully) long string of successful, healthy days!! Have a great rest-of-the-week, all!
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Old 06-01-2001, 10:05 AM   #11  
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Default Happy Friday!!!

Woohoo - it's Friday!!

Yesterday went well with staying OP and exercise. Now, if I could just do that for about 40 more days in a row, I'd be getting somewhere!!

Several business-related picnics and lake trips are planned for the summer, so I am hoping to firm up and get a little closer to goal before I need to show up around co-workers in beach attire. I'm thinking of wearing shorts over my bathing suit, even though I will get soaked when riding the waverunners. It's either that or some kind of sarong thing, which seems impractical for that kind of activity. Sigh! I guess I have to hit the malls soon and face the dismal prospect of trying on bathing suits. The only good thing about being this far (15lbs) over goal, is that I have some nice cleavage to show off!!

Have a great weekend everybody!
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Old 06-01-2001, 10:15 AM   #12  
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Woohoo it's Friday I'm happy! This week has seemed unusually long even though it was a short week.

Austingal: Way to go! I wish I could say the same for me. I went over point-wise yesterday and didn't get to take advantage of the one sunny day this week! *sigh* I'm planning on trekking over the rec center tomorrow to get some walking in. The forecast isn't looking good for the coming week.

I don't have a lot of picnics to worry about, just a couple of weddings. I need to keep my motivation going so that I can hit my personal goal.

Happy June everyone!
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Old 06-01-2001, 10:43 AM   #13  
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Way to go Austingal for an OP day. I can't say the same, I'm afraid. I am eating all of the wrong things, in large quantities, and the only thing that's saving me is exercise. I think it's the stress related to the house renos - everything is upside down and out of place. Only a few more days though.

Those hardwood guys certainly work fast. All of the wood was down when I got home last nite and they were hard at it with sanders this morning when I left. DH just called - the ship has arrived and he is on his way home. He'll find a big difference from where things stood a week ago.

Melissa: Don't let the bad weather get you down. I'm actually starting to enjoy running in the rain, as long as it isn't really heavy or whipped around too much by wind. I think it keeps me cooler. And congrats on going to that WW meeting.

lalala: Sounds like you know where I'm coming from on this home upheaval thing. I hope you too will see the light at the end of the tunnel sometime soon.

Enjoy the weekend everyone. I'll be back in touch on Wednesday of next week after my extra long, work filled weekend.
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Old 06-01-2001, 12:26 PM   #14  
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TGIDD: Thank goodness its donut day!!!!!!!!!! or Friday too.

Yikes. Still feeling like the cat's kibble, but I have a meeting today I can't miss.
I did not have any trouble staying within my points yesterday, but it was because nothing sounded good. I did get a frappucino on my way back from my errand, but
I couldn't really taste it.

Melissa, Austin: Do you gals think the event is enough of a goal to try and stay on program? I'm wondering this as I try my dress on for a wedding I'm attending next week. I think the sight of me in a bathing suit in front of my colleagues would be too much for anything. Actually, its the sight of my colleagues that would also be too much for me . I think sarongs are very flattering though. I have a few.

Seesaw: you must post pictures of your house renos. I will post a picture or two of our exterior and our curry coloured walls. I can't wait to get the living room and dining room painted. I'm glad your DH is home.

Well, no grand plans for the weekend. Lots of weeding, watering and catching up to do. We are here and gone for the next few weeks, I will be amazed if I can
get everything done.

Have a great weekend ladies!

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Old 06-01-2001, 07:47 PM   #15  
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Well it's a cold dreary drizzly Friday evening...I think I feel the cold more than I used to. I'm now in a sweatshirt and flannel pajama bottoms and slippers. brrrr....

lala have you tried Nasalcrom? If what you have is truly an allergy, I found that Nasalcrom really helps though it takes few days to build up and work. And if you ever do come through NJ, give me a buzz. I'd love to meet you. Western NJ is very beautiful, rolling green hills, farms, wineries, cute little towns. Lovely. I'm a bit to the east of the really pretty part (but we still grow a mean tomato).

austingal i think i must have hit goal while you were away. One of the first things I did to reward myself was to post over here at Lifetimers/Maintenance. I feel like I know all of you from many many months of reading your posts.

hoping the weather warms up and clears up around these parts. It would be nice to do some garden work - the weeds are taking on heroic proportions out there (amongst the peonies and roses. The rain is coming right on schedule, just when the peonies are open). Hope everyone has a good weekend.

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