South Beach Diet Fat Chicks on the Beach!

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Old 05-11-2005, 07:04 AM   #1  
Come on Spring!
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Default Hump Day On The Beach - May 11

Quickie This A.m. As I Still Need To Get The Garbage Out For Pick-up.

Whoops! I typed in all caps and the system changed it for me. Didn't mean to yell.

It rained in the night because the deck and chair cushions are soaked so no coffee outside this morning, I'm afraid. I hope it got it over with for the day!

Sarah comes this morning to work off the time she owes me. We'll see how things go. It may be her last time. I have a lead on some male teens who are looking for work. At least they won't get their period to use as an excuse!

I'll pop in later this morning to see if anybody got up today!
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Old 05-11-2005, 08:15 AM   #2  
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I'm up. I was hoping it would rain here last night, Ruth, but we got NOTHING!
Good luck with Sarah today. I would dump her. You've put up with a lot of crap from that girl.

We were up late visiting with DH's mom and DS. I used to love his sister, but she's become so full of herself, that she is completely BORING! I have better things to do than sit around all evening listening to someone talk about themselves.
Unfortunately, I'm too polite to do anything about it.

Got to get the kids off... back later... have a great day, darlings!
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Old 05-11-2005, 08:43 AM   #3  
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Happy Hump Day all!!

Ruth - I'm sure there's quite a bit of the Sarah saga that I've missed by only joining the board a few weeks ago, but it seems like it's been lots of trouble. I hope you can find good help!

Ellis - I'm like you - I wouldn't ever be able to say anything about it. But it's also very stressful to have to put on that "I'm interested in what you're saying" facade, too...

Short day at work for me today - which is a good darn thing. I was running about 10 minutes late this morning, so per procedure, I called in and left a voicemail in our general customer service voicemail box. When I get to my desk at 8:10 no one had even checked the messages. There were already 3 other ladies here - there is no excuse for the first person that gets to work to not check those stinkin' messages. Laziness, I tell you. Laziness and lack of concern. Drives me up the friggin' wall.

Good workout last night, but I've got an annoying blister that keeps reforming between my 2 and 3 toe on my right foot. Last night it got so bad that I almost stopped my walk short, but then I stuck it out. Does anyone have any suggestions? Would those little corn pads work?? (Sorry if this grosses anyone out - I just didn't know who else to ask.)

I hope everyone has a great day!
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Old 05-11-2005, 08:57 AM   #4  
Come on Spring!
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Aaaarrrrggggghhhhh! Sarah just called to tell me her doctor wants to see her this morning. Can you believe that? She will be here this afternoon and will darn well clean out the raspberry patch. She can do that crappy job without supervision.

On the bright side, I get a free morning out of the deal. Yippee!

Ellis, dont you hate that! Its sort of...."Well, we've talked enough about me. What do you think of my problem?" How is your MIL? Did they figure out what kind of myalgia she has? Myalgia means muscle pain, I think.

Sassygal, I'd be pretty pissed off too! I thought you were in customer SERVICE! Something is causing that blister. Corn plasters will not help but putting a bit of moleskin padding between the toes might. You can get it where they sell corn plasters. By the way, the Sarah Saga is long and stupid - let's just say she is in chronic social failure!

Would you believe The Girls are lying in puddles on the deck? I think it's a hint to get out their wading pool! I think I'll flip the wet cushions and sit out there with a coffee and contemplate my garden. (My side lawn is now full of blooming white, purple and mauve violets and wild strawberry blossoms. I looks so pretty! Who says lawns have to be green grass?)

Time for another coffee.
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Old 05-11-2005, 08:59 AM   #5  
We are all Beautiful!!!
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Morning all!

Kind of quiet around here.

It actually rained around here last night and Lake Michigan is full of rain on the weather forcast this morning so we may actually get some rain. It is way - WAY over due.

Ruth - Good luck with Sarah today.

Ellis - Love those people who are full of themselves. You are more polite than I am. Although sometimes when I don't feel like talking it is nice to have them yabber on and on so I don't have to talk.

Sassy - you may want to try that liquid bandage stuff. That is what the girls use for blisters in track and field. They say it works great.

Bami - How are you doing? No, I didn't have any great man stories this weekend. However I have found that being the designated driver keeps me from consuming too much empty calories from drinkies. My girlfriends said I lacked personality though they had enough personality for all of us. This weekend is the Friday the 13th party at my parents golf club. There is a man who I think is interested in me and he will be there. He kind of prances around like a peacock whenever I'm around - but he never asks me out so we will see what happens. Also, remember the one who long ago asked me to marry him several times? Then we went out and he went running back to his fiance? They should be there too. So if peacock man isn't any fun I can always pick on the other two.

I was up two pounds today but I think it is due to TOM. I'm not going to worry until next week Wednesday weigh in. I know my weight and body fat are going down because those pants were hanging on me by the end of the day yesterday and I had to squeeze my butt into them before Florida.

Have a great day chickies!
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Old 05-11-2005, 09:08 AM   #6  
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Bami - I just read your post from yesterday! How awful! Hope DH is ok. You guys are due for some good health news. I'm sending healthy vibes your way. I wish I was in AL - I would come and give you guys a hand. Or at least a SBD friendly casserole. Take care.
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Old 05-11-2005, 09:21 AM   #7  
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Ruth, she's had Polymyalgia Rheumatica for about four years. While she was in the hospital last week, she was told that she now has Giant Cell Arteritis. Poor woman. She's on morphine for the pain.

Sassy, my jaw is aching from smiling last night. I wish I wasn't so polite.
You need to get some air to that blister, otherwise it's never going to heal properly. The moleskin thingy is a good idea.
Things like that are so annoying. I've got a really deep crack on one of my big toes, and I could barely walk yesterday. I was looking at it last night... I could almost stitch it closed, it's so deep!

Ruth, my (your) violets are out!! Geez, is it ever hot and humid out there! blah. I wonder if we should break down and get an air conditioner for the attic this year...
Give the Girls a wet hug for me.

Amy, I can't WAIT to hear about the party this Friday. You and your men kill me, girl.
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Old 05-11-2005, 09:22 AM   #8  
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Ruth: " least they won't get to use their period as an excuse" Perfect! Plus, they'll give you more to look at in the garden than the flowers... Isn't it nice when it rains overnight? (except for the soggy cushions...) Oy, that Sarah! I hope she gets very muddy in the raspberry patch! Your morning sounds delicious...glad you get to enjoy it. The lawn sounds beautiful!

Oh, Ellis, I hate it when people are that full of themselves. Wonder what happened to her? How's DH's mom doing? Have a great day, hon!

Sassy, your poor toes! Is the blister popped? If not, I'd think about seeing a doctor. It might be something that needs medical attention. In the meantime, I'd think about putting some moleskin on the opposite toe to ease the friction and pad it a little ( ...just read Ruth's post...we had the same idea!). One of those corn pads might work...I've never tried them though. Your officemates sound out of it. Sorry about that...hope things get better there!

Amy, so glad that you are finally getting some rain! Yippee! <--that's a rain dance. Hope you have fun at the party. I'm looking forward to hearing the stories!

Sounds like I need to go read the rest of yesterday's daily...Bamie, I hope things are okay!

Gained a pound this morning, but last night was my late night of eating, so I'm not going to stress about it. Did 18 mins on the elliptical this morning because I got a late start. I need to put a note above the alarm clock with my wakeup times for DH. He hates moving the minutes on the clock so if I ask for a wake up at 6 and he woke up at 4:30, he'll set it for 6:30. I hate that.

It's a gorgeous day, and I'm wearing a skort! Have a ton to do today though, so I better get to it.

Have a great day, chickies!!!
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Old 05-11-2005, 09:31 AM   #9  
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Ellis, your poor MIL! I'll be keeping her in my prayers. Is there anything they can do for her but manage the pain?

Your poor toe! Why does it have such a crack? Ack!
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Old 05-11-2005, 09:37 AM   #10  
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Morning all! Although it's the kind of morning when it looks like it's going to rain and you stay in bed just that much longer because you have to and then wake up in a panic after no resetting the alarm thinking you really overslept but relax once you find out you are just running late so you hurry, hurry, hurry only to get to work and find out you are the first one there and no one else came in until 9:30...

PMS anyone?

Happy day all. I am taking myself down to get some breakfast...
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Old 05-11-2005, 09:41 AM   #11  
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Good morning gals

I've got a busy morning today. I have to run back to the hospital and fill out more paper work, then to human resourses to get my drug screening scheduled. The phone call I waited for on Monday finally came about 5 minutes before I got back home from my walk yesterday! Isn't that how it always wait around forever then finally leave and they call!
After I am thru there, I have to run to the school, because last week when my DH and I took that fitness evaluation, our endurance test didn't register, so we have to do it again! argh. I just hope I get finished at the hospital early enough that I'm not rushing to the school!

Water aerobics was awesome last night, the water was perfect! We will probably move to the outdoor pool in a couple of weeks when school lets out. I'm really looking forward to that!

I made a recipe for supper last night that I know will be on my menu all summer!!! It's Tomato-Cucumber Salsa. You've gotta try it if you haven't!!

I'll post it later if any one wants it. but for now I gotta run and get in the shower
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Old 05-11-2005, 09:42 AM   #12  
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Laurie, DH and I have our own clocks. It solves a lot of problems.
Good for you getting on the elliptical this morning! That pound will drop off in no time.
My MIL is on Prednisone, but that's not something anyone should be on long-term. Thanks for your prayers, hon. I'll tell DH.
I have tough feet. When I was a kid, I could run barefoot on gravel. So the skin is really thick and rough, and if I don't keep at it with the pumice stone, it cracks.
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Old 05-11-2005, 10:14 AM   #13  
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Good morning, everyone! It's bright and sunny today. It's nice now but I think I may need to try to get out for a short walk this morning since it is supposed to be about 90 again today. I managed time at the gym last night but tonight is training to teach at the Cub Scout Twilight Camp and before that I need to make brownies so Brian can bring them to a party at school tomorrow. And actually I'll have to stop at the store first since I don't keep things like that at home. And Kohl's has a one day sale today that has bras at a good price so I am just going to have to stop on the way home from work.

Ruth - Get yourself some good looking guys and I think you will be a lot happier

Hi, Ellis!

Sassy - If your shoes or socks aren't responsible for the blister, and it keeps coming back, you may want to see a podiatrist. I wear orthotics and they have done wonders for my feet. Although I don't need them as much now that I'm not so heavy.

anchor - I think my visit from TOM has been keeping my weight up too. I'm just not going to worry about it.

Laurie - We each have our own clocks. When I got Brian one for his bedroom, I got one with two alarms. Normally only his is turned on (for 6:30) but I keep the other set for 6 in case I need to sleep in there for some reason. DH's is always set for much later and even then he sleeps most of the morning away.

Good to see you back, Jenn!

PHinsUP - I love water aerobics but I haven't tried too hard to make it. The closest gym to me doesn't have a pool and the other one has their class at 7 on the same night that is normally cub scouts. Oh, well, the city pools will be opening soon.
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Old 05-11-2005, 10:26 AM   #14  
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Good Morning!

Overslept myself, was up way too late at a friend's house last night.

Bamie - read your post from yesterday. Having had knee surgery myself, I don't know how you were able to go the the ER with your husband! Glad he was ok.

Ruth - Sarah must know she is on thin ice. If you decide to let her go, I hope she doesn't make it too unpleasant. I would have loved that job when I was a kid! At 16, I was working in a nursing home and, although it was good for someone who would eventually go to nursing school as I did, I am sure that the garden (or helping Harry at home) would have been far more enjoyable.

Beachgal - How early DO you get up? I can barely drag myself out of bed at 7.

Ellis - People like that make me crazy. I wonder what happened as you say she has "become" this way?

anchor weight - I hated having to "read signals" when I was single. Good luck with Mr. Peacock.

Jenn - Been there done that. Just three more days 'til the weekend!

OK, gotta run! Catch you all later.
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Old 05-11-2005, 11:06 AM   #15  
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Good Morning Ladies!
YAY I have some time for my I have been really busy this past month with work and just stuff going on....As of the end of May...I will have been on the SBD for a whole year! I must say that I am so happy with my results on this if only I could figure out how to tone up my legs and stomach....they need some serious help! So this past weekend I went down to CNU...the college I graduated from almost 2 yrs ago for their graduation...I had some friends graduating and some friends who were just gonna be there....Let me tell you....They were all SHOCKED at how I of my old roommates ex-boyfriend grabbed me by the arm and was like Jess? WOW! You look...WOW! I thought that was you...I must say that made me feel really great...and then one of my profs. had no idea who I was at first....and then I went to dinner with this guy I used to date and he was there with his fiance...and he said that I shocked him...that I looked so different...but he was like I was pleasantly surprised and he was impressed...which that made me feel great...I have to say I was on cloud 9 all weekend! really good ego boost...I've got 15lbs left to seems like it's the hardest part yet of this diet....I have missed you guys so much....I've just been terrible about getting to the computer...i'm usually too tired to get on it late at night but I will try to work on this! It looks like you all are doing wonderful!!! How's everything going?
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