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Old 03-30-2005, 07:31 PM   #1  
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Default Tips for depression and diet obsessiveness

I'm a 20 year old man and I have been there where you countless guys/girls are right now. We all have something in common, we care about looks and in many cases we don't give a damn about health as long as we look good.

So, now, you are there sitting in front of the computer, waiting for more 3 hours so you can have a little snack (or something similar). We become so obssesed with food all the time, with our diets and exercises. Thinking that the world would be heaven if we were slim and beautiful. So......what if you were slim and beautiful? What would you be doing?.........Weird question huh? We get so obsessed with diets that we actually forget our real goals in have you found the answer? what would you be doing right now if you were slim? What would be the diference? You might answer to yourself "I could eat freely without thinking about it" we go again....thinking about food. So nothing changed.....if we could use magic and turn our body into the sexiest thing around we would be fat again in a year because we have food as a confort, as an objective.

Don't you feel envious everytime you see a "normal" person eating what he/she wants without gaining any weight? And you think if you eat exactly what he/she ate right now would **** up your diet?

So why? Why can't we be like that? Is there something wrong with us? Does our body store more fat that normal people? It does not. It is all about how people look at food.

We now look at food as a prize, as the day's best part, something to confort ourselves. "Normal" people don't take food too seriously, they eat when they need to restore the body's energy required for their daily work, but don't look at it as a prize.

I have a friend that used to love programming and anything computer related. He was so obssesed with it (and still is) that he sometimes forgets to eat, since sitting around doesn't need much calories he didn't need to eat as normal people. He had an objective: "to become the world's best programmer". Of course, this was a kid's dream, but! it made him occupied, he had something to do.

So, what would you be doing right now if you were slim? Do you have an objective in life besides getting the wonder body? Do you have any hobbies besides eating that you actually enjoy? better start thinking about those because that's why we are here in this world, to LIVE. Food is just our batteries, that give us energy to DO something, not to try to find a way to waste it.

Ok, now, why did WE end up gaining weight?

Well, as we know, food has become more compact and unnatural and filled with sugar or fat, and that will affect the people depending on their lifestyles. If your a sportist or you have a very active life, like school, then music class, and you gotta wash your dishes and clean up the house at night, you would need much more calories than a person that stays in front of the computer all day. If you live with persons that are overweight and they aren't sticking to a diet you may get dragged into their way of eating. If you work with food, like a cook, it would be necessary to taste food and be in contact with it a big part os the day. Etc...etc...etc...

Solution? If your lifestyle is not very active, then you need a radical change in your life.....I'm not asking you to move to another country (even if that might work) I'm trying to say that you should try to change what you CAN. For someone who wants to lose weight must get busy with something that he/she likes to do in order to get out of the Eating Disorder and add exercise into your daily tasks (or 3 times a week).

If you finally see food as something to recharge yourself and you get satisfied normally without big portions of food, you are cured, go on with your life and your body will get rid of the fat that you don't need naturally. Exercise is a must, don't go on thinking that you don't have to workout to lose weight, but it doesn't have to be necessary to do an intensive workout, sometimes just walk with friends through town might be more effective. Starving yourself will make yourself think that food is a prize again. Your body won't know the diference between gluttony or hunger.

So, are you ready to make a change in your life? Have you thought of something you want to do with your life? If so, you, today, right now, can start becoming mentally healthy and that's the first and most important step to finally win agaist eating disorder.

If there's any question or comment, you're welcome. I'm here to help people to get out of the **** I have been through.
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Old 03-30-2005, 09:33 PM   #2  
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wow that makes alot of sense, I honestly don't know what I would be doing if I were thin and didn't have food and dieting and exercise consume most of my time and thought...I've always held myself back from things I've wanted to do because of my weight.
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Old 03-31-2005, 11:20 AM   #3  
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Klaha - did you say you are 20? wow! I would think that you have been through a lot in your life to have soooooooooo much wisdom at 20! and would I be right about that?

I read your post last night before going to bed and thought about your question....

"So......what if you were slim and beautiful? What would you be doing?"

Ya know - that is a great question!

and you know what I realized Klaha, if I were slim and beautiful ... I would be doing the exact same thing that I am doing now! I would still be married to the same great guy that I have been married to for 25 1/2 years! I would still have 2 great sons, and still be dealing with the oldest one's very challenging health problems which is a really low thyroid problem that presents itself as depression & anxiety and a poor perception of himself - I would still be working the same great job, still be working with teenagers and involved in a large youth group at church and teaching a sunday school class - I would still have the same great family & friends - and do the things that I do...


I would be doing all of those things in cute little stylish clothes and I would feel better about myself while doing them. I would dress sexier at home for my dear hubby, instead of covering my body. I would simply feel better about myself!

thanks for making me think about this!

take care,
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Old 04-02-2005, 08:15 AM   #4  
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Great Post !!!

You are so right in saying we are worth so much more than our physical appearance. And its a shame that we let this stop us from doing things we urn to do, but the sad thing is, it does. And I feel for me, its true, the more obsessed I become with food and dieting the more I gain. Time to focus on life instead of food

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Old 04-02-2005, 06:31 PM   #5  
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You' re right but, If I were slimmer I'd be going to the beach everyday, hanging out with friends, shopping, travelling to the near by islands (I'm in the Virgin Islands), and just doing what I love to do...
but i don't do those things because I dont like the way I look right now.. and thats the truth. The funny thing is that doing all of those things used to help me keep off the extra pounds.. hehe...
it's kinda like those of us who wanna lose weight before going to the gym..haha! it's a vicious cycle but I will break free so I can enjoy my life once again.
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Old 04-05-2005, 03:31 PM   #6  
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In the past I have harnassed my OCD tendencies to try and stop obsessing about food/diet which seems to be what the original post is suggesting. Yeah it does work sometimes, but finding things to obsess about other than food have to not be shopping or anything that is also destructive in another way.

To answer his question about what i would be doing if I were thin...
  • I would be going out more and being more social. I feel so fat and gross I don't want people to see me like this.
  • I wouldn't cry everytime I do get dressed to go out because I look like a pig.
  • I wouldn't feel grossed out everytime my boyfriend touches me.

I know I can never eat like thin people, but at least if I were thin and I gained a little I could get the weight off and manage it. Now it's just a constant source of depression.
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Old 04-06-2005, 03:54 PM   #7  
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If food is something that might change something in your relation with your boyfriend, you should stop and start thinking what's more important to you. Choose between a burger or your relationship, what will it be? A relation may last forever, but a burger only lasts a minute, and can only give you regrets after that.

You should also start to worry more about your children by not giving them those chocolates and very caloric foods. Even if they are growing it doesn't mean they need to eat those unhealthy foods. Besides they will get used to them and will be hard to depart. You don't want to see your children follow the same path as you took? Then help them while they still don't worry about it and help yourself out, it is not impossible. Believe be, I have said "it's impossible" a thousand times, but the mirror kept me from being happy.
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Old 04-07-2005, 06:15 PM   #8  
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I don't have any kids, but if I ever do I know they are going to be brainy nerds with a tendancy to put on weight. Especially if my current relationship pans out because he's like that too. We both struggle with our weight.

... and burgers aren't the problem. My cooking is. I have gotten better about making low fat low carb stuff but my pasta, baking and various dishes with dumplings or potatos are amazingly good. That's not just me saying that, everyone loves my cooking. Unfortunately, so do I!
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Old 04-09-2005, 09:12 AM   #9  
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Originally Posted by Klaha
Choose between a burger or your relationship, what will it be? A relation may last forever, but a burger only lasts a minute, and can only give you regrets after that.
Easier said than done. Losing weight isn't just about willpower.
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Old 04-09-2005, 02:19 PM   #10  
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Klaha...........I like your energy.........Liz
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