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Old 02-24-2004, 01:11 AM   #1  
Dancing those pounds away
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Smile 300+ and Ready to try AGAIN !!! #494


We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We recently started a Topic of the Day.

Monday........Motivation Monday
Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
Thursday......Thankful Thursday
Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

We chat on Wednesday and Sunday at 8:30 EST, 7:30 CST.

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

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Old 02-24-2004, 01:28 AM   #2  
Dancing those pounds away
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Good evening ladies.
It is late so I won't be here long.
Do any of you watch Super Millionaire?? Tuesday night there will be a person from Tulsa, OK. He is about 30-40ish... He did have a mustache but we will see if he still has it for National TV. They won't let him tell any details until after the show airs.
And do you remember the woman on the Three Wise Men for the first show?? She was also from Tulsa. She was the first woman to win a Million Dollars during the old show.
My daughter tried to get on tonight. She lost on the phone interview.
She knew all of the answers on tonights show so that inspired her to try.
Tonight is the last chance to get on... so she waited to long to try. You can only try once a day.

Kat... When telling your family, friends, others... just remember
It is not what you say... but the way you say it.
when you learn to stand up for yourself on a regular bases ... it is a good motto to keep in mind. I usually hold it inside untill I want to be hateful when saying no.
Thin... CONGRATULATIONS on going to Curves.
I am sooo PROUD.
And congrats on your success of building your business so big.
Only bad thing is.. you now have FULL TIME JOB. LOL

Gee I have already forgot what everyone wrote on the old thread.
Oh well ... it is nearly 12:30am so I need to get to bed anyway.
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Old 02-24-2004, 07:34 AM   #3  
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Hello again!

My food was good yesterday and today is going well too.
After my binge Sunday night, I got out the garbage can and started filling it up. In went all the candy, potato chips, anything junkfood-ish. I've realized recently that I need to do this not just for myself, but for my daughter. She is following in the footsteps of the family curse. At just less than 5 years old, she has achieved being technically overweight. I noticed how tight all her pants were getting. Then I really started paying attention to her eating habits. My little girl eats a lot simply out of boredom, and I've been letting her do it.
I went to the commissary and bought apples, grapes, carrot sticks, crackers and fat free cheese for her after school snacks. I am making a concious effort to find things to divert her from eating when she's bored. I don't want her to suffer the same miserable childhood I did. Kids are SO CRUEL!! Once the weather shapes up, she'll get a lot more exercise cuz she loves to go to the park. We spent all our free time there last summer.
The problem I encounter is son follows in the footsteps of his father. He is hyperactive and very underweight. I've been told to feed him anything and everything whenever he feels like eating. I was even told by one dietician to "butter everything he eats" to fatten him up. It is SO HARD to make sense of this to a 5 year old. She wants to eat, and I'm supposed to tell her no, and when my son wants to eat, I'm supposed to load him up. At every meal I have to make my son a calorie packed plate, and make the opposite for my daughter. To give you some perspective, my 5 year old daughter weighs 52 pounds, and my 8 1/2 year old son only weighs 62 pounds. If they were both overweight, or both underweight, this wouldn't be as stressful.
So as you can see, I have my hands full on the nutrition front!!!
I got lots of walking in today since I had a ton of running around to do and my car (my other car) was in the shop getting a muffler re-attached. (Bad car week for me huh?)
Well, I've got to go get the munchkins at school. Hope everyone is have a good day.
I'll talk at ya later,
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Old 02-24-2004, 09:21 AM   #4  
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Good Morning Chickadees!
We are getting snow today. Not the pretty snow that I enjoy, but the yucky wet, heavy, messy snow! Oh well, as long as the commute home isn't affected too much I'll be ok! Just had a nice healthy breakfast and now I am getting ready to dig into work. I feel so much better today than yesterday - I got to bed at a decent hour and slept like a rock - until DH woke me up to put drops in his ear.

Really, nothing much else to report on this end - I'm just boring!

Jen - You are in a tough situation with the kids. I know it's hard when adults try to have different eating habits in one house, but to have two children on opposite ends of the spectrum has to be difficult! You sound like you are handling it well and have some good ideas!

I'll be back later!
Have a great day!

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Old 02-24-2004, 06:34 PM   #5  
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Where is everybody noone has posted since I checked this morning . Get in here and post
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Old 02-24-2004, 07:45 PM   #6  
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Hi ladies!

Mary - Where is your post? We love hearing more about what's going on with you.

It was a rather uneventful day. Work went well. Having to sit all day has improved my productivity. Who'd have thought sitting at your desk leads to more work getting done!

Food was pretty decent. I've journalled everything and I've even gone back to my book to double check my point calculations. I figure there's a reason why I'm such a slow loser. I'm going to take advantage of these six weeks to get a grip on food and stop estimating portions and points. This morning I did pilates for back and this evening I did pilates for legs. At least that's floor work and something I can do.

I'm off to do some bill paying online. Have a good evening!
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Old 02-24-2004, 07:48 PM   #7  
Dancing those pounds away
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Hi Mary.... here I am.... for not for long. I want to watch American Idol and Super Millionaire tonight. I would reply to your post... but you didn't give me anything to work with. LOL

I have one hour left on my bid on ebay too tonight.
Cross your fingers and toes for me.
I have one person bidding against me... and she has failed to pay for items she bid on 13 times. I wish her track record would disqualify her. LOL It is a pretty litlle flower girl dress for my granddaughter.

I would say how good my food has been lately... but that is not fair since I was too sick to eat. LOL BUT... then again... being sick has never stopped me from eating before. LOL

Well... I posted for Mary ... but now i am going to get ready for my tv entertainment.
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Old 02-24-2004, 09:19 PM   #8  
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I'm here kind of food was bad today. I worked till 7 catch you all later
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Old 02-25-2004, 01:03 AM   #9  
Changin' my ways :)
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Hey everyone

I got called in twice to the night job and they have given me Monday nights as a regular shift. I haven't been here because I've been trying to figure out when I'm supposed to sleep and how to manage the rest of my life!

I am really enjoying this new job, btw. The method they use is called Positive Peer Culture, and it reminds me so much of what we do here. The girls are supposed to check their own behavior. If they are still having a problem, they can ask for peer help. If it goes beyond what one or two peers can deal with, the entire group joins in with a huge show of love and support. It is really cool to see in action, and it is very much what we do for each other here.

The only down side to this so far is that I haven't been to Curves since last Friday. I've been trying to think of some quiet exercises I can do at work with minimal equipment. Most of the night I'm sitting on my backside twiddling my thumbs. I've done a lot of reading and some paperwork, but for the most part I've been on my laptop playing Mahjongg or Spider Solitaire and wishing I could get on to for my fix of Bespelled. I love that game, but I can't let myself indulge often. I've had games that went on for 8 hours or more, and there is just too much else to do around here!

Hey, maybe I can find a Tai Chi dvd. I wouldn't need to hear verbal instructions if i went through it a couple of times before work. That is the trick. I really need it to be quiet so I don't wake the girls. And since I'm finding that I prefer sleeping to getting my workout done, I'd better try something new. Any ideas/suggestions? I'm kind of limited on space, but not too bad. And I could wear headphones if I absolutely needed to listen as well as watch and follow. Too bad I don't want to lug my big exercise ball with me every night. I love using that thing, but the size factor is a bit prohibitive for traveling around.

Anyway, I'd better be getting back to bed. I work job #1 tomorrow, and they deserve me wide awake and able to give my best as much as I deserve a full night of sleep.

Take care, all!

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Old 02-25-2004, 01:43 AM   #10  
Dancing those pounds away
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Gee... I think this is the slowest this site has been in a longggg time.
I WON my bid on ebay. I got the prettiest flowergirl dress. In the bridal shops they cost OVER $100. The cheapest I found was $109 ... the average was $125. I got mine for $30.08. My granddaughter is going to look soooo cute in it.

I also ordered the cake today. I went a week or so ago to order...but they were hiking the prices up on me. So I had to take back the sheet with the original prices they quoted. Then I got sick. Luckily I got the original sales person today... so no problems.

So I am making great strides. Wedding dress arrived... veil ordered ... bridesmaid dresses ordered... church and minister reserved... reception ballroom reserved... photographer picked .... hotel rooms reserved.... down payment on tuxes... Cake ordered ..... invitations printed... unity candle bought..... what else am I forgetting ???? Hmmmm. Flowers !!!! We picked florist but I have forgotten to set appointment to make final decisions. They asked us to wait until after Valentines day... and I totally forgot to go back. But then again... I have been sick since before Valentines day. I will try and set that up for Friday.
Oh ...and we need a plus size half slip. She looks beautiful without it too... so I am not willing to pay big bucks on one.
I even have a dress. It is not my first choice so I am still looking... but I do have one that will work nicely. I am going to have to start hunting for a 1978 and 1981 penny for her to wear in her shoe. Those are their birth years. (something old + good luck)

I am feeling much better tonight. Still need my cough syrup ... but doing better every day. I think I will be well enough this weekend to have my sister come and go to OKC like we planned last week.

Terri... you are such an inspiration. Even hurt you get your workout in.
I agree... when you journal and measure again.... it almost always results in a loss. Good for you !!!!

Barb... you are anything but boring. You are so productive... and you and your husband love to go places together.

mary.... we need/want some longer posts from you woman.
We love it when you tell us about your life too.

Jen.... bless your heart trying to balance two different diets for your children. I remember those days when my kids were young. sometimes I felt like I was just spinning my wheels.

Andria... you posted while I was writing here. I LOVE Spider !!! I am totally addicted. My lowest number of moves is 90. I want 89 soooo bad. I use to be addicted to acrophobia (sp?) .... but I had to quit it totally.. like an alcoholic has to quit drinking totally. It is the game where you make up lines from the letters they give you. Example...
E. E. P. A. N. W. P.
lephants Eat Peanuts At Noon With Pepsi

Okay... Some of you lurkers are going to HAVE TO POST again. Remember what they say.... "It is in giving that you recieve" .... we NEED a little more giving here.

Love you all. 2cute
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Old 02-25-2004, 07:52 AM   #11  
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Good morning ladies!

I'm up and have done my general conditioning workout. My back feels so much better having kept up with some exercise. The doc warned me that I may have back and hip problems because of walking funny. So far, the pilates have helped. I am going to have to order a total pilates workout DVD - I really love it.

American Idol was much better last night. That one gal that sang Celene Dion was awesome. Tonight, DH is taking me out for Mexican. I told him that I don't want to eat a bunch of chips and am going to order shrimp or chicken fajitas. Even then, I may pass on the tortillas. They never give enough anyway and I usually get them too stuffed to eat without a mess. We may go see Cold Mountain.

2Cute - Wow, you've accomplished a lot. Even sick, you are productive! Don't get too carried away now darnit!

Andria - What is it that you do at your second job? You've probably told us before. Sorry! Tai Chi sounds like a good workout. Can you get on the floor? Pilates is good too. Do you have carpet? You could try WATP if your footsteps didn't make a lot of noise. Good luck!

Have a great day!
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Old 02-25-2004, 07:55 AM   #12  
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Ok you asked for it
Not much going on in my life but work. I got my hair cut yesterday. It was getting long on my neck.
My son goes back to the Dr. today for a check up since his fall at work. He got up at 4:30 throwing up with reflux and is in my recliner asleep now.
On another note I went and bought 4 neon tetras yesterday for my aquarium.

Food is terrible. I stopped at Hardees yesterday and got a pork chop biscuit combo. but at least I got a diet coke. Then last night when I got off I went by Burger King and got a Honey Mustard Chicken Bagett combo

Hope all of you have a great Wednesday. I am going to climb back on the wagon and try to hold on.

My genealogy column in our local paper is going well people seem to like it. I include bits and pieces of local history too.

I better run grab breakfast and a shower. catch you later

2cute glad you are feeling better.
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Old 02-25-2004, 07:57 AM   #13  
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Terri Cold Mountain is so good. You will love it. It is an awsome love story.
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Old 02-25-2004, 09:15 AM   #14  
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Hi All!
I am here, debated on whether to post or not. I've had a rough couple day - not necessarily on the weight loss front (even though things could be a little better), but the stress of everything going on with DH and I is starting to hit hard. In addition to all the fertility stuff we are going through he's had a horrible ear infection for about a week and he has an appt. w/ and oral surgeon tomorrow to see about having a biopsy on his mouth - he used chewing tobacco (yuck) for several years. The dentist said some of the tissue in his mouth looks bad, so he has quit cold turkey and is going tomorrow for a consult. As if all this wasn't enough, his boss is giving him a VERY hard time with all these appts. His is in a senior position for a financial co. and works about a million hours a week - now that he has medical issues to deal with his boss is being an a$$!!!!! So, yesterday he was suppose to have an appt. w/ the oral surgeon and he missed it because he thought it was at 4:30 and it was at 4:00 so they made him reschedule. Then, yesterday the urologist called to schedule his other procedure. He is suppose to call them back today to schedule, but is acting as if he is going to push it off as long as he can. Anyway, we ended up in a big fight because he thinks all I care about is a baby and don't care about anything else he is going through. I have been trying to be as supportive as I can on everything, it just sucks that it's all happening at one. Basically we didn't speak last night - I laid awake in bed 1/2 the night - then this morning he was going to leave w/o talking to me - I went downstairs before he left and then we got into a huge fight and he said I don't care about his feelings. I have been crying constantly all morning. He doesn't understand me right now and I don't understand him. I am TRYING! I had no idea how stressful everything was going to get. One thing at a time would be ok, but everything at one. He doesn't talk about his feelings, he bottles everything up and expects me to read his mind. He said he was so upset about missing the appt. yesterday and cried all the way home (my DH doesn't cry), however, he didn't tell me anything. He acted as if the appt. was no big deal and now I find out how scared he is about it being cancer.

I am so hurt and upset right now. I have no one I can call and cry to, so you are getting it all. I am so sorry to have a pity party in here. I just had to vent somewhere.

My intention is not to sound like we are in an unhappy marriage or we don't love each other. We have a wonderful life together and love each other dearly, but are just in a rough spot at the moment and I don't know how to handle it.

Ok, I am going to stop now. I won't be surprised if I come back and delete this sob story.

I love you all! Thanks for being my friends.
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Old 02-25-2004, 10:06 AM   #15  
a work in progress...
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Oh, Barb...I'm so glad that you DO have a place to come and vent. There are lots of shoulders here to cry upon and plenty of arms to hug you when you need one! I'm sorry that you're going through this rough spot, but I know that you guys will figure it all out. :

Terri, what a trooper you are! You continue to be my inspiration, oh exercise queen!

2cute, how cool you got the dress! I'm glad you're feeling better!

Mary, Is there a weblink to your paper? I'd love to see your column!

Andria, I LOVE Bespelled! I've gotten away from it though, because, as you said, you can really get into some marathon sessions with it! What kind of work do you do?

Jen, Sounds like you did the right thing, getting rid of the junk food. Your son needs good food too...just MORE of it! Good luck to you!

Thin...I owe you a BIG apology! I just found the card that you had sent...about two weeks ago! It was sitting on the stairs with a bunch of bills, underneath a magazine, with some of my sons books on top!! You are so thoughtful...Thank you!

Well...I'm off again. I worked the past seven nights and now I'm off til Monday night. ahhhhh....Tonight we're going to see my daughter in her school's production of "The Vagina Monologues." If you've never heard of it, don't be frightened by the title! It's a celebration of the female experience in all forms. I've been reading the book, it's very funny and irreverent, I hear the show is great...can't wait to see my girl perform. I'm so proud of her and so happy that she's grown up in a time where we don't need to be ashamed of our bodies or of our thoughts and feelings. And you know what? I'm proud of me too...somehow I managed to raise her to be so open and un-self conscious. God knows I wasn't!!

So...I need some sleep. Of course I'm wide awake at the moment, but if I don't sleep now, I'll be snoozing tonight while she's performing!

see ya'll later...
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