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Old 05-22-2008, 10:17 AM   #1  
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Smile Hi everyone, I am new here...

Hello.....just stumbled across this site while I was looking online for some support and advice with weight loss. My weight started becoming a problem for me when I was in 9th grade....I am now 30 years old, so this is nothing new for me. I made the unfortunate mistake of going clothes shopping last night, hoping to find something really great to wear to a wedding in July. Well, I left the store in tears, disgusted with myself and angry with my body. I don't want to hate my body, but I do. I have met some women the same size as me, some bigger and they seem so confident and comfortable in their bodies, how the heck do i get that? When I graduated high school I weighed about 220 lbs, after I married when I was 20 years old, my husbands job was extremely stressful on both of us and both of our weights crept up, I think I got up to 238 lbs. That was hard for me and I thought I was doomed to be that size forever. I had difficulty conceiving, went through fertility treatment and became pregnant and only gained 18 lbs with the pregnancy. After I gave birth, I breastfed and the weight came off fast, I went down to about 220 lbs again, and I felt good. Then.....without warning, thinking we would require treatment for another pregnancy, number 2 was born, just 12 months and 5 days after the last baby. This time, again the weight came off and I think I got down to about 215, and again, I was feeling good, like I was on my way to losing more and getting healthy. Yet again, life, stress, selling a home, moving, job issues and more stress and my weight crept up on me again, I was 230 lbs in the summer of 2005, became pregnant again, and gained about 22 lbs with the pregnancy. Baby was born in july 2006 and I quickly lost weight, and before I knew it I was down to 205 lbs. I was overjoyed, I hadn't weighed that much since I was in high school, it was relieving and I felt motivated, I was almost to "onederland" (100's) YET AGAIN, I let my life stresses direct my weight and I let some weight come back on. I am now weighing 215. I am desperate to not let it go up any higher. I do not know what to do. I try to stay active, I eat fairly healthy, the problem is, I eat when I am sad, I eat when I am depressed, I eat when I am stressed. I crave sugar and chips and bad stuff when I am down. I am looking for someone to help me get started, to help me change my thinking, to give me some inspiration. My husband is great, he loves me, he supports and worst of all.....he thinks I look great the way I am! I could kill him for that. I appreciate his love and acceptance and I know I am lucky to have a guy like this, but he doesn't understand, I need to like me, it really doesn't matter what he thinks. Am I right? Alright, this has turned into a book....sorry about that. Just venting and hoping to meet some people who can give me some direction and inspiration. Hope you all have a great day and thanks for reading!
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Old 05-22-2008, 11:08 AM   #2  
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Welcome to 3fc bears, you'll fidn fantastic support here!

Firstly..I'm an emotional eater too and it is fairly common. This is something you'll be interested in, if you pick up an apple 42 times instead of (insert whatever bad food you crave here) when you're feeling down, then you have kicked the 'addiction' if you like. So when you're feeling low...maybe just try picking up an apple instead? When you crave the food, what is it you're looking for in that food - happiness? Will you find happiness in that bad food? And do you feel guilty afterwards?

Really you just need to confront the comfort eating, because it's a habit and habits cant be kicked untill you understand them.

Best of luck, and its really great that your family support you in this too! Keep us informed
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Old 05-22-2008, 11:45 AM   #3  
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. . . glad to have you joining us, Chickie . . .
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Old 05-22-2008, 12:04 PM   #4  
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Welcome, BearsGirl.

Haul those kids off to the library and see if they have "Breaking free from Emotional Eating" by Geneen Roth. It's a very insightful book that talks about needing a hug, or a kind word, or a romp in the hay, or a good laugh, and settling for food instead, because food is also comforting. The tag line that has stuck with me from that book is, "you can never get enough of what you don't really want." If you want a hug, a million chocolate chip cookies aren't going to hug you. They're just not. :-)

Being a Mom is far and away the HARDEST thing I've ever done, and finding time for yourself and the energy left over to focus on yourself is something you really have to make an effort to do. However, as the one who's probably feeding the family, you're doing all five of you a favor by deciding to eat/cook better meals. Plus, you'll save yourselves some money when you stop buying that not so good for you food. :-)

Best of luck. I'm new too, been here a week and lost three pounds, so I'm feeling all Wonder-Woman-ish. :-) I only have one kiddo, but I'm a single mom, so I know how much work it can be. Let's eat better, lose some weight, adore ourselves!! Just think about the good self-confidence we can be building in our kids.
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