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Old 04-22-2008, 01:49 PM   #1  
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Angry JEESH! Why do I do these things?

So yesterday, I felt GREAT! I'd been getting in lots of exercise over the weekend. Lots of biking and boxing. Then yesterday I biked to work! I felt great about this decision. I felt like I'd gotten the day off to a great start, and there was no way I'd blow it by eating a ton of CRAP. And I did great all day, until I got home from work.

It's something about turning the TV on, I think. I was NOT hungry, yet I just kept eating and eating... First something sweet, then something salty.... then something sweet... salty... you know how this cycle goes, right?

I ended up eating yesterday's AP and 1/2 of a FP, so not too bad, I guess, except that I did exactly what I didn't want to do: I ate a lot of processed crap late in the day. Anyway, I just tried to put it behind me...

But then this morning, I overslept and didn't ride my bike in to work. So now I feel doubly guilty, because I did terribly after work last night and I essentially blew off my exercise this morning. I know this is bad for me, and I know it's not going to get me to where I want to be this Thursday: under 200. I am just so mad at myself.

I've heard folks talk about having a "mental block" associated with a certain number. I've heard folks say that somehow they were "afraid" to drop below X lbs. I certainly don't feel afraid to drop below 200, but how do I know if this is why I do these stupid things?
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Old 04-22-2008, 03:30 PM   #2  
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I know what you mean... I'll be really happy about doing well in pretty much any area, then do some backsliding that gets me further from my goals. I don't know if it's "fear" or self-sabotage or laziness or what. But you know, it's kind of normal. Everyone has those times. And missing a workout isn't the end of the world, so long as you make sure to not let it become a habit. I'd say you did great with the eating, if you barely even touched your FPs - 1/2 a point is nothing to fret about, even if the quality wasn't so high.

Today's a new day. Remember how you feel now next time you want to mindlessly munch in front of the TV. It's not worth it! Find something that will better occupy you... Something that uses your hands, or something you don't associate with eating. You'll be okay
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Old 04-22-2008, 03:41 PM   #3  
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I agree w/Suite - you did nothing wrong. It's the old mindset that we have to feel guilty about everything. That's what I've found I love so much about WW. You CAN eat anything you want. If you have a day where you just need to waste your point you can. So, you know that today you want to make better food choices. Great! You can do it! Tapping into 1/2 a FP is not such a bad thing. Be proud of yourself that you ate all of your points and know that you are HUMAN. These things happen. That's why we're here. It doesn't excuse us for everyday, but it allows us the "flex" when we need it most.

It sure sounds like you're doing great! Can you make up for the lack of bike riding tonite when you get home?
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Old 04-22-2008, 03:45 PM   #4  
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I triple the thought! You did nothing wrong! That is what activity and flex points are meant for and you shouldn't feel guilty when you use them. Yes, maybe you could have made better choices (non-processed food) but don't feel guilty about using points that are there for that purpose!
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Old 04-22-2008, 05:21 PM   #5  
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i totally hear you on the self sabotage! I hadn't heard about having a mental block around a certain number, but I have definitely had a strange reaction to hitting my 135 goal. Now I feel like sitting around at 135 for a while! I mean, it's pretty weird...135 represents the lowest I've been in my recent memory. I can't even fathom weighing less. I am definitely a little scared! Who will I be? Will it even last? Will I slip right back up to 150 again?
BUT, of course I want to hit my goal, on some level...

I dont know. I'm definitely having a rough week with eating, definitely battling some compulsive habits. On the plus side, I just traded a bag of potato chips that I was about to start housing for a bag of FiberOne. I mean, still, the compulsive eating isn't a habit I'm OK with, but at least I chose something that wouldn't screw me up as much!!

Aero -- it honestly sounds like you are doing great. Try not to beat yourself up too much!!
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Old 04-23-2008, 10:27 AM   #6  
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Thanks, you guys. You're all right, you know? The beauty of the flex plan is that nothing is off limits, I suppose. It's more of a self-imposed rule not to eat a lot of processed foods within any given day. But, I did take into account the points that I ate while eating those processed foods, at least.

And you're certainly right about beating myself up. It's an old habit, learned from years of "dieting" and it's time I put that habit away. What's done is done, and there's nothing I can do about it now. I'm still doing great this week, even if I did have one bad night.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to get any exercise in last night after work. I went to the Rockies game with my boyfriend, and it ran a little late. Then after we were talking and having a really good conversation, so I didn't end up getting home until nearly midnight (which, for me, is just too late to do any cardio).

However, I did make a couple of good choices:

1.) Eating dinner at the game is always tough. All that ball park fare to choose from! I usually do OK and order the grilled chicken sandwich, but even that is a lot of points, I think. So, finally, last night I found a stand selling salad and fruit! I got a cobb salad and an Odwalla bar (that was probably a lot of points, but I haven't entered it in yet) and instead of choosing gatorade (my favorite ball-park drink), I stuck with water.

2.) This morning, I dragged my tired butt out of bed and onto the bike. And I biked to work. After that, I got breakfast at our little cafe downstairs. 2 Hard boiled eggs and some fresh fruit. Yummy, and now I feel like I'm back on track.

My boyfriend and I were talking last night about how, in the past, my attitude towards dieting has been a bit... extreme. He was complimenting me on how, this time around, with WW, I've been so much more level-headed and logical. I think that's definitely the truth. I feel like the WW plan is great for teaching me how to live in a healthy way, rather than just helping me drop a few pounds quickly. And that was/is what I really need---to be able to learn how to take care of myself!

OK, that last bit is a bit off topic, but I felt compelled, so I just rambled a bit. Sorry!
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