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Old 11-08-2001, 12:21 AM   #1  
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Default Turtle Club #39

Hi, Turtle Buddies,

Here it is - my "official" version of the fable:

The Hare and the Tortoise

A hare met a tortoise one day and made fun of him for the slow and clumsy way in which he walked.

The tortoise laughed and said, "I will run a race with you any time that you choose."

"Very well," replied the hare, "we will start at once."

The tortoise immediately set off in his slow and steady way without waiting a moment or looking back. The hare, on the other hand, treated the matter as a joke and decided to take a little nap before starting, for she thought that it would be an easy matter to overtake her rival.

The tortoise plodded on, and meanwhile the hare overslept herself, with the result that she arrived at the winning-post only to see that the tortoise had got in before her.

Moral: Slow and steady wins the race.

This comes from a book handed down from my grandmother to my mother to me. The book is so old it doesn't have a copyright date or an author/editor's credit.

That fable has been the motivation for us turtles for about two years. Someone on the ancient WW forum mentioned the fable and I discovered it was very motivational for me. I talked about it in posts and other people said that the tortoise philosophy worked for them, too. So, I started a thread for us turtle types.

We work toward accepting that our bodies have a natural speed of weight loss when we choose to live a healthy life, instead of "going on a diet". Many of us have experienced "the diets" as go on/lose weight-- go off/ gain the weight plus more back.

We choose to perservere with each choice we make throughout the day. We believe that choosing to be slow, steady turtles helps us to learn the skills we need to learn in order to not only lose the weight, but keep it off and become the healthiest people we can be.

So, welcome to all who realize that losing and maintaining a weight loss is a lifestyle change. And who want support as we all learn the skills we need to successfully make the changes that will allow us to reach our goals.

Happy turtlin', everyone!

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Old 11-08-2001, 12:40 AM   #2  
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Hi, Turtles,

There's a post from me and one from Lauren at the end of # 38, on page 2, if you're interested.

Lauren, I have thought about getting a temporary job. I wish I could. But there are health issues that are preventing me from getting any job right now. And until Paul gets health insurance, I can't afford to see a doctor, especially with this reduced income. I don't think the health issues are serious or I'd go to a clinic anyway, despite the cost.

Thanks for the suggestion (and especially the prayers), though. I'm sure, with my retail experience, I could walk in and get a job easily. It would pay really low. David is making what I made 4 years ago because that's how much lower the wages are here vs. San Jose. But if I was physically able to do the job, I would because anything would help.

OTOH--David is willing to give us what he can of his pay for the next couple of months. Which will help a lot. He has expenses of his own to cover and we want to leave him a reasonable amount of spending money. I have great kids! They've turned out to be the kind of people I hoped they'd be. That's good news.

The other good news is that I'm not, at least not at this point, tempted to eat in response to this news. Write in my journal? Yes. Cry? Of course. But not eat. Hooray! That's really a new thing for me. Maybe I've had so much stress this year that I'm learning to deal with it without eating. I'd still like a reduction in stress, though.

Hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you all tomorrow evening.

Happy turtlin'!

272/242/135 or so

Last edited by Lin S; 11-08-2001 at 12:44 AM.
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Old 11-08-2001, 02:06 AM   #3  
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Congrats on losing another WW pound. This is such great news.
Glad you can get into your wedding gown and also bigtime glad your dh is so supportive. You're really closing in on your Christmas goal. That's just great!

You've got my prayers heading your way. Something has to break for the better soon. It's great your son is willing and able to help you out. Take care of yourself, too. I love your discovery of your new attitude in wanting to do healthy things for yourself instead of the punishing feeling of having to do healthy things for yourself. Managing new stress is a sign of maturity and you've had an awful lot of stress this year. Keep on hanging in there. I'm so proud of you that you didn't eat over this latest news.

About me--
I got to WW mtg. today and was only up 0.2# since Saturday morning. I interpret that as losing about a pound or so since I weighed in at 5 o'clock today and I always weigh quite a bit more in the evening than the morning. so, I am pleased. I get myself into trouble when I start with the regrets. I am now at the point where I've lost 20# in WW. A year ago I weighed 2 # less than now and I got my 10% difference key chain. I went on to lose another 3# during the holidays to get my 25# magnet. So, I have to lose a new 5# just to be where I was last January. Ugh!
Well, the good thing is I have turned a poor streak around and am losing weight again. The other good thing is that I could have regained all my weight and I didn't even come close to doing that.
So, I am not going to whine. I am going to celebrate losing weight, turning my eating patterns around, and taking care of myself. Another terrific way of looking at this is that the Turtles have helped me to work through some problem areas, I only need to lose five pounds to feel triumphant, and I am definitely on the right track. Once I get these five pounds off, I'll be ready to start on the next five, etc. etc. Sounds like a plan.
In the meantime the lecturer asked us how many days do we think we'll have trouble with in the upcoming holidays. I think about eight would be my magic number. She said they'll require planning and asked us what we will get in our freezer right now to tide us through when we need a quick, yummy , lowpoint dinner. She always gives us food for thought.

Do well. Take care, and keep on keepin' on.

234/210/199#by Christmas
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Old 11-08-2001, 07:10 PM   #4  
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Hi, Turtles,

Judy, it's so good to see you turn around. Being within 5 pounds of where you were last January is a real achievement. A lot of people gain a lot more when they are struggling. I found an old journal and I'm 9 pounds more than last March. But, none of us have regained all of the weight we lost before we got back in control. I consider that real success.

Thanks for the prayers and the good words. I really appreciate it.

Although I'm still within my point range, my food intake is closer to the top of my range. It's PMS. But Mrs. Hyde hasn't made an appearance. I'm not really used to that yet. But since I've been so religious about taking my vitamins and supplements, it seems to be much easier.

I've been doing my walks, too. Today I walked around the outside of the mall, then from one end to the other and back again. I have to walk farther to make my walk last as long as I want it to because I'm walking a little faster. I'm not pushing myself faster. It's just happening.

So, except for the money stuff, things are going well.

Hope all of you are doing well.

Happy turtlin'!

272/242/135 or so
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Old 11-09-2001, 12:43 PM   #5  
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Hi, Turtles,

I'm not sure what prompted this unusual behavior, but I decided to weigh myself this morning. I almost never weigh myself other than on Sunday, and I often forget to do it then. Well, I've lost 2 pounds since last Sunday. So, that gets rid of that gain, plus a pound. I'm really glad to see that happen.

But, I had an insight I want to share with you all. This is a real mind-bender, but it makes a lot of sense to me.

We live in a culture that reveres the product. Everything is called a "product" and we spend our time "producing". I once saw a lady being interviewed about her use of a cell phone while she drove her SUV. She said that she was safe because she had a hands-free phone, but she had to use her phone in the car because she had to "be productive" every minute. It was a real testimony to the culture we live in. It doesn't seem to matter what you do to get the product. What matters seems to be that you get it, somehow.

I've been reading and posting on weight-loss forums for about 4 years now. I've read a lot of posts written by people who are struggling. Most of the time, those posts are focused on the goal. Why am I not losing? Why am I not getting my goal? And how can I get it faster? (Fast is good in our culture.)

But the answer is that we have to focus on the process. On HOW we get there. Because when you are working to lose weight and to keep it off, the process you choose determines your success. If you choose a fad diet, you probably will fail because either you can't keep doing it long enough or it doesn't teach you what to do to keep it off.

If we are to be successful in the long run, we have to focus on what we're doing. Can we do this program every day--for the rest of our lives? What aspects of the program are hard for us? How can we tweak things, without altering the program, so that we can make the hard things easy? What can we do with the program so that we like doing it? So that it brings pleasure, not pain into our lives?

A lot of people don't do that. They follow the program in a way that they think will get the result faster, even if they hate what they're doing. Eating foods they don't like or avoiding their favorite foods. Working out at levels that may be too much for their out-of-shape bodies. And so on. But the inevitable result is that they either stop before they get to goal or they get there and gain it back because they don't like what they're doing, so they go back to what they used to do.

What brought me to this insight was that I realized that I'm enjoying doing the things I do to stay OP. This is the first time, ever, on any weight-loss program that I've been able to say that. The key, for me, was to think about the kind of person I am and to find out what my body needs to be healthy. Then combine those things with the parameters of the program.

Instead of thinking of it as a program "I can live with", which implies that it's not really the way I want to live; I'm just putting up with this to lose the weight (there's the result-oriented thinking again), I figured out how to do the program so that it's the way I WANT to live my life. It's my preferred lifestyle, not one I put up with.

As you all know, it's taken me a long time to figure out what specifically works for me. But it's been worth the gains and plateaus and rebellions and difficult times to find out what makes me happy and fits the parameters of WW.

There's another change in my attitude, too. I know that in about two years (unless the pace picks up) I will be at my goal weight. That's something I've not really felt before because I've never been sure that I could keep doing a weight-loss program that long, let alone for years and years after that. That's changed because I'm having fun. I like what I'm doing. So, I see myself ending up with the "product" just because I WANT to do the process.

So that's what I've learned the past couple of days. I hope it helps some of you, too.

Hope you all have a great day!

Happy turtlin'!

272/240 /135 or so
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Old 11-09-2001, 05:50 PM   #6  
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All I can say is WOW!!!! I love your last post. How wonderful that you're enjoying doing the very things that will make you thinner and keep you healthy. I can't add anything else. And to top it off, you lost another two pounds. Weigh to go!!!
Many hugs.
234/210/199# by Christmas!
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Old 11-09-2001, 07:10 PM   #7  
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Hi, tortoises. I haven't had much to add to the excellent posts you've both been making, so I haven't said much. But I'm getting lots, as usual, from this group.

Judy, I hear you about wanting to beat yourself up for "wasting" a year, but really, it hasn't been wasted. Not if you've learned anything that you can apply to this journey. As Lin eloquently reminds us, this is first and foremost a process, and it's when we focus on it as such that we find success. That's how I feel about the year 2000, which I ended exactly where I started it. I learned how important vigilance really is for me, and how I just can't let up or stop focusing. For me, that means always writing it down, always always always. That really did sink in finally, and I think it helped lead to my current weight-loss stretch since July.

I'll write more later; got to run out for a little while.


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Old 11-10-2001, 09:53 AM   #8  
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Judy, don't beat yourself up for wasting a year. What OTHER things have you done this year? Life isn't all about your weight. If I were being harsh with myself, I'd have to admit that I've wasted the last FIVE years (I've had a huge regain, due to stress this year, and I weigh more than I weighed 5 years ago after my accident). But in that time what have I done? I've moved 4 times, met and married my husband, lived in England for 9 months, gotten certified and started working in a profession I love, and finished 2 years' worth of college classes. Not to mention been in physical therapy for a year, had 5 surgeries, and recovered from a devastating car accident. So, I've had a regain. In all other ways I'm bright, successful, and healthy. I know I'm turning this into a lecture and I don't mean to. What I really want to say is, you are so much more than your weight. Don't ever let that define you. It's part of you, yes, but by no means all of you.
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Old 11-10-2001, 05:33 PM   #9  
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Thanks for the kind words. I guess I'm dwelling too much on the graph I made and the weight gain because I am disappointed in myself. I had made WW and weight loss my top priority this year
and didn't accomplish anywhere near what I wanted to. I continued to go to meetings and I am a merit member which means I have not let my membership stop and then rejoin.
Sooooooo--I am very pleased that I have turned this weight gain around and am losing again. Now I am searching for the key to keeping on doing this. No more silly *trying*. I really don't want to lose a pound or six and then gain back the same amt. or more.I am determined to do the actions that I know will lead to weight loss. I am realistic to know that there will be tough times and plateaus, but I have to keep on keepin' on so that I can
have real weight losses. This is what I am doing and it is what I want to do.
To answer the rest of your questions--I am healthier than I've been, I had a gathering of wonderful friends and relatives for my birthday and learned how much people value me. I look at myself in a new light--as someone I'd like to know--if that makes any sense. I've learned to stop and think before I say something. I've learned that not every thought I have needs to be expressed. I've learned to ask for help and support , even from strangers here at Turtles, who I now think of as my great friends.
So, yes, I am not just the sum total of my weight. There's a lot more here than that. It's just for now I also want to work on my weight and take care of that too.

Mousie, you have accomplished so much in such a short time. You must be very proud. Thanks for posting something that I really hadn't considered because I am so wrapped up in the weight thing!
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Old 11-10-2001, 07:01 PM   #10  
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Hi, Turtles,

I think we're on a roll! And it's happening at the best time of year. The holidays are coming up and we're all pretty much on track with good habits.

Judy, I agree with the rest of the turtles. You can't waste a year because of all that you learned during that year. All of us have spent a lot of time not losing once we became turtles. But we've all kept learning and building our skills and working on making the program fit who we are and look--all of us, including you, are now losing again.

I doubt if we could say that had we just given up once we went off program. Or, if we had left and come back, it would probably be not at the same weight where we went off track, but at a much higher weight, possibly higher than our highest weight. So, you, like all of us, have used your time well. And now seems like a good time to focus on right now and on planning for tomorrow. Especially since tomorrow (or in the near future) we all will face some challenges. What about tossing that depressing chart and starting a new one? I've done that when it felt like time to make a fresh start.

I decided that since I'm going to be doing this forever, I don't want to keep reams of old journals around. So, I'm keeping on month's worth in my binder and making a data base of the meals or days that worked particularly well. Then I'm tossing that extraneous paper. I get buried in paper really easily. It's the curse of the writer.

Speaking of which, I'm doing my writing plan almost every day. On the days I haven't reached my goal, I have done some of the writing I planned. I haven't been talking about it much, but I wanted to let you know that it hasn't just disappeared into good intentions. It's really exciting to finally be accomplishing something I've been trying to focus on for a long time.

I did some Christmas shopping today. We don't have much money to spend, as you all know, and I found a great sale on hardbound sketch books and journals. Full-size (8.5x11) pages, thick, good quality paper. 384 pages per book. $7.99 each. But I got them for about $4.50 each after we took off the discounts. My kids are getting pens and acrylic ink for their sketch books and I ended up with a good supply of journals for my writing. I do all of my first draft fiction by hand. But nonfiction seems to go better when I use the computer. Go figure!

Mousie, your life has been a real challenge for the past few years. Wow! I admire you for just being here and keeping going. You're awesome.

I'm still OP. Using a few banked points for the pizza we had for dinner last night. Went for a really great walk today. We walked to get the books and, boy, was carrying home 5 of those things a great addition to my workout. We walked fast because they were heavy.

Gotta go fix dinner. Talk with you all later.

Happy turtlin'!

272/240/135 or so
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Old 11-11-2001, 09:55 AM   #11  
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Just checking in with my weekly weigh-in. I'm down to 238, which is two pounds lower than Friday. Yay!

I think the walking is making the most difference. But I've been eating a little more the past couple of weeks, too. Higher in my range. I think that's due to PMS because it's been a gradual increase as that started. So, eating enough is really crucial.

I got my computer software issues solved. I can shop again! That makes me sound like a real spendy person, but what I mainly want to do is to buy stuff like my coffee beans that don't exist here in Salinas. And the bulgar I use to add fiber and make my meatballs more filling with less meat. And whole grain cornmeal for my bread. And my favorite olive oils and vinegars. And that stuff.

Hope you all are having a great weekend.

Happy turtlin'!

272/238/135 or so
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Old 11-11-2001, 11:08 AM   #12  
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Another 2 pounds weight loss gone is terrific! This is just great.
I'm sure the exercise is really helping you a lot.

I also like your idea of chucking the chart. I think I will start a new one as today is a good day to start. I won't throw out my old one, but store it away until I reach goal. so--good thinking about starting over. Downward and onward!
Judy 234/210/199#by Christmas
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Old 11-11-2001, 08:35 PM   #13  
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Red face This turtle,is soooo slow

Wow, a group I can relate to...I have been OP for 11 months and barely lost 50 lbs. I still need to loose 94 more. Any hints....?
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Old 11-11-2001, 10:29 PM   #14  
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Mom4--Welcome! We're a small but tight little group, hope you stick around. Any hints? Keep going! Not to be facetious, of course, but that's the secret. Just keep at it. It'll happen, eventually, when everything else in your life lines up and your body is ready for it.

Lin, congrats! You sound like you've hit your combination, and you're flying along. I was going to write but never had a chance that part of your "one pound" thing when you started walking is from bloating/swelling. You might not be able to tell, but when you start exercising the muscles you are using retain a bit more water than usual. They adjust after a couple of weeks, but those first few weeks they're still surprised, and trying to cope with the extra use. I loved Lauren's video information--I want, I want!

Judy, just be sure you tuck that old chart someplace safe and OUT OF SIGHT, okay? You don't need that thing constantly staring you in the face!

I have spent the entire day buried in Organic Chemistry (I hate that class) because I have a test tomorrow. Sigh. I went for a run yesterday so I decided that I could take today off as far as exercising goes. Been OP, though, and gotten some good work done. Fingers crossed, I need to pull my grade up!

Last edited by mousie; 11-11-2001 at 10:31 PM.
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Old 11-12-2001, 12:30 PM   #15  
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Hi, everyone.

Lin, woo-hoo on that loss this week! I'll bet that felt fantastic. Pardon me, I have a cat trying to lie down on my keyboard. What was I saying? Oh, yes -- obviously your efforts are starting to show up on the scales -- what a great feeling.

Judy, well, you're definitely someone *we* all like to know, so that makes perfect sense to me. I hope some day we can all meet each other in person. That would be wonderful.

Mousie, what a remarkable few years you've had. Lots and lots of transition. You have such a great attitude about it all, too. Yes, this metabolism video really is great. Unfortunately, I think you have to join the Life Fitness clubs in order to get it; I couldn't find it online anywhere. Maybe e-bay?

Mom4, you're doing fantastic! "Barely" lost 50 pounds? That's awesome. Just think where you can be in another year! This group is dedicated to taking off weight safely -- and slowly. One pound a week average sounds perfect to me. Mousie gave you great advice -- just keep on keeping on, and the weight will come off. What's more, by giving yourself time and focusing on the journey rather than just numbers on the scale, you'll learn the lessons you'll need to *maintain* your new weight in the long run. Welcome!

I've had an OK week. I had a couple of high-point days, but I had banked enough to more than cover it. I've been working out, etc. But I also injured my foot almost a week ago -- not badly, but I've been taking Celebrex to keep it from getting worse. This morning I peeked at the scales, and I'm up 1.5#. I think it's mostly water weight due to the Celebrex, though I also know I don't lose well if I use my banked points. So it's probably a combination. I'm drinking lots of water today, and we'll just see how it goes. Sooner or later it has to come off; it might just be later rather than sooner!

MIL is here for the next 10 days, then it's Thanksgiving (and I'll be cooking), then more family arrive ... it's that time of year.

Onward and downward,

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