A Rewarding Challenge

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  • Meals yesterday were just dandy, but I secumbed to Christmas cookies.

    The cramps are gone, but I've got a doozy of a headache this morning. I did get my workout in, though, so I'm proud of that. I think I'm going to try doing laps at work up and down the hallway and staircase for 15 minutes each lunch break. I'm not making it a goal per se, but I just want to see if I can do it on a regular basis.


    Forestdawn-- You must be whipped! Definately got a lot of strength training with that digging. I'm sure it offset the goodies.

    TBJ-- HUZZAH!!! That's gotta feel so good.

    Sonja-- Thank goodness PMS is only temporary! I know how you feel. I was PMSy yesterday and became one with the cookie tray at work.

    Christi-- Great job with your goals!

    Elisha-- Just remember: If you can make it through this, you can make it through anything.

    Fitgal-- Welcome back!
  • Morning chicks!

    Ok, I'm just going to get right down to it today. Yesterday was bad. Went to dinner with my best friend, let's just say the meal started off with fried cheese and went down hill from there. Then we did a little shopping... got my brother's present (finally), and got myself a pair of boots for $4.50. Mom was going to buy me boots for Xmas, but they were exactly what I wanted and they were $4.50!!! (clearanced), so I told her she could buy me a sweater or something. Anyway, no exercise, only one glass of water all day. Oh, and one of our teams sent our office a huge package of chocolates and nuts and popcorn and cheeses yesterday... so pretty much every time I walked by the kitchen I grabbed a little something... not good.

    But here's the thing. I was powdering my nose yesterday, and I had the mirror a little below my chin, looking up, so not a flattering angle for anyone, but I saw my double chin starting to come back. That is NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! So today will be better. I packed a healthy lunch, and I have to get something for dinner, so I can get something healthy, and I will exercise today, and drink plenty of water. I made some Lean Pockets for breakfast, but I dropped them on the floor of my car, and trust me, I don't want to be eating anything that's touched the floor of my car... so I ended up at Hardee's for the second day in a row. *sigh* Oh well. Improvement, not perfection.

    But I've decided that I've got to do something whether I feel like it or not. So I'm going to force myself back into exercise. I thought about it, and that will be easier to do right now than curb the eating. Besides, I don't want to lose any progress I've made by slacking off. I'd finally made a good habit, so now I need to crack the whip and reinforce it.

    Of course, my back and feet are killing me today, and a 45-minute aerobic session won't even begin to work off the calories in the bacon egg and cheese biscuit I just ate, but I've got to start somewhere. I'm just going to maintain for the rest of the year, then I'll hit it hard core after the 1st.

    And I've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning. We made the appointment specifically to monitor my weight loss progress. Unfortunately, there hasn't been any. But I'm going to be honest with her and say that I haven't really been working that hard and tell her my plans. I may ask her to refer me to a nutritionist. Also, I'm going to talk to her about my depression issues. I don't know that I want her to prescribe anything, but I think it will be good to get her opinion.

    Anyway, I'm going to go for now. If I have time, I will come back later today and comment. Have a good day, chicks.
  • I"m so stiff today .. Must of really worked those arms hard yesterday, which is good as my arms are always flabby. Did ok food wise yesterday just had 2 chocolates after dinner as a treat.

    Today we are having a lunch put on at a all you can eat place. They have fantastic fries so It will be really hard. Will try to resist temptation .....

    Elisha I know about those chins .. keeps me vigilant when I see mine startin to come back ... it's touch and go now and if I gain more it will surely reappear. Good luck at the doctors ..

    Betani Sounds like you did a good workout .. ... the staircase sounds like a good idea.. great for the bum!
  • Morning chicks!

    Well, I feel a little better today. My weight is down slightly this morning, though still up overall, but that’s to be expected seeing as I’ve been off track for almost 3 weeks. I didn’t add up calories yesterday, but I kept my intake reigned in and didn’t snack and nibble like I wanted too. I did have a Hungarian nut cookie, since it was a new recipe for us and I wanted to try them, but I only had one, and it was the smallest one we had, so I don’t feel bad about it. AND I exercised last night—30 minutes on the elliptical. Steve was sick and sleeping, so I didn’t want to run the vacuum in the bedroom and wake him up just so I could do Yourself!Fitness when I have all of these other exercises I could be doing anyway.

    So I went to the doctor this morning. She yelled at me because my cholesterol is high. She told me to try to bring it down on my own, then we’ll have it checked again in 8 months or so and see if it’s come down. So I need to go on a cholesterol-lowering diet. I mean, I thought about it in the past, but now I really need to make a concerted effort.

    And as far as weight loss goes, she said she could refer me to a nutritionist if I wanted, but she went over my typical menu with me and made some suggestions, and said that if something doesn’t change in a month or two then I could go to the nutritionist, and I was ok with that. She says that my body doesn’t need as much protein as I’m eating, and it may do me some good to reduce my protein to one serving a day. And, of course, eat more fruits and veggies and whole grains.

    And about the depression, I told her my qualms with taking drugs, and she said that diet and exercise help, and beyond that I can try some St. John’s Wort or Sam-E, and then if that doesn’t help we can try something else. Ummm… yeah. That’s ok. I’m glad she’s not trying to give me drugs just to give me drugs, you know?

    So anyway… today’s going ok. I have a bagel with LF cream cheese and 1.5 cups of coffee with regular creamer. Lunch is a grilled chicken and veggies frozen dinner, snack is pretzels and hummus. Dinner… it’s hard to tell.

    Steve and I are going to his parents’ house this weekend, supposedly. He’s pretty sick, so I don’t know if he’s still want to go, but my guess is probably. But my new bowling shoes are at his parents’ house, so I’ll finally get them, and that is good. They’re the cutest bowling shoes ever!

    OK, I need to get to work. This has been a busy week, trying to get things wrapped up before the holidays, and I'm already behind because of my appt. this morning. I hope you're all having a good day! And have a good weekend!

  • Elisha,

    I take sam-e for my depression. I find it works better than St. John's Wort. It's more expensive, so I only take a half dose, but it still works well with no side effects. (St. John's Wort made me more sensitive to light.)

    Exercise definately helps, though. As early as you're able so you have the endorphins as soon as possible.

    Feel better, chickie!
  • Well they served chips with my fish at yesterdays lunch and lets just say my day went down from there Was a yummy break but back to it again today.

    going to be good .. going to be good .. going to be good ...

    Elisha .. good luck .. maybe st john wort will help .. I totally argree keep of the meds if u can .. they bring 2 many unwanted side effects and can have you for years on them.
  • Hi everyone --

    Ah, I have to get started on my goals for this week. Got to bike tomorrow and Sunday.

    Tonight is weapons class in jujitsu. Interesting... On Wednesday, I got to learn a little bit of the Nage (throwing). And I have some nice ab development now... Hmm, maybe rolling around on the floor a few hours a week has something to do with it?

    Food has been OK. I definitely went over 1750 cals yesterday, so I missed one goal. But there's hardly any food in the house today, plus jujitsu class tonight, so I'm on track for a light eating day.

    Psych meds... they've given me my life back! But I'm bipolar, so the situation is different. And one of the side effects of my meds is weight loss, so my meds aren't too hard to stay on.

    Erg, all-you-can-eat places... just do the best you can.

    Happy Friday to all!
  • Hello All!

    I'm here! Sorry to have been absent for so long......I just would not allow myself to get on the puter until I had this Christmas thing pulled together! Our family Christmas is this Sunday, so I really had to hustle (and next week, when all of you are stressing, I will be setttled back with my feet up.....hehehe). About the only thing left is making the Christmas cookies.....left until the last minute so I would not be tempted! I also bought some foil pans, so I can pack the leftovers home with the kids!

    IceDragon.....Your exercise plan absolutely blows me away! Swimming....hiking....cardio.....and, best of all, it is showing a loss on the scale!

    Betani.....Good for you for staying strong at the Christmas party buffet! And double kudos for working out when you really don't feel like it! Now that is a lesson that I should learn!

    fitgal.....I'm so glad you are back! I love your 'eat clean' goal.....and so hard to do this time of year! You only have 5 pounds till you hit your goal? You go girl!

    Elisha.....I am so glad you talked with your doctor about the stuff going on in your life. You know what you have to do! Speaking of engagement rings, I have a funny story........some years back, DD was dating a nice young man and hinted that for Christmas she wanted something to go on her finger.......and he bought her a bowling ball! ROFL! Even DD saw the humor in that one......but she perservered and is now married to him!

    Christi.....You are doing all the right things on your vacation! I am proud of you!

    TBJ.....That scale has gone down! Wow! Isn't success fun? Amazing how you are already seeing improvement in your jujitsu class.....it must really be intense!

    ForestDawn....Installing a pond is a lot of exercise! No reason to feel guilty about the snacking, as you probably worked it all off ahead of time!

    Julie? Joy?.....you chicks ready for the holidays?

    I have really fallen off plan the past week or so...(chocolate truffles, need I say more?)....but just reading your posts has got me pumped again and ready to continue the battle! I should be doubling my efforts, as I know the temptations in the next couple of weeks are going to be a challenge! Gotta keep going!
  • Hrmpf
    My cholesterol test results came back. LDLs too high for the 4th year running. They're getting serious now, and I have to have it tested again in 3 months. If it's not normal by then, I may have to go on meds for it. It might be genetic, but I'll never know since I'm adopted.

    I may have mentioned this before, but that's the one thingI hate about being adopted. I have no access to my biological family medical history. So each new change in my health sends me straight to stress city.

    And to complicate matters further, guess who was elected to bring dessert to Christmas Dinner... Well, I did find a recipe for almond meringue cookies that are only 11 calories each, so if making those doesn't cut it, I'll make a Symphony Bar pie for everyone else and the cookies for myself. Hmm. Maybe I can tweak the Symphony Bar pie with fat free Cool Whip and be able to eat a sliver myself... I'll have to think about it.


    MsRD-- I know a lot of people who are celebrating Christmas this weekend. Hope it all goes well. I imagine that it will be nice to have the frenzied part out of the way and have a peaceful time on the 24th and 25th.

    TBJ-- I can't help but imagine that jujitsu does wonders for a person's self confidence. Makes me wish I had money and a driver's license.

    Forestdawn-- Don't forget, "Your next healthy meal is only a couple hours away"! I have to remind myself that all the time when overdo the calories. Yumminess keeps me sane, though
  • OH dear I've done it again. Went out today and pigged out at lunch so gave up and pigged out at dinner I really have to get back into the groove of things and find a way of eating that I cant stick to. Tomorrow's monday .. I'm going to be good all week for xmas and I know I'll be playing up on xmas day

    MsRD Have fun for your early xmas. Probably better to get it out the way and be able to relax next weekend.

    Betani No good having bad results but perhaps you will be able to change it around in the next 3 months with your diet. Use it as a motivator. You've already done a fantastic job with your weight loss.
    Great idea to plan that xmas desert ahead of time, those almond cookies sound delish.
  • hey everyone
    i am new to this thread and i am going to start the challenge this week12/80/05 and end the 3rd week of Janurary. This sounds like a grat 4 week plan.
    step 1
    small reward-new makeup
    medium reward-foldover yoga pants
    large reward-new excersise eupiment

    Major goal- lose 10 lbs.

    3. Three goals for this week
    Drink 6 glasses of H20 per day
    Excersise 4 times per week
    Eat more fruit and vegetables (at least 15 servings this week)

    hope this works....i will need lots of help! lol
  • Hi Guys

    been a bit slack on the posting!
    been doing well with the diet, and the excercise (done 1 cardio and 1 weights this week so far!)
    water is still really slack! (too much diet soda)
    and haven't kayaked this week (pms and my moods, i was too cranky at DH to ask him to take me and the kayak to the river)

    Got motivated today and finally started applying for some more jobs (i currently do not work, and want to go back to work, but my boss quit and the new boss don't know me... blah blah, so i went and put my name in a few other places, will see what comes up!) still planning to go to uni later next year, just want to earn some money between now and then! LOL!
    I keep putting it off myself, use the kids as an excuse... but i really need to get back to work again!

    TBJ - i am very curious about bi-polar and don't know much of it! i am scared to ask someone about it, i always thought it might be me! i remember when i was looking into buying a house, in the morning i would wake up all happy , sunshine, and it would be YES got to sign those contracts today,yipee... but just after lunch it would be no way, really grouchy, angry, obsessive, depressive.....
    the doctor suggested bi-polar to me, because most of my days are like that! (over anything, not just buying a house!), i am very.... widely mooded, and my moods can swing suddenly? i can be euphoric and depressive within an hour?? never could understand why, and my DH just gives up trying to figure out why? I just figure its just me!
    Can you explain bi-polar to me? i am curious.
  • Morning chicks!

    Well, where to start? This weekend was horrible. Steve and I were fighting, so yeah, not fun. It's ok though, we talked some more. I'm not saying things are perfect, but we worked a few things out, so it's all good. And on the plus side, I didn't eat much this weekend, because he spent most of his time in the kitchen and I spent most of my time avoiding him.

    I am back down to 214.0 this morning, which is not great, but I had made it all the way up 217, so I guess it's ok.

    Haha... I just noticed the bouncing carrots are dancing in time to my Christmas music I have playing...

    But I'm feeling good today. Today is our Christmas luncheon at work, and I got all festive-looking (real make-up and everything!), I've gotten and delivered Christmas cards, and brought my office buddy cookies (today is his birthday). And it doesn't seem like there will be much work to do this week, although I've still got some things I'm working on.

    And I finally got my new bowling shoes. They're the cutest bowling shoes on the planet! And I did really well at bowling last night. We all did, actually. We played the #1 team in the league, we lost the 1st game by about 50 pins, won the 2nd by about 50 pins, and lost the 3rd by only 4 pins! We've already moved up to 9th in the league (not counting last night's match), and we missed the first half of the season!

    Anyway... I haven't exercised since Thursday. Water... not so good, but I'll do ok there today, since I'm at work, and since I didn't think to bring any soda with me. Food... I dunno. Breakfast was good, lunch probably won't be though. Buffet-style, plus a ton of random goodies in the kitchen. Ugh. Dinner... who knows what dinner will be?

    OK, I'm rambling, and there is stuff I need to be doing. Have a lovely day, everyone!
  • I finially had a good food day yesterday. Everything went perfectly. I had those rice crackers u mentioned Ice dragon and they worked really well as a low cal snack. I'm hoping to keep the good work up today
  • Those rice crackers kinda fill the void of potato chips for me! they crunch, they taste salty, but the guilt factor is a little lower, well a lot lower! 400 cal for the whole box, compared to??? 1000 or more for a big bag of chips!?

    I did another weights session and am feeling good about myself, i am a little anxious about the weekend! i plan to visit my parents on saterday to say merry christmas, and christmas day we are staying home , to let the kids play with their pressies.
    I am planning to take lots of fresh seafood to my parents! (i hate seafood! less temptation!! ) and make some healthy salads, limit my choices! i think that is the way to face it!

    And i am about to have a HUGE PLUMP JUICY R2E2 mango!!!!!!!!! I love summer, and summer fruit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUM!!!!