In the Mooood for Loosing Weight!

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  • Just thought I'd mention the tee shirt for today was YELLLLOW

    Saw Spierman. Thought it went on forever because I am so unhip. However, it was different and kept moving
  • I want a new wardrobe, not just new T-shirt or pants... How are y'all doing that?

    Live is full of leisure here. Instead of working on writing projects i have decided to clean out my home office. Have taken out three trash bags of paper, have a fair amount to shred, and have 4 cartons of books to take to Public library to donate... (better profit than garage sale due to illiterate neighbors and outrageous tax-deduction plans.) I am hoping that if I am willing to loose "stuff" the fat will go away too.

    My scales don't know the plan.

    We haven't been to a first run movie in ages. Did watch Big Fish on DVD last night. DH got teary....!!! and I didn't. Guess HE's the one with the father issues. It's on my daughter's "favorites" list... which i suppose means she's got father issues too.

    Happy 4th all... and those of you on boats, be careful!
  • I love a parade!
    Quote: You're really a bad girl at heart, aren't you, Sugar? Good luck on the packing. Kiwi
    Yep. They don't make 'em any badder (worse?) than me. 'Bout time someone finally noticed. It's the mild-mannered exterior that fools people.

    I have until Wednesday to get packed, actually, but I REALLY don't want to do the usual up-until-mindnight-last-minute-thing this time. Still doing laundry and trying to get the kitchen in some sort of shape. M-I-L dropped by this morning with two giant boxes of chocolates (because we all know there's no chocolate in Canada, right? ) an elderly, expensive and very fragile vase and a biggish silver candelabra for us to drop of at dh's auntie's when we get there. I told DH that's all going in HIS suitcase. Along with the half a VW beetle that he's bringing for my dad.

    Lovely about the dd's singing, Kiwi. I always get all misty at school concerts and stuff even if they're really awful.

    Painty, Peaches seems to be the only one looosing any weight around here lately. Well, except maybe for the svelte and lovely Bagz who *claims* to be fat but manages to look fabulous at all times. Go buy yourself a new wardrobe whatever size you are. And way to go on the office clean-out! This is what I have up on my wall: "I am putting my life in order, preparing to accept all the good that is coming to me now." Not that it helps or anything, but I do happen to think there may be some correlation between hiding behind extra weight and hiding behind clutter.

    Happy 4th, all yous US cows!!! Parade or no parade, just go have a good time. I'll think of you all eating your red white and blue Jello poke-cakes with the dollop of Cool Whip on top. Mmmmmmm.
  • My town is very up-to-date and so we had 4th of July yesterday onthe 3rd. See.... we do it at the lakeyard of Duke Hudda Pond and there are churches around there and they didn't want all that going on while they were indoors. So we had it early. The fireworks were marvy. Also, it wasn't all that crowded since it was on the wrong day. My day also celebrates Halloween onthe wrong day if it happens to fall on a weekend. It's a Mon-Fri thing here because merchants will start giving out cheap candy at 5:00.

    Painty, what's stopping you from getting a new wardrobe? For me, it's cash. I could afford the tee shirts.

    What the heck is a pole cake?
  • I saw fireworks, I ate sausage and peppers(I live in an Italian community, not a hot dog to be seen) my white shoes got dirty. 4th of July is effectively over. The parade is today, Kiwi and Sugar, you're invited. We're skipping it. LUcky me.

    DD is working and I never see her. She is appreciated at her new job. She is singing this am so I must go. bye
  • Okay I just spent about an hour typing replies to all you sweetiepies and the cyberdog ate my homework. Goodbye, and computers!

  • oh sure, that one posts with no problem, but the one with numerous paragraphs and different colors and quotes and so on, not to mention witty humorous remarks, noooooooooooooooooo, that one gets flung to the four winds of internet ****.

    I will have repeat one suggestion I had for Sugar -- DH should take the entire VW beetle, pack the antiques in it and shove it off a cliff and see if it will float to Canada. What do you think?

    Kiwi, still seething.
  • what kind of job does Lobaby have?
  • Lobaby works at the grocery store so that Lushy can get a discount on groceries. See? I was paying attention that day.

    No, we don't have a puter on board the boat. We're roughing it.

  • thank you kiwi. Now, I remember.
  • Lohi: I love sausage and peppers. Italian Food fetishes was one of good things that rubbed off from ExH! Do you celebrate 16th of July... Our Lady of Mt. Carmel... It was a bigger deal than July 4th in his NJ hometown.
    DH managed to get "up" for fireworks.... we happened on a vacant lot close to home... it was "no hassle" and few mosquitoes so we got to see local fireworks. Otherwise, i didn't make much progress on anything... long naps, HEADACHE most of the day, and then sugar crash after illadviced "dessert" of toffee peanuts.
    Knee is better... but kneed (!) to get out walking and exercising, besides pulling weeds which only uses a FEW muscles and over uses them at that. Do have transplanting to do, and even MORE trash to throw out of home office. (I think it is multplying in the dark.)
    Happy vacations to those of you getting away.
  • Eat at your own risk
    Jello Poke Cake

    1 white cake mix
    1 box strawberry Jello
    1 box instant vanilla pudding
    1 container Cool Whip
    sliced strawberries

    Bake cake according to directions. Mix the Jello and poke holes in
    the cake pour Jello over cake and chill. Mix pudding according to
    package and add cool whip to mixture. Spread on cake after it has
    been chilled, top with sliced strawberries. Keep cake refrigerated.

    Pretty scary, huh? I think I actually ate this at a 4th of July celebration many many years ago. *sigh* I just love American cuisine.
  • That is kinda scary, Sugar. I mean just the name was kinda scary, but the recipe doesn't reassure me. I think you should use blueberry jello because that would make it all red white and blue and even scarier.

    Last night at the fireworks and music beforehand, I ate one hot dog with onions and drank a lot of water. Incredibly, that was all! Then, you'll never believe this, I didn't -- I won a 50/50 raffle! It was one that DD had been collecting for, for her school class. I got $95! I never win wads of cash! What will I do with it? The winning ticket was chosen while I was off looking for a portapotty, so they gave it to DH. He said it was a good thing I wasn't there, because then we might have felt obligated to donate the winnings back to the class -- since I wasn't there, he just said "I'm sure she'll be very happy" and took the cash. Gotta love it.

    Did I tell you I chipped a tooth on a Dorito? There was a rock in one of the chips! I found the thing -- of course it was tiny, but it chipped my tooth. Worse, it's the tooth I'm supposed to have a root canal done on in August. Now I have to see my dentist to see if they can even do it. I think I should sue Doritos, what do you think?

    I'm puzzled by your fireworks story, Painter, why did you need to find a vacant lot? MMM Italian street food. yum. Does anyone else read Marn's Big Adventure? She's got a great story about Canada Day fireworks.


  • Yes, Painty, the festival is in a couple of weeks and it is HUGE around here. I will work the 50/50 raffle stand and dd and ds MUST as a school requirement work the funnel cake stand.

    Congrats on the $$$$$$$ Kiwi, what fun. Spend it on yourself.

    I love that cake, Sugar. It's so festive. Though I've never made it because I am too lazy to bake, I suggest adding blueberries to the cake and making the cake a red, white and blue extravaganza.

    Kiwi, eventually you will lose the tooth and they will have to pull it and give you a crown. It is already so brittle it is breaking on Doritos. I regret every root canal i ever had..they cost $$$$$$$$ and don't last. If I had it to do over, I would skip that step and just get a crown in the first place.

    We are going on another big trip next summer. We are hashing it out now. DH thinks we should go to Wyoming and Montana for an extended travel-fest. I think we should go to England and Ireland for a couple of weeks. The cost is the same and how are we(am I) going to contain three teenagers on an extended tour of National Parks?????
    He even wants to go to CANADA!!!!!!!! Is it fun in Canada????

    DD and I are going to the mall. bye