July 2016 - Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome!

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  • will be leaving to go for a power walk in a few minutes.
  • Quote: will be leaving to go for a power walk in a few minutes.
  • I did enjoy it. will be taking the bus to a neighboring community to power walk there and run errands.
  • WI: No WI Day
    Exercise: 20 minutes stationary; raining on lunch; hoping to get more in once I'm off work
    Calories: !200

    Bad eating weekend - Paid for it yesterday. Stomach was in knots all day long! Doing good today!
  • Diana - Thanks, yes, I think you're right, that cellulite can diminish but it doesn't go away after it's been formed. Maybe in some rare cases it does, but in my experience it just diminishes. Which is fine! Back when I was in better shape the cellulite I'd already had did get much less pronounced. I'm hoping the new spots where I've gotten it fade just as much if not more as I lose weight. I'll let you guys know.

    Sundove - Thank you, that's good to hear that it diminished at goal! I understand about getting gaunt. A few years ago I was really into clean eating and strength training. As a result, I lost weight when I didn't need to, and got to that gaunt level too. I didn't like it so deliberately gained back about 10 pounds. I'm hoping that the cellulite in different areas of my body have their own behaviors. For example, the spot on the back of my thighs has been there since I was a teenager. It never goes completely away but does significantly diminish, even though it remains visible. I would love though if the spots I've now developed on the inside of my upper arms diminish to the point of not being visible unless I squeeze the skin there. Only time will tell, I guess!

    It's said that cellulite is genetic - you're either predisposed to it and a certain degree of it or not. That certainly appears to be the case. My sister has always been naturally very thin (size 0 or 2 thin). She's now in her late 30s, still thin, and has developed some cellulite on the front of her thighs right above her knees in the same spot I have. Hers is much less noticeable though, so I'm hoping that when I lose weight mine looks more like hers. I know I shouldn't care about this, but it's the one physical thing that I'm the most self-conscious about.

    Our mom struggled with her weight. For most of her adult life she was at least 30 pounds overweight and often much more. Yet my mom never had any cellulite! So yeah, I guess it's a "born this way" kinda thing.

    Today's stuff:
    Weight: 154.4
    Activity: Walk 30-45 minutes (PMS fatigue is hitting me hardcore so I'm going to allow myself a little drop in time, if need be.)
    Food: Calories under 1500; carbs under 100 g

    Happy Hump Day to you all!
  • just got back from running errands and power walking in a neighboring community.
  • Nice work on the walk ciecie!
    I have been reading your posts and have really enjoyed them. First off, this is such a supportive group, so thanks for adding me.
    I am also going to post my goals and be more specific.
    Today I was at work, so it was easier to eat better. I am a snack addict, and am not tempted when there is no food!
  • Hello There

    I am making a fresh start to try and lose 28 pounds and get my body fitter. I find losing weight really difficult but if I have support and inspiration here that will help!
  • just got back from taking my sister's two dogs for a power walk. my fitness goals for today have been attained.
  • Congratulations Ciecie!
  • thanks!
  • Hi Everyone!

    JesikaBeth Good luck with IF. I am not familiar with it but know that a lot of people have been successful following this plan.

    Ciecie Good job. What breed are the dogs?

    Flower Yesterday I was thinking about your dental situation and was wondering if things had improved.

    Sundove Yay for feeling good!

    Kelijpa Great job getting back into the swing of things.

    Belovedwarrior Sounds like a wonderful day!

    Nicholsfamily I'm glad you are feeling better today.

    Chunkahlunkah I hope you are feeling better from the PMS.

    Momofthreemonkeys I hope you had a great day!

    Muse Welcome to the check-in.

    Waving Hi all around! Enjoy your evening!
  • Total Approx 1495 Calories +

    Breakfast (400 Calories + coffee)
    spritz olive oil in pan
    XL egg 80 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    300g. Mediterranean Blend Veggies 90 calories
    14 g. Organic Valley feta cheese 30 calories
    1 T. tomato paste 10 calories
    1/2 Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 45 calories
    1 T. pumpkin butter 25 calories
    juice equivalent to 60 calories
    coffee w/sugar/stevia blend and cream

    Lunch (395 Calories)
    Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 90 calories
    2 slices Applegate Farms Black Forest Ham & lettuce 50 Calories
    Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedge 35 calories
    Greek Yogurt 120 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Dinner (700 Calories)
    Salad w/grilled chicken & BHF's ranch

    Kari Anderson's Sweat Express II
  • Diana, my sister's two dogs are chihuhua/dachshund mix named rudy and a piebald dachshund named tucker. jesikabeth, so sorry you have fallen off the exercise bandwagon. that's great that you want to get back on.
  • Checking in for the evening... I'm frustrated... I'm PMS'ing and ravenous! I've been eating foods that are not great for my blood sugars (I'm Diabetic) and more than I'm usually comfortable with. Happens every.dang.month