Aussie Chicks 2009 (3)

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  • Bad me - I chucked a sickie today . It's the first real day of spring here and I decided it would be better for my soul to spend it in my garden, rather than at Bunnings selling things to people for their own gardens. I would have been jealous all day!

    My life has felt really out of balance over the past several weeks. It's hard to go to work eight hours a day, then come home and write for four or five hours - and to try and balance everything else I need to do.

    There have also been a number of other things going on that have annoyed me, and left me feeling unhappy with the way my life is travelling.

    The things that are good are: I have a stable job, I have some good, close friends, my housemate is working out well, and my cats are healthy.

    But I don't know if I am bored, lonely or restless because I wake up every morning wishing I were somewhere else. Maybe I just need a holiday - I haven't really been out of Perth in at least three years (probably more) - and that's really not like me.

    I'm going to go home and visit my mum at the end of November, and that will be good. Two weeks away will probably help… And then I am going to save up and have a two-week break in Bali early next year.

    As for my weight loss, I worked out today that there are 15 more weigh-ins up to 1st January 2010. If I aim to lose at the sensible rate of 0.3kg/week I will be down to 73kg by the start of next year.

    I am also going to ask to change to a different section at work. Since working in the garden area I have found I enjoy my own garden a lot less - and I really hate that. So if I can move to another area I might rekindle my enthusiasm, because I won't feel as if I am doing the same at home as at work.

    I have to be honest, I don't really like most of the people I work with in my particular area. I have found working in retail to be a lot like high school, and I am quite stunned by how petty and spiteful some people are. It's only a job! Yet some people seem to rely on it for their own sense of worth or something. I can fully understand that if it's a really important, meaningful job that is contributing to people's lives - but this is retail!

    Oh well, we live and learn I guess, and I have to remind myself of the positive reasons why I work at Bunnings: it keeps me fit, it gives me a stable income, and it doesn't tax my brain in the slightest - which leaves me free to write!

    Anyway… back to the garden and to enjoy our first really sunny spring day!
  • heys guys just a quick one from me... for once.. Ive not been well at all.. and gained 500 grams this week ... i beleive in snot.... lol ..
    Ive been so exhausted i have had to sepnd the week in bed.. gotta love my daughter sharing her pnuemonia with me... anyway... school holidays here now so cant see any clear exercise in the next two weeks.. no gym no long walks with the dog.. grrr no fair.. anyway gotta run the kids want something
  • Surprisingly, I'm having a week where my pants feel like they're falling off - it's quite nice. I have a weigh in at the weight management class this week. Was meant to be last week but was postponed because of the G20 conference being in Pittsburgh and all kinds of **** breaking loose.

    Was away last weekend in Baltimore for work, and even made it to the hotel gym. They had the machines with the little tvs on it, so I watched NCIS while working out. Felt good to plan to do it, and actually get there. Definitely going to check out the uni gym at least one night this week - imagining all kinds of perky cheerleaders at the gym haha.

    Had words with the roommate when I got back from my work trip. I had done massive clean before I left, came back to stinky bin, mouldy bread on the counter, full recycling bin, dirty dishes... was just furious and left her a note. I said I am not your mother and I won't be cleaning up after you. Be messy, but don't be dirty or else find another place. She said thanks for telling her and she'll make more of an effort, but we shall see. She then gave me the silent treatment most of the week and stomped into her room all the time (as if I care - I'd rather you stayed in your room!).

    Had a long talk to mum the other night, she is pretty good. One more chemo left this week and then re-scanning in a month to see where the tumours are at. She feels pretty good though, although she's starting to get some pain.

    Happy tonight because I have my kittens curled up on me, and a new season of Amazing Race started tonight. Also just bought a fancy new desktop computer with 26" screen (love it!) and a new 42" LCD TV that will arrive this week. Have been skyping with my sister, brother and nieces.
  • Gen so good to hear from you. Bugga about the flat mate but everything else seems to be doin good.

    Me - I got back from the Gold Coast this evening and its bloody cold here at home. So sad to leave. Even Ebony as she was getting ready for bed said "Me no like this house, Me want to stay at da new house at da beach" was so cute.

    I THINK I have put on a kilo but will weigh in properly in the morning as it was this evening i jumoed on scales. Wouldnt suprose me though cause i was pretty sedentry. Tho wet n wild would have been a work out walking up hundreds of stairs for each ride and not to mention walking round the park to get to the rides. Also mini puttputt wandered round the course. but other 5 days zilch for exercise except for slow meandering aloing the beach.

    Amy hope u get better real soon. Ani all workplaces can be like that. sux.
  • Hi girls, I'm here! So tired at the moment, have moved buildings at work so have really sore arms and bum! Carrying boxes down a flight of stairs is a great work out!

    Last week I was hoping to lose the 300g's I had put on the week before but only managed a loss of 100g. Then to my surprise TOM returned Friday night, not fair to get it twice in the one week! And I was really good with food choices and even got in a little bit of extra exercise, oh well hopefully this week will be better.

    I love my new job even though I get home totally exhausted! The girls I work with are great, everyone gets along well and there's hardly any *****ing! Ani I worked in retail and you're right about feeling like its school again. It's like some people aren't happy unless they're making other people miserable! And the things they whinge about..........!

    I've had the dreaded lurgy too. Its been years since I've had a cold, I'd forgotten how miserable it makes you feel.

    Sorry I haven't been around much but when you spend most of the day sitting in front of a computer the last thing you want to do when you get home is sit in front of the computer! I'll try and pop in more, maybe from work.

    Any way, have a nice night.

  • Barb, good to see you! And pleased you are enjoying your job! I totally understand your last statement about sitting in front of a PC all day...I think it is why I am enjoying my garden so much!

    Gen, great to see you sounding more positive! Well done on the loose pants!

    Ani, it amazes me that someone is able to plan ahead! It is all I can do to plan what I am going to do tomorrow! I wish I could throw myself into the future and plan for it!

    Workplace politics happens everywhere! I chuckle to myself when I see the cleaners at work get stressed out about what others are doing! Like you's just a job! The trick is to keep out of it...or have fun taking the p!ss out of it!

    Vonni...glad you had a good break!

    Amy...hope your feeling better!


    Bad news: I have no idea how to lose weight! I do fine until around 7pm...then it is pick and nibble all evening until I go to bed! I have tried the stash of cut up vegies in the fridge in preperation for these moments...I eat them and still look for more!!

    Good News: I spied two flowers on a cucumber plant! Ani? Does this mean cucumbers soon?? The rest of my vegies and herbs are still thriving! (no fatalities yet!)

    And...I am running late again!
  • Good on you for taking a day off Ani, I'm sure you deserve it many times over

    Lindor I feel the same as you, I've totally lost my way in terms of weight loss and I feel like I don't know what to do or how to do it. I think that the best thing for me to do would be calorie counting but I don't know how to do it and where to start. I've read quite a bit about it but I just don't get it.

    I haven't been to the gym in a couple of weeks. My clothes are feeling tight and I'm feeling blah physically and emotionally. I think that over the next few days I will try to come up with a plan and will get back into the gym next week.

    Can anyone give me any advise about calorie counting? Any websites I should check out? Any words of wisdom would be much appreciated!

  • Julia it is pretty good. make sure u put the au otherwise it will ask u to pay if u just go to the dot com. it has so many of our everyday items on there and u can even look up the calories of portions of ingredients and make a custom of your recipe calories.... does that make sense?
    Went to optometrist today. Referral to have my terrigium(?) cut off my right eye. and GOOD NEWS my eyes have gotten better and my prescription for glasses halved since last visit 12 mths ago. He wrote letter to Dept Transport for me to have the big S for spectacles REMOVED from my licence woohoo.

    Weight loss a zero for me. TOM visiting
  • I had my fatty class tonight - I've lost a whole 6 lbs in 3 months. Yay me! Hah. I call it the "half hearted" diet plan, where you try not to eat crap and at least think about exercising.... ah well, could be worse. At least I haven't gained anything! They are happy, they want you to stay stable or lose a little. Because I've passed the halfway mark, I'm allowed to schedule my visit with surgeon to see if I'd be approved, then nutritionist and psych evaluation. Uh oh. Hah.

    Had a late night in the OR last night, so went in late today. It was a quiet day, mostly hanging out with my hot married man friend. Sigh. Why do we get along so well? I KNOW it's only a distraction, but damn he is awesome.
  • I've spent some time this evening on calorie king and to be honest I'm now more confused than ever. It seems so difficult and I am reminded why I haven't tried it before. I'm feeling so overwhelmed, I just don't know where to turn. I'm putting on weight at a scary rate, can't seem to stop eating rubbish and can't see how I'm ever going to get on top of this.
  • The six-year-old girl who died in the Samoa tsunami was my niece.
  • Ani!

    So sorry mate
  • Oh Ani thats terrible. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  • Ani. So very sorry for your loss
  • Oh Ani I'm so sorry to hear that, what devastating news

    One of the girls I work with is from Samoa and she's been flat out making bookings (we're travel agents) for the community here to get home in the wake of the disaster. One person had lost 10 family members. The news coming out of the islands is absolutely heartbreaking.