4 Week Challenge, Give it A Try!

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  • Hi All,
    Wow everyones success is awesome. Those of you who are struggling at the moment keep your heads up you are doing awesome. I reweighed myself this morning and my total loss for last week is actually 2lbs. Wow don't know how I pulled that off considering it was t.o.m. I have been moving boxes back and forth all day I hope I have the energy to workout tonight. It is overcast and cold here today. Some of the cherry blossom trees are beginning to bloom though and it keeps spring in my mind. Sunny days, sandals, and shorts
    Those thoughts should be enough to help me resist the girl scout cookies that are going on sale in a week or so Keep up the awesome work everyone!
  • Ciao Ladies,

    I'm a bit late with my report but it's always busy busy busy around here. I'm happy to report a 2 pound loss for last week. I can easily attribute it to the fact that my car broke down so I'm walking a whole lot more.

    Well tomorrow is our annual ruck march. Imagine my 4'11" frame trooping four miles with 35 pound of gear on my back. UHHH say a prayer for me

    I just hope I'm not too sore to get back to my daily workout routine. Congrats to all the fellow losers.

    Angie, you'll be fine, girl, I have faith in you.
  • Dips, Have fun doing that. You are going to be so sore. I'll be prayin for ya. Congratulations on your 2 pound loss! You are doing great!

    I am trying to get back on track. I fell off so bad on Saturday. (Chinese food and cookies). This week I'll be happy to get rid of the bloat and get back to 162 although a loss would be nice too.

    How is everyone today?
  • Bloat is all gone!!!! Hopefully I can lose some more weight this week. Good Luck to everyone with Valentines Day coming up. I know I will need it. Isn't it annoying how every holiday revolves around food? I can't stand it.
  • I have been MIA for the weekned. I was sick. I don't know what it was but I slept all weekend. When I did wake up I was craVing weird foods. Hubby got some taco bell for us on Saturday and then I went right back to sleep. I am still not feeling up to par. I feel guilty going home. The owner had to work all day yesterday by himself. (17 hours) If I go home early today he will be here until we close again by himself. Oh well, if I feel to bad I should really go home. I am more important than my job.

    I got on the scale like a crazy woman after eating that way and I put back on 1.5 lbs. I am almost sure it is water weight so I will not freak out about it.
  • I'll second that, Where is everybody?? I know everybody is not MIA because it is so beautiful out and we are all living it up and enjoying te sunshine!! HA! It is soposed to hit 30 this weekend and I am so excited! We haven't seen temps above freezing in weeks. I haven't posted much this week. I've been slacking a bit as far as my eating. I've been eating to maintain for the last few days, but I still have 30 pounds to lose!! Exercise has been pretty good though. I got new running shoes and they feel great. Today, I'm cracking down! I have school valentine parties today AND parent teacher conferences so, TTFN,
  • I am still here. I have upped my exercise by 15 minutes this week to counter the effect of my binge last weekend and also so that I may enjoy a serving of fat free frozen yogurt at night and still lose weight. it is working because this morning the scales said 159! I am in shock and oh so happy to be out of the 160's!29 more pounds to go and I am there...again! hopefully this time I can learn how to stay there.
  • Angie: awesome job on breaking the 160s

    I have not been able to exercise lately due to this darn sinus infection/head cold thingy. I have managed to avoid most junk food though as I have no appetite.
    It has been awful quiet around here.
    Is it spring yet ?
  • We are having spring like weather today. (sorry you guys up north) It is going to rain this weekned but you would never know it by how beautiful it is today. I can't wait I just went and bought a few new pots so I can start to replant some things. I do this every year. I stock up in February and then go crazy repotting at the end of March. I LOVE SPRING!!

    I am not back to 153 yet. I and close thoguh. I only have 1 pound to go. I still have until the 25th to get to 152.5 so I am sure that I can do it.

    Your right Clarita, where is everybody? Rusty, Gen, Dips, Jen and anyone else that I forgot. Come back.
  • I've been lurking. Still here, though. Doing a crappy job with my food and excersize, but not giving up.

  • I'm still here just been REALLY busy with school, work, the family, and my newest test the Honor Society. Aaargh! Right now we have been doing lots of Valentine sales between that and tests and gobs of homework I just don't have any free time. Thankfully I will not be taking more than 2 classes from here on out.

    Okay well I have to finish the ironing and then head for bed; I have to work in the morning. I hope everyone is busy and don't forget about me. Hi, Di and Jen.

    Bye. Kina
  • I've been around, but keeping to myself more... the scale's not showing much lately, but I have been continuing the efforts, totally staying OP and getting exercise in about 3x a week. I will show a loss tomorrow from last week, but I've been spoiled up til now having the weight come off a little faster.

    It's still coming off, but I have to adjust my expectations. As long as it comes off consistently, I need not worry. How many times have I said to myself: "This is not a race!"?? I need to remember that when it comes off slow, the more likely it will stay off.

    Hope everyone had a good week.

  • I am glad to see you guys are still hanging around and not giving up. I am sure that all of you will attain your goal this month.

    Today is the LOVE day so I hope you all have someone to share that love with.

    I lost the weight from over the weekend I just hope that I don't put it back on this weekend. We are going to dinner tonight and I know that I will be eating dessert and I know it will be chocolate. I am pmsing and that is all I can think about. Do you think it would look bad if I ate dessert first?

    I am going to try to be good so I will have some good news on Monday but for now I am at 153. I only have .5 lbs to go before the 25th. That should be easy.

    I'll be back later and I hope all is well.
  • Wow it looks like everyone is doing a great job staying OP. And if they had a bad WI they seem to be compensating for it well. Much love and luck to you all! Happy V-Day!

    Oh yeah... one more thing...

    Today is the LOVE day so I hope you all have someone to share that love with.

    Nope I sure don't! This is Singles Awareness Day for me. But I've been going to the gym pretty darn faithfully. Even though I was sick this week... i still tried to make it there. only missed like two days because of it, which was good.

    And! I fit into a pair of pants that I couldn't wear before! In fact, I'm sitting right now... and they have not cut off any blood supply! It's a good day. Even though I'm single and I have a crush on a guy who I can't get up the nerve to talk to. For some reason I feel I can't talk to him unless I'm absolutely beautiful. Hmm... afraid of rejection much?? I think so! But everyone I know tells me to go and talk to him cuz I'm such a cool person. But I can't do it. I'm going to a thingie tonight on campus.... he just might be there.. but I can't say anything to him. I'm too shy around guys. I'm such a freak of nature.... *sigh


  • I know what you mean Sahvera. It's "singles awareness day" here too! I do have my daughter and grandmother to love, though. Took a 2-mile walk today, but also ate everything in the house (nearly). How did it get to be the day before weigh-in already? Ugh!
