Christian Encouragers ~ March

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  • Bargoo, will say a prayer for him. That is such a shame that people get so intense over a game. I don't understand that.

    I'm home after working 5 hours this morning. I had a bad headache this morning so took some meds and now it's a dull throb along with the affects of the meds. Change in the weather always does this.
    It is a beautiful but windy day here, temps in the 50's. Love this time of yr.

    Ya'll be blessed.
  • Praying
    Praying now for a miraculous healing by our Lord and a full recovery... comfort and encouragement for David's family and those who were traumatized by seeing this at what was to have been a fun day. Thank you for sharing the request.

  • Praying for David in Texas. It is a shame that people take games so serious .I won't even play 42 with my family because they take it too serious! They can play by their selves!
  • Thank you all for your prayers, I know his family will be so appreciative.
  • I made a mistake on his name . He is Bryan Stow Fortunately God knows his name. Nothing new on his condition this morning according to todays paper.
  • That's right Bargo, he knows. I seen it on the news the other morning and they say he may never come out of it. That is a shame that game turned to that.
    Well I am wondering where is everyone? Hope out having fun in good weather!
  • STOP!!!


    OK, YOU GALS/GUYS ~ we're over in the new APRIL thread ... Here's a link ...