in your whole life, what's the heaviest you remember being?

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  • Quote: 210. couldn't believe I gained 60 pounds in 6 years.
    Same weight for me.

    And I gained the same amount of weight in ... geez ... 18 months! Lots of contributing life factors there, but let's admit it: I screwed myself up big time.

    Maybe it was a good thing. I started exercising and stopped eating takeout every day.
  • About 200 pounds in the summer of 2002. None of my clothes really fit and I had to borrow a pair of 16s from my gramma which weren't very comfy -- I probably should have tried some 18s, but I never technically bought a pair. I felt uncomfortable in my body but I don't think I realised how big I was until I saw a picture, and that really motivated me.

    Most recently I got up to 187 or so back in early 2010, and I realise that it had snuck up on me again. Well, now I know that I have to be vigilant, have a game plan, and can't just leave my weight and health to chance.
  • I don't remember the pounds becuase I avoided the scales, but I was wearing size 22 pants. I am not in 14. so that is a big difference.
  • 277 was my highest weight. It scared me to see that I was closing in on 280!