Red Team Week 1 Thread

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  • Ms Perception~ Congrats on losing the weekend weight!

    AmberL~ Great job on making a good choice!

    Timeforme~ Two miles is nothing to shake your head at! Great Job!!!

    chiquita623~ Exercises during commercials is a great idea!

    JasonsLea~ What’s going on? Are you okay?

    cakses~ Yikes! That’s a lot of driving! I hope you’re feeling better!

    Ladybug2680~ I have some amazing weight watchers recipes if you want them!

    CakeBatter~ Amazing job with the running! Yesterday was chaos and resulted in my falling off the wagon a bit, but I survived!

    ~ I totally teared up also!!!

    JayTee~ Great job!!!

    We went for another hike yesterday and not only did I go, but I made it to the top AGAIN! Two different mountains in two days, and I conquered both of them. I admit there was some serious heavy breathing and a lot of stopping, but I still made it! I was going to get up early today to go to the gym, but I was super exhausted from school, climbing a mountain, and then waitressing that I just had to sleep in until 6:30. Today is my roommates bday and I plan on taking her to a really nice restaurant that has an amazing salad bar, so I can still be good.
    Biggest Loser was awesome last night although I’m already annoyed with the first person they eliminated as I feel like her partner really wasn’t putting very much into the workouts, while she did have a break through with Jillian and pushed herself really hard. I love TBL, but I hate the whole “game” part of it where people get rid of others because they feel threatened by then… it is super annoying…
    Happy Hump Day everyone!!!
  • I am going to get a chance to rad through this all at some point. Life has been very crazy between the party we are having this weekend and all of the medical tests I am going through. I am doing okay with the eating. I am trying to get some walking in but I figure I am cleaning like a maniac and running around with the boys that should count as some decent exercise.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    Hopefully by Sunday things will start to slow down and I can chat some more.
  • Had my official weigh in today and I've stayed the same. So no weight loss from me to help the reds along. Sorry folks. I did try but to be totally honest I fell off the wagon and binged the last couple of days, which is also why I haven't been posting up my food.

  • Still here, reading as much as I can when I have moments to sit. Down to 197.0 today. Hoping to get to 195 by Monday to make it an even 10 pounds. Still in agony and only jello is cutting it (and water of course). Tried soft foods and that was a BAD idea hehe.

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • Go Red Go
    the red team is ready to kick some butt!!
    We all want weight loss so here we go, we all like to win I know!!
    I just walked a mile and half- ready to jump start our success!
  • Okay this is how out of it I've been lately. I didn't even know this thread was up until just now. Being the second week of school has a lot to do with it. I am still trying to get everything scheduled and running smoothly.

    My weight is stuck, which is annoying the crap out of me. I'm eating approz. 1300 calories, working out everyday, all the usual stuff. The scale just won't budge.

    I will try to get here more when things settle down a bit at school. I am usually one to get on everyday, and crazy enough to try personals. i will get back in the swing, really!!!
  • Wow lots to read. Everyone seems to be doing a great job. For those of you who have fallen off the wagon it happens we just have to remember to get back on track and continue this journey. Tomorrow or your next meal can be a new beginning. I hope to start jogging more next week instead of walking so much. I will burn these calories/pounds away. Tomorrow I plan to do my weigh in. I sure hope all my calorie counting and weight lifting pays off on the scale. I'm still sore
  • quick check in - I was doing very well but fudged up dinner and i didn't run today. I will do better tomorrow. I hope to lose AT LEAST 2 pounds before weigh-in on Monday.*fingers crossed*
  • Hello everyone! Good job to everyone for the weightloss and exercise achievements! I have also been very busy lately. I am taking 19 hrs this semester so that I can graduate in December, so I am in school Monday through Friday. Then 2-3 days a week I tutor my littler brother when he gets off of school. I also help my boyfriend and 2 other friends with their Statistics class both during the week and on weekends when I get off of work. Then I have to find time to do my own homework. So I haven't really been getting in the exercise I should be. I'm hoping my dad will fix our elliptical this weekend because I will get on that when I take breaks from school work. I did great with food today though, and I also woke up to a 1 lb loss this morning! I almost have all my water in for today, I'm only short 8 oz and will drink that while I study tonight. Have a great day tomorrow Red Team!!
  • Quote: Had my official weigh in today and I've stayed the same. So no weight loss from me to help the reds along. Sorry folks. I did try but to be totally honest I fell off the wagon and binged the last couple of days, which is also why I haven't been posting up my food.

    Just get right back on track. I know you can do it!
  • Hey there ladies... poppin in for a quick hello.. I think I may have gotten over my lil water retention blip.. lol heres hoping lol.. I hope everyone has had a great day and evening.. O.. and CakeBatter, yes I am a preschool teacher/the assistant director of a daycare.. huge bonus is there is not much time to sit on my behind lol always moving... May God Bless
  • Hi Red Team,
    I'm going to try to get to the personals next week, this one seems to be moving at warp speed. Tonight was a funeral vigil (not anyone I know, but I was the person leading it), Tomorrow is the funeral during the day, and a meeting in the evening. Friday I do home visits and get packed for the weekend, and I'm back a tfaire for the weekend. It's going to be pirate weekend so that should be lots of fun. I'll also get to reconnect with some friends I haven't seen in a long time.

    I hope everyone has a great week!
    Bette K
  • Zoochick - Good Gracious you are a busy lady! I hoep you get your elliptical fixed.

    Angela - Aww that job sounds so fun!
  • Good Morning Red Team. Not much new with me. But the day is still young I suppose!! I think I'll WI tomorrow and then again next Friday as I am going to Philly next Sat. to see my DD and her boys. Then I'll get back on track with my normal Sunday WI's.

    Sounds like everyone is doing well with the exercise and eating. Keep up the good work!! My eating has been right in the ball park calorie wise but I need to step up the exercise routine I think.

    Has anyone used Jillian's supplements? I've seen them advertised and just wondered if they're worth the money.

    Better go for now. I'll be back later today. Remember to be good to yourselves!!!
  • Hi ladies! (And gents?) Hope everyone is having a great day! It is gloomy and rainy here today, but I am at work, so that's okay. I forgot my water today so I am going to run to Target in a bit and buy a big smart water. I messed up a little last night (TOM is barrelling in) so I snacked on some of DHs corn chips. I had frosted mini wheats for breakfast and I packed nothing but healthiness for lunch today so, no time like the present to get back on track, right?