Desperately Need a Diet Buddy #19

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  • Hi girls really busy lately, but just popped in to say hope everyone is doing good.

    Brandy- don't worry girl just keep at it one day at a time. You'll be ok. I think I am slowing down too especially with my TOM being all crazy with the new pills grrrr.
  • Bad day today. Weighed in and gained 1.5lbs. I could blame it entirely on PMS but I did spend two days in Philly last week and ate like I was going to the chair. By the way, Eddie was great!

    Volley - Congrats on the loss! And I'm glad you got the gift xchange issue resolved. Its better that way. Will you all be giving to the nieces and nephews?

    Lighweigh - Congrats to you also, and hubby too. You said, "When you start to shrink your stomach you will be SURPRISED at how much less food you need to stay satisfied." I agree with 100%. The problem is now my stomach has "opened" because of a recent PMS, and I'm having such a hard time to get back down to the smaller portions.

    Dot - Glad the meeting went well. Remember this is for you, not him.

    Mari - Glad to hear from you. Enjoy the visit with your friend.

    Brandy - I feel your pain. I gained. We'll do better next week.

    Nichola - Have you thought of gift certificates for the kids and gifts for the adults. It would save on shipping because paper doesn't weigh a lot.

    Well running off. Its Sunday and my kitchen table is covered with bills and crap. Got to clear it off.
  • I'm still up - but only by like 2 pounds now instead of 4. I've been pretty careful all week and honestly I can't think of any reason I should be up so hey, what can ya do?

    I've moved my weigh in day to Sundays for five billion reasons, mostly it's just easier.

    Congrats losers, to us gainers - everyone has a weird week eventually. Guess it was our week. THIS week will be better!

    I'll be out of pocket for the next few weeks - lots going on, family visiting. Will catch up closer to T-giving.

  • Hi Girls,

    Hope you all had a great weekend

    The Rolling Stones concert was great! As I said before, I've never particularly liked them much, but I must confess that they put on a darn good show. Where do 60 year olds get so much energy!? ... I felt exhausted just watching them!

    Well done to all the losers ... there's been some great losses ... keep up the good work girls!

    Commiserations to those who didn't have such a good week (me included!) I keep trying ... honest, I do I spoke to my mom last night ... she's lost 8.5lbs since being back in the UK ... now if she can do it I should be able to!! There's always been a bit of friendly competition between the two of us when dieting ... I think that's what I need ... I'll give it another go this week

  • Hello All! Watched Finding Nemo this weekend and cried, I laughed so hard! Good stuff!

    Raff - I am debating on buying for the nieces and nephews... WAIT, I wasn't finished. No, I am not a cold-hearted aunt. I LOVE the little ones! I am sick of buying duplicate presents and seeing them through toy after book after puzzle after science kit onto the same looming corner pile each holiday. In other words, both sides of the family spoil all of the nieces and nephews and then how are they learning about the spirit of christmas? Hmmmm.... Suggestions?

    Diet, well... I did really well all last week up until Saturday night. Sunday hits and I bake cookies for the little kids at church and end up eating most of them....SUPER BIG OOPS! I am addicted to scales and have decided to weigh in only on Mondays, but after Sunday, this morning I actually bypassed that bathroom. I might cry if I see the additional pounds I packed on.

    My only consolation is the fact that I went to the gym 4 times last week and I may feel a bit bloated from the chocolate chip cookie freak session, but my butt still feels sore from the jogging and leg presses.

    Let's try and keep our chins up this blustery Monday morning ladies!
  • hi girls been busy here lately but just wanted to say hope everyone is doing okay
  • Well, today has been considerably cooler than normal ... not exactly cold but cool enough to want to wear warmer clothes in the mornings. Only problem is, when I came home from work today, I decided to sort out my wardrobe and put away my summer clothes in favour of my autumn/winter outfits ... they don't fit ... none of them! I now feel in desperation as I simply do not have anything to wear to work! Yesterday, I jumped on the scales again after my weekend binge, only to discover that I was up another 1.5lbs ... something has got to be done ... I simply can't go on like this. I am so unhappy with the way I look and feel, but just can't seem to keep myself motivated long enough to do anything about it. I have a couple of good weeks, then I just slip back into my old ways again. When you want something so bad, you would think it would be easy to keep motivated long enough to achieve it wouldn't you?

    I completed a questionaire at the weekend which was all about low-carb/high protein plans and high-carb plans. Dieting is so confusing these days. One day we're told that diets high in carbs are the best way to lose weight; then the next that carbs are evil and we should stick to high protein diets! What the **** are we meant to believe?! Anyway, I completed the questionaire and according to my answers to the questions (which were all about your lifestyle and eating habits and the way you feel about food etc.) a diet plan high in protein would be most suitable for me. It also said that while Atkins almost cuts carbs out completely, you don't have to be this restrictive to rebalance the reaction against carbs within your system. Instead, they suggest a plan on which you eat less carbs and focus on the right kinds. I know that I eat way too many carbs of the bad kind (love bread and pasta etc) so I'm going to give these suggestions a try. Somethings got to work sooner or later We'll see how it goes ......


    PS - Apologies for the long post ... I need to convince myself that I'm doing the right thing!!
  • Nichola - I too have had the same problem with dieting - complete confusion. I recently have been combining: counting calories (not strictly), splitting my meals in half, and following Lightweigh's approach to not eating until my stomach growls. This has been working well, I feel that I can finally tell the difference between when I am physically hungry and emotionally hungry. DON'T GIVE UP! I know you can conquer this part of your life!

    Never worry about posting too much, I love seeing all the fun things you all have to say and if anything, it helps us get to know everyone better because more personality shines through.
  • Volley, thanks for the vote of confidence and your support. I'm feeling a little more positive today, thank goodness. I had a good day yesterday (diet-wise) and today seems to be going well so far I'm basically trying to cut out all of the crap that I eat and cut down on my carbs, although I don't plan to cut them out completely because I know that this will end in yet another failed attempt at dieting. I'm concentrating on the the good carbs and also swopping white bread for wholemeal, white rice for brown, etc. I know I'm not going to lose this weight overnight (I wish!), so I'm just taking it one day at a time and not looking too far into the future. I'm trying not to obsess too much about the whole diet thing ... just thinking about it as a good healthy lifestyle change ... I hope I can keep this up!

  • Hi girls all has been well here.

    I lost 1 lb this week, but my stubborn TOM is still here...going on to the 4th week ...sooooo mad about that. Spoke to doctor, she says give the pills the 3rd month to see if they get it back to normal or she'll switch my pills, also my weight drop, stress from lately, and meds may have affected it she says.

    We'll see.

    Girls don't give up. What I have found works for me is taping up pics of me on my fridge. You can go to and make your own model of yourself. I made three, starting point, first mini goal, second mini goal, and goal weight. Pasted them on my fridge and believe me it's gotten me to turn from food many times. Give it a try.

    Okay gotta run take care...

    Brandy, Mari???? How are you girls.

    Brandy- don't give up girl we can do this. If you mess up one day...just pick up the next. Little by little the numbers go down. We need to focus on that and its just a baby step closer to our goals.
  • Its Wed and I feel as bad as the day looks. It has been about a month now that I have been going over in my WW points. I'm having such a hard time getting back to smaller portions.

    My target range is 31, but I have been following a range of 31-35pts per day. I'm eating anywhere from 45-50 per day.
    I really, really, need to get back on track. But it seems once my stomach "opens" its hard to get back to where it was before.

    Please send me some positive vibes.

  • Hi guys - and thanks for the encouragment! I'm back down from the "mystery pounds" but not any FURTHER down. Oh well, at least they're gone! I am freakishly cleaning like a crazy person and moving furniture in and out and blah blah blah. This is really the last time I'll be able to post for a while - between our company, Thanksgiving and maybe or maybe not going to my mom and dad's wedding (hee - ok, you know you're a redneck when...) and yadda yadda yadda. Keep sending me vibes and I'll keep sending them all right back to you!

    Raff - I feel ya, girl. Try the Virtual Model suggestion - they've been great for keeping me focused. Also, sometimes I need to just not worry about it for a few days - just forget tracking points, give yourself a few days to get it out of your system and don't even THINK about it. But set a deadline - like Saturday - on Saturday, pick up and start over. Write down all the reasons you want to lose weight and make some SMALL scale plans. Give yourself some things you KNOW you can stick with, so you get those little victories. But really, when I get burned out, sometimes I just need permission NOT to think about it. Sending you vibes!

    Congrats to all the losers!

    Will catch up as soon as I can,
  • Congratulations to Dot for losing another pound

    Well done Brandy for getting rid of those 'mystery pounds'

    Raff, I know exactly how you feel ... I have the same problem myself ... just can't seem to keep within my daily allowance ... even when I'm NOT hungry!! However, the last couple of days I've managed to be a good girl ... I'm just not trying to think of it as 'dieting' because then I start to obsess about what I can and can't have ... and of course, I always start to pick at all the things that I shouldn't be having!! You have already lost well over 30lbs, which is fantastic, so you obviously can do it. Just take it a day at a time and if you have a bad day, just start over again the next. We can all do this, it just may take some of us a little longer than other, but we'll get there eventually and all the hard work will be worth it!

    Sending good vibes to everyone ...
  • Hello, hello, hello.....

    Is anybody in here, in here, in here?????

    The holidays must already have everyone occupied elsewhere. Darn! I need everyone's light hearted banter and positive chatter, it makes me do so much better at keeping the focus.

    I have somehow fit exercise into my already busy schedule and this has helped immensely. Though the hubby doesn't care for my extended absences and he won't come to the gym with me....arg

    I am keeping the upcoming food holidays in my mind as a challenge to myself. It's like a "Bring it on" feeling I've conjured up to battle the giving-up and after-regrets I always tend to melt into.

    Why can't there be a decent low-calorie hot cocoa mix? I absolutely love hot chocolate and the only thing I've found is Swiss Miss's diet cocoa.... yuck

    It is Thursday, almost the weekend
    I will be focused on writing a paper for my sociology class that is due next Monday. Here's to The Great Procrastinator!

    Chins up ladies.... let's follow our dreams and reach our goals!
  • hi girls

    Here you go raff and many more...I agree with the take it a day at a time. Don't panic and get all worked up just do baby steps and little by little u'll get back to where you were...or should I say down .

    okay everyone else take care...gotta run...geeeez I been doing a lot of running lately need to relax soon....bye