30 Day Shred Part 2

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  • L1D6 - Done! already feeling stronger! and I think I see some definition in my quads that hasn't been there since I played soccer in high school.
  • Hey all,

    I'm going to start this program. Wondering if it may be best to begin on the weekend in case I get really sore, that way I can hopefully recover before I go to work Monday? Or, does this not matter since a) it's just as possible I could get sore on day 3 or whatever, or b) not sore at all.

    I currently don't exercise at all.
    I did a few months of HIT/High intensity type group training place last year and had been scared about "being sore" but this never happened. I did get sore once just working out on my own, doing some leg lifts at home. Go figure.

    Assuming I won't still be sick this weekend I'd like to start Saturday.
    I'm really hoping to see some muscle improvements in my hamstrings/thighs in general- leaner and less jiggly. Looking forward to reading the earlier (and) future posts in this thread.
  • L1D7 done, almost convinced myself not to do it. imade myself at 8 pm, or I would have to get up early tomorrow.

    Happy, you will be sore, but I wouldn't let that stop you from starting it. Sometimes I like feeling a little sore the next day. It makes me feel like I pushed myself. Unless you have a job where you run all day you should be ok. Take a couple Advil if its bad
  • L1D8, still can't do full push-ups, but I completed everything else!
  • L1d9 done on sat, and L2d1 was today. My goodness, I would be generous to say I did 3/4 of it. It'll get better. Gave myself L1d10 tomorrow if I'm too sore.
  • 3My 30 Day Shred Results!

    Starting stats: 112/86/115.5 (size 14/16)
    Current stats: 102/79/106 (size 10/12)
    (in cm)
  • Absolutely amazing Rocksplash!!!!! You totally just gave me the motivation I needed. I've been procrastinating lately with working out. I would love to be in a 10/12 by the end of August. I was probably a solid 14 when I started.
  • I did L2D2 yesterday and it was slightly better than Day 1. I do feel like Level 2 goes faster than level 1. I should take some pictures now like rocksplash did, I didn't at the beginning only a couple measurements.
  • Level 2 done again today, still really really hard