Back in Kindergarten #75

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  • SUSAN...who knows...probably some tax they can get away with charging you. Funny about M, sort of...funny that he felt uncomfortable for some reason but not funny for you because you have to deal with it. Betting Dan is looking good! Lol You sound like me...I didn't want to stay home but have to. But I did manage to get outdoors even if it was to mow. Man, not exercising as much 'bout killed me with the mowing! Now I need a nap! Getting some laundry done now...hoping you find something to do not at home

    HIYA KATHY, JULES, FRANCIE, KATY, drawing a blank...

    Anyone heard from TAMMY or ASIA? Wondering how they are too. Anyway...going to go and puttering around the puter for about 40 minutes and try to stay awake. Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • Cristina - I miss mowing a yard! I do have a little patch outside my patio I could plant some flowers in if I was motivated to do
    M is just odd. Seems all my ex's are , or at least the ones I have had children with, I swear. His reactions make me feel like he had hopes we would get back together but I have no interest whatsoever in that! Major barf.

    I have only seen Dan wet, I wonder what he looks like dry? He is really good with the kids...... anyway, for 30 minutes this afternoon I can escape into fantasy while watching him.

    I have done nothing useful today. lol I did watch some news on the tv and read my book. I was going to pick up Gaby from school and bum around town til swim time @ 5pm.

    I really need to get back to work!!

    k- to everyone!
  • Good morning...

    Susan...yeah, sounds like he (M) is a little jealous. Dan sounds delicious, lol. Hey, we all need a Dan in our lives, lol, or maybe it's just me and you, lol. So what are you reading now? I am still working on the same book. Finished the Janet Evanovich one...Foul freaking stupid. It was one of those books I feel dumber for reading. Having a hard time getting thru the other...just all over the place and soooo unreal it drives me crazy. Anyway...

    I won't be on the computer at all tomorrow or Saturday so I will try to get back on later today. Busy two days.

  • Good It is sunny here today, but still chilly. I am so wanting to work in the yard..but not yet!
    Today is the first day in awhile that I have felt decent. I continue to do housework, cook and everything, but just haven't felt like me. It is hard to explain to DH that I feel sick when he sees me doing all my chores...I guess if I am sick I should just be in bed. LOL...

    Mom and I are getting ready to go to Target and the grocery store. Nothing major, just a short jaunt to get away from home. If I still feel well tomorrow I need to go to the fabric store. I want to make baby blankets for my up-coming great-grandson. Also have a niece who is expecting a girl, so will make her a blanket too.

    Nothing else planned...taking each day as it comes.

    Hi everyone and hope you all have a wonderful week-end.
  • HIya Sue...glad you mentioned blankets...any advice/tips on how to make one, lol? I know I can probably figure it out, just haven't been to a fabric store as of yet but I plan to make J & C a baby quilt. Maybe I can find a knitting class and knit one before then...anyway...sorry you aren't feeling so great and that you have to wait until Monday to hear from the doc. Enjoy your little jaunt away from home.

    Okay, thinking I am going to go do a walk on the treadmill and who knows what else. I'll be bcak.
  • Some early Easter wishes while I am thinking about it and won't be on the computer tomorrow or Saturday. Hope you all enjoy your Easter weekend.

  • Good Morning

    Sue - Amazing but I think women are just that way.Even when we aren't feeling well we still are up doing chores and making sure the household is working. Hope you feel better and take it easy!!

    Cristina - Beautiful easter graphic! Do you knit? I never knew that, jealous now myself.
    I am reading the Readers Digest book on kniting and "Love the one you're with" a novel.
    The swim lesson went well, M didn't show up, thank goodness. Gaby came running over after her class was done and said "he says to ask my mom if I can stay for the next Shark class"....I think I almost wet my pants. lol Why would he want her to stay?? Maybe he wanted me to stay and watch his lean body glide thru the water with ease.....and his muscles shinning with umm, ya ...water.
    Whatever, I could never write a romance
    I said sure and settled back down in the stands but Gab was too chicken to stay with kids she didn't know......Grrrrrrr, she is ruining my social life!

    anyway - my mom says I won't attract any decent man until I clear up the drama in my life, in other words I will never go out on a date again.lmbo

    Going to work and now I don't even want too.It has been 3 friggin days off! Hard to get back in the groove.

    to everyone. 144 on my WI this morning, good as it is going to toodles.
  • You crack me up Susan...I want to be in your novel, lol. No, I don't knit, but I have wanted to learn for quite a while and plan to find a class so I can learn. You will find another man and date, silly momma, lol. Hope you have a wonderful 3 day weekend!

    Where is everyone??? Guess everyone is waiting til I am gone, lol...well, post away ladies because I am outta here for a while.


    Cristina..There are some cute ideas here. I am thinking of making a no sew fleece blanket for both babies...crib size. Then I am hoping to make some smaller flannel blankets and burpers. I tried crocheting a baby afghan 22 years ago...for my first grand. Haha..that was a joke. He was 4 or 5 and I was still working on it. I finally pitched it. I can sew, but not knit or crochet.
  • I thought I had popped back in here on Thursday, but apparently I didn't!

    my *official* weigh in on my scale was 222.2 on Wednesday morning. but my Wii Fit told me that I was 220.2 on Thursday I jumped on the scale after my shower after my workout and it told me 222.4

    I did 46 minutes of yoga and strength training on Thursday! Now, I have to get my booty in gear to get up early before the kids get up since Brandon is now on Spring Break until the 20th of this month! I usually do my workout after I put him on the bus.....what in the world am I going to do in the summer? oh wait......get up earlier then now and do my work out. That way it will get me in shape AND it will get me ready for when school starts in case he ends up in the morning class!

    oh I forgot to mention.....I got an email back from Brandon's teacher. She talked to the speech therapist, and I am to either call her or email her after Spring Break about getting Logan tested to see if he needs to be in a class like Brandon. AND I was also given the number to the local people that will be able to test Marissa to make sure that she is developing like she should be!
  • Good morning!

    Mindee - my scale went belly up this morning..told me I weighed 129 - ha! Obviously it needs batteries, lol! Your wl is great..and good job on keeping up with the Wii. I've learned that if I'm going to get my exercise in everyday I have to do it early in the morning. So bravo to you for making that commitment - it is really hard to do that on some days.

    Susan- hopefully you'll be receiving the yarn and needles soon. The next thing I recommend is getting set up on ravelrydotcom. If you have the ability to post pics, you can keep track of your projects there and you can have sweet friends like me who can help you out It's like Myspace for knitters, crocheters, etc. If that's too much, then I recommend knittinghelpdotcom. Lots of great instructional videos online.

    Sue - fleece blankies are the best! So warm and soft and easy to clean. Can't believe you are going to have way you are old enough for that! Hope you have heard from your docs and that it is good news.

    Cristina - hope you are having a great time with the grandkids during holy week. Are they excited about Easter? Sounds like you have a very busy couple of days ahead.

    Sassy - keeping my fingers crossed for you that you get pregnant soon (Francie, too!) It's time for some virtual baby showers, don't you think?

    HI to Jules, Kathy, welcome to recycledartgirl, and hello to anyone I may be missing!

    Made it to step this morning, and soon I will be having lunch with a friend I haven't seen in 11 years. I'm looking forward to catching up. Then it's back home, DS has a friend coming over, and I may get some work done an a vest I'm knitting for DH. Pretty typical day. I'm enjoying the quiet while I can because this weekend is going to be crazy busy! So Happy Passover and Easter to All and have a great weekend!

    We were waiting for Tommy's check to get deposited today so that I could do laundry. I did nine loads of laundry and then got every thing switched over to the dryers and I thought every thing would be good. WRONG!

    Today is Tommy's friends' brother's 40th birthday, so they were meeting up at a bar to celebrate it. Well, we couldn't get a sitter because our neighbor had to work. So, we were more or less rushing through every thing so that Tommy could get out the door promptly at 7:30 to make it to the bar by 8. It took me forever to get Brandon to I had very little patience because they close the laundry room at 11pm.

    Needless to say, I have three loads of laundry that I have to rewash because they didn't dry all the way! I called Tommy on his phone, and he shot me to voice I left him a message telling him what was going on. Usually he calls me right back.....I waited a little bit and called again.........was expecting to get shot to voice mail again, but this time he answered. I told him what was going on, and basically got the cold I said "well I am glad that you are having fun. bye" and I hung up. He called back again but I didn't answer.....and that was at is 10:42 right needless to say he thinks that he is going to get lucky tonight, but I have news for him!

    Oh yeah......then when I was getting every thing ready to go and wash it, I opened the boys room door to let them out and he goes "oh no! you are not letting them out until you come back from washing the laundry." I said "they are coming out now, and they will go and sit down and watch the Tigers game on tv." He then made some comment about me wanting to have me time and that he didn't get any me time today. I said "bull crap! you were just outside and you got your me time." He said "no I was working on a car, that isn't me time." I said "were the kids out there with you? were they getting into every thing while you were trying to work?" He said "no" and I said "then you got your me now I am getting mine" and finished getting every thing ready to go. And now he is getting his me time at the bar, so I don't want to hear it.
  • Men! Can't live with them...can't shoot them Hope today is a better day, Mindee...

    For me, it's off to the gym, then Easter egg hunt, then native plant sale at the elementary school, then DS off to a playdate..whew! Catch you chickies later!

  • Quick hi...Mom's having more bad days. Two days this week she needed to have some extra bags of fluid. She's doing pretty good today. I caught Dominic's cold and don't want to give it to her so I haven't been able to help out as much as I would like.

    Dominic is so adorable!!

    I haven't lost any weight, but the toning up apparently is making me look that way--getting lots of compliments.

    Work sucks...

    It's a dreary rainy day...will probably take a nap when Dominic goes down...
    Kathy--is it still snowing up your way???

    hi to everyone else!!!
  • Hi everyone.

    Have had a few busy days here job hunting. Hopefully I will hear back sometime next week from some of them.

    Jules - No snow, it is actually beautiful here. It has been 50 degrees here all week, snow is melted, and everyone is out in shorts and t-shirts. I washed the bedding today and hung it out on the line, then noticed the thousands of geese flying overhead and was wondering if I should leave the laundry out on the line. The kids have spent every spare moment outside, and now Roxy's favorite word is "walk". Dominic must love it outside also.

    Katy I'm exhausted after reading what you are up to today. I do hope that you get a few moments to relax and put your feet up today. Did you get anything at the plant sale? How was the easter egg hunt? Was that just at your house? Hope the playdate went well. Does your hubby ever go to the gym with you? How was your lunch date with your friend?

    Mindee hope you are having a good day today. Do you need to rewash the clothes? Just put them back in the dryer on air fluff. Are you going to get Logan and Marissa tested? When is Brandon's school out for the year?

    Sue - When are the babies due? There is nothing like homemade blankets. My mom made all my kids blankets when they were babies. I was going to try and learn to make something for Roxy, but didn't get a chance. Luckily moms neighbor made her a beautiful blanket.

    Cristina how is your crazy weekend going? I hope that you have a few minutes to put up your feet also. When is C & J's due date? Is basketball season over? Or have you still been going to watch the games?

    SuzyQ - You could write a romance novel about the swim instructor. I thought that M had a girlfriend? Maybe you are closer to getting a date with the swim instructor than you realize. Gaby will soon be getting free swimming lessons. Maybe that is why he keeps her in his class?

    Sassy - You know what? I need your new address. Do you get a long weekend off for Easter? Are you having a get together at your new place, or are you going out somewhere? Are you a ****'s Kitchen addict too? I was not happy that Andrea didn't get sent home this week...

    Francie - What the heck he didn't send Andrea home. He could have sent Giovanni home next week. How are you doing? What have you been up to?

    Hello to Tammy, Asia, Michelle and Robin.

    Now that the snow is all melted, I had to go around the yard and pick up all the garbage that has accumulated everywhere. That took some time. As I was doing that I noticed all the dog doo that needs to get cleaned up also. Guess I will do that today, as I don't need little ones walking through it all and getting it all over. Such a pleasant chore. Not doing anything for Easter because well I just don't want to. We will just go to church, and that will be all. (After the Easter egg hunt of course.)

    Well I guess I better get going on the scooping.

    I hope that everyone has a great Easter.