W.O.W Memorial Day Challenge ~ Week 2

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  • Good morining to all (or good night to some I am sure). I feel a little more rested today, but definately have a nasty cold and something in my ears I am taking my bottle of purell with me to work today to help stop the spread of germs. I guess day-quil is on my list of lunch-box goodies today.

    MommyonaMission: yes I do make craisins. I do mostly Quality Assurance things, but I do run a few Machines. Our plant started running in June but we run pretty smooth (knock on Wood). That little eggie thng with the exclamation mark is to report a post.

    Ah, yes Shari the craving MONSTER! I know TOM is on its way when I want to eat the entire world in one gulp. Yes, that day hits exactly one week before I start and I do give in (other wise I can have quite the nasty mood swings).

    Normal WEED for me guys. I gotta run.

    W 80
    Eextra laps
    D get my shopping done and get to bed early.
  • Moring all! My day looks pretty low-key. DH is away fishing a BASS tournament. So, I can stay home and clean house, or I can blow off all responsibility and go to the movies. So, Avery (the 4 year old) and I are off to see "Horton Hears a Who." Mom is keeping the baby.

    My WEED:
    W-only 64 today- harder when not on a work schedule + Diet Coke at the movies
    E-on track--I am going to be a nerd and bring apples and ww cake into the theater so I'm not tempted
    E-Uh! I guess I am going to Wii-it. When DH gets home we'll battle it out in tennis (warm-up), boxing (lots of cardo and arm-sculpting), and bowling (cool-down).
    D- I am going to have weekends when I am healthy, just like when I was not. So, this weekend I am going to practice control, moderation, and create a schedule that works just as well as my work-week schedule.
  • While I'm thinking about it- does anyone else have this issue (or any ideas). During the week I am golden. I am on track 100%. The weekend comes, with it's gnarling teeth and ravenous hunger, and I spend every hour/minute/second trying not to think about the full fridge. I know it's in my head. And, 3 weeks in, the voice has gotten softer, but it's still not as easy as it is during the week.
  • Happy Saturday!
    Well, I stayed up late last night and morphed in to a real girl. I have a sig ! Now I'm gonna be on a wizbang hunt to make it sparkle!
    Did good this morn with breakfast and am committed to being great this weekend BECAUSE.... Yes Mommy.... I too blow it on the weekends. 4 kids and constant meal making turn me into a farm animal. I swear I have 4 stomachs. Lets make a pact to not let it break our will this weekend! By the way... My BF and I are HUGE bass fisherman (fisherpeople?)... we fish tournaments once a month.... too funny! So... what lakes on that side of the world does your DH fish? (hello... posting opportunity).

    Jcat - sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Along with the purell, I make my girls at work wipe EVERYthing down once a month with clorox wipe. Phones, door knobs counters. We work on the operations side of multiple public utilities, and those boys track in more crap from the landfill, the water pipes, yuck! Hope you feel better soon.

    WEED for the day:
    W- 64 oz
    E- roam the grocery store, chase small children, maybe a walk later
    E- Good choices, no taquitos, good choices, no doritos
    D- Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right.

    Have a great day all
  • So do you ever have those weeks that just totally suck? My horse has an eye infection, have to get cream into it twice a day, Something killed my duck one night and a hen the next night, The scale will not cooperate no matter what I do and work just stunk. I teach kindergarten and the kids were rotten. Plus I have got a killer cold. My girlfriend talked me into having a cheat meal last night. SO ever since someone ate one at school the other day, I have been craving a KFC potato bowl. So guess what I had? I felt like a pig when I was done eating. That is more food than I have eaten at one sitting in 3 months. Came home and spent some quality time in my bathroom. Wasn't that fun? Now did the scale go down today? Of course not.

    Here is my problem. I can stick to any plan I set. The problem is figuring out what that should be. My friend, who is also my partner, says that since I have bumped up my workouts, I am probably not eating enough. So I am going to try upping my calories for a while and see what happens. Wish me luck.

    Mommy- I try to get out of the house and keep busy.
    Nixmom- congrats on the sig. I successfully added your blog to my blogroll. Thanks. Once again, hysterical.

    W- 3 bottles or a little more
    E- I think I will walk outside today, since it is nice finally. 3 miles.
    E- 200 calories more than I have been eating
    D- Don't give up. Something has got to work.
  • WEED For the weekend:
    Water 64 oz/day
    Eat - cautiously. Weekends can be hard for me too
    Exercise - Slim in 6 on Saturday, Yoga on Sunday
    D- Get my house cleaned up!
  • STILL haven't caught up but LOVIN' having the computer fixed nonetheless! Not sure what Big Bro did this time but its like POW POW POW fast now . . . if only I could read quicker!

    Yes, M.O.Mission~weekends can/are brutal for me . . . and now that I'm laid off . . . it'slike EVERY DAY is the WEEKEND!

    Oh well, where there's DOPE there's HOPE right?

    W: Get more & also since you're headed forOther Brothers' Bar-think about alternating some wah-wah with those Frosty Cold Bud Lights GF!

    E: Floor work DONE for the day - walk to the river with Lil One b4 you get your drunk on, k?

    E: LC packed & ready to go!

    D: These ARE the good ole days!
  • Hi ladies....that phone call totally threw off my day. My body gave up when I got home last night. I crashed when I got home....2.5 hrs of sleep. I was up way late...trying to read and relax and not stress out.

    DH is leaving tomorrow for 2 weeks. I'll use the time to clean the house, cook for myself, work out...essentially get on track. Hard to do when there are chores about and apparently I'm the only one that does them after work, between homework assignments.

    I have one nasty headache today too. Dang weather change. Other than that I'm doing ok.

    Weekends and evenings are horrible for me. I've had a few good things go on with my eating choices after work...then yesterday got here and well that didn't go over so well. I've changed up my breakfast a bit....mostly this week I've had two of the special K waffles with some peanut butter smudged on them, i added some fat free canned whipped topping with some frozen fruit. It's very filling Don't know for sure what i'll be making tonight. DH is making a mess of the kitchen at the moment. He's trying to make hash browns to look nice n brown like at Denny's. But he refuses to do dishes...claiming that he "doesn't use a pile of dishes".........but he'll leave all the bowls and potato covered mandoline equipment in the sink.

    He could use healthy eating....but he doesn't want to do things my way when it comes to eating healthy. He'll just skip meals and then work out 3 times a week...spends thursday nights drunk.....i can make good meals but he will either skip them (eating on the way home after work) or double up on portions.

    This is why it seems easier for me to get on track when he's gone. I have to ignore the fridge.....i need to make handy snacks.....veggie platters....stuff like that to eat instead of processed stuff.

    I'm babbling. Don't mean to...just havin a rough week. I'm gonna try and stick with stuff I cook this weekend, and avoiding junk food.

    How are you guys doing????
  • Another quick check in. Today has been busy- two back to back birthday parties- I'm exhausted. I maintained this week which I'm thankful for. TOM arrived today which explains the munchin' I've been doin' this week.

    Hope everyone is having great weekend!
  • Hey, all! Well, I survived the movies. I ended up not having time to pack everything to eat, but I had a couple of handfuls of dry popcorn-not too bad.

    Nix- I have been to Bassmaser University and chilled with KVD, Jimmy Houston, and some others...are you impressed? It was DH Christmas present a few years ago. Really cool, I called (yes, I have nerve) Kevin Van Dam and asked him to sign a Christmas card so I could give him his present that way (he did it!). Granted KVD's wife probably thought I was some wierd stalker or something...

    I am supportive of his (hugely expensive) hobby. I, myself, am always at home with the kids, so I cannot bass fish. I do, however, subject myself to 1-4 hours of fishing shows nightly. So, I could tell someone HOW to do it.
    We live on the Gulf Coast so, it's really different. We have no (0) lakes/resivoirs here. Everything is tidal rivers. At least once a year he takes a trip to Seminole or Lay Lake, or someplace like that. He is pretty good, though. He's in a local club (they won the Mississippi State Federation this year), but he also fishes 2 regional tournament trails.

    In conclusion, when my kids are big enough, I would LOVE to fish with him. In the meantime, I have been in our boat 2 times and the first time he was such a "trolling ****" I gave up, and I just lay out on the deck!

    Everyone else probably wants us to start a BASS/FLW thread by now, so I'll go. Oh! Mark Zona is on anyway...

    My WEED (you non-fisherman may think I've been doing CRACK):
    W- actually not too bad today-56 oz
    E- on track, no veggies, though
    E- Yeah, I'm being lazy...
    D- MAde it through a Saturday without binging!
  • Okay...I really am very smart. I mean, I have taken grad classes at Harvard for God's sake. But alas, I have posted 30 messages, and cannot figure out how the heck to create a signature...

    I'll figure it out tomorrow. My DD, Presley, (the baby) is rocking a 102.5 fever, so it'll be a loooong night.
  • Okay, I am thisclose to choking the life out of my brother. He's 13 and an attitude has appeared out of nowhere (seemingly). I just had to snap on him a few minutes ago. I don't like doing that cause I KNOW that I have a hard time controlling my temper and I don't want things to turn ugly cause ultimately, I do love my family, no matter how much they piss me off. Tomorrow morning, I'm going down to see if I can get this job at the corner store and if so, I'm moving at PRONTO! with or without any furniture!
  • Jlea, I have a 15 yo brother. Boy got an attitude when I moved away I guess. You go girl...get you that job and get your own place. Furniture is easy enough to come up with
  • mommyonamission at the top of your screen click on user cp once you are there there is a place that says edit signiture click there. you should be able to create it right there. If you want a ticker on: on the edit signature page there is a list of signature rules, right above that there is a ticker click on that and it should take you to the page t o create your own ticker.

    Shari, my sisters all had attidudes when they were 13. (actually the 15 year old still has a poor attitude) (my baby sister is 12 so she will be turning the ugly 13 soon)

    I debating calling in sick. I really should just stay home but the overly responsible person inside my head says "no, we are already 2 people short, Its only 12 hours you can do it; were running the 12 oz line today we need an extra person" when my kids are sick I hae no problem calling in, but when it is me I just cant. I guess I don't like to admit I am weak.

    WEED is Normal today
  • quick check in to tell you all that the EE portion yesterday went completely off course!

    Trying to get back at it today!! I'll be back later!