300+ Weekly Thread #1122

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  • Good Morning all! Long time, no post Just wanted to pop in and say hi. i have kept up with the posts, and have not abandoned my quest for a smaller me; just been really busy with work and life in general
    Wow, so many "losers" its inspiring and awesome!! Annie: your doing great, im very happy to here your surgery and recovery are going well. Im so happy for you
    Welcome to Si, i always enjoyed your posts on the 100lb thread and your British wit
    As for me, although i am still losing, i am still in the 180's. im not giving up though, its just getting harder to see the big losses now that im closer to goal. im going to try and change some eating and exersise so maybe i will see a bigger loss this month. one thing for sure, im definetly in this for life, this isnt a " diet" for me, its my new lifestyle.
    i wish everyone a great on plan day and weekend. keep up the good work, you are all worth it
    Peace and Love
  • Ammi- I may be in the loop but I still don't know whats going on I'm just following everyone else LOL.

    Rat- I think about you normally I'm sitting in traffic and here something about the red line breaking down but I think about you.

    Dogpal- You must have me confused with someone else cause I don't know what your talking about LOL. I think its great you got the surgery and that your doing so well. We all have the same goal to loose weight and be healthy. (I'd say happy but skinny people aren't happy either). Keep up the good work

    Debbie, Battle, Catherine and everyone else HI!!
  • Hi All,

    What a long day today has been, I could happily fall asleep right now, but it’s only 6 pm, so I better hold off for a while I went with hubby to the dentist, his turn to have work done not me!! After that we did some shopping, had some lunch and then went to pick my daughter up from school. I’ve been on the go since 7 this morning, and my old bones know it I think I’ll be having an early night tonight.

    Catherine - I LOVE vegetables, especially raw carrot, and as they are considered zero points on WW if you could see me then you would often see a fat person who loves vege I could munch on raw carrot all day

    OK so you may have thought ‘holy crap’ when you got your assignment, but I am still impressed that you are going to do it, and I know you will do it well

    Story - I’m glad that although somehow your appt got cancelled that you still ended up having your ‘fill’ done and that afterwards you didn’t have any of the weird stuff happening like after the first time. Congrats on the 3 lbs weight loss too. It’s always wonderful to see those lbs coming off.

    My step daughter sounds like your son, she yaps non stop when she gets in from school. She’s supposed to go straight for a shower but I swear she spends at least half an hour going on and on about her day. I keep saying, ‘tell me later, after you shower’ and she says ‘OK’ and then carries on talking

    Cris - glad to hear your kids are both happy in school and with their teachers. My kids went back to school this week too and so far no complaints My SD is a bit vertically challenged too, so I have to always hem her trousers/pants, plus the waists are always too big for her when the butt fits nicely, so I have to put a dart in them too. This year I was saved that chore though because the trousers/pants have loops for a belt so she wears one!

    Luan - I like the idea of Catherine’s for filming a person in a wheel chair. Also you could film a couple of deaf kids/people communicating with sign language. I love to watch Beth and her friends signing, it’s almost like dance, it can be so beautiful. In fact a deaf person signing a song is really wonderful to watch.

    BattleAx - thanks for the welcome back

    Brandnewme - I’m sorry the Lasix doesn’t seem to be working yet. It seems so daft that you can’t get an appt until October 1st, I hope you won’t need to go in under emergency circumstances before then though. Hang in there and I hope you will feel better soon

    Annie - will email you later

    Kymberly - it’s a shame we can’t see big losses all the time, but you know as you said that as you get closer to goal the losses get smaller. You know you can lose the weight, and that you just need to be patient. It won’t be long until you are out of the 180s and heading lower

    John - ah I see, in the loop but just following the leader Sounds sensible to me How’s your leg these days?

    Just to let you all know Sandy emailed me today. Things have been pretty hectic for her this year, and last month her mother passed away. She said to say that she thinks of everybody here often, but she just doesn’t have the time to log on and read/post. For those that pray please do keep her in your prayers.

    Ok off to make tea now. Bye for now,


  • Hey everyone!

    This week has been absolutely crazy with homework. On Wednesday I actually worked from when I got home to wayyy past my bedtime, which is unusual. Hopefully, though, that won't be a frequent occurrence. I just wanted everyone to know that I've read all of your posts, but I don't even want to attempt and catch up on 6 pages worth of personals, so to all of the "losers" for this week, great job! Everyone else, a big hello and hug from me! I should be more available this weekend to be around here, so I'll talk to you all a bit later!
  • Hi everyone,

    Yesterday I went to 3 restaurants: two for business meals, and one for dinner with a friend. I ended the day on plan within my calorie range.

    My dinner friend turned out to be a pusher, and I hadn't realized this about her before. She wanted to know why I wasn't ordering a drink, and hadn't in a while. I replied that I order them when I want them, and don't when I don't feel like having a drink. She then asked me why I never feel like having a drink when I'm with her (?!). My reply: "I'm afraid you'll get me drunk and take advantage of me." We both chuckled. I thought the conversation was weird, because neither of us have ever been big drinkers.

    Then she acted disappointed when I didn't want to share appetizers....and after ordering them for herself she offered them to me several times more. Ugh! If she does this again I am going to have a serious talk with her. She doesn't know I'm on an eating plan...but that shouldn't matter. It was boundary violating.

    I tried on the size 24 work pants from Lane Bryant, and the size 24 Target capris I plan to wear next week to the party. Good news and bad news. The Lane Bryant pants zipped and buttoned for the first time (but they're still too tight to look nice on me). Bad news: the capris are still unattractively tight, and the party is next week. Chances are very good that I'll reach my goal of 298 lbs. by then, but not good that they'll fit much better. That'll teach me to set time frames with goals. The body will lose what it does in places that it alone is in control of. I'm still going to wear the capris next week, but I would have preferred a nicer fit.

    Have a great OP day, everyone.
  • Someone on a LiveJournal* community I am in titled a post “I love losing weight!” yesterday. It was actually about the results of losing – getting compliments, etc., but it sparked something in me about how I think about weight loss.

    I have found that my attitude about things really makes all the difference in how I approach and experience things in my life. It made me think about how I feel about this journey. So often I look at it like a struggle. What if I was able to have the attitude that losing weight was the best fun I could be having? In the same way that I would say “I love watching movies!” or “I love spending time with friends!” I could also say “I love losing weight!” It is so much easier to do the things we love to do. Not to say that there isn’t struggle involved, but finding a way to take the grueling nature out of it. I think a lot of times I make things harder on myself then they need to be. If I could just relax and enjoy myself it would be so much easier.

    I’ll try my attitude experiment for a little while and let everyone know how it goes.

    *If there are any other LJ users here please send me a PM and I will friend you. Most of my posts there, especially anything to do with weight loss, are friends only.
  • Ammi-legs are good they swell from time to time. An my the left top of my foot alway hurts when I flex it. Normal walking is fine and moving on it is fine when I streach it hurts. I have a doc appt monday so i'll say something then cause its been near a month now like that.
  • Kymberly: Hang in there with the scale not moving. It will. You are doing so amazingly well!

    John: Oops! sorry lol my bad.

    Ammi: Wow, sounds like you have had a busy day. Put your feet up and relax a bit. Thanks for telling us about Sandy. I have been wondering where she went to. Next time you email her please tell her that I was thinking about her and will be praying for her and sorry about her mom!

    Battle: Great job with all the eating out you did. You are really doing great. Sorry that the pants thing didn't work out but, that is okay they will be way to big on you before you know it!

    Nancy: I believe that attitude IS everything in loosing weight and well, just about everything. I hope the experiment works super for you and it helps you continue to excel at all things! Hugs.

    Well, for me today is a slow one. I did go to get a manicure today for a treat and a lip wax and eyebrow wax. That is never much of a "treat" lol. Last night I went to a sale at a furniture/appliance store that I adore because they were having their annul anniversary sale. This year they are celebrating 61 years. Any way, I bought a new lamp for my office and a new lateral file cabinet which I have desperately been needing. My DH was meeting me there to see if there was anything he can't live without and there was something he thought he desperately will be needing for hunting season, he has high hopes lol, so, we also ended up buying a deep freeze chest freezer to go along with the stand up one we have right now that is full of beaf from my dad's. My Dh is hoping to "fill" them both with venison and Elk. Either way I'm okay with a new freezer as I would like to move all the meet in there because our other one is ancient and I am always fearful it may go out at any minute. They will be delivering it tomorrow. Then at 3 p.m. off to a church picnic/ softball game that my DH will be playing in and eating from. I am happy just to go and get to know the people and be outside for a change.

    Hope you are all op and drinking water and exercising.

    Blessings all,
  • Dogpal - Happy hunting to your DH! Although heaven only knows how you get an elk back home when you bag one.

    Thanks everyone for your well wishes for my pooch. Max is feeling much better today, and is starting to really get in to the diet the vet prescribed: chicken, chicken broth, and a bit of white rice. How will I ever get him to eat dog food again? I'm just happy to see him prancing again.

    I walked on my lunch break today, and am still going strong otherwise.

    I'm baby sitting this weekend away from home, plus going to a health fair, so I doubt I'll be around the next few days. I'll be thinking of you tho! Talk to you soon!
  • Ammi, yes, I've got the 1-3 walk tapes. I've gotten up to the 2 mile but just can't get the 3 mile done. Still building up stamina I think. I'll just keep pluggin' away and I'm sure some day I will be able to do the 3 AND the walk and jog!!

    Catherine, I did just that. I ate a few more calories and things I haven't eaten for a long time. Hopefully I'll see a change on Monday. Just hope it's still going down and not up...LOL How did the "Battle for Alberta" go?

    TheStory, Glad your fill went well. Did you ever find out who cancelled your appt? I didn't know you had to go back to liquids for a couple days. Learn something new everyday.

    Cris, So happy to hear your kids like school and their teachers. That's half the battle.

    , sorry the lasix isn't working. I hope you're not in too much pain. Let's hope they find something to help you soon. Hang in there.

    Annie, I was wondering what happened to Sue, too. I hope she's doing ok. I'm so glad that you're doing so well so soon after your surgery. You've come a long way. I'm so proud of you!

    Kymberly, I love your attitude!! It definitely is a "for life" change. Sometimes it's hard to look at it that way, but it's the only way we will make it to our goals.

    Battle, excellent job on the eating out. As for your friend the pusher, I think you handled it pretty well. There will always be sabotuers out there and we have to deal with them if we want to succeed. Be strong, and be tough...after all, it's your life!!

    NoLife, Did they tell you what was wrong with Max? My dog Duke had parvo and that's what I had to give him and he did survive and lived a long life after that. I'm glad Max is doing better and runnin' around.

    I did 20 mins of exercise yesterday but didn't get any in today. Sorta feeling bad. Still haven't heard a word from my son and tomorrow is my birthday. I know I won't hear from him, but it's just sorta sad to have someone in my life for 25 years and then not be there. I'm still staying within my calorie limit pretty much but did go over a bit yesterday.
    I plan on doing some yardwork tomorrow so that will be a workout right there. My hubby made cupcakes and I'm going to have just one and then give the rest to my folks so they won't be around to tempt me.
  • I just got back from the game. Had to find out from someone on the subway ride home if we won or not, we didn't. We sold 144 liters of hot chocolate, 100 of coffee, 400 cheeseburgers, 250 hotdogs, 250 footlongs, 200 smokies, and 10 lawn and leaf sized bags of popcorn. That doesn't count the nachos, chips and candy they sell up front that we don't have to deal with in the kitchen. We sold over 12 cases of french fries. Every one we had. My feet are actually throbbing at this point. Himself is covered in hot chocolate, and no, I'm not going to be licking it off. That's not on my meal plan.
  • I get to be the first one to say "Happy Birthday Debbie!". I hope your day is special in some way, and I'm sorry it all comes so close to your recent troubles with your son. It simply won't be this way forever.

    I finally finished my kitchen/dining room project, so those rooms are totally functional again which is wonderful. I got a freezer, like 9 months ago, and had nowhere to plug it in because it needed it's own circuit. I FINALLY got an electrician in, and now my freezer is running happily in my basement. I can't wait to go out and stash it with stuff. I don't know if it's a chick thing, but I love stashing and nesting and having many more cans of peas or whatever than I need on any given day.

    I went to the gym last night, and it was a tiny bit tough to drag myself there because I hadn't been for about 2 weeks just because of scheduling issues. I tried Nancy's idea, and told myself as I was packing my bag to go "I love losing weight!". I repeated this a couple of times during the exercise, when it got feeling hard or long. I really think it made a difference!

    I made my 4th mini goal this morning. Yay!
  • I, too, like Nancy's idea of making this a more positive endeavor! (It really is a mental journey too!)

    Happy Birthday, Debbie!
  • Hi and thanks for the birthday wishes!

    Come on Catherine....lick your hubby!! Sounds like you guys did a good deal of selling the goodies. You must be beat. Hope your poor feet recover.

    Meta, congrats on making your 4th goal. That's awesome. Post some pics of your room makeovers. I love to see what people do with their homes. I love to watch "Flip that house" type programs too.

    I didn't do so great on staying OP today. I was fine til we went out and bought hamburgers and fries for my b-day. Then I had one cupcake, then I came home and had cheese dip with chips. I draw the line there. Self sabotage is my middle name. I'm disgusted, disappointed and fed up with myself.
    I even knew this was going to happen. It was just a matter of time. So why not get it done and over with?
    I plan on being OP again starting tomorrow and hope I can at least make it thru the week and see a loss as I am not expecting to see one monday.
    Have a good Sunday.
  • Happy Brithday Debbie