February Walkers - Walking Away The Pounds!

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  • Two more miles yesterday.

    Goal 30, Total 14.
  • morning everyone...Well I haven't been doing my WATP for almost 2 weeks now cause I've been sick..I just started back to my riding stationary bike...I think I will start my walking back up on the first of the month...I'm still trying to get my energy back 100%....I never thought about adding up the amount of miles walked...so next month I will keep up with it..

    Queen - wow 56 miles is awesome..How many are you doing a day?
  • hey there, i just got two of leslie samsone watp dvds,can i join you for feb?i have the weightloss 4 mile and the power walk 4 mile.i will start posting the first of feb
  • I, too, was wondering if I could join in. I currently have the 1, 2, & 3 mile walks, but am waiting for 3 more WATP DVDs from Half.com.

    I generally do the 3 mile video with hand and ankle weights. I will admit that I haven't seen too much change in my body since I started on January 24th.
  • Question
    Tomorrow is the end of February - is a new thread going to be made for March. Have wondered about rather then naming it for each month to change the name to 'Walking of the pounds' - and to go from there - just a thought
  • hey gang - i'm looking for the march walking thread?
    have ya'll seen it?
  • Me again - I couldn't find the March Walking thread anywhere so I started this one up at:


    if the march thread has already been started up and I'm missing it, somebody please point me in the right direction.
