LAWL Serving Sizes

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  • Could I also get PDF of la weightloss plan ... Thank you .. Thank you ... mcggarcia39@
  • Sorry I just posted my wrong email address it is mcggarcia30 not 39
  • Please sent to me too! I don't have private message privildges.
    Please send to elizabeth . mirecki at gmail

    Quote: Hi! I just saw your question now! I have all the LAWL books and plans so I can help you

    1 cup raw 1/2 cup cooked = 1 veggie serving

    and what other questions did you have? Be more specific with fruits and I can help you. I also have the entire electronic plan in PDF format I can email you if you want. You just download it and you have all the color plans, fast forward plans and extras. Its really great to have. So send me a pvm if your interested and I'll tell you more about it

    Hope I helped! Good Luck!
  • Quote: Hi! I just saw your question now! I have all the LAWL books and plans so I can help you

    1 cup raw 1/2 cup cooked = 1 veggie serving

    and what other questions did you have? Be more specific with fruits and I can help you. I also have the entire electronic plan in PDF format I can email you if you want. You just download it and you have all the color plans, fast forward plans and extras. Its really great to have. So send me a pvm if your interested and I'll tell you more about it

    Hope I helped! Good Luck!

    I don't know if you are still with this forum or not, but I was wondering you you have the red, gold, and purple plans that you can forward to me. I have the books for them; however, I no longer have the cards that have to food instructions and that is what I am looking for. I just started this site so I cannot pvm you with my information. I am at mazdasix at msn . com. If anyone else can help me with this that would be great too. Just be sure to refer to this message in the subject line because it will go to my junk box.
    Thanks everyone.
  • I used to work for LAWL in 2006. I wish I still had all my pamphlets! If you're still on here and willing, would you please send me the info, too? My email is lslilly916 at gmail dot com. Thank you so much!
  • I would like a copy of the PDF, too, please. send it to tcmlv88 at gmail dot com
  • I lost about 65 pounds on LAWL before I got pregnant. When I was ready to come back, the center was gone, along with my refund money and the bars I paid for. I do not feel guilty for downloading for free the information I already paid for.

    Will you please send me the pdf as well? tcmlv88 at gmail dot com

  • I would also love to have this info, but i also can't sent a pm yet, please pm me and maybe i can reply to it, thanks
  • Can you send to me as well? I also don't think i can PM yet. Thanks so much. I appreciate your time!
  • magen dot willingham at gmail dot com

  • I would also really appreciate the file with the materials!

    fernmeow3 at gmail dot com

  • If you still have it I would also really appreciate the file with the materials! I did la weight loss about 5 years ago and it worked but i loss all my books.
    kjunebug696977 at yahoo dot com

    thank you
  • Would some one send the info to me?
  • or drcristalle
    dot com
  • pdf
    does anyone have the pdf they would be willing to email me?