"Every-Day" 21-Day Challenge -- Make it a daily habit!

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  • 1) Daily posting - day 6, 3/3 pauses left
    2) Follow exercise plan - day 6, 3/3 pauses left
    3) No deep fried foods - day 6, 3/3 pauses left
    4) Follow menu - day 6, 3/3 pauses left

    For yesterday. Too tired to post again when i got home. Good first night of class though. Hurray for days logged for all of us. Woo hoo Michelle, how did your appointments go? What's the word?

    Have a good day all.
  • just the tally again...later all!

    No Smoking Challenge Day 11 completed 3 pauses taken
    No Booze Challenge Day 12 completed 2 pauses taken
    No Sugar Challenge Day 12 completed 3 pauses taken
  • Happy to see everyone doing so well!

    I had a great day today, where things just seemed to fall into place - chiro fit me into a last-minute cancellation, oncologist was at the hospital when the rads tech needed him in to consult, $ refund received!!! AND I've been keeping on track -- I'm especially pleased with #4; I can already see it's making a big difference!

    1. 7 fruit/veggies per day - DAY 11 (2/3 pauses left)
    2. Get fresh air twice per day - DAY 11 (1/1 pauses left)
    3. PT exercises for arms - DAY 10 (1/1 pauses left)
    4. Pencil in my menu for the next day -- Day 3 (3/3 pauses left)

    Have a good week-end everyone!
  • 1) Daily posting - day 7, 3/3 pauses left
    2) Follow exercise plan - day 7, 3/3 pauses left
    3) No deep fried foods - day 7, 3/3 pauses left
    4) Follow menu - day 7, 3/3 pauses left

    Hey all. Hope things are going ok Red. SeaWave, glad you had a great day. And glad your challenges are going so well too.

    Had a stressful situation at work today. And the first thing I thought when I got done with the immediate issue was "I wanna eat!!" I talked myself out of it, but gosh darn it. when will that not pop as an option for me? Will I always have to watch out for that trap??

    But, I did not use it as an excuse to eat food I don't need. Iguess that is the most important thing. Today, I decided to eat for fuel, and not for therapy.

    Have a good one all.
  • Hi all. Just posting quick now, in case I dn't have time tonight. I am going to a 75th birthday party for my friend's dad. Should be very cool - he is a nice guy.

    Had a nice loss this week. Trying to celebrate that, and not think about how far yet I have to go. Hard to do though.

    Have a great weekend everyone
  • tally ho! jolly, SeaWave!

    No Smoking Challenge Day 12 completed 3 pauses taken
    No Booze Challenge Day 13 completed 2 pauses taken
    No Sugar Challenge Day 13 completed 3 pauses taken

    jolly, I think the trap will always be there but if you can talk yourself out of walking into it (as you did! ) then with time it will spring on you less often!

    SeaWave, we need more days like that! Here's a song for you.

    elaine, others! where are you?

  • 1) Daily posting - day 8, 3/3 pauses left
    2) Follow exercise plan - day 8, 3/3 pauses left
    3) No deep fried foods - day 8, 3/3 pauses left
    4) Follow menu - day 8, 3/3 pauses left

    Thnks Red. I know you are right. Part of it is me borrowing trouble. I am already worrying about when I won't be able to talk myself out of it. Which isn't good or helpful.

    Have a good one all.
  • Jolly - The power of resistance - you've got it! And "eat for fuel, and not for therapy" -- I'm making a sign for my fridge door.

    Red -How did you know I like Van Morrison? (looks around suspisciously for that fly on the wall...)

    For yesterday and today (posting early today because we're going on a picnic!):
    1. 7 fruit/veggies per day - DAY 13 (2/3 pauses left)
    2. Get fresh air twice per day - DAY 13 (1/1 pauses left)
    3. PT exercises for arms - DAY 12 (1/1 pauses left)
    4. Pencil in my menu for the next day -- Day 5 (3/3 pauses left)
  • battled through another day...start of a long week, I'm afraid. But I mustn't think of it that way. Just take each bit and focus on that and that alone. Got to be strong but the endless days of heat are really getting to me.

    No Smoking Challenge Day 13 completed 3 pauses taken
    No Booze Challenge Day 14 completed 2 pauses taken
    No Sugar Challenge Day 14 completed 3 pauses taken

    jolly, you'll be ok! SeaWave, glad you liked it!!

  • 1) Daily posting - day 9, 3/3 pauses left
    2) Follow exercise plan - day 9, 3/3 pauses left
    3) No deep fried foods - day 9, 3/3 pauses left
    4) Follow menu - day 9, 3/3 pauses left

    Hey all. I too battled through another day, and have the wrong mindset for the upcoming week. I have an unemployment hearing tomorrow, with a high ugliness potential. Red, I am sending positive vibes your way, if you have some to spare for me.

    SeaWave, big to you. glad you are trucking along and doing well.

    Until tomorrow all.
  • Hi I am new and this is a great idea!

    1) Daily Exercise at least 5 minutes 3/3 pauses left
  • Well welcome JustmeRose, and what a great way to start. Good luck with your challenge, and can't wait to get to know you.

  • merose -- glad to see a new face!

    Red -hang in there! I know the heat gets to me too (luckily we have central air!)

    jolly - I hope the hearing is going/went well today. Sending good vibes your way!
  • Quote: Well welcome JustmeRose, and what a great way to start. Good luck with your challenge, and can't wait to get to know you.

    Thanks!!!! I so need ya all to help me through this ... and I will be a shoulder to cry on as well and someone to do the happy dance for all the good things !
  • Quote: merose -- glad to see a new face!

    Red -hang in there! I know the heat gets to me too (luckily we have central air!)

    jolly - I hope the hearing is going/went well today. Sending good vibes your way!