Active Folks Over 50 -- #20

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  • Hi Everyone,

    It is COLD here! I think the high was 7 yesterday, not sure what the windshield was. These days the fireplace is for more than looks, it's to help keep the chill out!

    Jay, i'm agreeing with Laurie, check it out first. I would hate to get into a long term contract and find out that it'snot something I want to do. Lots of places will let you do that these days.

    Lori, Can't wait untill you lose that 15 pounds. I'm ready to party!!! Just stick with your plan and you will get there in no time!!

    Jen, Pop corn is my "go to" snack too. I have almost all the flavored salts to add a little extra flavor. My favorite is the Nacho. I'm in agreement with the "do the work during the week and play on the weekend" if you can work it out. I find if I do just a little bit extra every day I get most of the things done. I can finish it up Sat. morning and have the rest of the time to "play".

    Laurie, Trying to stay warm here. Not totally successful! Maintenance can be tricky. I think it helps just to try to eat as healthy as possible, which I have gotten used to doing. Can't eat a lot of JUNK with you make an effort to eat for health. I've got to admit (whisper) I have bought a few clothes that may be a little "trendy" for me too. And Ain't it fun!

    What vitamins do all of you take? I've been taking a nulti and calcium and am now adding a D and fish oil.

  • SNOW DAY HERE!! Actually below zero, like -15 degrees, day. I was texted last night around 11:00p. I suppose they wanted it on the 11 o'clock news.

    Freda, speaking of vitamins. We take a daily supplement, fish oil, and vitamin E. I take a calcium supplement at night. Remember that baby aspirin too! Then I spoke with my sister who is a nurse practitioner, and she takes vitamin D, and B, so now we have added that too. I am not as much as a health food nut as her, because she told me she also grates flax seed on her soy drink daily too. Don't mean to offend anyone who is into that, maybe I will eventually do that too. She said it helps with her hot flashes. I am looking into the daily flax seed supplement instead. Does anyone take that, and how is that working for you?

    --Thank you too with your "to do" list agreement. I was afraid I would sound too "anal." So far it has been working, and some days are more than others, but I am thinking that it does balance out. I don't always get everything done on my list, but so far I have been able to make it up the next day. Not too bad. The one thing I told my DH I hate, is waking up to a sink of dirty dishes. He tells me just to go to bed, (which he does), but I really can't stand it. Most of the time I get to them right after dinner, but sometimes not. Sometimes I get a little resentful that the house work pretty much falls on me, he does work more than I do, and he does help out sometimes, but I have to ask him to, (which I don't like doing.) Nobody asks me to help, I just do it! On days like today though, I can handle everything, with being off work and all. I used to be a stay at home mom. Now my kids are grown, almost all out, so I'm glad I work now. Let me rephrase that, "work outside the home." "Stay at home mom," is a big job too!

    So I doubt I will be heading outdoors today, the dogs aren't out long either.
    Everyone stay warm!

  • Jen, one word: Dishwasher. It changed our lives. It can change yours, too!

    More later--gotta run.

  • It's about 4 pm here and it was a gloriously sunny day with next to no wind. The temperature actually made it all the way UP to a balmy -25C / -10F.

    Anyway, the new furniture arrived -- at 8 pm last night -- and the set up was, therefore delayed until this morning. I think I love it but will know better after I get a few more things figured out and get the wooden blinds installed. The cats know that they don't like it one little bit; but only because it's different and cats hate change.

    Stay warm and cosy, Chickies . . .
  • OK, here I am again! Meowee, that is just too cold.

    Thanks for the thoughts about the fitness center change. There is no contract--it's month to month, but if you decide to stop you have to give them 60 days' notice, techincally, so they can stop the debit card. My other fitness center, I paid for a year in advance, so there was no problem.

    I decided to go with the new center. I went back to the old one today, and it just seemed small and drab by comparison, and the machines are starting to wear out.

    In other wonderful news--I posted this in Weight Loss Support as well--my health insurance company has agreed to remove the 50% premium risk rating due to "build" from my policy because I have lost weight and kept it off for over a year. This is such a happy thing! Now the new fitness center will be paid for, with some left over!

    Popcorn is a good snack for me, too. I get the 50% less fat kind from Orville R.

    See ya later! Hope you're all warm!

  • Hi, just wanted to say I made a big mistake with the weather report. It was actually 15 below today, actual. No ideal what the windshield was, but it was COLD! the high at 3 oclock was 1 above.
  • Freda - vitamins - a multi and calcium here. I discontinued the "E" when DH saw the new research a year or so ago about it not being beneficial. I really struggle with "fish oil". While I know it would be good to take, and I may in the future - having been a vegetarian for almost 27 years presents a problem. Right now I am EXTRA vigilant about getting Omega 3 from other sources (it is added to my pitas and flatbreads and I eat ground flax seed and walnuts every day). I'm a firm believer in getting as much as I can nutrient-wise from my diet, but I think anyone that eats a reduced-calorie plan MUST include a multi-vitamin.

    Jen- I was a SAHM too for many years. I didn't start back to work full time until our youngest was in middle school - and since the kids were born, I have only worked for the school district (OK, there was that brief stint as an "Avon Lady".

    I agree with Jay on the magic word. I'm a firm believer in using technology to hep with the chores. Those that know my "quirkiness" know that I abhor housework and use things like the automatic shower cleaner, and a Roomba, dishwasher, electric steam mop, rice cooker, etc. I have DH trained to do his own laundry, load and unload the dishwasher (a chore we often do together), etc. He is even a really good cook

    Linda - you are so right about cats - I rearranged the furniture last month and one cat is still griping about it! He continues to sleep in the same spot that a chair used to sit - curled up on the FLOOR! And the "evil eye" that I am getting is absolutely snarly!

    A good day here - watching DH and DS2 play virtual tennis. I did get in an hour of exercise tonight

    Hope you all have a fun weekend!

  • Jay That is AWESOME news! Your hard work has certainly paid off - in MANY ways! What a blessing!!!

    and Freda - the windshield post made me giggle. I obviously understand windchill very, very well this week!
    Stay warm!
  • In the 80's here....not braggin'...really I'm not.....wink
  • Quote: In the 80's here....not braggin'...really I'm not.....wink
    How do you feel about company?

  • It's sunny again . . . but the wind is picking up so tioday we will have wind chill to add to our delight. According to the current forecast, tomorrow should be our last day of really deepfreeze. Tomorrow evening it's supposed to get warm enough to let another 6 to 8 inches of snowfall bless us for Monday. Not sure which is worse.

    Sitting here dithering about whether I should go do a little shopping run or put it off until tomorrow when things might be better or worse. Oh what the heck, think I'll go no -- I do so love the sunshine.

    Have a good one gang . . . hope you don't get too hot EZ.
  • Still cold here, not as bad as yesterday though; getting up in the 20's! I love California! We were there a few years ago during spring break. It was just beautiful! We walked miles; it was a great way to see the area. We were near San Diego, Solano Beach area. We are going to go back someday and see more sights.

    I watch the bird feeders out in the back. The poor birds and squirrels. We also have a creek behind out house, so we get ducks. They often arrive in the evening before it is too dark. They are there when the creek isn't frozen over more often, but now that it is, they go elsewhere, maybe to the lake.

    I'm drinking my water. During the week when I am more on a schedule it is easier. Today, I have to remind myself to do it. I try to drink 64 oz. a day.
    Keeping that up pretty good.

    We do have a dishwasher, but I don't wash certain pans and stuff, because they are not dishwasher safe. I have this one set of tupperware, pretty colors plus clear, and this lady at work told me she had a set like it once, but it got all cloudy and all so she threw it out. I told her I don't put mine in the dishwasher, which was on the care instructions. My set is still beautiful!

    I didn't start working for the school until my kids were around 10 years old. The hours were around their schedule. I turned down a few jobs til they were older and could be alone for a while. They always told me that I followed them from elementary, junior high, to high school. Which it did sort of work out that way, not that I planned it. I have worked at a couple schools they did not attend, and now I am at one that they never were in the district for.

    My daughter's boyfriend is coming over later to play some guitar thing on the TV. Should be fun. We will also get some pizzas. Haven't had any pizza for a while; looking forward to it, and I will watch my portions.

    Have a great day!
  • Quote: How do you feel about company?
    Come on over! Angie is sitting outside in the sun right now, in a patio chair, reading a book. Short top and shorts....the temp in the family room where I am at, about 15 feet from her, is 72 right now.

    Quote: . . hope you don't get too hot EZ.
    OH I won't I did work up a sweat vacuuming earlier today though.

    Quote: Still cold here, not as bad as yesterday though; getting up in the 20's! I love California! We were there a few years ago during spring break. It was just beautiful! We walked miles; it was a great way to see the area. We were near San Diego, Solano Beach area. We are going to go back someday and see more sights......
    JEN, Angie and I live 17 miles north of Solana Beach, it is about 20 minutes from my house.
  • Hey folks!

    So we're all dropping on on EZ and Angie, right?

    Jen, yes, there are always a few things that aren't dishwasher safe. Drat.

    Freda, getting back to the vitamins question--I have tried lots of different supplements, and it seems like one thing always leads to another. These days I take a once-a-day tablet and that's about it. I want to simplify! I do have some extra calcium/magnesium pills that I try to remember now and then (the once-a-day's have some, too) and some extra D. I also sometimes take Geritol, but even the iron and B vitamins are in the once-a-day pill.

    In terms of other-than-vitamins, I take glucosamine/chondroitin now and then for my joints. And, I have some eye supplements that contain lutein and zeaxanthine to help guard against macular degeneration. Supposedly they can make a difference, but I don't know whether any long-term studies have been done.

    My biggest challenge with these things is to take them consistently. I just tend to forget!

  • Hi all,

    I think I want to join that California or bust van. We still have below zero temperatures here with a number of inches of snow. They can't use salt because of the temperatures. If they put salt down it melts a little and starts freezing. My church has opened its doors to the homeless, housing and feeding them. We do it every year along with other churches in the area taking turns taking care of the homeless. I really think some of them would freeze to death if it weren't for all these churches working together to keep them out of the cold. My class makes things for them too. Hopefully, they will continue the work of their parents when they get older. It really makes me thankful for all the wonderful people in my life.

    Laurie and Freda thanks for your encouragement. I will get to onederland soon. I'm really working hard on food choices and exercise.

    Hi to all stay warm.