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  • NUMPSTER ~ you don't have to apologize for making posts; once you are a member, you can post as aften as you like, and wherever you like. Come back often, and just jump right in whenever you like ...

  • Hi all . . . and a big to our newest Chickie . . .

    Still doing the headless chicken dance but wanted to say HELLO. Somehow working ten to twelve hour days didn't seem so tiring ten or twelve years ago. Am I getting older or am I just out of practice.

    We are gearing up for a really big storm -- supposed to get 30 cm (that's a foot) of snow by noon tomorrow; so far just a bit of dust; but it is cold and windy.

    Have a good evening. . .
  • HI LADIES ~ just stayed home and did laundry and unpacking more boxes today; we're making good progress. DH was brave enuff to go out a couple of times for errands and brought some chicken home for dinner so I wouldn't have to cook (just heated it up) and that was nice.

    HI MEOWEE ~ we decided to stay in as the temps were very cold here too; dropping down to -11C plus with very cold winds and some light snow today. DH said the streets were empty; I think people are trying to adjust to the sudden drop in temps by staying home ~ lol! Yes, I have noticed that since I'm older, doing any kind of work (even housework) is so much harder and painful; I told DH recently that I can't believe how hard I worked when I was younger. In retrospect, maybe I'm paying for it now ...

    HI PURPLE ~ you aren't the only one who is gonna have to go to the dentist. Last night when I was cleaning my teeth with floss, one of my fillings fell out ... Now I have to go for sure and I don't enjoy that at all, esp becuz we don't have many dentists here. We have one that is only part-time and the other is booked up a lot.

    You are fortunate: I always have wished that a nice lady dentist would move up here and help us out. We don't have many dentists here, and I'm not sure why; my ideal dentist is one that only does what's needed, and who specializes in making you feel good while you are there. I haven't always had good experiences at the dentists and long for that someday. I wish more parents would encourage their daughters to become dentists.

    I hope your visit went well and that you had a good day. WOWEE, you and your DH had a great night at cards; lots of prizes. I think that is so wonderful and sounds like a lot of fun too.

    HIYA NUMPSTER ~ I love coming here; you can meet really nice people; get lots of advice; and talk about many things; and get great support in the area of good physical health too ... all in one place. Hope you come by and visit us lots!

    HI VALDINE ~ hope you have a nice restful weekend planned!!!

    Take good care ladies, your friend ROSEBUD
  • Good afternoon fellow chicks

    It is a glorious day here but cold but to be expected as it is November. Went for a walk with DH and looked as though I was going to rob a bank This is as I have to protect my face the best I can because cold winds can cause an attack of trigeminial neuralgia. Done the washing today and DH helped me peg it out. It is all dry now so was excellent drying day. Just the horrid ironing left now.

    We have had pasta and Bolognese today for dinner. I made it with minced turkey and lots of vegetables chopped up fine. So it got in extra vegetable and made it sort of vegetable/meat Bolognese which reduced the calories a little. It was extremely nice and served with wholemeal pasta weight out of cause as I tend to be more than heavy handed with this. Breakfast cereal is another thing I am heavy handed with and have to weigh out every time else I end up with like 3 servings .

    Been very efficient and managed to prepare all of the dinner for tomorrow. That way I just go to the fridge tomorrow and put them in the steamer to cook. I have done lots of vegetables as per normal as that is a great way to fill up and not many calories. Also extra fibre into our diet which makes it filling as well.

    MEOWEE Wow a foot of snow forecast I can not imagine that amount of snow. I am fairly certain I have never seen that amount apart from on television. I hope it did not come else it is hours of shovelling I would imagine to get your paths clear.

    Yes it sort of creeps up on us not being able to do these 10 to 12 hour shifts without blinking an eyelid. When I was a pupil years many years ago when the dinosaurs roamed the earth I would have to work 13 hour shifts, then come home and study well if I was being good student I would . Then sometimes we would go out as a group of nurses to the early hours of the morning grab a few hours sleep and then go to another 13 hour shift. I shudder at the thought of doing that. On numerous occasions when working as a staff nurse I would work the afternoon shift from 1pm till 9pm and because another nurse phoned in sick and I was unable to cover it I would stop and work over night till 7am. Yes I was tired but it was not that difficult. I know I could work one shift of 8 hours never mind a marathon like that.

    ROSEBUD Well dental appointment went well for me and no treatment. So I have to come back in 6 months time. My DH did not fair so well he has got to have a crown and a filling. So he is going to return next Thursday for his treatment at 2.30pm. Here in the UK you go to the same dental practice and see who you want at the practice. You go every 6 months providing no treatment is needed. This practice specialises in treating nervous patients and they are very good with patients and making them feel at ease. I am an NHS ( national health service) patient so have to pay a reduced fee. I have to pay as my private pension from nursing makes me not eligible for free health care. DH on the other hand is in receipt of the correct benefits because he cares for me so gets free health care for his teeth. There is one other category of patients and that who is private. Any one can choose to go private but oh boy do you need some money to pay. It is mega expensive for any treatment. The only thing I have looming over my head is I have a tooth that needs extracting but is not causing any problems if I did not have my trigeminial neuralgia it would have been taken out long ago. But with my history they are not touching it until it is necessary to do so. Even then it will require like a high dose of lignocaine to extract it and even then it is not pain free. So I am not looking forward to that anytime soon

    Sorry to hear that a filling has dropped out whilst flossing. So that means a trip to the dentist for you. I hope you get a dentist soon and sort the problem out especially with it being the weekend. Here at the weekend we have an emergency system where you go to a clinic which has doctors one side and dentists another. I have had to go a few times in the past for the dentist. It was more when I was tyring to find out what this pain was in my face. It feels a little like toothache but worse but it is the best I can describe it as. So you think it must be toothache, then they say no your teeth are fine. Then you go to the doctors and they would tell me I need a dentist. That was sad time trying to get a dx for this. It was a relief when I had a name and some form of treatment.

    Time to go and make a cuppa and fetch the towels in. So bye for now ladies and take care.

  • HI LADIES ~ We had beautiful sunshine all day today; so we decided to take NIKO and go out for a drive. We hadn't picked up our mail in a while and needed a bag to hold it all ~ lol! We ended up doing a bit of shopping as well, but I forgot my list, so I had to wing it; but the problem with that is that you end up buying stuff that's not on the list.

    HI PURPLE ~ glad your visit to the dentist went well; feel bad for you DH having to get some work done, but he'll brave it out, no doubt! Yes, I have to measure my pasta, rice, and cereal; I think that is a commom problem, as we don't realize that a serving is so small. We had leftover chicken for dinner tonight; luv that when there's enuff for two nights, so I don't have to work as hard to have a nice dinner; still made myself a salad though.

    I'll have to go searching in the freezer tomorrow; I used up a lot of stuff before the move, so I am now trying to restock a little bit. Trying to figure out what to have for dinner tomorrow.

    HELLO to VAL, MEOWEE, and NUMPSTER ~ hope you all had a great day!

    Well, it's time for me to put my legs up, and do some puzzles; and rest up a bit. Take good care, your friend ROSEBUD
  • Hi Ladies and good morning.

    Well what a difference a day makes today is raining on and off and not a glimpse of sun shine in sight. Woke up this morning to a very light covering of snow like an icing sugar (confectioners sugar I think you may know it as) on top of a cake. It is now melting extremely quickly.

    Just finished cleaning the bathroom which I did not get round to yesterday. Decided to tackle the net curtains. Oh my they were really dirty. I did not realise they had become so bad. So they have been scrubbed with in an inch of their life

    Did a fair extra amount of exercise yesterday. Went of for 2 twenty minute walks with DH wrapped up like a bank robber to protect my face. Then I had in between 30 minutes on the whole body vibrating machine. I must admit I took no rocking when it came to bed time I was shattered what with cooking, washing, ironing, hoovering and making bed. Ended up with bad back pain from the ironing worse than normal. I know being tired and in pain is a bad combination and I know it is a trigger for mindlessly eating. So I have to put my hands up this morning and confess I did exactly that now tallying up the calories the damage came out at just over 300 calories. So calorie intake for the day came in around 2200 which is way too much. So I am hoping that I can stay on plan more today and pare back my calories a little by filling up on vegetables etc and less calorie ladened foods. Right my confessional over and onward and upwards in the right direction.

    ROSEBUD Yes he will have to be a big brave boy for the dentist He knows the dentist well so even before the examination began he told him I know you are running late so no need to look too closely Then on finding these problems he even tried to wangle them to wait 6 months. The nurse assisting the dentist was laughing at his ploys to get out of this treatment for as long as possible. Needless to say they did not work so he only got a 6 day reprieve. I know he hates the dentist due to the needles. Usually afterwards he experience lots of pain from the injection site and often gets an infection there so ends up in more pain and on antibiotics. So my that this doesn't happen this time and he gets off relatively pain free. Though I suspect he will have to have numerous injections to do this treatment so I think the likelihood of this is slim but I am not telling him that. Ignorance is bliss in this case so it will be our secret One thing the dentist told me that made me feel 10 foot tall that my oral hygiene was brilliant and no scaling. I did have a polish though as my teeth stain a little due to drinking black coffee.

    I received a letter the other day from the hospital about my neurological appointment next year I thought that they must have changed the date. Nope just the clinic. Why oh why did they have to waste the paper the clinic is in the same place as the previous one. All it is you wait on a different side of the room. I am sure that patients could have been told on arrival instead of sending out needless pieces of paper. I hate to see waste of paper when it is not necessary.

    Hello VAL and MEOWEE hope you are both well and the weather is not too harsh in your part of the woods. I know that you both experience heavy snow falls in winter plus really low temperatures.

    Well time to get a move on and start making tracks with Sunday lunch. So till tomorrow take care and see you soon.


  • Still busy and still looking at snow . . . . . . now that if finally got started it doesn't want to quit.
  • HI ALL ~ just a quick stop tonight as it's late; lots to do tonight. It warmed up to -5C ... yeah; but my feet were freezing so I am now wearing fake wooly socks inside my slippers; that did the trick and they are nice and toasty too; and I'm not exaggerating that at all. It's either freeze or roast around here!

    HEY PURPLE ~ seems your DH feels the same way as me about the dentist; I try to avoid going in the first place. I'm trying to decide where to go to have mine checked out. Just stayed home today; did a bit of my laundry to catch up. I threw a bag of DH's old clothes out today; he agreed that he has way too many clothes. Really we both do, so I am sorting and tossing as we go with them too.

    HI MEOWEE ~ sounds like you may get that foot of snow after all; hope you're not buried down there ~ lol!

    HI TO VAL and NUMPSTER too ~ hope you both had a great weekend!

    Take good care ladies, your friend ROSEBUD
  • Hello fellow chicks

    Just not long returned from the city shopping. I went to the indoor market to the book store there. To drop of a heap of books read plus pick up a few more mainly by the same lady. I quite like her books and have just been introduced to her so I am going to read her past copies.

    Whilst in town I went to a shop I buy clothes at as they are reasonable priced. I went to see if I could fit into the size down as I did not have any gauge how I was doing. I knew that the size 16 blouses and 16 trousers were getting big. To be honest I thought I would be in that horrid place of limbo land were one is too big and the other too small. I tried them on not only did they fit they had plenty of wiggle room I was in tears in the changing room as I had made a size 14 UK me a size 14 I could not believe it. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would ever get to that size. I had to compose myself before coming out of the changing rooms. I just wanted to share my nsv with you. I had only my DH and they are not so overjoyed by things like that.

    Do you normally get a lot of snow your neck of the woods?

    Talk of your fake woolly socks I have a couple of pairs for bed. My feet are often like blocks of ice and that is the only thing that gets them warm. My hands are cold more often than not, it is a constant struggle to get them warm again. Good job I am not in Canada with your low temperatures I would be frozen

    DH is much better at going to the dentist than he was as the dentist deals with nervous patients. I was not keen for a long while as when I was teenager I had a butcher of a dentist. He would fill teeth with no pain killer of any kind. He would charge the NHS for thecost of giving you pain relief apparently but obviously not use it. Needless to say he got struck off and a term in prison for defrauding the health service. Once I realised that dentists weren't all like that I relaxed and feel happier about going for treatment.

    I do understand your fears it is horrid to have fears and you are powerless to stop them. I have the same dread of wasps and to some extent bees. I scream blue murder if there is a wasp in the vicinity when I was younger. Though going to work you can not show weakness on certain types of mental health wards else the clients will hone in on it. Oh summer was the bane of my life. I would wish for winter and no wasps I told other staff of my fears and they helped as much as possible. If one was buzzing around I am saw patients must have known I was terrified I was breathing heavily and sweat would run down my face

    Tomorrow is treatment day at the ms therapy centre so not sure how much time I will have to come on but I will endeavour to do my best.

    Big hello to VAL and NUMPSTER hope your both well and the weather is no too bad for you. Take care ladies and catch up with you soon

  • HI LADIES ~ we also had a shopping day today; did a lot of walking -- sure got my exercise in today. I was smarter this time and took a light pain med before leaving and that helped a bit.

    Well, we managed to get most of the things we went for; we were looking for a rug for our livingroom as the floor is a bit cold (no basement) and it's a new kind of flooring that looks like hardwood, but isn't (a good fake). They were on sale, but the one we wanted is at another store; so we'll see if arrives here and is the right color or not then.

    We got a cute little family of snowmen ornament that we want to put on the front of our deck; we already have some large candycanes, so they should go together. As for the Nativity Scene, that will have to wait until DH can make one; and that will take some planning and arranging for materials. We saw only one today and it was already sold. But I thinkt what we have with some lights will look nice too.

    HI PURPLE ~ I'm so very glad for you for your NSV of fitting into a size 14 UK clothes today: I think that is FANTABULOUS!!! I don't blame you one bit for being so happy; that is a dream for many of us here. You have worked so hard, and you deserve it!

    You are not the only one who had problems with bees, but I think I am healed of my fear of them now (which is answered prayer). For the last few summers, bees can come around, and I don't panic like I used to; but I have to admit that I still don't like wasps much as they are more aggressive. As I probably already told you, I got stung by a whole hives of bees when I was a young child, which caused a terrible fear of bees for decades, not just for me, but also my siblings (esp my sisters, who remembered that incident very well). I'm glad that I feel better about them now.

    Yes, we had dental work done without needles or pain meds when we were kids too; I think that's why the drilling bothers me so much now; plus there were other incidents too. I look forward to the day that I find a good dentist again. You know, many do good work; but I don't like it when they want to do work that other dentists say isn't necessary.

    For example, I'm so glad that I met one smart dentist who told me not to have my wisdom teeth removed unless they were causing a problem or bothering me, as later I lost one of my back teeth and the good wisdom tooth came down and replaced it; otherwise, I would have had a big hole there. There were other dentists who wanted to take them out for no good reason whatsoever. Well, that's my rant for this week!!! LOL!

    HELLO to you too, MEOWEE ~ hope you had a good 'SNOW' day ... We had very light, fluffy snowflakes today -- very pretty really, and the temps were much milder here which was nice for us for shopping.

    HI to VAL and NUMPSTER ~ I know that you are both out there ...

    Take good care ladies, and have a good Tuesday ... ROSEBUD
  • Hi fellow chicks

    Just returned from my oxygen therapy so I am somewhat tired So excuse me if there are any error and it is grammatically incorrect. Just about typed this message out when I received a private message when I went to read it I do not know what button I press but poof my message was gone. The worse thing being I had just about completed it and was just going to read it and give it the once over. So this is version two of my post so that it goes all right this time and it doesn't disappear into cyber space.

    ROSEBUDI know my fear of bees / wasps started in my childhood. My first encounter was when I was about 7 years old. Mum and Dad were decorating their bedroom and I went and asked may I have a sweet (candy). I was told it was OK to have one so off I trotted to get one. So there I was in the dinning room with the sweet tin in hands. I went to sit down on the dinning room chair and there unbeknown to be was a bee So I dropped the tin and was screaming blue murder by this stage. Mum and Dad come hurtling down the stairs at break neck speed to find I had been stung in the posterior . The second encounter was when I was about 11 years old and some how a wasp had crawled up my trouser leg. It inevitably stung me so then I promptly like a demented idiot was patting my legs furiously. So of course the wasp stung me numerous times and then I started to scream and cry. So Mum comes running to see what is up with me. Then quickly whips off my trouser to release the wasp. I had ended being stung 6 or 7 times.

    My behaviour from there on was one of sheer terror I only had to hear the slight buzzing sound and I would scream. Plus exit the room quicker than grease lightening. The embarrassing thing was nine times out of ten it was a blue bottle fly but I wasn't going to stop round to find out if it had a sting in its tail. Despite hating them I do not like to see them killed either. So DH has to release them into the garden with jar and piece of paper. I don't do the screaming but you are definitely aware I don't like them.

    I am fortunate that I have a good dentist who cares about me. She won't take the tooth out because of my history rather than go ahead. Prior to that I had a Swedish dentist who was brilliant. She said I do not know anything about MS so I am going on holiday next week and I am going to Sweden. She kept to her word to me that she was going to find out about my condition and how it effect her as a dentist and my treatment. I liked the fact that she admitted she was not familiar with my condition but was willing to find out on my behalf. She was one who went an extra mile for her patients. This lady I have now is also very good and I hope she stops at the practice for a long time.

    Take care ladies see you again soon

  • HI LADIES ~ hope you all had a nice day; we stayed home and did stuff around here. I washed my drapes before putting them up in the livingroom: putting them up was a task for DH, but they look pretty good now.

    Our new landlord was here for a while doing some minor repairs that should really help to keep us cozy and warm this winter. And, DH put up a shelf in our laundry center for my soaps and stuff so I can reach them better. So we got a lot accomplished today.

    We had a nice dinner of lean pork chops with mixed long grain rice side dish (wild/brown/white mixed) along with veggies too, of course. I did some house chores today like the floors (did dusting the floors twice, as things get messy when repairs are being done), so I got some exercise in today. I did a little bit of band work today for fun too. I had strained my right shoulder a bit a couple of days ago, so I found that the stretchy band didn't aggrevate it too much; good for flexibility, I think.

    HEY PURPLE ~ watched the finale of the DANCING WITH STARS ... no surprise there, as the judges had made it clear who they wanted to win already. I just like the fun of the dancing the most; many of the dancers were very good, and some are very funny too.

    HELLO TO MEOWEE, VAL, and NUMPSTER ~ hope you all have a great Wednesday ...

    Take good care ladies, your friend ROSEBUD
  • Hi and good morning ladies

    Went out to play cards last night but I did no good. Though DH did well he got 2nd place and won bacon and eggs which is always a good prize to win. Not many weeks till we go to what are called Christmas whist drives where we get a lot better prizes and more people win and they have 4th and 5th even more at bigger whist drives.

    Going to friends this weekend for a meal we were going out for a Chinese but that has fell through as the third couple we were going with she has been taken in hospital. Chrissie has had an attack (ms) and she has been struggling for weeks to be honest. I hope they are able to help her out big time as she is not eating properly and has become painfully thin. I think her poor eating habits are now rubbing off on to her daughter. Her daughter is only 7 years old so very impressionable and she is becoming very thin. Youngsters now days are so more body conscious than we were. I think it is the media in all forms that have contributed towards this. At that age I was more worried about playing with my dolls and going round to my friends.

    ROSEBUD Lunch sounded nice I must admit my DH would have though so he is a big lover of pork. I am not quite so keen as when I began my nurse training all those years ago for some reason I always was working the weekend it was roast pork. After about 3 years of roast pork every other week it lost its appeal a wee bit.

    Our dancing with the stars finale (called strictly come dancing here) here in the UK is not for a few weeks yet. I think we still have 5 dancers in. This year it is very close it is hard to say who you think is going to win. It could be between Austin Healey (rugby player), Rachel Stevens (singer) and Tom Chambers (actor). These celebrities have all being at the top of the leader board in either 1st, 2nd or 3rd position. I would not like to have a bet to win as it is so difficult to say.

    I think having curtains (drapes) make a huge difference to a play. For starters they give more warmth but they make a room look cosy. I have big curtains in the lounge which are in velour ( think that is how it is spelt ) and they touch the floor. They are in a wine colour to match the carpet and three piece suite.

    Going to do my hair shortly as I am going out so going to put it up. At the minute it is my plaits (braids ) from the night before. So take care ladies

  • Hi gang . . .

    Still plugging along with the number crunching but it will soon be done. Decided I'll never get the last aprons done so have been looking into other things (store-bought-stuff).

    We've got mild weather (7C / 45F) and it's getting really messy out there because the snpow is obviously trying to melt. Temperatures and rain are going to continue overnight and throughout tomorrow apparently. Certainly don't mind seeing the snow go away, but now we are in danger of extensive flooding. Luckily I live on the top of a hill.

    Have a great day . . .